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1、07-1读后续写解题指导2022届高考英语冲刺段导与练(新高考)【题型特点】读后续写提供一段350词以内的语言材料,要求考生依据该材料内容和所给段落首句进 行续写(150词左右),将其开展成为一篇与给定材料逻辑衔接,情节架构自然,而且结构完 整的短文。该题型主耍考查考生的阅读理解能力,由读到写的思维能力和语言表达运用能力 三个方面。其采分点主要涉及以下内容:与所给短文及段落开头语的衔接程度、内容的丰 富性、应用语法结构和词汇的丰富性和准确性、上下文的连贯性。【考情解读】读后续写的所提供的原文的语篇类型一般是以记叙文(包括叙议结合文)为主。其取材多 样,故事性强,但其话题离不开三大主题:人与自然

2、、人与社会以及人与自我。所提供的原 文常常是通过两条主线(情节线和情感线)设置较为真实的问题情境,考查考生能否运用英语 基础知识准确理解文章的故事情节,并结合所给文本材料及两个段落首句(引领续写的走向), 分析篇章结构、情节脉络,发挥其独立思考能力,在正确的思想价值观念指导下运用思维方 法,展开合理的想象。运用英语词汇、语法等基础写作知识技能,完成一篇与给定材料有逻 辑衔接,情节和结构完整的短文。【解题指导】一、理解原文是基点准确理解原文,把握原文故事梗概以便预测故事开展的走向是写好续写最基本的一步。 首先是理解表层信息:从体裁(记叙文)、主体人称、主体时态和和记叙文其中的五个要素, 即人物(

3、who)、时间(when)、地点(where)、何事(what)、起因(why)等方面理解这些表层信息; 其次是理解深层信息:理清故事的开展脉络:即把记叙文的另一个要素,事情开展的过程 (how)梳理清楚。接着是提炼主旨大意:在上述两个“理解”的基础上整合本篇故事梗概, 即主旨大意。二、框架情节是节点构建续写框架,构思续写情节是确保续写局部在内容上与原文高度契合的节点,因此 考生对此务必要给予重视。分析续写首句,构建续写框架。续写首句为考生提供了续写的基本依据,引领续写的 走向。所以考生要围绕续写首句,构建续写的框架。考生可以分别对所给的两段的首句进行 设问,提出3至5个问题,把这些问题的答案

4、串联起来就可形成两个段落的基本框架。借助文本资源,构思续写情节。根据记叙文的六要素和自己的想象,借助文本资源,构 思续写两段故事的情节。对于记叙文体裁的续写,其续写的两段情节构思大体是:第一段情节构思:第一句在内容上必须衔接提示语并联系原文最后的情节(可以是描写 人物的情感并且做了什么:情感描写+动作描写);接着要说的是:主要(次要)人物的反响(动 with occasional clanks clearly heard. I waited on the seat until Dad finished his work. After what seemed a good while, he c

5、ame back into the car, weak and tired. When he saw the new shoes, his face lit up. Youve grown up!” Dad said, excited and satisfied. Smiling at him, I knew what I should focus on, determined to study hard to live Dads expectation.【参考答案】3(情节开展以及结局的另一个版本)My mind was playing Pingpong. His old and black

6、 shoes flashed through my mind. But my gaze again fell on the brand new Penny Loafers. I was fascinated by these gleaming shoes and couldnt take my eyes off them. I was about to spend all my ten dollars on them when I recollected Dads worn-out shoes. The gleam of the loafers started to dull. I took

7、shoes of my dads size from the clearance rack and darted to the checkout counter.I ran back to the shop and put Dads new shoes on the seat in his car. The moment we got in the car Dad picked up the box. When he opened it he just stared without saying a word. A mixture of guilt and delight came from

8、the bottom of my heart. He looked first at the shoes and then at me. I thought you need a new pair of shoes more than I do. I broke the silence. Dad put his hand on my shoulder and we sat looking at each other for a moment. Nothing else was said. Dad started the car and we went home.作描写以推动情节的开展);出现问

9、题与矛盾冲突(冲突转折);为了解决问题主要(次要)人物 说了什么、做了什么以及心理活动;为了解决问题主耍(次要)人物还说了什么、做了什么; 但是问题没有得到解决(冲突转折);衔接第二段开头语,作为第一段的结束语。第二段情节构思:回答第二段开头提示语内容(可以是动作描写以推动情节开展);主要 (次要)人物说了什么、做了什么(以推动情节开展);主要(次要)人物的反响,心理、情感或动 作描写;主要人物在何种情况下做了什么,促使问题终于得到解决(情节的转折以凸显主要 人物);主要人物在问题得到解决以后还做了什么;最后一句呼应原文开头,或是主要人物 的感悟、或是点题的句子。三、文字表达是重点再好的续写框

