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2、一并交回。. 单项选择1、Parents always want to _their children with the best education, they should also remind them _ crazy about the smartphones.Afill; to be Bcover; to beCprovide; not to be Dcompare; not to be2、 There is a lot of wind in North China. Well, more trees _ every year to stop the wind.Amust be p

3、lanted Bcan plantCshould planted Dmust been planted3、Did you know what I said just now?Sorry,I_a phoneAwill answerBam answeringChave answeredDwas answering4、 My aunt said she called you yesterday morning, but there was no answer. Oh, we were at home. Maybe my husband with my daughter and me _ my car

4、 in the garden.AwashedBwashingCwas washingDwere washing5、A _ /i:p/ is eating grass in the field.AshipBsheepCshopDshape6、My mother refuses _ me to the weekend training centre for extra classes.Ato sendBsendingCsentDsends7、My brother always goes to the library Saturday.Ain Bon Cat Dto8、Its humorous_ y

5、ou to tell funny jokes to those_ teenagers.Aof;lonely Bof;alone Cfor;alone Dfor;lonely9、-Would you mind if I play the piano now?-_. My brother is sleeping.AYoud better notBOf course you canCYes, please.DSure10、I _ basketball quite well, but I havent had time to play since last month.Awill play Bhave

6、 played Cplayed Dplay. 完形填空11、 When I was in high school, our physics teacher gave us a challenge. She asked us to make a paper plane of 1 shape and the only objective(目标)was to get it to fly as far as possible. I had some paper plane making skills 2 I made the best plane I could and it flew pretty

7、far. One classmate made the greatest 3 simplest paper plane of all time. He stood there at the starting line 4 a regular piece of paper. Some classmates 5 him a strange look while others chuckled to themselves(暗自发笑). But he didnt care. A few 6 later he gave us a shock, he crumpled the paper(把纸揉成了一团)

8、 in his hand, and threw it down the hallway. He 7 the class easily. Some of the students got 8 and said that he cheated. The physics teacher said with a smile, How so? I said it could be any shape. A paper ball is 9 a shape.”I still remember that valuable lesson and that clever boy. A clever person

9、knows 10 to break the “rules”. Dont you think so?1AsomeBanyCaDno2AthenBbutCsoDand3AwhileByetCandDstill4AbyBforCwithDof5AhadBshowedClookedDthrew6AhoursBminutesCdaysDseconds7AwonBbeatCfailedDfought8AexcitedBsurprisedCmadDnervous9AindeedBrealCtrueDfact10AwhenBwhyCwhatDwho. 语法填空12、用所给动词的正确形式填空Henry Ford

10、 was about seven years old when his father died. His mother found it difficult 1 (support) the large family. However, she tried her best to do so. Also, she 2 (send) Henry,the eldest son, to school.At one time, Henry needed a grammar book for his study. His family was so poor that his mother could n

11、ot afford one.One morning, Henry found that a deep snow had fallen, and the cold wind 3 (blow). Ah,he said, it 4 (be) an ill wind that blows nobody good. With these words, he ran to the house of a neighbor, and offered his service to move away the snow around it. The offer5(accept).When he finished

12、the work, he received his pay. Then he went to another place for the same purpose, and then to anther, until he6 (earn) enough tobuy a grammar book. From that time, Henry was always the first in all his classes. He knew no such word as fail, and he succeeded in all he tried to do. Having the will, h

13、e always found the way. 阅读理解A13、 Alex Winter is a rock climber. He spoke to Craig Jackson from Out and About magazine.Imagine hanging on a rock face, with nothing between you and the ground hundreds of metres below. For Alex Winter this is just another normal day. I called him at his home in Fresno,

14、 California.Craig: When did you first become interested in rock climbing?Alex: Well, Fresnos not far from Yosemite National Park in California. Thats one of the best places for climbing in the world. Both my parents love rock climbing and I started learning the basics at a very early age.Craig: What

15、 advice would you give people who want to start rock climbing?Alex: The best way to learn how to climb is to do it. You cant learn climbing just from books. Practice on easy low climbs first, until you know the right moves. You need a good teacher. For me, that was my parents. And always use good qu

16、ality equipment(装备). Your life depends on it. Probably the most important piece of equipment is the ropes. You really dont want them to break!Craig: Have you ever had any accident?Alex: Ive had a few falls, but the ropes have saved my life every time. If you lose your hold, the ropes are connected t

