



1、Module 7 unit 1 We fly kites in spring. 教学目标:1、会听、说、读springsummerautumnwinterwarmhotcoolcold这八个单词。2、运用句型“Its +天气情况 + in +季节”和“What do you do in +季节?”并描述不同季节的天气变化情况以及不同季节的活动又是什么。情感目标:创设情境,鼓励学生大胆开说英语,激发他们的学习兴趣。能力目标:培养学生的听说能力和运用英语的能力。教学重难点重点:会听说springsummerautumnwinterwarmhotcoolcold。难点:用句型“What do you

2、 do in +季节?”对不同季节的活动进行提问并能做出相应的回答。课前准备多媒体课件、 单词卡片、小贴画、录音机教学方法情景教学法、自主法、合作法教学过程第一课时一、warming-up1 Greeting2 Sing a song: ABC song二、Lead-inThis is our first time to meet each other. I take you some presents. Look! A beautiful tree. The lovely sun. A yellow leaf. And white snow. Do you like them? Do you

3、 want them? If you sit well and work hard, Ill give them to you. The four things stand for four season. The tree stands for (春天)The sun stands for (夏天). The leaf stands for (秋天). The snow stands for (冬天).Look! There are many photos of the four seasons.Are they beautiful? Do you like them? Do you wan

4、t to learn four seasons?三、Presentation1 Sentences: Its .Its in .Lets learn together. First, spring.教读spring 句子 Its spring.How do you feel in spring?教读 warm 句子 Its warm in spring.(2) Practice: Game Teacher read black words, Ss read red words.(3) Ask one students to fill in the blanks .(Give the prese

5、nt)Its . Its in .(4) The same way to teach “Summer autumn winter”2 Practice: Game 小小配音员(1)review the words(2) Review the sentences(3) Teacher do the first one(4) Ss do the others3 Sentences: We in . (1) Teach new words: fly kites /go skatingLook at the picture. Guess. Which season? Ss say “Its spring. Its warm in spring.” T says” We fly kites in spring.”Guess the meaning of fly kites T


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