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1、2023学年九上英语期末模拟测试卷考生须知:1全卷分选择题和非选择题两部分,全部在答题纸上作答。选择题必须用2B铅笔填涂;非选择题的答案必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或答字笔写在“答题纸”相应位置上。2请用黑色字迹的钢笔或答字笔在“答题纸”上先填写姓名和准考证号。3保持卡面清洁,不要折叠,不要弄破、弄皱,在草稿纸、试题卷上答题无效。. 单项选择1、Don t smoke here, Dad. Smoking _ in public places.Oh, sorry. I will stop right now.Aisnt allowedBarent allowedCdoesnt allowDwont a

2、llow2、The young lady _ we met yesterday is our new math teacher.Awho Bwhere Cwhose Dwhich3、_ more and more foreigners coming to our country to learn Chinese?Of course. Because of the fast development, many foreign countries pay more attention to China.Awill there beBwill be thereCAre there going to

3、have4、Could you say it again? I cant understand _ you are talking about.AhowBwhenCwhatDwhich5、Dave, lets start our training for the basketball game.OK. Well lose the game we try our best.AunlessBifCuntilDsince6、He made a _ to go to Beijing tomorrow.AplanBdecideCinterviewDlist7、_ your sunglasses, Sal

4、ly. The sun is so bright.APut down BPut off CPut away DPut on8、_ was born being good at all things. As an English learner, you cant be excellent without enough practice.AEverybodyBSomebodyCNobodyDAnybody9、Linda, will it rain this afternoon?It _ rain. Who knows? The weather changes so quickly in spri

5、ng.AmayBmustCwillDcan10、Lucy and I are twin sisters and we have a lot _ common.AatBinConDto. 完形填空11、阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Three men were caught in North China recently for killing four people in a HK $ 190 000 robbery in Shenzhen 10 years ago. The 1 , Liu, Tian an

6、d Cao, were brought back to Shenzhen at the end of last month. They came to Shenzhen from their hometown of Changchun in Jilin in 2002, when they were 2 their twenties. Liu ran a beauty salon in Gangxia Village in Futian District, 3 was losing money. Short of money, the three decided to 4 a neighbor

7、ing store which dealt in currency exchange (货币兑换). On Sept. 25, 2004, the three, along with 5 person, Gong, from Sichuan Province, went to the store 6 they wanted to exchange RMB into HK currency. They killed a woman and three men in the store, escaping to Shenzhen 7 HK $ 190 000. Shenzhen police be

8、gan 8 them which remained fruitless for the following 10 years. But they were told last month that the suspects were probably 9 in Changchun. Changchun police caught Cao in a small village near his home. With 10 from Cao, police arrested Tian at a hospital where he was working as a doctor. Liu was a

9、rrested soon after.1Asuspects Bshoplifters Cthieves Dkidnappers2Aon Bat Cin Dfor3Awhere Bwhich Cwho Dwhat4Abroke Battack Csteal Drob5Aother Banother Cthe other Dothers6Asaying Btalking Cspeaking Dtelling7Aon Bwith Cwithout Din8Asearching Bsearching for Clooking Dfinding9Alived Bstayed Cworked Dhidde

10、n10Awords Bmoney Cinformation Dnews. 语法填空12、 I was feeling a little sad because my mother had lost her job. One day, while I1 (walk) on the street, I heard that a beautiful piece of piano music2(play) above the noise of the people. I walked more slowly 3 (find) out where it was coming from. Then I s

11、aw a young lady sitting at a piano. She was singing songs about love, believing yourself and keeping on4(try). The way she was singing made me 5 (relax). I stood there quietly, watching her playing on such a crowded New York square. I thought that she must be brave enough to perform in front of so m

12、any people.She noticed me. I walked over and 6 (tell) her how good her music sounded. Thank you. she said. I have been going through a hard time recently, but youve made me hopeful again. I said to her.Im glad that I could help, she replied. Why are you so sad?Well, my mom 7 (lose) her job, and Im n

13、ot sure what to do .Did you notice the way you were walking? Your head was down. she said. 8 (not be) upset, because opportunity comes in different ways and if your head is down, you might not see it. You should smile more . lift your head up.I looked at her, amazed at how she was encouraging me. Wh

14、y are you playing the piano here now? I asked her with a smile.She explained that she saw a lot of unhappy people in the world and she tried to cheer them up by playing music. I smiled a little wilder, realizing that no difficulties could stop me from going on. 阅读理解A13、I am the captain of a ship fro

