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1、2023学年九上英语期末模拟测试卷注意事项1考生要认真填写考场号和座位序号。2试题所有答案必须填涂或书写在答题卡上,在试卷上作答无效。第一部分必须用2B 铅笔作答;第二部分必须用黑色字迹的签字笔作答。3考试结束后,考生须将试卷和答题卡放在桌面上,待监考员收回。. 单项选择1、I hear that youve got plenty of foreign coins. I have a look?Sure. Let me show you.AMayBNeedCMustDShould2、Hundreds of people come to the Lost and Found Office to

2、_ their lost thingsAlook upBlook outClook afterDlook for3、I have to leave now _ I can catch the last bus.Aso thatBbecause ofCuntilDas soon as4、Drivers run the red lights, or they will lose 6 points at a time.AcantBneedntCmay notDmustnt5、Get up early, John.you will be late for the class.AAndBButCSoDO

3、r6、Hi, Jack. Is this your dictionary? No. is over there. Its a present from my uncle.AMineBYoursCMyDYour7、I had a really nice weekend on the beach. _.AOh, thats very nice of youBCongratulationsCIts a pleasureDIm glad to hear that8、- I dont think Tom is fast enough to learn things.-I am surprised, my

4、 dear, said Mrs. Bennet, that you_ be so ready to think your own child slow in learning.AmightBcouldCshouldDwould9、You look so happy!Jack says I am pretty._ has ever told me that before.ASomebody BAnybody CEverybody DNobody10、Last night, I went to bed late, _ I am really tired now.Aso Bor Cbut. 完形填空

5、11、语法选择。Mike was 1 in new things. He sometimes forgot 2 the rules. And this made 3 in danger. His mother reminds him 4 this again and again before they left. One day Mike went with his father to see his grandparents 5 live in a small town. 6 the train, Mike put his head out of the window every minut

6、e. His father said,” Mike, be 7 ! Dont 8 your head out of the window!” Instead of 9 to his father, Mike went on putting his head out of the window. His father could do 10 Then Mikes father wanted to play a joke on his son. He took Mikes cap quietly, hid it behind his back and said, “ You see, your c

7、ap 11 away.” Mike touched his head and it was really gone. He didnt know 12 to do. The boy began to cry. He wanted to get his cap back.“ Dont worry, son.” Said his father, “ I will get your cap back. How can you get it back? asked Mike in surprise.His father said, “Close your eyes and whistle once,

8、and maybe your cap 13 back.” Mike came to the window, closed his eyes and whistled. Just at the at moment, his father quickly put the cap on the sons head.“ 14 strange way! ”Mike said. He was pleased, then he quickly took his fathers cap and 15 it out of the window.“ Now it is your turn to whistle,

9、Dad!” he said happily.1AinterestBinterestingCinterestsDinterested2AfollowBto followCfollowingDto following3AhimBhisCheDhimself4AtoBwithCofDfor5AwhichBwhereCwhenDwho6AAtBOfCToDIn7AcareBcarefulCcarefullyDcareless8AputBputsCputtingDwas put9Alisten toBlistening toCto listen toDlistens to10AnothingBanyth

10、ingCsomethingDanything11Ahas flownBflewCis flyingDwill fly12AhowBwhatCwhyDthat13AcomesBwill comeChas comeDcame14AWhat aBWhatCHowDHow a15AthrowingBthrewCthrowsDthrow. 语法填空12、Melbourne is in Australia. It is a beautiful city1huge gardens, great parks and many2(amaze) buildings. Many people came to vis

11、it it every year.Melbourne is also3 ancient city in Australia. It has an interesting history of more than 170 years. The first people came in 1835,and in the 1850s,gold 4(discover). Because of this, Melbourne became a very rich city. Many new buildings were built at that time.And today, Melbourne is

12、 one of the worlds 5(great) cities. It is known 6 its 7 (beautiful) and its famous universities. It is also Australias top city for8 (sport).Many of them are very popular. For example, young people are mad 9 soccer here. In 1956,the Olympic Games came to this city, and for the first time they were s

13、howed live on TV around the world. Melbourne is a nice place and you can always have great10 here. 阅读理解A13、Captain Nemo seemed very sure that that savages could not harm us. I slept well. When I went outside the next morning, I saw that there were many more natives on the beach. It was low tide, and

14、 many of them had come quite close to the Nautilus. I asked Conseil to get a net, and we used it to get some shells from the water. They were very pretty shells. Suddenly, I saw a very rare and beautiful shell. We looked at it together. One of the savages threw a stone at us and broke the shell. Con

15、seil was very angry. He fired his gun at the savage. Then, we noticed that the savages had come very close to the Nautilus in their canoes. A few moments later, they began to shoot their arrows at us. We went inside and told Captain Nemo about it. He ordered his men to close the doors.“But what will