10、架和情节害的依赖丰富的句子(包括过渡句)和多彩的词汇(包括过渡词)来 呈现,因而续写中文字表达是重中之重。读后续写评分的第七当(22-25分)所规定的标准是:创造了丰富、合理的内容,富有逻 辑性,续写完整,与原文情境融洽度高;使用了多样且恰当的词汇和语法结构,表达流畅, 语言错误很少,且完全不影响理解;自然有效地使用了段落间、句间衔接手段,全文结构清 晰,前后呼应,意义连贯。结合该标准,以下主要为考生提供润色读后续写初稿时常要用到 的句式:1.形容词(短语)和分词(短语祚状语Unable to answer the teachers question, all the students kep

11、t silent.回答不出老师的问题,学生们都默不作声。On my way home, I saw a middle-aged man lying by the roadside, dead drunk.在我回家的途中,我看到一个中年男子躺在路边,烂醉如泥。Afraid of being scolded, Eric thought of playing truant.因为害怕挨骂,埃里克起了逃学的念头。Jack paced up and down in his room, deep in thought.杰克在他的房间里来回踱步,陷入了深思。With the help of the helic

12、opter, Mary got out of the forest and saw her husband, safe and sound.在直升飞机的帮助下,玛丽安然无恙地出了森林,见到了她的丈夫。Trapped in the dense mist, I could do nothing but burst into tears,helpless and disappointed.困在迷雾中,我什么也做不了,只能哭泣,无助又失落。Desperate and exhausted,Jane knelt down, with tears rolling down her cheeks.又绝望又疲惫

13、,Jane跪了下来,眼泪顺着她的脸颊流了下来。.with/without的复合结构和独立主格结构With no path to follow, Jane walked on for quite a long time.因为无路可循,简继续走了很长时间。The girl smiled with her long hair flowing in the breeze.女孩微笑着,长发在微风中飘动。His wife was in deep sorrow with her eyes filled with tears.他的妻子伤心极了,眼里满是泪水。With his plan ruined by th

14、e accident, he let out a cry of anger.意外毁了他的计划、他愤怒地大叫了一声。Without anybody left in the house but us, this place could use a bit of fun.除了我们之外,没有其他人离开这个房子,这个地方可以找些乐子。A professor walked in, books in hand.有位教授走了进来,手里面拿着一些书。A young man sat on the bench, his head buried in a book.一位年轻人坐在长凳上,埋头看一本书。The boy

15、rushed to the old mans house, his face covered with sweat.男孩冲到老人家,满脸是汗。The night falling, the boy was hungry and cried in the street.夜幕降临,男孩俄了,在大街上哭了起来。.倒装句Out of the darkness came a voice he had never heard before.黑暗中传来一个他从来没有听过的声音。So shocked was I that I was dumbfounded with my eyes wide open.我震惊得

16、睁大眼睛,目瞪口呆。A storm of applause came after silence.沉默之后,响起一阵掌声。It was not until he had lost all his possessions did he realize that he was cheated. 直到失去所有的财产,他才意识到自己被骗了。Through his mind flashed the image of a heroic fighter.他的脑中闪过一位英雄战士的形象。Not until the rabbit got completely out of sight did we stop c

17、hasing after it.直到那只兔子完全消失在我们的视线中,我们才不追了。Not until then did Megan pour out what had been disturbing her the whole day. 直到那时梅根才说出了困扰她一整天的事。On his rigid face there stood an expression of horror and hatred.他僵硬的脸上有一种恐惧和仇恨的表情。In front of her was another long passage and she just managed to catch sight of

18、 the rabbithurrying down it.在她的前面是另一条长长的通道,她正好看到兔子匆匆向远处跑去。Such is the key to success-a little bit more efforts and a little bit more determination will create a little bit more miracle.这就是成功的秘诀,多一点点努力,多一点点决心,你就能创造出更加多的奇迹。Little did I realize something unusual would happen that day.我几乎没有意识到那天会发生一些异常的

19、事情。Instead life is uncertain, and only when you first said hello to a friend are your joy and happiness of those times worth cherishing.相反,生活是不确定的,只有当你第一次和朋友打招呼时,你的快乐和幸福才值得珍惜。.强调结构It was not until he got home that he knew what had happened.当他到家以后才知道发生了什么事情。It was at the crucial moment that an excell