15、m the Singapore Marine Police Force(新加坡海岸警备队). I have been with the Marine Force for eight years, though I was twenty-seven now. I loved the sea because of the cool sea winds, the fresh smell of the sea and the beautiful scenery. I also wanted to catch criminals(罪犯) and so I joined the Marine Police

16、 Force and do what I love.Recently, I was out on a boat with a few of my friends. We were not working but the Marine Police Force allowed us to use the sailboat for rest and amusement. We went fishing. We were on our way back when I found a ship with the name PSS Pollu. It was pouring oil into the s

17、ea. I was shocked. I picked up a loud speaker and shouted, Stop your pollution at once and follow us back to shore! But PSS Pollu decided to flee. We tried to catch them but their ship was too fast for us. We called the Marine Force base and asked for help. Two fast marine boats were sent and soon c

18、aught up with PSS Pollu and surrounded it. The ship had no choice but to give up. Six marine policemen searched PSS Pollu and discovered that it was carrying smuggled cigarettes(走私香烟). The men of PSS Pollu were charged in court. I was rewarded for the matter while off duty.1The captain was when he b

19、ecame a member of the Singapore Marine Police Force?Aeight Btwenty-sevenCseventeen Dnineteen2The captain love the sea because he .Aliked going fishingBloved the fresh smell of the seaCliked to catch the sea animalsDloved going boating3The captain was out on a boat with some friends for .Aworking Bst

20、opping criminalsCswimming Dresting4Why did the captain call the Marine Force for help?ABecause the PSS Pollu want to flee.BBecause the men of PSS Pollu fight about them.CBecause his boat was too slow.DBecause he couldnt pull the PSS Pollu back to the shore.5Whats the best title of this passage?AA Sp

21、ecial Day off BFound Smuggled CigaretteCI Was Award DNot Pollute the SeaB14、Before you hit Enter on MSN, read thisIt is often said that the language we use online is less formal than that we use in a letter, or in direct speech sometimes. This is true, but it can also make us in trouble sometimes.Th

22、e thing about online communication is that you have no idea what the person who is reading your messages is feeling. For this reason, it is always a good idea to be polite and cautious when writing e-mails or messages to your friends.Chinese can be a direct language, but in English, people often tal

23、k about a subject in another way. So instead of saying “Please meet me here” or “Do this for me now”, English speakers usually go for indirect phrases like “Would it be possible”, “if you have time” or “It would mean a lot to me if”If you have a close friend, you may still run into trouble because o

24、f your jokes. If you have asked someone to do something and they need a bit more time, you might joke with him: “What? You still havent done it yet? Whats wrong with you?” While this seems funny to you, your friend may feel unhappy.If you have foreign friends in different countries, the time differe

25、nce can also be a factor. While you are waking up for class on Friday morning, they may be having a party on Friday night. You will be serious and they will, probably, be excited. So dont be angry if they seem not to care about you. Just try to message them at the proper time.1According to the passa

26、ge, we learn that our letters are more _ than the e-mails.AformalBdirectCdifferentDfunny2As a language, Chinese is _, but English is not.ApoliteBrudeCdirectDformal3Why should we be polite and cautious while chatting online?ABecause we mustnt play jokes online.BBecause our friends are easy to be angr

27、y.CBecause it can help us avoid lots of troubles.DBecause we cant see our friends online.4According to the passage, which of the following is right?AIt is OK to connect your friend by MSN anytime.BUsing the proper way to chat online is necessary.CDont ask your friend to do something for you by MSN.D

28、Never play jokes with your friends.C15、When I was young, I liked to play jokes on people I knew, especially on my parents and friends. One day my mother was cooking in the kitchen and my younger brother was playing near the window. I ran to my mother and said, “Mum, Brother John has fallen from the

29、open window!” She was very worried about my brother and then I said, “Dont worry. Im just joking.” And my mother shouted at me, “ If you do it again, Ill punish you.”One day I went swimming with my friends in the sea. I wanted to play a joke on my friends. In the beginning, I went swimming alone, an

30、d I called to my friends, “ Help me!” All my friends came to help me, only to find out that I was joking. But the next time I wasnt joking. I swam in deep water and I was so careless that I was almost drowned(淹死). I tried my best to call my friends for help, but this time nobody came to saved(救)my l

31、ife. They took me to the emergency center. From then on, I havent joked on anyone. I think this is the best lesson in my life.1What did the writer like to do when he was young?ATo fight with his friends.BTo play with his brother.CTo play jokes on others.DTo put others into trouble.2When the writer s

