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2、一并交回。. 单项选择1、May I take a photo of Mona Lisa?_. Its not allowed in our museum.ASure, you canBSorry, you cantCYes, you mayDNo, you may not2、- I like the two dresses, but I can only afford _ of them.- I suggest you take the white one.AallBbothCneitherDeither3、The 24th Winter Olympic Games in Beijing i

3、n 2022.AholdsBis heldCwill be held4、I dont know_?In ten minutes.A how long has he been hereB how soon he goes to visit his parents C how long will the film last D how soon the film will begin5、Our geography teacher told us to _ more information about our city and share it next week.Afind outBkeep aw

4、ayCturn offDuse up6、The 1st National Youth Games _ in Fuzhou in 2015.Atakes place Btook place Cis taken place Dwas taken place7、Which of the following means “can be recycled”?ABCD8、Wenchuan earthquake happened _2008, and ten years has passed.Ain Bon Cat Dto9、Could you tell me how many classes you ha

5、ve on Friday afternoon?_. We can take part in activities in any club we like.ANeitherBEitherCNothingDNone10、I failed to catch the last bus on the cold winter night and I couldnt feel _.AterribleBthe more terribleCmore terribleDthe most terrible. 完形填空11、An American girl named Tae Davis held a special

6、 party on Saturday moming 1 the party, there were neither cakes nor candles. There was only a room full of art supplies and many 2 she had never met before. Tae told the children to 3 a picture. The children all love art, and they are all homeless. These children dont have art supplies to paint, sai

7、d Tae. And I want to 4 the children and make them feel the beauty of art. Tae got the 5 last year when her art pictures were on sale. Tae was afraid that the children couldnt afford 6 own art supplies and they would give up. So she wrote letters to 50 big art supply 7 to ask for help and she heard f

8、rom 45 of them.The little girl received a lot of donations from some companies. Tae Davis 8 more than $ 32,000, enough to make a home for children to paint their own pictures.So far, Tae has held three 9 She was encouraged by the White House. Tae also received the Presidents Volunteer Service Money.

9、 10 the money is nice , Tae spends it for a different reason to get poor children to enjoy art.1ATo BAt CWith DFor2Achildren Bcakes Ccandles Dtoys3Abuy Bsee Cpaint Denjoy4Ateach Bhelp Ctell Dask5Aanswer Bnews Cticket Didea6Aits Btheir Chis Dher7Acompanies Bstations Cmarkets Dcountries8Aborrowed Bfou

10、nd Ccollected Dearned9Ameetings Blessons Clectures Dparties10AAlthough BBecause CUnless DOnce. 语法填空12、If you need to call your parents but your phone is not with you, can you remember their numbers?To remember 11 numbers is not difficult.1 , because of the smartphone (智能手机), many of us2(lose) this a

11、bility , Chinese daily reported. Whats more, smartphones make our skills at giving directions weak, as well as3(kill) face-to-face communications. Even when friends are having a meal together, 4common for most to check their phones.According to a report by Kleiner Perkins Caufield Byers, 5American c

12、ompany, Chinese people spend on average 170 minutes on their smartphones daily. For students, an addiction(上瘾) to smartphones does no good for6(study). Research in Japan showed children who spend more than four hours a day on their phones do much worse7 (bad) in school tests than those who play with

13、 their phones for 30 minutes.Its true that the smartphone has made our lives easier. But many also think they spend too much time on it, and this is bad for their study8work. People are trying to change that.A new app(应用程序) named Forest9(introduce) this month. It lets users plant a seed (种子) that gr

14、ows into a tree over the next 30 minutes. During the half hour, users cannot use their phones, or the tree will die.A restaurant in Los Angeles, US, gives people a 5 % discount (折扣)if they dont check their phones during a meal. Owner Mark Gold said that he hopes it gives people a way to enjoy their

15、meal and really talk with friends and family10person. 阅读理解A13、February4,2017 must be an important day for Yao Ming.His No.11 jersey(球衣)was officially retired(退休)on that day.It means no players in Houston Rockets will wear the number in any future basketball competition.Retiring a jersey is a special

16、 way to praise a players performance.It has been a great honor for Yao Ming,one of the Chinas best-known athletes.Yao Ming,who was born in Shanghai in 1980,started playing for Shanghai Sharks as a teenager.In2002,Yao was chosen to play for Houston Rockets of the NBASo he went to the United States an

17、d made his career(事业)take off until he retired in 2011. He was chosen to start for the Western Conference in the NBA All-Star Game eight times. After the retirement,Yao Ming was also elected(选举)to the Hall of Fame.Dary1 Morey.the Rocket general manager,thinks highly of Yao Ming.“Yao had a sense of h

18、umor, a great attitude and sense of responsibility.I hope we can continue his culture in the NBA”In 2011,the foot and leg disease made him put an end to his basketball career.When Yao decided to end his career as a basketball player,he said,“Ive been thinking about my future over and over again.Its

