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1、2023学年九上英语期末模拟测试卷请考生注意:1请用2B铅笔将选择题答案涂填在答题纸相应位置上,请用05毫米及以上黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔将主观题的答案写在答题纸相应的答题区内。写在试题卷、草稿纸上均无效。2答题前,认真阅读答题纸上的注意事项,按规定答题。. 单项选择1、The traffic was very heavy, but nobody was late, _ me.AexceptBaboveCthroughDbelow2、Im sorry. My parents arent here now. They have _ on their journey to Hainan.Asold

2、outBleft outCset outDbrought out3、一The manager has come back from his business trip. Hes asking you for the report.一Oh, my god! I havent finished it yet. But he back at the company tomorrow.Ais expected Bexpected Cwas expected Dwill be expected4、一How is Peter getting along with his new work?一 . You

3、know, he is always the lucky dogAJust so-so B1 have no idea CAsk him yourself DNever better5、 Do you know _? Maybe 5,000 yuan. Im not quite sure.Awho bought the camera for herBwho did she buy the camera forChow much she paid for the cameraDhow much did she pay for the camera6、Tasting good food is an

4、 interesting part of traveling. When in , Germany, we can enjoy sausages, potatoes and cheese as well as many different kinds of beer.AMoscowBBostonCMunich7、There are so many foggy days these days. We all want to know .AHow we can do to prevent itBHow can we do to prevent itCWhat we can do to preven

5、t itDWhat can we do to prevent it8、What kind of TV shows do you prefer?I like the ones _ make me laugh.AwhoBwhomCthatDwhat9、Thanks _ joining the Talk Show!Youre welcome.AbyBonCofDfor10、 The boy misses his parents very much. So he does. They _ the hometown for nearly two years.Ahave left Bhas left Ch

6、ave been away from Dwill leave. 完形填空11、POTTERY Minh was a pottery lover and he was very interested in his grandmothers pottery studio. So Minh was excited when his grandmother Nana invited him into her pottery studio and told him she would teach him how to make pottery. After all, Nana didnt give al

7、l her grandchildren such a(n) 1 . Minh looked forward to putting his hands into some cold clay (陶土) and placing his bowl in the heated kiln until it hardened like stone.“Be 2 with that,” Nana said as Minh picked up one of the bowls. The boy carefully put the bowl back on the shelf and 3 his hands in

8、side his pockets. He was anxious to get started on the lesson Nana had promised him. And he didnt want to risk losing that 4 by breaking any of her finished pieces of pottery.Five hours later, Minh was disappointed and tired. His black work that looked more like a rock than a bowl, was a 5 on the fi

9、rst try. Then he made another try but it was 6 any better. However, he had at least worked out how to make a smooth opening in the center of the day. Meanwhile, Nana was keeping busy. A deep, narrow bowl and a wide, shallow bowl 7 on Nanas worktable. Her practiced hands began to 8 another bowl. “Ill

10、 never get it!” Minh said, watching her work.Nana looked at her grandson and sighed, “Dont worry, youll get it,” she encouraged him. “ The only way you wont learn is if you give up.”1AinvitationBintroductionCpresentationDsuggestion2ApatientBcarefulCconcernedDpleased3AstuckBreachedCthrewDwarmed4Aadvi

11、ceBdreamCchanceDcourage5AsuccessBsurpriseCfailureDfavourite6AcertainlyBhardlyCprobablyDnearly7AdancedBsleptCroseDrested8AchangeBwashCtouchDshap. 语法填空12、Positive(积极的) people are usually happy. They often have a lot of friends. When they have a problem, they try to change the problem i1a chance. They

12、believe things always work out. But can positive thinking really make someones life better? Many scientists are studying positive thinking. They are finding out some very interesting information.Your HealthThe Mayo Clinic is a famous medical organization in the United States. It studies many things,

13、 including positive thinking. Their research proves that positive thinking has many advantages. First, positive thinking2good health. Positive people dont worry about the bad events in life, so they stay healthy. Positive people are3likely to exercise and eat healthy foods. Because of this, they don

14、t usually get sick and dont have many health problems.At workDr.Michael is a professor in Germany. His research shows that positive people do well in jobs. There are several reasons for this. Positive people are creative. They dont expect4to help them with problems. They solve problems themselves. A

15、nd positive people dont give up. They keep trying to learn new things.Becoming PositiveIn the past, scientists thought attitude5changed. Now, many psychologists think people can become more positive. There are many different ways to change. Here are some examples. First, think about good events in y