16、 happen tomorrow?” I asked. “You will have to open the doors to get more air, and the savages will come in.”“Do you think they will dare?”“I am sure they will.”“We have nothing to fear,” he said again.Captain Nemo asked me about our trip to the island. I told him what we had seen and done. We talked

17、 about another French sailor called DUrville, whose ship was wrecked in the Torres Strait. He told me again that the high tide the next day would lift the Nautilus off the reef.(选自海底两万里)1The word “savages” may have the similar meaning to _ in this passage.Anatives Bshells CNautilus Dcanoes2Conseil a

18、nd I tried to get some shells with a(n) _.Agun Barrow Cnet Dship3Conseil shot at the savage because the savage _.Alooked very ugly Bthrew a stone at himCshot an arrow at him Dbroke the shell with a stone4The Nautilus is perhaps the name of _.Aa ship Ba submarine(潜艇) Ca boat Da sailing boat(帆船)5The s

19、tory happened when the Nautilus _.Awas flying over the Torres Strait Bwas running in the oceanCwas kept on the reef Dwas with DUrvilleB14、Hello, Im Peter in the second grade. Now I have one thing to say: Its not easy being a kid. Being a kid might look like fun, but sometimes its not fun at all.Yest

20、erday I was playing outside with my friend. We were having a good time. But suddenly, my mother said, “Peter, its time to come inside now. Its getting dark.” When youre an adult, no one can tell you what to do or when to do it.When you are a kid, you have to get up early in the morning and go to sch

21、ool. At school, you have to study math, English, science and history. After school, you have to do your homework. When you are an adult, you do not have to go to school and you never have homework to do.When you are a kid, the older kids sometimes_you. When I was walking home from school on Monday,

22、Tom and Steve bothered me. Steve took my schoolbag and put it in a tree. It made me very mad. When you are an adult, no one can pick on you.When you are a kid, you have to go to bed early. On school nights, my mom asks me to go to bed at 9:00 pm. But I do have parents who love me, which is really gr

23、eat. So I think I like being a kid, even though its not easy being a kid.根据材料内容选择最佳答案,并将其标号填入题前括号内。1What was Peter doing when his mother called him home yesterday?AHe was playing with his pet.BHe was cleaning his bike.CHe was drawing a picture.DHe was playing with his friend.2The underlined phrase “

24、pick on” means “ ” in Chinese.A挑中B取笑C欺负D尊重3As a kid you do the following things EXCEPT .Ago to schoolBdo your homeworkCget up early and go to bed earlyDgo anywhere without telling anyone4Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?APeter is a student in Grade Two.BPeter usually goes

25、to bed at 9:00 pm on school nights.CSteve took Peters schoolbag and put it in a tree on Monday.DPeter is looking forward to being an adult as soon as possible.5What can we learn from the passage?ABeing a kid is fun.BIts not easy being a kid.CPeter likes being a good kid.DPeter likes being a superman

26、.C15、Saying goodbye to friends who are moving away is always hard. A Going-away Party can help to make everyones spirits bright and let your friends know how much you will miss them. We also have several other kinds of party invitations that may be suitable for a Going-away Party.Invitation to a Goi

27、ng-away PartyDear Joy and Mary,Your are invited to a party for the “Class Ones Visit to Africa”Departure (启程)date: June 28thThe best part of our big adventure to Africa will be when we come face-to-face with elephants, lions, crocodiles and other African wildlife. We are always dreaming to do this.P

28、arty given by: Our head teacher and our chairmen, Tom and JohnDate: June 26th.Time:5:00p.m to 10:00p.mPlace: 29 King Street, New Town, SydneyReply by: Tuesday, June24thPhone: 6458515Food and drinks will be prepared at the party.P.S This event is NOT to be missed! We hope to see you there!1Who is the

29、 invitation sent to?AJoy and MaryBOur head teacherCOur chairmenDTom and John2The party will take place on _.AJune 28thBJune 26thCJune 24thD5:00a.m-10:00a.m3Class One will go to Africa to _.Asee old friendsBhave a dreamChave a partyDsee African wildlife4.How can you reply to them?ABy emailingBBy QQCB

30、y making a callDBy writing a letter5. Which statement is TRUE according to the passage?AClass One can only see African wildlife on TV.BStudents who come to the party will buy some food and drinks themselves.CPeople who hold the party live in 29 Queen Street, New Town, Sydney .DYou had better not mis

31、s the party if you are invited to it.D16、As we know, it is not easy to build a satellite(卫星). Building a traditional satellite usually takes years. The costs can be as high as $250 million or more. Most members of the design teams have worked in the field for a long time. They hold advanced degrees(

32、学历) in math, science, or engineering.But things are changing. High costs, unusual educational needs and long start-up times are no longer an obstacle(障碍) to space exploration. The scientists have developed a new type of tiny, inexpensive earth-orbiting(轨道) satellite.So far, college students have bui

