



1、2022-2023学年福建省厦门市美林中学高二英语下学期期末试卷含解析一、 选择题1. There is a lot of evidence to suggest that a short nap in the afternoon _ you refreshed for the next four or five hours. A. will help B. should leave C. will leave D. should remain参考答案:C2. Children above 12 are able to take part in skiing or other activiti

2、es _for them.A. designed B. designing C. to design D. having designed参考答案:A3. In _ most countries, a doctors degree can give you _ flying start in life. A. the; a B. the; / C. /; / D. /;a参考答案:D4. Her shoes _ her dress; they look very well together.A. suit b. fit C. compare D. match 参考答案:D5. -I think

3、 Lisa _well in the chemistry contest this morning. -It seems not.。 She has been in low spirits all afternoon.A. should have done B. could have done C. need have done D. might have done 参考答案:D6. My friend never mentioned _ in the city before.A. living B. having been lived C. to live D. lived参考答案:A试题分

4、析:我的朋友以前从没提过住在那个城市。mention后跟Ving, My friend和live是主动关系,故选A.不应选B. 考点:考查非谓语动词。7. Dont sit around feeling sorry for yourself. Be optimistic and_. A. look at B. look forward C. look ahead D. look behind参考答案:C8. Jack is 40 and he feels his career as _ actor is coming to _ end.A. 不填;the B. the; an C. an; a

5、n D. an; 不填参考答案:C9. I lost sight of Wang Ping when we reached _ looked like a large market. A. that B. which C. what D. where参考答案:C略10. It rained heavily in the south, _ serious flooding in several provinces.A. caused B. causing C. having caused D. to cause参考答案:B11. Readers can _ quite well without

6、knowing the exact meaning of each word. A. get over B. get in C get along D. get away参考答案:C12. Dont pretend _.Look! You are holding your English book upside down.A. to read B. to have read C. to be reading D.reading 参考答案:C13. Marie Curie and her husband Pierre Curie discovered radium and polonium, _

7、 they won the Noble Prize in Physics.A. asB. where C. for whichD. on which 参考答案:C略14. The Great Wall is _ tourist attraction that millions of people pour in every year.A. so well-known a B. a so well-known C. such well-known a D. a such well-known参考答案:A15. _ work has been done to improve the peoples

8、 living standard.A. Many B. A great many C. A great deal of D. A large number of参考答案:C二、 填空16. 根据首字母或汉语提示在横线上写出恰当的单词并注意其形式。Several days ago, our school held an English speaking competition. So many students took an active part in it, but only a small p (86) of them won the competition. Please allow

9、me to introduce the top three to you. The first- prize winner is a girl who a (87) the audience on the effect of the Internet on our lives. Accurate s (88) and typical examples she used made her speech e (89) and understandable. The second speech focused on the e (90) of electrical technology. What

10、impressed me most in the speech is that the Amish a (91) (基督教的) group are o (92) to having telephones in their houses. Many people make the a (93) that they must have religious reasons for it, but this is not true. In fact, they value seeing each other face to face. The last one is the speech given

11、by my classmate on two life-saving drugs - asprin and penicillin, which started (94) (革命) in medicine. Lets remember these great discoveries.Congratulations! Lets a (95) the winners for their good performance and welcome you to our competition next year.参考答案:86. percentage 87. addressed 88. statisti

12、cs 89. explicit 90. evolution 91. Christian 92. opposed 93.assumption 94. revolutions 95. applaud三、 阅读理解17. The government employs many people to help take care of our society. However, these professionals cannot help out everyone just by themselves. They need our help! Consider Volunteering!What Ex

13、actly is Volunteering?Volunteering is when we regularly go and do nice things for other people. Volunteers may help out in local retirement homes, or in hospitals. Some volunteers work with poor people and other volunteers help teach orphaned(孤儿) children to read. There are many types of volunteers

14、who help those who need help the most.Volunteering Teaches Mature(成熟的) ThinkingVolunteering is something that really helps us as individuals. It gives us a chance to stop complaining about our own lives, and realized exactly how lucky we are. We are able to see the people who really need help. Volun

15、teering also teaches us more about responsibility, patience, empathy(同情心), and above all, compassion(爱心).Doing Our part! Volunteering gives us a chance to do our share of the work of making this society the best it possibly can be. It helps us feel good about ourselves when we can help those who rea

16、lly need our help. When we can make someone else feel special, it helps us remember what life is really about.Ways to Start VolunteeringThere are many places that you can go to try to start volunteering. Here are just a few places you can go and what you can do at each place.1) Hospitalask if you ca

17、n go and visit people who are really sick. Sometimes all they need is just someone who will talk with, or someone to give them hope.2) Orphanagethe children living here really need someone to play with them.3) Food Shelter many food shelters can really use more people willing to just organize the sh

18、elters and help distribute the food to those who need it.Whatever you decide to do, just do the best you can. Remember that giving can be its own reward!61. The main purpose of this passage is to _. A. explain the meaning and benefit of volunteering work B. call on people to do their best for society C. call on people to help those who need our helpD. tell volunteers how to give help62. By saying “Volunteering is something that really helps us as individuals” in Paragraph 3, the author really means that _. A. we can change


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