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1、2023学年九上英语期末模拟测试卷注意事项1考试结束后,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回2答题前,请务必将自己的姓名、准考证号用05毫米黑色墨水的签字笔填写在试卷及答题卡的规定位置3请认真核对监考员在答题卡上所粘贴的条形码上的姓名、准考证号与本人是否相符4作答选择题,必须用2B铅笔将答题卡上对应选项的方框涂满、涂黑;如需改动,请用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案作答非选择题,必须用05毫米黑色墨水的签字笔在答题卡上的指定位置作答,在其他位置作答一律无效5如需作图,须用2B铅笔绘、写清楚,线条、符号等须加黑、加粗. 单项选择1、Leonard was born in _ in Los Angles. La

2、st year, he won his _Oscar in the 88th Academy Awards.A1980, the firstBthe 1980s, the firstC1980s, firstDthe 1980s, first2、Today is my little sisters _ birthday. My family will get together to celebrate it.AnineBninthCthe ninthDthe nine3、 Jim is really a nice boy.I agree with you. He never_ others.A

3、keeps in touch withBtakes care ofCmakes fun of4、In English, we say that sharing a problem is like cutting it in half. So youre halfway to solving a problem just _ talking to someone about it.AwithBbyCin5、What a bad day I have today! Everyone has one of those days when goes right.AanythingBeverything

4、CsomethingDnothing6、The 24th Winter Olympic Games _ in Beijing and Zhangjiakou in 2022, from February 4 th to 20th.Ais going to hold Bhold Cwill be held Dis held7、Look! Some _ are on the farm.Ahorse and cowsBmonkey and cowCsheep and cowsDsheep and cow8、We are all encouraged to work hard and succeed

5、life.AonBinCoutDup9、The mobile phone_in 1973.Ainvents Bis inventedCinvented Dwas invented10、Did you watch 2018 CCTV Spring Festival Evening Gala in Taian? Certainly. That night the sky over Taian was as _ as that in the day with the light.Abright Bbrightly Cbrighter Dmore brightly. 完形填空11、阅读下面一篇短文,理

6、解大意,然后从各小题的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,使短文连贯完整。It was a cold autumn morning a few years ago. I was 1 along the mountain roads slowly. It seemed like all of the 2 had changed overnight. The yellow and golden leaves were sparkling in the sunshine. The few green ones looked even better among those leaves. A part of

7、me felt sad and small 3 the middle of all of this heaven sent beauty. As I was driving. I suddenly saw an old man hurrying along the side of the road . As soon as he saw me he 4 his hand, hoping for a ride, I pulled my car over to the side of the road. I 5 the door and the old man got in with a smil

8、e. He wanted to go to the local post office but 6 the bus. As I drove along we laughed and talked about what a beautiful day it was, Then just as I pulled over to drop him off he turned to me and said:“Thank you ,You were heaven sent.”I 7 with a smile on my face and a light in my heart. I wasnt sure

9、 if I had been “heaven sent”for him but he certainly had been “heaven sent”for me, He had reminded me that I was also an important part of Gods creation and that I should 8 taking my p;ace in it.In Gods eyes 9 of us are small. All of us are heaven sent. We are here to help each other, We are here to

10、 share our love and our kindness, We are here to make this world a 10 and more beautiful place.1ArunningBwalkingCflyingDdriving2AcoatsBgrapesCleavesDfields3AinBonCbetweenDfor4AroseBraisedCputDhung5AlockedBopenedCrepairedDcovered6AcaughtBleftCmissedDpicked7Adrove awayBran awayCtook awayDthrew away8Af

11、inishBenjoyCpracticeDallow9AeveryoneBsomeoneCanyoneDnone10AricherBcleanerCtidierDbetter. 语法填空12、 At the age of fifteen, I met 1Australia teacher. He taught us English. One day, he wrote an English poem 2 the blackboard and asked us the meaning. There was a long silence. 3(unlucky),the teacher4(choos

12、e) me to answer the questions. I said in a low v5,“Sorry, I dont know.”Thats always my reply to difficult qustions.To my surprise, he spent the rest of the class 6(explain) my answer. He said “I dont know is a wrong answer.”You should at least have some ideas about the questions, no matter how diffi

13、cult it is. It doesnt mean that you dont know. It means that you are not 7 (confidence), and you are afraid of making 8(mistake).” I was shocked by 9(he) words. He was right. From then on, I said goodbye to the wrong answer“I dont know”,b10 any answers was better than that one. Now I always try my b

14、est to find a proper answer. 阅读理解A13、Edith Cavell was born in a little English village. She was a clever, hard-working girl and did well at school, especially in music and French. After she left school, her first job was to take care of the children of a rich family in Belgium. The language they spo

15、ke was French, so she found that her school studies were useful. She could understand them easily, at the same time she taught the children to speak English and play the piano. After hearing that her father was seriously ill, Edith returned home to look after him. She then decided to become a nurse.

