1、53+2022-h+y7段施工现场环保、消防文明、等施工技术措施方案Unit11.被警察询问时,杰夫极力保持冷静,沉着地回答每个问题。(composure)Jeff tried to keep his composure and answer every question calmly when inquired by thepoliceman.2.油价不断上涨,世界各国都不同程度地受到了影响。(one way or another)With oil prices keeping on increasing, all the countries in the world have been a
2、ffected (in) one wayor another3.他在会上提出了一系列可能避免环境污染的措施。(ward off)At the meeting he proposed a series of measures that might ward off the environmental pollution.迈克向他父亲保证他一定会全身心投入到即将到来的比赛上。(assure)Mike assured his father that he would put his whole heart into the coming competition.5.一旦玛丽下定决心,就绝不会动摇。(
3、waver)Mary will never waver once she makes up her mind.中国人从小就相信英雄得具有大无畏和自我 牺牲精神(self-sacrifice)。当国家利益和个人利益相冲突时,英雄们总是选择牺牲自己。刘胡兰和董存瑞在中国家喻户晓。1947 年,15 岁的刘胡兰由于积极投身中国解放运动而被敌人杀战士董存瑞手托炸药包(apackof explosives)毁了敌人的碉堡(blockhouse),并献出了自己的生命。但是,随着 时间的推移,英雄的标准已经多样化,人们开始质疑这些英雄是否仍然是当今的楷模(role model) 。Chinese peopl
4、e are brought up to believe that a hero has to be associated with tremendouscourage and self-sacrifice. Whenever there is a contradiction between the interest of nation and theirown, Chinese heroes always choose to sacrifice themselves. Both Liu Hulan and Dong Cunrui arehousehold namesin China. Liu
5、was a 15-year-old girl killed by the enemy in 1947 for being activelyinvolved in liberation of China. And Dong was a soldier who blew off the enemy blockhouse by holding apack of explosives in his hand and killed himself in the explosion. However, it is open to questionwhether they can still be role
6、 models today since the criteria for heroes have diversified along with thepassage of time.Unit2D153+2022-h+y7段施工现场环保、消防文明、等施工技术措施方案1.他们的一些罪行骇人听闻简直令人毛骨悚然。Some of their offences are so awful that they would chill the blood .2. 材料包括但不限于洋葱、奶酪、西红柿和黑胡椒 。The ingredientsincluded but were not limited to oni
7、ons, cheese, tomatoes and black pepper3.他认为总经理如此重视那些日常琐事很荒唐He considered it ridiculous for the general manager to attach so much importance to thoseroutine trifles.4. 我们没人打破物理定律,不然就有人获诺贝尔奖了!We didnt break the laws of physics, or else someone would be getting the Nobel Pr ize!5. 越来越多的医学证据表明了皮肤癌与在日光下暴
8、露皮肤的明确关联 。Mounting medical evidence showed the clear link between sun exposure and skin cancer汉语常被认为是一种非常古老的语言。从某种意义上说,这种说法不免失之偏颇。人类所有的语言都可追溯到朦胧的史前时期(prehistory),但目前我们还无法确定这些语言是否都同宗同源。五千年前华夏祖先说汉语的方法同英语人士的祖先说英语的方式大致相似。而从另一种意义上说,汉语确实也是一种很古老的语言。今天所存留下来的最早的汉字已有近四千年的历史。这些文字均为甲骨雕文(incisions on bonesand to
9、rtoise shell )。Chinese is often termed as a very old language. In a sense such a statement is misleading. Allhuman languages go backto the dim uncertainty of prehistory, and at present we have noway ofknowing for sure whether or not they can all be traced backto the same root. Five thousand years ag
10、othe ancestors of Chinese people spoke an early form of Chinese language in much the same way thatthe ancestors of English-speaking people were using English. In another sense, however, Chinese isindeed a very old language. The earliest written forms of Chinese in existence today date backnearly4,00
11、0 years. These writings are incisions on bonesand tortoise shell.Unit3去年年底公布的一次全国范围的调研结果描绘了 18 至 19 岁的一代青年人对公众事件漠不关心的现象。这一代青年与以前的青年相比,所知的更少,所关心的更少,也更少 评论领导人和社会制度。这一代人对政治、政府乃至有关外面世界的新闻报道的冷漠态度已经开始影响中国的政治和D253+2022-h+y7段施工现场环保、消防文明、等施工技术措施方案社会。至今还没有人能充分地解释这一现象。也许缺乏能鼓动人心的事件,家庭的衰落以及网络的兴起可以解释一二。年轻人自己则认为这是
12、公民教育的缺陷引起,并且不断地谈到他们的压力对就业和成绩全力以赴的关注以及对职业前景的担忧。The findings of a national study released late last year paint a portrait of a generation of youngadults, from 18 to 19 years of age, who are indifferent toward public affairs. It is a generation that knowsless, cares less, and is less critical of its le
13、aders and institutions than young people in the past. Theindifference of this generation - to politics, to government, even to newsabout the outside world - isbeginning to affect Chinese politics and society. No one has yet offered a full explanation why thisshould be so. The lack of mobilizing issu
14、es is part of the answer, as are the decline of the family and therise of internet. Young people themselves mention the weakness of their civic education, and they talkincessantly of stress - their preoccupation with getting jobs or grades and their concern about their jobprospects.1.天气骤然变坏,寻找伤员的工作要