32、houted “Help me!” for the first time, his friends_.Adidnt care about him Bstopped to look at himCdidnt hear the words Dcame to help him3The underlined part “ the emergency center” means”_ in Chinese.A购物中心 B娱乐中心C急救中心 D地狱4Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?AThe writers mother was

33、cooking when his brother fell from the open window.BThe writer used to go swimming alone in the deep sea.CThe writer used to have few friends because he hardly told the truth.DThe writer hasnt joked on others since he was saved by his friends.D16、 Cardening is popular in many parts of the world. It

34、brings us sweet smelling flowers, fresh fruit and vegetables. But you can get more from your garden.Cardeing helps to keep healthy. Todays people sit indoors for too long and dont get much exercise . When you garden,you have to move around . Its a good chance for you to exercise your body by waterin

35、g flowers or doing some digging.Besides, when you are in your garden, you can feel thewarm sunshine. This means you are getting Vitamin DIt help your bodies use calcium (钙),which necessary to keep your bones(骨骼) strong._ It gets them off computers, televisions and phones. Cardening can be great teac

36、her to teach children about nature and healthy eating. It can also help them to understand the meaning of “No pains, no gains.”Cardening is a great way to meet people and build relationships. When you are gardening, you are outdoors. So it is a perfect time to communicate with your neighbors. Most p

37、eople love to talk about their hobbies, and so do gardeners. They usually enjoy showing people what they are growing. And most enjoy sharing advice and stories about their gardens.1When its , you can get Vitamin D in your garden.AsunnyBcloudyCsnowyDrainy2According to the passage, is one of the garde

38、ning activities.Awatching TVBwatering flowersCwalking dogsDplaying with phones3Which of the following can be the missing part in Paragraph 3?ACardening will be good for your bones.BCardening may help people to feel happy.CGardening is a great activity to do with children.DGardening can be a good way

39、 to meet neighbors.4The best title of the passage may be “ ” .AOutdoor ActivitiesBAdvantages of GardeningCHealthy Eating HabitsDRelationships with NeighborsE17、ASpanish DancingSpanish Dancing is fun and easy to learn. Come and learn this wonderful dance from Spain.Place: John Blacks Date: June 15thJ

40、uly 14th Price: ¥500Time: 7:30 p.m.9:30 p.m. Tel: 2711399Titanic (3D)To know more about the big ship that sank in the Atlantic 100 years ago, come and see Titanic (3D).Place: Wanda Plaza Date: June 1st23rd Price: ¥80Time: 8:30 p.m.11:30 p.m. Tel: 3102768Country MusicEnjoy true American country music

41、.Place: Rainbow Music Club Date: July 2nd Price: ¥300Time: 7:30 p.m.11:30 p.m. Tel: 81156081If you want to enjoy country music, you should call _.A8115608B3102768C2711399D69350942Where can you learn Spanish dancing?AIn the cinema.BAt John Blacks.CAt Wanda Plaza.DAt Rainbow Music Club.3You can watch

42、Titanic (3D) at _.A7:50 a.m., June 1stB9:00 p.m., June 28thC9:50 p.m., June 2ndD7:50 a.m., June 30thF18、April Fools Day is supposed to be a day to play jokes on others in hopes of getting a good laugh and making one feel like a fool. However, the April Fools Day of 2014 was quite different for my mo

43、m and me.That day my friend Jimmy and I were playing a game. I had dropped down from a bar (横木) many times in the past without ever having a problem, but that day the simple act of dropping to the ground became a nightmare (噩梦). I broke my arm.Jimmys dad heard my crying and rushed out to see what wa

44、s going on. When he saw the problem he quickly put me into his truck and went inside to telephone my mom and let her know he would take me to hospital. As that day was April Fools Day, Mom was not buying it and really thought all this was a big joke. Mom was finally convinced by Jimmys mom. When she

45、 saw me, she broke down in tears because she felt so bad she originally thought this was just a big prank (恶作剧).I guess one could compare this to the story of The Boy Who Cried Wolf. Since I had pulled pranks before, it is no wonder that my mom didnt believe it. I as well as my mom was made to look

46、like a fool that day. We both learned a valuable lesson.1What happened to the writer on the April Fools Day of 2014?AHe dreamed a terrible dream.BHe was hurt by Jimmy.CHe had an accident.DHe fooled his mom with his friend.2Why did Jimmys dad phone the writers mom?ABecause he wanted to play a joke on her.BBecause he wanted her to go to the hospital to pay the money.CBecause he wanted to see how deeply she loved her son.DBecause he wanted to inform her of the accident.3From the passage we can infer that _.Athe writer


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