16、 Afterwards for five years she worked in an English hospital where she proved to be highly professional at her job. A Belgian doctor was so impressed that he invited her to his country to organize a training school for nurses. The First World War broke out in 1914 and Edith Cavells school of nursing

17、 became a hospital. She stayed there to look after the sick and wounded soldiers. Edith treated them with kindness. Between November 1914 and August 1915 she secretly helped about 200 wounded soldiers and prisoners escape from the Germans. Later the German army found out what Edith had done and they

18、 arrested her. Finally, the Germans killed her, but they could not kill her memory. A tall statue has been built in Trafalgar Square, London, in honor of the brave English nurse.1Edith Cavell was from .AFrance BEngland CBelgium2Edith Cavells first job was to .Ateach French Blook after the children o

19、f a rich familyCteach English3Why did Edith return home from Belgium?ABecause she found work in an English hospital.BBecause she organized a training school for nurses.CBecause her father was seriously ill.4Whats the Chinese meaning of “kill her memory” in this passage?A杀死她 B使她失去记忆 C抹去对她的记忆5Accordin

20、g to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?AEdith was good at music and German at school.BEdith was a highly professional doctor.CPeople have built a tall statue in honor of Edith.B14、My friend John lived with his parents. They lived in a small town not far from London. Both his parents were o

21、ver seventy years old.One day, we drank in a bar with some other friends. It was dark but none wanted to leave. We hadnt been together for a long time. We talked and laughed. It seemed that all of us forgot the time.But suddenly John got up and went outside. Where are you going? I followed him. I ju

22、st want to make a call with my parents. Its late. I want to tell them not to wait for me.I noticed that he dialed(拨号码)the phone number twice as he called his parents. When he dialed the first time, he hung up after three rings. And then he dialed a second time and began to talk.Was the line busy the

23、 first time?I asked.NO” Then I cant understand why you dialed the phone twice.My friend smiled. He told me, When I call my parents, they are so eager(渴望的)to talk to me that they run for the phone. Once, in order to answer my phone call, my mother fell down and hit her little toe against the table le

24、g. She couldnt walk for days. After that,I made an agreement with them: Dont run to answer the phone.I call first and let the phone ring three times to give them the time to prepare.After listening to him, my heart felt full. We often show how we care for our parents with gitfs and cards, but arent

25、the everyday gifts doing from the little things and telling of our love?根据材料内容选择最佳答案,并将答题卡相应选项涂黑。1Why did the writers friend call his parents?ABecause he missed them.BBecause he wanted to live with them.CBecause he didnt want them to wait for him.DBecause he wanted to tell them he loved them.2The wr

26、iter felt when he noticed that his friend dialed the phone number twice.Aexcited Bsurprised Cbored D moved3The writers friend dialed the phone number twice becauseAthe line was busy the first timeBhe forgot what he was doing the first timeChe dialed the wrong number the first timeDhe wanted his pare

27、nts to have time to prepare4What happened to Johns mother when she once answered bis phone?AShe hurt her toe. BShe hurt her leg.CShe couldnt walk. DShe broke the phone.5The story mainly talks about .Ahow to be a patient personBhow to dial a phone numberChow to show everyday love to parentsDhow to ma

28、ke good friends with othersC15、Every time I came home from work at midnight, I often saw a shadow (黑影) walking in our neighborhood. Was it “a night walking”? Someone walked alone in the dark, and this always made me afraid a lot.I think it was “a sleep walker”. So I never bothered it. But one night,

29、 when I walked past it quietly and quickly as usual, I heard a low voice. “Do you often have to work at night?” I was a little afraid. I looked around, but no one was nearby. I ran home as quickly as possible. Later on, I heard it was a neighbor, an old man who has been living alone at home. Hes NOT

30、 a sleep walker. He enjoys having a walk at night. So I seldom see him in the neighborhood in the day. Its said that he was a soldier many years ago. He has two children, a son and a daughter. His son has a family in Shanghai. His daughter went abroad, in Sydney. He has been living alone since his w

31、ife died several years ago. Without any children living with him, he feels lonely and helpless. I feel sorry for the old man. We might care less about our parent who lives alone. When we grow up, our parents get old. We should often go back home even though were busy with work.1When does the writer

32、come home from work?AIn the morning. BAt noon.CIn the afternoon. DAt midnight.2How did the writer feel when he saw “the sleep walker”?AAfraid. BHappy.CBring. DExcited.3What was the old neighbor when he was young?AAn artist. BA soldier.CAn engineer. DA biology.4The writer mainly wants to tell us _.AW