19、miserable that I cant go on playing basketball ,but one door is closing and another is opening.”Yao was right.Life is full of surprises.He was chosen an the chairman of Chinese Basketball Association(CBA).We all believe Yao Ming will make greater achievement in the future.1Which of the following is

20、True about Dary1 Morey?AHe is Yao Mings coach in the Rocket.BHe speaks highly of Yao Ming.CHe plays basketball with Yao Ming in the NBA,too.DHe is a big fan of NBA2The underlined world“miserable”means .Awonderful Bpeaceful Cpainful Dthankful3Yao Ming retired at the age of .A29 B31 C33 D35B14、Captain

21、 Nemo seemed very sure that that savages could not harm us. I slept well. When I went outside the next morning, I saw that there were many more natives on the beach. It was low tide, and many of them had come quite close to the Nautilus. I asked Conseil to get a net, and we used it to get some shell

22、s from the water. They were very pretty shells. Suddenly, I saw a very rare and beautiful shell. We looked at it together. One of the savages threw a stone at us and broke the shell. Conseil was very angry. He fired his gun at the savage. Then, we noticed that the savages had come very close to the

23、Nautilus in their canoes. A few moments later, they began to shoot their arrows at us. We went inside and told Captain Nemo about it. He ordered his men to close the doors.“But what will happen tomorrow?” I asked. “You will have to open the doors to get more air, and the savages will come in.”“Do yo

24、u think they will dare?”“I am sure they will.”“We have nothing to fear,” he said again.Captain Nemo asked me about our trip to the island. I told him what we had seen and done. We talked about another French sailor called DUrville, whose ship was wrecked in the Torres Strait. He told me again that t

25、he high tide the next day would lift the Nautilus off the reef.(选自海底两万里)1The word “savages” may have the similar meaning to _ in this passage.Anatives Bshells CNautilus Dcanoes2Conseil and I tried to get some shells with a(n) _.Agun Barrow Cnet Dship3Conseil shot at the savage because the savage _.A

26、looked very ugly Bthrew a stone at himCshot an arrow at him Dbroke the shell with a stone4The Nautilus is perhaps the name of _.Aa ship Ba submarine(潜艇) Ca boat Da sailing boat(帆船)5The story happened when the Nautilus _.Awas flying over the Torres Strait Bwas running in the oceanCwas kept on the ree

27、f Dwas with DUrvilleC15、 Barry is having a very difficult time in his life. His wife recently died from illness. He is very sad. Barrys neighbor, a very old woman named Gertrude, sees him from her yard one day. She has not seen him outside for days! “Hello, Barry! Just look at this fence(篱笆). It is

28、broken. You are a strong man, and you have some free time. I want you to fix this fence for me,” Gertrude says. Barry is angry. He thinks the old lady is very selfish(自私).Still, he knows she is a nice woman, and he respects (尊重)her. So he agrees to help her. Barry works for days. Gertrude brings him

29、 orange juice while he works. When he finishes, he smiles for the first time in months. “You did such a wonderful job. Do you think you could paint it for me?” Gertrude smiles at him .Barry cannot believe his ears. Doesnt she know how sad he is? But because he respects her so much, Barry agrees. He

30、works hard in the hot sun, but Gertrudes orange juice and encouragement are wonderful. He feels proud of the beautiful fence he is making. Over the next few weeks, Gertrude keeps giving Barry jobs. He even repairs her door. All the neighbors pass by and tell Barry what a beautiful job he has done. H

31、e finally realizes that she has never been impolite. She is really wise and kind. He knows that simply getting busy at something can take sorrow away. He helps her, but she truly saves him.1Why does Barry agree to help Gertrude to fix the fence?ABecause he thinks she is too old.BBecause he has nothi

32、ng to do.CBecause he is strong enough.DBecause he respects her.2What does Gertrude bring Barry while he works?ACoffee.BOrange juice.CCoco Cola.DIce cream.3Barry does a lot for Gertrude, but he doesnt _for her.Afix the fenceBpaint the fenceCbuy orange juiceDrepair the door4The underlined word “sorrow

33、” means_ in Chinese.A愤怒B遗憾C悲伤D喜悦5From the text,we can learn that Gertrude is_.AselfishBimpoliteChelplessDwiseD16、The Quest CentreSet in the wild Welsh countryside, the Quest Centre offers a wide range of activities for teenagers, from archery to rope climbing. Want to try something new? Why not take

34、 part in one of our special adventure activities?MOUNTAIN BIKING25th March8th April, 10:00 a.m.6:00 p.m.Want to put your mountain bike to the test? Join our guide for a ride on the wild side. Cost: 15 per ride.CLIMBING1st30th April, 10:00 a.m.6:00 p.m.Try out your mountain-climbing skills in the loc

35、al countryside. Dont worry! We wont be doing anything dangerous: just short, safe climbs. Cost: 130 per person.SURVIVAL TECHNIQUESDaily, all year round, 10:00 a.m.5:00 p.m.Equip yourself with basic survival skills by taking part in this special 1-day course absolutely free of charge. Learn survival

