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1、The cartoons Many people have seen little time animation(动画片), animation can be said as we grow up, so the theme of todays speech is cartoon1 Pleasant goat and big big wolf(喜羊羊与灰太狼)As we know, It has a pleasant goat(喜羊羊), lazy sheep (懒羊羊), slow sheep(慢羊羊), the beautiful sheep(美羊羊)Fit Goat(沸羊羊)Gentle

2、 Goat(暖羊羊), grey wolf(灰太狼), red wolf (红太郎)and so on.2My favorite is Lazy sheep, even though it is lazy and weak, but it does have good luck! Sometimes, it is late, you can escape the attack of the Wolf, Wolf-free even cook! 我最喜欢懒羊羊了,因为它虽然很懒,很弱,但是,它却有好运!有时,它睡懒觉,就可以躲开灰太狼的攻击,甚至可以免被灰太狼煮34His catchphrase

3、(口头禅) is Ill be back,annoying little goats!Or Ill be back ,annoying pleasant goat!Or Ill be back!我一定会回来的,可恶的小羊! 、我一定会回来的,可恶的喜羊羊! 或者我一定会回来的!5 Vampire Knight(吸血鬼骑士)Vampire knight is a good looking Japan animated cartoon. There are beautiful and handsome hero heroine.It has Yki Cross(黑土优姬)、 Kaname Kura

4、n(玖兰枢) 、 Zero (锥生零)etc.6Yki Cross(黑土优姬) The adoptive daughter of the headmaster of Cross Academy, Yuki is a member of the schools disciplinary committee (public morals committee in Japanese), which is the front for the Guardians黑土优姬是纪跨学院校长收养的女儿,她是学校的纪律委员会(日本公共道德委员会)成员之一,这是“前线”的守护者的成员。7 Kaname Kuran(

5、玖兰枢) He is my best love ,he is a pureblood vampire(纯血种吸血鬼). He saved Yuki from an attack by another vampire when she was little. Kaname is the class president of the Night Class, much feared and respected by the other Night Class students. 89、 Zero (锥生零)Yukis childhood friend, Zero is also a Guardia

6、n and likewise on the disciplinary committee. Zeros family, a line of vampire hunters, was murdered by a pureblood vampire named Shizuka when he was little. He and his twin brother were the only survivors. He harbors a deep hatred for vampires, and claims to have taken on the role of Guardian to lea

7、rn to hunt them better. 10Some pictures1112Tom and Jerry complete farce features, the plot is very well received. Tom has a strong desire to always want to seize it, living together in a room is difficult to grasp the mouse Jerry,but always failed .13猫和老鼠完全以闹剧为特色,情节十分热烈。,汤姆有一种强烈的欲望,总想抓住与它同居一室却难以抓住的老

8、鼠杰瑞,它但总是遭到失败。!14Tom and Jerry the prototype of the Cat and Mouse, their mischief is very interesting,no matter how intense the game tense, Jerry knows it will not be any real harm, and Tom always will be subject to physical pain. 猫和老鼠采用了猫与鼠的原型,他们的恶作剧非常有趣,不论游戏多么激烈紧张,杰瑞都知道它不会受到任何真正的伤害,而汤姆则总是难免受些皮肉之苦。1

9、5Bullying cruelty of the animal world, only the daily chores and disputes between the two neighbors, cheese eating like little mouse Jerry Tom, Tom mousetrap into Jerrys hole door, etc, interspersed with numerous pranks and humor clips, people feel returning to the naive Fiat. The relationship betwe

10、en them often change in an instant - your enemy or irreconcilable: when an enemy brains, and refused to give; as a friend, as close as brothers, who do not hold a grudge.没有动物世界中恃强凌弱的残酷,只有两个邻居之间的日常琐事和纷争,诸如小老鼠杰瑞偷吃了汤姆的奶酪,汤姆把捕鼠器放到了杰里的洞门口等等,中间穿插的无数恶作剧和幽默片断,让人感受到久违的天真快意。它们之间的关系常在一瞬间发生变化化敌为友或势不两立:为敌时绞尽脑汁,互

11、不相让;为友时,亲如兄弟,谁也不记仇。16Black deacon17Black deacon Sebastian Mika Aires to take care of the 12-year-old Earl Charles Master. Butler Sebastian is a demon, his young master, and Charles laid down in the contract, always loyal to his master Charles reached for their own purposes. Charles set a contract th

12、e price is definitely not to flee from the devil around. When the fulfillment of the purpose of the Charles, his soul is owned by Sebastian.黑执事塞巴斯蒂安米卡利斯负责照顾12岁的伯爵夏尔少爷。管家塞巴斯蒂安是恶魔,他和夏尔少爷订下了契约,在夏尔达成自己的目的前永远忠于主人。夏尔订下契约代价是绝对不能从恶魔身边逃离。当夏尔的目的达成后,他的灵魂会归赛巴斯所有。18Sebastian塞巴斯The prototype is the devil. The lef

13、t hand back the same thing like the aspect graph. Character, literacy, knowledge, appearance, perfect together as the perfect man.原形是恶魔。左手背有像纵横图一样的东西。是品格、素养、知识、姿容在一起很完美的那样完美的男人。19Attracting Charless firm and give up the soul consciousness, he volunteered to be the deacon. Tea or cake, the craft are

14、very sophisticated, but also serve as bodyguards, known as the universal deacon. 被夏尔的坚定和舍弃灵魂的觉悟所吸引,自愿成为他的执事。无论泡茶还是蛋糕,手艺都非常高超,同时也兼任保镖的工作,被称为“万能执事”。20Charles夏尔Right eye and Sebastian exchange contract as a deacon to serve with Right eye, something like the same aspect and Sebastian left hand diagram,

15、that is a contract“.用右眼与塞巴斯蒂安交换契约作为执事使之服侍着。右眼有像与塞巴斯蒂安左手同样的纵横图一样的东西,那个是合同.21Doing to the Queen, processing into the work of the drug to wait until the UK such as the mafia.Only 12 years old has UKs Largest toy company,but not ordinary children lively.做着为了女王,处理带入毒品等到英国的黑手党等的工作。年仅12岁就拥有英国最大的玩具公司,却没有一般小

16、孩的天真活泼。22 The Smurfs23Their whole body blue, always wears white trousers and white camauro. The Smurfs village 99 the Smurfs, they reside in large mushroom for a house2425Although The Smurfs looks very similar,but each one is unique,has its own personality,they are very friendly,with a better quality of all human2627It is I most likes the cartoon image, every time I see it will be very excited, from the future world, he sometimes lets me feel the life is very good Doraemon story to bring people into a wonder


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