17、o the rock and they take your weight.Craig: For you, whats the best thing about rock climbing?Alex: When Im climbing I forget everything else in the world. The only thing that matters is my next move up the rock face.1What is the main purpose of the passage?ATo tell the story of Alex Winters life.BT

18、o describe rock climbing.CTo explain how rock climbing is becoming more and more popular in US.DTo have an interview with a rock climber.2Alex says the best way to learn how to rock climb is to .Aread books about itBpractice doing itCtake a long courseDdo it without equipment3Alex said that the most

19、 important equipment was the ropes because .Aropes can help a climber learn how to rock climbBthere is nothing between a climber and the ground hundreds of metres belowChe has had falls, but the ropes has saved his life every timeDropes can help a climber forget everything elseB14、Three Famous Place

20、s of Interest in MentougouWelcome to Mentougou! These are the three most popular places of interest in Mentougou.CuandixiaThe picture comes from the word “爨”(cuan). It means “kitchen range (炉灶)” in Chinese.Cuandixia is an ancient village. It is famous for its traditional buildings and natural beauty

21、. It was named “the most beautiful village” in Beijing in 2009. If you want to know the story of “爨”, come here to visit the houses of the Ming Dynasty (朝代). Opening Hours: 24 hours openTicket Price: 35 Mount LingDo you want to climb the highest mountain in Beijing? If you do,come to Mount Ling. The

22、re are more than 700 kinds of plants and animals. You can hike, ride a horse, or take the cable car (缆车) to enjoy the natural beautyalong the way.Opening Hours: 24 hours open from April to OctoberTicket Price: 50 the Tanzhe TempleDo you know the Tanzhe Temple? It is one of the oldest temples inBeiji

23、ng. Its been a temple since the Jin Dynasty. There is a saying “There comes first the Tanzhe Temple, then the Beijing city”. The Tanzhe Temple entered the greatest period in the Qing Dynasty, and four emperors (皇帝) all came to the Tanzhe Temple.Opening Hours:8:00 16:30Ticket Price: 55If you want to

24、know more, you can search /wiki/Mentougou. 1Cuandixia is in Mentougou.Aan ancient villageBa beautiful plantCthe oldest templeDthe greatest dynasty2If you want to climb the highest mountain in Beijing, you can visit .ACuandixiaBMount LingCthe Tanzhe TempleDthe Beijing city3Whats the ticket price of t

25、he Tanzhe Temple?A25.B35.C50.D55.C15、When people talk about air pollution, they usually think of smog, acid rain(酸性雨),and other forms(形式) of outdoor air pollution. But did you know that air pollution also is inside homes, offices, hotels and other buildings?Indoor air pollution is more serious. The

26、air in your home can be 2 to 100 times(倍数) more polluted than the air outdoors!In fact, some American doctors say that 50% of illnesses have something to do with polluted indoor air. Indoor air pollution is bad for our health in many ways. Young children and the old often suffer(遭受) more from air po

27、llution. People with health problems may also suffer more when the air is polluted. Indoor air pollution can be bad for peoples eyes, nose and throat. Air pollution, both indoor and outdoor, can also lead to cancer, heart disease, and even bad for the brain!In the great London fog in 1952, 4,000 peo

28、ple died in a few days because of air pollution!It is said that half a million young kids and women die each year in India because of indoor air pollution!Therere many ways to reduce(减少) indoor air pollution. Here are some of them and see if they can help you:Increase outdoor air coming indoors and

29、open your windows for 15 to 30 minutes each day.Turn off all the lights and fans when you dont need them.Share your room with others when the air conditioner is running.Dont smoke and try to stop your family members from smoking. People who smoke are going to have trouble breathing and even die some

30、day. If youre smart, dont ever start.Environment-friendly products, such as water-based paints pollute less and work well.1_is more serious in the writers opinion.A, outdoor air pollution B indoor air pollutionC noise pollution D water pollution2Lots of people died each year in_ because of indoor ai

31、r pollution.A India B England C America D China3How many ways does the writer talk about to reduce indoor air pollution?A Four. B Five. C Six. D Seven.4Which is NOT the right way to reduce indoor air pollution?A Open the windows for 15 to 30 minutes each day to let the fresh air in.B Turn off the li