33、lt and launched(发射) several cube-shaped satellites, or CubeSats. At least 15 more are ready to go. Those already in orbit take pictures, collect information and send it back to the earth, just as regular satellites do. But you might not even have to wait until you get to college to start designing a

34、nd building your own satellite. A new program called KatySat aims to get teenagers to take part in. When kids understand what satellites can do, the kinds of ideas theyll come up with may be_.Education isnt the only aim of CubeSats because these tiny, technology-filled boxes are inexpensive to build

35、 and can be put together quickly, theyre perfect for testing new technologies that might one day be used on major space tasks.The biggest challenge now is to find ways to bring the satellites back to the earth after a year or two. Or space junk could gradually increase because CubeSats become more p

36、opular.Nowadays, college and high school students are getting a chance to learn what it takes to explore in space. Somedayperhaps a lot sooner that you imagingyou might get to design, build and launch your own satellite. If you do, youre sure to have fun. And you might also get crazy about science f

37、or life.1Building a traditional satellite _.Acosts $250,000Bneeds college studentsCtakes quite a long time2Compared with the traditional ones, the new satellites _.Aneed long start-up timesBare cheap and small-sizedCcollect more junk in orbit3The underlined word “countless” in Paragraph 4 probably m

38、eans “_”.A无用的 B无价值的 C无数的4According to the passage, which of the following is true?ACubeSats could possibly cause pollution in space.BScientists designed CubeSats for kids to play with.CStudents cant design satellites without college education.5The purpose of the author writing the passage is _.Ato t

39、ell us that satellite technology can also be learned by kidsBto show that high technology brings a big change in kids lifeCto tell us that kids must study hard to learn satellite technologyE17、“How many common English words were invented by Shakespeare?”How long did it take people to find the answer

40、 to this question 15 years ago? And now! you can google it and find the answer immediately!Google is the most popular Internet search engine in the world. It was invented by two students, Larry Page and Sergey Brin. They met in 1993, when they were studying computer science at Stanford University, U

41、SAThey dreamed of producing something that could also answer any question in seconds.Internet search engines at that time were slow and gave many websites that werent useful. In January 1996, Page and Brin decided to make a better and faster search engine. They thought the results should be based on

42、 the most popular websites.Nobody would give them money for their project, so they used their own money. They also borrowed money from family and friends. Then, in 1998, they were given a cheque for $100,000, and they started their own company. Their first office was in a friends garage. The company

43、s name is Google, a word which comes from mathematics. A “google” is a very high number 1 followed by a hundred zeros.The google search engine was soon used by thousands of people worldwide because it was fast, easy and correct. By 2002 it was the biggest search engine on the Internet. Now, more que

44、stions have been answered by Google than any other Internet service, from sport to science, and from music to medicine. Google hopes that in the future all the worlds information will be put on the Internet, so that everybody can find everything.1The writer began this passage by asking you a questio

45、n because _.AShakespeare is one of the most famous people in the worldBhe or she was afraid that the readers didnt know this questionChe or she wanted to make the readers interested in this passage Dhe or she liked to begin this passage by asking readers a question2The underline word “cheque” in the

46、 fifth paragraph means _ _ in Chinese.A楼房 B帐单 C订单 D支票 3From the passage we know that at the beginning of their project,_ _.Athere was not any search engine on the Internet.Bnobody supported them except their family and friendsC one of the most popular websites gave them a cheque for $100,000DLarry P

47、age and Sergey Brin dreamed to produce something to answer any question 4Which statement is NOT true according to the passage?ANow the Google search engine is widely used in the world.BThe google search engine was the biggest one after 2002.CLarry Page and Sergey Brin named google after a hundred ze

48、ros.DThe service of the Google search engine is very popular.F18、The Space Science Centre The Space Science Centre allows you to take a wonderful journey to a different world! Find out if youve got what it takes to go into space. See some real satellites and learn a little rocket science. Ticket:21.

49、00Our EarthAt Our Earth,you can take a time machine and experience a journey that will take you from the beginning of time to the unknown future of our planet. Afterwards you can cool down in a real rainstorm. Ticket:18.50The Eden ProjectThe largest green house in the world can be found at the Eden

50、Project. Explore all the relationships between plants and people. Ticket:22.00World LifeDiscover the secrets of life itself at World Life. If youd like to see the worlds frist 5D film showing a baby developing from the embryo(胚胎)to birth. You can also experience bungee jumping here. Ticket:19.951If

51、you want to see some real satellites, you can visit _.Athe Space Science CentreBOur EarthCthe Eden ProjectDWorld Life2If you would like to take a time machine, you should see Box _.AOneBTwoCThreeDFour3What can people know in Box3?AA little rocket science.BThe unknown future of our planet.CThe secrets of life itself.DThe relationships between plants and people.4The writer wrote the passage to_.Aencourage us to learn more about futureBintroduce some attrac


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