33、e shouldnt work at night for money.BLife is full of the unexpected.CWe should often go back home to see our parentsDIts best to live with your parents.D16、I used to think courtesy (礼貌) was a thing of the past. However, I changed my mind when I met a courteous man.Last Saturday, I went to a cafe with

34、 my daughters. It was crowded with the usual loud crowd and we had to climb up the stairs to find an empty table. After enjoying coffee and snacks, we were ready to come down the stairs, where the narrow space made climbing down only possible in a single line, with hardly any space for another perso

35、n to either climb up or come down.Just as I was in the middle of my descent (下去), a man got to the main entrance (入口) of the cafe which was right in front of the staircase. I was sure I would be pushed by the man who would want to go up in a hurry. Anyway, I kept coming down as fast as I could. My d

36、aughters were already down, looking up at me worriedly, hoping I would get down before the stranger went up the stairs.Nearly getting down, I noticed the man still standing near the door. Later, I passed him at the entrance door which he kept holding open. I looked back thinking he was still at the

37、door, deciding whether to go in or find another less crowded place. However, I saw him going up the stairs, two at a time.I told my daughters about it and all of us felt bad for we did not even thank the courteous gentleman.1What can we learn from Paragraph 2?AThe writer seldom goes to the cafe.BFew

38、 people go to the cafe on weekends.CThe writer didnt like the coffee.DThe cafe is often crowded and noisy.2How did the daughters feel when they saw their mum going down the stairs?ASad.BWorried.CExcited.DProud.3The writer felt sorry for not saying “_” to the man.AHelloBGoodbyeCSorryDThanks4According

39、 to the passage, we can learn _.Athe man went to another cafe at lastBthe writer opened the door for the manCthe man didnt push the writerDthe man is the writers old friend5Which of the following is the RIGHT order?The writer had snacks.The man went up the stairs.The writer came down the stairs.ABCD

40、E17、Empathy(同情心) lets us feel another persons pain and drives us to help. Do any other animals feel empathy? Scientists recently found that rats(老鼠) do, too.Most people dont like rats. In many peoples eyes, rats are only bad. But Jean Decety and his partners at the University of Chicago did an exper

41、iment. It showed that rats are kind, warm-hearted animals. They can feel each others pain.Scientists placed pairs of rats in plastic cages(笼子) for two weeks. During this time they got to know each other. Then they put one of the rats from each pair into a small container(容器) in the cages. The small

42、container had a door. It was so designed as to fall to the side when the free rat touched it. Many of the trapped(困住的) rats squeaked(吱吱叫) to show their discomfort. The other rats of the pairs could see their suffering friends clearly.In most pairs, the free rats would become very worried about their

43、 friends. They kept trying to save their friends again and again throughout the month. Scientists put the rats favorite chocolate in the cages, but the rats didnt eat it until they had saved their friends successfully. Scientists also found that female rats seemed to act more empathetic than male ra

44、ts. “The results are the first to show that rats take action in response to anothers trouble,” Decety said. “Monkeys and chimpanzees have similar behavior. But unlike those animals, rats can be ready used in laboratory studies. They will help us to learn which parts of the brain lead to empathy and

45、helping behavior and whether empathy is natural.”1A person with empathy is often _.Akind-hearted Bclever Cactive Dstrong2What does the underline word mean in Chinese?A休息的 B睡着的 C死亡的 D受苦的3Why didnt the free rats eat the chocolate at first?ABecause they were full at that time.BBecause chocolate was not

46、 their favorite food.CBecause they wanted to save the trapped rats first.DBecause they were afraid that the chocolate was bad.4What does the passage mainly tell us?ARats can feel other animals pain.BChocolate is rats favorite food.CFemale rats are more empathetic than male rats.DRats are empathetic

47、and can feel each others pain.F18、Lucy and her classmates are discussing about creating a homepage for their class.Lucy: What should we put on our class homepage?Jane: I think our class homepage should have daily or weekly news of class activities.Mathew: What kind of class activities?Jane: Somethin

48、g like spring outings, class meetings, a school singing competition, etc.Mathew: We will go for a spring outing next week, wont we? I can write something about it.Lucy: Great! What else should our class homepage have?Mathew: Um How about photos of students artwork, presentations, and outdoor activit

49、ies?Lucy: Good idea! But who will take the photos?Mathew: As I am a fan of photography, I can take the photos.Jane: Ive got an idea. As parents always want to know what assignments their kids do inand after class, we can also post our weekly agenda(计划表), including in-class assignments and homework assignments, on the homepage.Lucy: And I think I can create a “reading corner” on the class homepage, too. As I ama bookworm, I can recomme


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