16、our life. At the end of a day, ask, “What good things happened to me today?”Think about these things for a few minutes. Second, find interesting6to do. Laugh at a funny movie or read a good book. Finally, always try new things. For example, you can talk to people you dont know or shop in a different

17、 store. Do different things every day.A Good LifeLife can be7sometimes. Dont give up or be negative. Take action. Think about the future and make a plan. You can learn to be positive. 阅读理解A13、1How much money can a tour guide get for working eight hours a day?A$24.B$48.C$72.D$96.2If you find Lizzie t

18、he cat, you should _.Acall 555-3826Bcall 555-4863Cemail Dkeep it as your own pet3According to the information above, which of the following is TRUE?AA tour guide doesnt have to speak English.BAndrew can help you find a house with a yard.CA single girl can rent a room for$35 a month.DThe owner will g

19、ive you a large pet if you find Lizzie.B14、For ChildrenMuseum: Childrens Museum, Sundays, 89 North Street,67641235Story time: Childrens Library, 106 Green Street, Wednesdaysduring 9:30a.m5:00p.m. 66599624Sports: Football Club, Tuesdays and Thursdays,16 Yangtze Road, 96725643Basketball Club, Wednesda

20、ys and Fridays, 79071632Cinema: New films for children,99 Brick Road, 69001354Useful Phone NumbersFast Food Restaurant: 66387901Hospital: 68787451Visitor Information Center: 800-120-9847Taxi: 79210583Visitor Hotel(宾馆) Information: 800-739-73021Its Friday afternoon, you can go to_.Avisit the museumBp

21、lay footballCplay basketballDread childrens stories2If children want to watch new films, they should go to_.A16 Yangtze RoadB89 North Main StreetC106 Green StreetD99 Brick Road3If you call 66387901, you can _.Aask for some hotel informationBdo some shoppingChave a good story timeDget fast food in a

22、restaurant4Lilys father is ill, she should dial_.A800-120-9847B79210583C68787451D967256435You can not get any information about_ from the posterAlooking for a hotelBdoing eye exercisesCeating fast foodDtaking a taxiC15、Mr. Guo is a teacher from Xian. He asked his students to hand in their homework t

23、hrough a QR code(二维码). “We spent an hour or two in class learning how to generate(使产生) the codes, and in the end everything gets easier,”said Guo.“When students finish the homework, they keep it on WeChat(微信). Then, each student makes his own QR code and gives it to me. So I can check their work eve

24、rywhere using my computer or telephone. ”The QR codes can be sent to Mr. Guo by email, QQ and WeChat. When Guo scans(扫描) his students QR codes, their homework appears on his phone. He finds that their homework becomes more creative, with many pictures, music and even videos.Guos students like the ne

25、w way and think it is interesting. “We are living in the information age. Many students like to work with computers, which makes learning more fun.”said Tingting, a student of Guos.“The paper is not easy to keep, but the code is easy to keep and share,”Guo said.“It is worth trying to use new technol

26、ogy in education. Education itself is a kind of creation. I dont want my students to fall behind the times.”However, some parents are worried. They are afraid that their children will spend too much time on computers and less time communicating with teachers. But in fact, its unnecessary. Students s

27、till need to look up information in books and write it down when they do their homework. They only use the code when they hand in their work, which doesnt take them too much time. Also for teachers, it allows them to check the students work at any time. And its also an easy way to share homework wit

28、h other students.1Guos students think the new way is _.AImportant Binteresting Cstrange Dboring2Some parents are worried, because they think their children will _.Atalk with their teacher face to faceBfind the QR codes too difficult to useChate the new way of handing in homeworkDspend too much time

29、on computers or phones3Whats the main idea of the passage?ASome parents are worried about their children.BTeachers dont need to check homework any more.CUsing QR codes makes checking homework easier.DStudents dont need to hand in homework any more.D16、 All day long Lily has been looking forward to w

30、atching her favorite television show.Lily made a cheese sandwich ,poured herself a glass of orange juice and carried them to her room. She turned on the TV and picked up a video tape. On the tape in large red letters was the message:“Do not touch this tape. It belongs to Lily!” Lily put the tape int

31、o the video player and sat on her favorite chair. She was ready for a perfect evening watching her favorite TV show Friends.She pressed the button and waited, but Friends did not appear on the screen. Instead of catching up with Ross and Rachel, Lily was watching basketball. She pressed the fast for

