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1、FeminismContents Definition of feminism and feministFeminism theoryThe Feminist MovementTypes of FeminismWhat is Feminism?Feminism is a collection of movements aimed at defining, establishing, and defending equal political, economic, and social rights for women. In addition, feminism seeks to establ

2、ish equal opportunities for women in education and employment.Feminists Feminists are persons of either sex, or females only (in which case males may be pro-feminists), who believe in feminism.A feminist is an advocate or supporter of the rights and equality of women.HistoryThe terms feminism or fem

3、inist first appeared in France and The Netherlands in 1872 (as les fministes), Great Britain in the 1890s, and the United States in 1910. The Oxford English Dictionary lists 1894 for the first appearance of feminist and 1895 for feminism.The UK Daily News first introduced feminist to the English lan

4、guage, importing it from France and branding it as dangerous. What our Paris Correspondent describes as a Feminist group. in the French Chamber of Deputies.Prior to that time, Womans Rights was probably the term used most commonly, hence Queen Victorias description of this mad, wicked folly of Woman

5、s Rights.The Feminist MovementThe movements history has gone through three waves, beginning in the 18th century. First-wave was oriented around the station of middle or upper-class white women, and involved suffrage and political equality. Second-wave feminism(time?) attempted to further combat soci

6、al and cultural inequalities. Third-wavefeminism starting in 1980 to early includes renewed campaigning for womens greater influence in politics. The First Wave FeminismThe first wave refers to the movement of the 19th through early 20th centuries (1900s1920s), which dealt mainly with suffrage(投票权选举

7、权),working conditions and educational rights for women and girls.Leader : Elizabeth Cady Stanton(伊丽莎白凯迪斯坦顿 )Purpose : equal political, intellectual and economic rights to womenAchievement:International Womens Day has been observed (创始于1910年)The second Wave Feminism(also called Modern Feminism) The s

8、econd wave (1960s-1980s) dealt with the inequality of laws as well as cultural inequalities.The key event that marked the reemergence(再度出现 )of this movement in the postwar战后的 era was the surprise popularity of Betty Friedans 1963 book The Feminine Mystique The key event:The Feminine Mystique Women s

9、hould speak out her feelings: In addition to her husband, children and families, I would like to get more.“女性应该大胆地说出自己的心声:除了丈夫、孩子和家庭,我还想得到更多。” Social Impact“It ignited(点燃) the contemporary(同时代的 )womens movement in 1963 and as a result permanently transformed the social fabric组织 of the United States

10、and countries around the world.” - New York Times The influences of the second womens movementReligion Education Language Social changesFor example:Feminists are often proponents支持者 of using non-sexistlanguage, using “Ms.”to refer to both Married and unmarried women.The Third Wave Feminism(Post Mode

11、rn Feminism)The third wave of feminism(late 1980s-early 2000s), is seen as both a continuation 继续and a response to the perceived 感知的failures of the second wave.Nowadays:Some now believe as of 2010, we are in a fourth wave of feminism.Liberal feminism自由女性主义Radical feminism激进女性主义Diversity feminism多样性女

12、性主义Types of Feminism123Liberal Feminist ViewsLiberal Feminist ViewsShared with liberalism these ideas:Human equalityHuman rationality(合理性)Importance of individual rightsRadical feminismsMultiple多样的 types of radical feminisms, but they all share a common critique评论 of liberal feminism for accepting t

13、he status in the economic and social structures.The status operates with the male model as the norm 基准(e.g., seeing the world as competitive and aggressive).Types of Radical FeminismsSocialist feminists argue that patriarchy父权制 & capitalism are linked; both exploitive剥削的.Lesbian feminists criticize societys definition of heterosexuality异性恋 as normal, & all other sexualities as deviant不正常者.Anti-pornography feminists argue that pornography 色情文学fosters促进 violence against women. Diversity FeminismThe needs and perspectiv


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