32、ght when you dont need them.C Dont smoke and stop others from smoking. D Dont use water-based paints because they can pollute air.5The best title of the passage is_.A The forms of outdoor air pollutionB The ways of reduce indoor air pollutionC The indoor air pollutionD The environment-friendly produ

33、ctsD16、Take a look at our library! Our library is open to everyone and the library card is free.Bookpicture books for childreninformation about the worldbooks in thirty-six languagesall kinds of storiesnovelsYou can enjoy newspapers and magazines in the reading room.You can borrow five books at a ti

34、me and keep them for three weeks.Videoall kinds of video filmsTV playsmusic videoYou can enjoy yourself and watch your favorite videos at home.You can rent a video at one yuan a week.Audiomusic for everyonelanguage cassettes (磁带); 42 world languagesSpecial rooms for you to enjoy listening. CDs and c

35、assettes can be borrowed-FREE.You can borrow one CD or one cassette at a time and keep it for one week.1The books in the library were published (出版) in _ languages.A26B36C422What can you enjoy in the reading room?AMagazines.BVideo films.CCDs.3How much should you pay if you keep three videos for a we

36、ek?AOne yuan.BTwo yuan.CThree yuan.4How long can you keep one cassette at a time?AOne day.BOne week.COne month.5Which of the following is TRUE according to the form?AThe library card will cost you one yuan.BYou can borrow as many CDs you like at a time.CYou can keep five books at a time for three we

37、eks.E17、There would be a school party on Friday evening. The girls were talking about what they were going to wear.“Im going to wear a black dress, so everybody will notice me,” said Emily. “How about you, Linda?” “Im not sure. Maybe jeans, an old shirt, and a hat. People will notice me more than yo

38、u!” Linda said.“But what are the boys going to do in the party?” asked Jane. “Do you remember the last school party, last year? They just stood there, and we girls had to dance by ourselves!”“I hear that some of the boys learnt how to dance this summer. Maybe itll be better this time,” said Mary. Th

39、e party was held on Friday evening,groups of students arrived.The music began.The girls stood in a line on the side,and the boys on another side.Mr Green,their teacher,tired to get them together,but failed,After a while, “I dont want to stand here the whole time.The party is only for two hours,Itll

40、be over soon.” He started to dance.All the others watched him.Then David asked Emily if she wanted to dance.The Jack and Linda. Then,all began to dance.Soon there were more dancers than watchers.1How long would the party last?AOn Friday evening BFor one hourCFor two hours Dfor three hours2What kind

41、of clothes was Emily going to wear?Ablack dress. BJeans.CAn old shirt. DJeans, and old shirt and a hat.3How did Emily and Linda dance in the school last year?AThey danced by themselves. BThey didnt dance.CThey danced with their teachers DThey danced with the boys.4How did the boys spend the summer h

42、oliday according to the passage?AThey watched TV. BThey went swimmingCThey learned to dance. DThey went climbing5Which is not mentioned in this passage?AThere would be a school party on Friday evening.BThe boys and the girls stood together and watched their teacher dance.CTheir teacher asked them to

43、 dance together.DJack and Linda danced together.F18、Bob was happy. He was at a new school, and students there were friendly. “Hi, Bob!” some students greeted him, but some students said “Hi, Peter!” Bob didnt understand. He asked one student, “Why do some students call me Peter?”“Oh, thats easy to a

44、nswer,” the student said. “Peter was a student here last year. Now he is in a different school. You look like Peter. Some students thought that you were Peter.”Bob wanted to meet Peter. He got Peters address from a student and went to Peters house. Peter opened the door. Bob couldnt believe his eyes

45、. He looked really like Peter! Bob and Peter had the same colour eyes and the same smile. They had the same black hair. They also had the same birthday. And they both were adopted(领养) by two different families.Bob and Peter found out that they were twin brothers. Soon after the boys were born, one f

46、amily adopted Bob, and another family adopted Peter. Bobs family never knew about Peter, and Peters family never knew about Bob.Soon Bob and Peters story appeared in the newspaper. There was a photo of Bob and Peter next to the story. A young man named John saw the photo in the newspaper. John could

47、nt believe his eyes. He looked exactly like Bob and Peter! He had the same black hair. He had the same birthday. And he, too, was adopted by another family.Later John met Bob and Peter. When Bob and Peter saw John, they couldnt believe their eyes. John looked really like them! Why did John look really like Bob and Peter? You can guess. Bob and Peter are not twin


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