32、ward button. There was more basketball. There was no mistake. Someone had recorded over her favorite show!A few seconds later, Lily threw open the door to her brothers room.“How could you?”She said. Her brother looked at her and saw the video in her hand.“Did you record over my favorite show with yo

33、ur silly basketball?”shouted Lily.John started to say he was sorry, but Lily would not listen to him. She threw the tape onto his bed and ran out of the room crying. John picked up the tape. He had not realized it was so important to Lily. He wished he could show her how sorry he was.The next day wh

34、en Lily came home from school, she went into her room to start her homework. On the bed was a box with a note on top. The note said, “Sorry!”She opened the box and inside was a set of Friends videos.John really was the best brother in the world.1What did Lily do before she watched the TV show?AShe t

35、alked to her brother in his room.BShe watched a basketball game.CShe recorded something over her favorite show.DShe brought something to eat and drink to her room.2She couldnt enjoy her favorite show because _.Ashe didnt press the play button.BJohn has recorded over the show.Cshe couldnt find where

36、to start.Dshe got the wrong tape.3What did John do for his sister later?AHe bought her a new set of Friends videos.BHe said “sorry” to her at school the next day.CHe did homework for her.DHe threw the tape onto her bed to show he was angry.4How did Lilys feelings change through the story?a. relaxed

37、b.sad c. moved d. angryAbcdaBadbcCabcdDbdac5Which is NOT true according to the article?AJohn thought the tape of Friends was not important to Lily.BJohn recorded over Friends with the basketball program.CLily wanted to watch Friends on the drama(戏、剧) channel on TV.DA set of Friends videos were put i

38、nside the box for Lily the next day.E17、Maybe youre moving on to a high school, and maybe there will be plenty of new faces. Or perhaps, youre starting at a totally new school system, where you dont know a soul. Whatever your situation, youre going from being one of the oldest kids at school to one

39、of the youngest. You might be taking classes or doing activities with persons who seem a million times bigger. Remember, though: these “big kids” were once new ones just like you, and most of them will be friendly and willing to help. If you find yourself in a situation where older students are usin

40、g their size or status to bully (欺负) you, tell a member of the school staff. Because of the variety of courses and activities in high school, differences between people might become a little more obvious. Youll probably notice kids who do great in academics (学术), some who score big on the playing fi

41、eld, and others who are into the arts. Sometimes, people from groups according to what they have in common. Although its natural to spend time with people who share your interests, try to keep yourself open to everyone, despite how they might dress or spend some of their time. You might discover new

42、 people who love the same music you do, or have similar taste in movies. This is especially true when it comes to students of different ethnic backgrounds than youre familiar with. A new school and new student body is a great opportunity to learn about people, places, and cultures from all over the

43、world.1If some big boys bully you in the new school, what should you do according to the passage?AFight against them directly. BMake friends with them.CTell the thing to a school worker. DFind some older students to help you.2Students like to get together on the basis of their _.Agrades Bbackgrounds

44、 Cteachers Dcommon interests3When you communicate with other students, try to be _.Acareful Bopen Cdifferent Dclever4Whats the advantage of studying in a new school?AIts a great chance to learn about the world.BYou can spend time with people who share your interests.CYou can get help from those big

45、kids.DYou can play with new friends.F18、Would you like to live in a tree? In Western countries, many families build tree houses in their backyard. Kids play, read or party in them. They all love tree houses.But for Alex Gardner, a 13-year-old from the US, it isnt easy to play in tree houses. Alex si

46、ts in a wheelchair. When he was 8, he was injured in a car accident. He isnt able to get in most tree houses.But things can change. A special tree house was built for disabled (残疾的) kids like Alex. It took 45 volunteers two years to build and $100,000 from several charity groups.Alex helped test the

47、 tree house. Whats it like? “Oh, its beautiful,” he said.He is lifted up to the house without his wheelchair using a special rope. When he is in the tree house, he is put into a seat that can move.“You can go anywhere in the tree house with the seat.”The large light blue tree house is about 7 meters

48、 high. It is too heavy for a tree, so several steel support columns (钢制支柱) were built to hold it up. The house has a lot of other trees around it.“Its so sweet that they also made the steel support columns look like trees,” said Alex.The space in a tree house is enough for a party. Alex cant wait to party with his friends in the tree house.1Many Western families build tree houses for _ to use.AparentsBguestsCkidsDvolunteers2Its hard for Alex to play in tree housesbecause _.Ahe doesnt want to climb treesBhe is in a wheelchairChis family isnt richDhe is afraid of falling3How d


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