36、techniques like how to light a fire, build a shelter, find food and water, and cook over a campfire.ABSEILING AND ROPE CLIMBING27th August, 10:00 a.m.8:00 p.m.If youve been dying to learn about abseiling and rope climbing, now is your chance! Ken Wallace, our professional coach, will teach you every

37、thing you need to know on this special 1-day course. Cost: 150 per person.Please note:Phone the number at the bottom of the page for an application form.All activities are suitable for beginners.20% DISCOUNT (折扣) for groups of 6 or more.The Quest Centre: St Davids, Wales Telephone: (0800)346551Kate

38、and her family want to choose an activity during the May Day holiday, they can choose .Aclimbing Bsurvival techniquesCmountain biking Dabseiling and rope climbing2If a group of 20 students go to the centre, ten of them want to take part in abseiling and rope climbing and the rest choose survival tec

39、hniques, they have to pay .A3000 B1500 C2400 D12003“If youve been dying to learn about .” Here “dying” perhaps means “ ”.A冒险 B避免 C渴望 D同意E17、 Kids in primary schools in Bellaire, Ohio, US have something to sing about. For the past several years, public primary schools in that town didnt offer music c

40、lasses. They didnt have the money to pay for them. But now they have got the money to bring back music.Many school officials (行政官员) across the US say music classes get students excited about going to school. Also, studies have shown that music classes may boost brainpower (促进脑力). For example, resear

41、chers from the University of Southern California did a study. They found that the brains of 10 and11-year-olds who learned to play a musical instrument developed faster than the brains of kids who didnt.Though most people arent opposed to teaching music in schools, not everyone says its necessary. M

42、any school teachers say that learning music means less time spent on maths, writing and science, all of which may be more useful to students later in life. Heres what two kids think.Music should be taught in school for the simple reason that it makes learning more fun. We have music classes at my sc

43、hool, and I love them! In 2018, a research company called Grunwald Associates did a survey (调查) on music education. More than 60% of parents whose kids took music classes in school said their child is more focused (专注的).NoahAt my school, we dont have music classes. I think thats OK because it gives

44、us more time to focus on main subjects, like reading and maths. Its more important to learn these subjects than it is to learn how to play a musical instrument. If someone wants to take music classes, he or she can do it outside of school. I take piano classes after school, so it doesnt take time aw

45、ay from my other classes.Sophia1Paragraph 2 uses an example to show that_.Astudents in the US like going to schoolBstudents in the US like taking music classesCmusic classes are good for students brain developmentD10 and 11-year-olds learn to play musical instruments faster2What do the underlined wo

46、rds opposed to in Paragraph 3 mean in Chinese?A理解B精通C研究D反对3Which of the following does Noah probably agree with?AMusic adds fun to learning.BSchools should do music research.CMusic is useful to students later in life.DSchools should make music classes simple.4What can we learn about Sophia?AShe hate

47、s reading and maths.BShe thinks it is boring to play the piano.CShe goes home immediately after school.DShe studies in a school without music classF18、His famous parents might be worth(:身价)165 million,but it seems BrooklynBeckham decides not to depend on themInstead,the 15-year-old boy is learning t

48、he real meaning of moneyby making his ownBrooklyn Beckham,Victoria and David Beckhams eldest child,has started a weekend job at a West London coffee shop where he is paid2.68 an hourA member of staff said that Brooklyn did start working in the shop and got on OK with other membersNews of his decisio

49、n to make his own money and not depend on his rich parents made him a good model for other teenagersLast year, Beckham,who had retired from football,said,“We try to lead by example,by showing them its important to work hard”And one friend of his family said that Brooklyn would have been encouraged t

50、o take the job by his parentsChildren who grow up in different cultures have different views on moneyIn many western countries,children are usually taught to believe that money is made instead of being givenThey usually buy things with their own pocket moneyThey take up part-time jobs in their free

51、timeHowever,most of the Chinese children dont have any conscious(意识)of making money through their own hard workSome children think that their parents will support them foreverWhenever they meet difficulties,they will turn to their parents or friends for helpWhy cant they solve these problems by thei

52、r own? The main reason is that they are always depending on othersIn fact,they have got the ability to work out these easy problemsChildren in western countries show their independence(独立性)They take pride in themselves by making their own decisionsMany Chinese children,however,are still looking to t

53、heir parents or even their grandparents to tell them what to do or which job they should chooseAs secondary school students,we should learn to be more independentWe should find some new ways to solve old problemsWhat we are learning in schol or after school now will be very helpful some dayTo us stu

54、dents who want to make great achievements in the future,it is the most important to learn how to be independent1From this article,we know that Brooklyn Beckham Ais Victoria and David Beckhams youngest sonBis a good model for other teenagersCdepends on his parents and grandparentsDgets on badly with

55、other members in the coffee shop2Children in western countries dont ask their parents for money because Atheir parents want them to study very hardBtheir family is not rich enough to support themCthey think money is given instead of being madeDthey think money is made instead of being given3According to the passage,we know that some Chinese children Adont depend on their parents at allBcan make th


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