20、ent idea occurred to me.在这个关键时刻,我想到了一个好主意(急中生智)。It was at that moment that they decided not to quarrel any more but learned to compromise. 就在那一刻,他们决定不再争吵,而是学会了妥协It was Mom that made my childhood colorful. And it was also she that showed me the true meaning of giving.是妈妈让我的童年多姿多彩。也是她向我展示了给予的真正意义。.并列句

21、Seeing the wolf back off, Paul quickly unlocked the door, and the frightened man climbed into the car in no time, shutting the door behind him heavily.看到狼后退了,保罗迅速翻开车门,受惊的人立刻爬进车里,重重地关上了身后的车门。I never got an opportunity to know that kind mans name, but I would always remember his unexpected kindness.我从

22、未有机会知道那个好心人的名字,但我永远会记得他出人意料的好意。The hospital staff was too busy to attend to me, so I called a friend to tell him about the accident.医院工作人员太忙了,没时间照顾我,所以我打 给朋友告诉他这次事故。.复合句His loving mother, who used to be an excellent English teacher in a middle school, now works in a big company.他的慈母,曾经是一名优秀的中学英语老师,现

23、在在一家大公司工作。When Mary heard the news, her eyes widened further and his mouth opened.当Mary听到这个消息,她睁大了眼睛,张大了嘴巴。My heart beat so violently that I felt almost fainted.我的心跳得如此剧烈,我感到几乎窒息/晕倒。She is seized with sorrow at the thought that her efforts might be in vain.一想到她的努力可能会付之东流,她就悲哀难忍。It occurred to her th

24、at her mother was still ignorant of what had happened.她突然想到她妈妈到现在还完全不知道发生了什么事。Sighing with relief, she sensed a glimmer of hope and felt as if the cave had been comforting her and saying, “come in, you must exhausted.她如释重负地叹了 口气,感觉到一丝希望,感觉好像山洞一直在抚慰她,说:“进 来吧,你一定很累了。”.虚拟语气She abruptly covered her wide

25、-opened mouth, feeling as if her heart would jump out.她突然捂住她张开的嘴,觉得她的心好像要跳出来了。If I shouldnt go back on time, the king would kill my friend. If I hadnt fallen from the horse and got hurt, I would have got to the destination on time.要是我不准时回去,国王会杀了我的朋 友。如果我没有从马上摔下来并受了伤,我也 早就按时到达目的地了。Without /But for mo

26、ms encouragement, I wouldnt have be- come a successful narrator in the competition.如果没有妈妈的鼓励,在比赛中我不可能成为一个成功的讲解员。If only I had been the 3rd runner who had got to the finish line.要是我是第3位到达终点线的跑步者该多好啊!How Timmy wished that he hadnt been so rude to his coach.Timmy多么希望之前没有那么粗鲁的对待教练啊!I was rooted on the g

27、round due to being frightened, wishing that I had refused my mothers advice yesterday.我由于恐惧愣在那里,真希望我昨天拒绝妈妈的建议。The glasses dropped into the river, as if the water had swallowed them.眼镜掉到河里,好像水已经吞噬了它。四、书写美观是赚点书写美观将倍受阅卷老师的青睐,考生为此赚个3-5分应该不在话下的。为了防止(评 分标准中的规定)“书写较差以致影响交际的,酌情扣分”的情况发生,考生还要注意书写 要规范。现以2022江苏

28、苏锡常镇四市高三一模写作(二)为例试图演绎完整的解题过 程,但是有必要提醒考生注意的是:在高考中时间不允许也不可能像这样按部就 班的。【以“例”释法”(2022届江苏苏锡常镇四市高三一模)阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写 两段,使之构成一篇150词左右的完整短文。Keeping up seemed so important when I was a teenager. Back in 1973, if you werent wearing Penn Loafers (乐福鞋)youd just as soon go around in your bare feet. There w

29、as only one problem that year, I had bought Oxfords-but Penny Loafers were in.“I need some money for Penny Loafers.1 told my dad one afternoon at the place where he worked as a car mechanic.Dad looked at me for a full minute before he answered, Wear those shoes one more day. Look at every pair of sh

30、oes you see at school. If you can tell me that you are worse off than the other kids, ril buy new shoes fbr you.The next day, I did what Dad said. I saw many schoolmates wore torn shoes of the likes Id never had to wear, and shoes with holes in them, but I had no intention of telling him the results

31、.When school was out, I rushed to the place where Dad worked. It was quiet. Only an occasional clank (叮当声)of metal could be heard as Dad worked under a car. Then dads shoes came into my sight. They were old and black, the kind mechanics and service-station attendants wore. I saw the mended soles(鞋底)