15、加紧进行。Efforts to reach the injured men should be intensified because of the sudden deterioration inweather conditions2.有些人可能沉溺于网上冲浪,这会危害他们的身心健康。Some people may be addicted to net surfing, which impairs their physical and mental health.3.地球和它表面的一切,不管是有生命的还是没有生命的,相互作用来影响我们的生活。The Earth and everything o
16、n it, living and nonliving, interact to exert influence on the life we have.4.穷人和残疾人依靠政府的救济维持生计。Needy and handicapped people depend on government relief for their support.5.到目前为止,还没有迹象表明人们对此品牌感到疲倦。So far there is nosign of fatigue with the brand.Unt41.在一个没有为高温炎热做好准备的国家,这是紧急事件。In a country that is no
17、t equipped for severe heat, this is an emergency.D353+2022-h+y7段施工现场环保、消防文明、等施工技术措施方案2.房间里闹哄哄的,他不得不竖起耳朵来听电话。It was so noisy in the room that he had to pull his ears to hear the phone.3.这是一项令人兴奋的工作,但有几分危险。This is an exciting job, but kind of dangerous.4.很难预测这些事情的结果是什么。It is hard to predict how these
18、things will turn out.5.谁也不知道怎么办。即使知道也将会是摸着石头过河。Nobodyknows how to figure them out. Even if somebody seems to know, it is still “crossing a riverby feeling for the stones”.最近几年,出国留学的人有不断上升的趋势。许多中国学生想要了解西方的文化和商业经济。然而,也有一些学生想要移民出去。开始 时他们可能觉得挺开心,但随着时间的推移,他们会觉得在一个不同文化的国家生活非常困难,或感觉受到不平等待遇。为了拿到绿卡,他们不惜一切代价地
19、拼命工作。然而当他们拿到了绿卡,他们可能发现真正的问题在于一些人因为他们是亚洲人而歧视他们这使得中国人在国外生活非常艰难。In recent years, studying abroad has flourished. Many Chinese students want to learn moreabout western culture and business. However, some students want to study abroad in order to movethere. They might be happy at the beginning, but as ti
20、me goes by they might find living in a differentculture very difficult. They might also find that they arent treated as equals. In order to get a greencard some people will work hard and pour their heart and soul into this endeavor. When they get thegreen card, however, they might discover that some
21、 people discriminate against them because theyare Asians, which makes it difficult for Chinese to live abroad.Uint51. 不遵守学校规章制度的学生会被开除。Students can be expelled for refusing to conform to school rules.2. 极度愤怒只会导致不愉快的结果。Extreme anger can only lead to unpleasant outcomes.D453+2022-h+y7段施工现场环保、消防文明、等施工技
22、术措施方案3. 现在,公司关心的事情就是有效地进行废物处理和提高利润。Currently, what the company cares about are efficient waste disposal and higher profits.4. 在你决定想要做什么工作之前,你可以考虑一下找一份临时工作。You might consider finding temporary work before you decide what you want to do.5. 如果对团队协作的重要性意识不足,我们就得承受失败的风险。If we donot have strong awareness
23、of the significance of teamwork, we will run the risk of failure.中国人的消费态度发生了巨大转变。随着旅游增多,中国人不但开阔了视野,接触到的奢侈品范围也更加宽广。一旦出国,他们最热衷的活动就是购物。许多奢侈品公司视中国消费者为一个潜在的庞大消费群体:重视地位,日益富裕,渴望名牌,狂热消费。据估计现在约有1000到1300万大陆人消费奢侈品,主要是企业家和在跨国公司工作的年轻专业人士。In China, attitudes to consumption have changed dramatically. As the Chine
24、se travel more,they are broadening not only their minds but also the range of luxury goods they come into contactwith. Once abroad, their favourite activity seems to be shopping. Many luxury firms see Chineseshoppers as a potentially huge group of status-conscious, increasingly wealthy people hungry
25、 forbrands and fanatical about shopping. Its estimated there are now around 10m-13m mainlandcustomers for luxury goods mostly entrepreneursand young professionals working for multinationalfirms.Unit61. 他用冷漠的态度面对别人的侮辱。()He reacted to the insult by acting as cold as ice.2. 在生活中,有原则的人宁愿死得有尊严也不愿苟且偷生。()I
26、n life, a man of principle prefers to die with dignity instead of living in disgrace.3. 几个警察不得不护送这位裁判离开足球场。 ()Several policemen had to escort the referee from the football field .4. 她总觉得自己受制于人。 )She always has the feeling that she is being manipulated.5. 万一有特殊情况,学生们应该向警察求助 。()D553+2022-h+y7段施工现场环保、消防文明、等施工技术措施方案In case of exceptional circumstances, students should turn to the police for help .重阳节(Double Ninth Festival)是一个中国的传统节日, 每年农历的 9 月初 9,人们都会登高,赏菊(chrysanthemum),敬老。根据易经 TheChanges)的阴阳学说,9是代表阳的,这就是为什么那天被称为“重阳”。1988 年,中国政府把那天定为“老人节”。在节日的当天,晚辈们要向长辈们表示尊敬和
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