32、and the spliced laces (拼接的鞋带).“You do what I told you today?”“Yes, sir.”“Well, what do you want to do?” He looked as though he might know what my answer would be.“I still want the Penny Loafers?91 forced myself not to look at his shoes.Dad handed me ten dollars. I took the money and went to the stor

33、e two blocks down the street. A rack(货架)on a far wall appeared as if it had a million pairs of black Penny Loafers resting on it. On a rack next to it was a sign that reads CLEARANCE 50% OFF”. Below the sign sat several “young” versions of Dads shoes.续写词数应为150词左右;.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。Paragraph 1:My mi

34、nd was playing PingpongParagraph 2:I ran back to the shop and put Dads new shoes on the seat in his car.【故事梗概】通过情节和情感两条线,我们可以得出如下故事梗概:本文以新鞋子为线索展 开,讲述了作者想要买一双自己喜欢的新鞋子,向父亲要钱买,父亲容许让他 看看其他同学的鞋子,如果他的的鞋子比别人的更差,就给他买新鞋。作者看 至IJ,事实是,其他同学的鞋子更差,但是却想隐瞒实情,还是想向父亲要钱买 双新鞋子。父亲给了他钱,此后,他看到父亲脚上穿的鞋,是修补过的鞋底和 拼接起来的鞋带。作者去了商

35、店,看到了货架上的年轻版的爸爸鞋(故 事就此打住,接下来发生了什么以及故事的结局,需要考生续写)。【框架构建】Q1: Whats the story about?Al: I gave up buying the fashionable black Penny Loafers, but bought new shoes for myDad. Q2: What did I want to do when seeing the black Penny Loafers on the rack?A2:1 was eager to buy the new fashionable shoes. Q3: Wh

36、ats the ending of the 1st Paragraph according to the initial given sentence of the 2nd Paragraph?A3:1 had no intention of buying new shoes for myself, but bought a new pair for my Dad.Q4: What did I do?A4:1 looked out of the car window and found Dad working under a car. Q5: What might be the ending

37、of the 2nd Paragraph?A5: Dad felt happy with me and I was determined to study hard to reward his raising me. Drafting tasks Question series:What was in my mind when I saw the new shoes on the rack?What appeared before my eyes? How did I feel?What did I think about?What did I do in the end?Where did

38、I look?What did I find and hear?What did I do in the car?When did Dad come into the car?How did he feel when seeing the new shoes?What did he say?How did he feel? (What was I thinking about?) Borrowing tasks:Paragraph 1: black Penny Loafers resting on, the rack, buy, in my mind, old, black, worn, sh

39、oes with mended soles and the spliced laces, no intention, keeping up with fashion, young version of Dads shoes.Paragraph 2: my father worked under a car, occasional clank, heard, on the seat, the new shoes.根据以上一系列的自问自答和借用的有关词汇,结合两段续写给定的首句,可以构建 成以下续写框架:根据第一段的给定首句,可知该段主要写作者的思想斗争,通过视觉、声音等描写心 里活动,多使用动词

40、。根据第二段给定的首句,可知第一段的尾句为:作者放弃追赶时尚, 给父亲买了一双鞋子。根据第二段给定的首句,可知作者在车里等待父亲,此时可描写窗外 父亲工作的情景。工作结束后,父亲疲惫地上车。接着写父亲看到鞋子时的高兴。尾句要突 出主题,要写作者专心学习来回报父亲。【情节构思】Paragraph 1:我心里打起了 “乒乓”,不断进行思想斗争。我的视线落在搁在架子上的这些黑色的乐福鞋上,我的脑海里涌起购买一双新鞋的冲动。与此同时,闪现在我眼前的是我父亲那双又黑又旧的鞋, 鞋底是修过的,鞋带也是拼接的。突然,我感到心痛得厉害,一个内心的声音不断地告诉我, 爸爸比我更需要新鞋。我我不想赶时髦了,给爸爸

41、买了一双年轻版的鞋子。Paragraph 2:我跑回到他工作的地方,把爸爸的新鞋放在他的车座上。我从车窗往外看。我看到父亲 在车下工的场景,时不时地听到清晰的叮当声。我在座位上一直等到爸爸完成他的工作。似乎过了好一 会儿,他又虚弱又疲惫地回到车里。当他看到那双新鞋时,脸上露出了喜色。“你长大了!” 爸爸说,既兴奋又满意。我朝他笑了笑,我知道我应该专注于什么,决心努力学习以实现爸 爸的期望。【参考答案】1Paragraph 1:My mind was playing Pingpong. A struggle was going on in my mind. My sight rested on the black Penny Loafers on the rack. I couldnt get my eyes off. How eager was I to buy a new pair! At that time, Dads torn shoes spread in my mind. They were old, black shoes with mended soles and


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