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1、The Difference between Chinese and Western Wine Culture 1The Difference between Chinese01020405Outlinethe difference of origin(起源)the difference of ingredient(原料) 06the difference of kinds(种类) 0307the difference of etiquette the difference of purposes the influencing factorsthe difference of wine se

2、t(酒具) 201020405Outlinethe difference 1.the difference of origin(起源)Origin of Chinese wine: One of the origin is about Yi Di(仪狄).According to ancient annals, Yi Di was orderde by Yu the Great to produce mellow wine from fermented glutinous rice. The concoction tasted good and Yi Di was confident he w

3、ould receive a reward .31.the difference of origin(起源) Besides, there are many different legends about the origin of the wine in China. For example ,Du Kang makes wine. Someone think that Du Kang(杜康) made great contributions to the gaoliang wine brewing methods and he was honored as the wine origina

4、tor and Jiu Sheng by Chinese.4 Besides, there are many di Dionysus(狄俄尼索斯), Greek god of wine and fertility, identified with the Roman god Bacchus . The son of Zeus and Semele, Dionysus was reared by nymphs and taught men the secrets of cultivating grapes and making wine.5 Dionysus(狄俄尼索斯), 2.the diff

5、erence of ingredient(原料) China is one of the three ancient countries in the world and has thousands of years of history to brew wine. Chinese wines are traditionally made from grains,water ,liquor starter(酒曲).62.the difference of ingredient Western wine can be made from grapes, fruits, berries etc.7

6、 Western wine can be made f3.the difference of kinds(种类) Chinese wine can be devided into three basic categories accoring to the technique invovled in brewing process. The three types are distilled spirits, fermented wine , and liqueur. Besides, on the basis of commercial practices, the Chinese wine

7、 can be classifed into white wine,yellow rice wine, fruit,grape wine and beer.83.the difference of kinds(种类) Chinese wine culture has a long history. Undoubtedly the rice wine (黄酒) is the oldest. But the most representative of Chinese wine is the white wine(白酒).Because the white wine is the highest

8、produced distilled wine(蒸馏酒).黄酒白酒黄酒9 Chinese wine culture has aseveral famous brands of Chinese wineMaotaiFive-Grain liquorLuzhou LiquorGujing Tribute Wine10several famous brands of ChineWestern Wine: The Greek ,cradle of Western civilization, which soil is relatively poor ,and is not suitable for c

9、ereals(谷物) to be grown.But the grape can be grown good ,so they use grape to make wine.We can see they use wine to call grape wine .11Western Wine:11several famous brands of Western wineBrandy (白兰地)Usquebaugh (威士忌)Champagne (香槟)12several famous brands of Weste4.the difference of wine set(酒具) Ancient

10、 Chinese wine set known for its bronze, lacquer and porcelain.Also there are many kind of fancy wine set such as:夜光杯、倒流壶、鸳鸯转香壶、九龙公道壶、.But now most families use Western wine set.134.the difference of wine set(酒 Western wine set are mostly made of glass so it is easy for people to distinguish the grad

11、e level of wine. Westerners focus on using different wine set to drink different wine.14 Western wine set are mostl5.the difference of etiquette Chinese Drinking Etiquette: The Chinese people care more about the people we drink with. That is Chinese drinking etiquette reflects the respect of the dri

12、nkers.For example: The host and guests have their own seat and order of toast(敬酒顺序). When toast,the host come first,and firstly,they should toast the most honored guest. Of course the wine set must be full. The younger should toast the elder and drink all of the wine we call it .先干为敬155.the differen

13、ce of etiquetteWestern Drinking Etiquette: The drinking etiquette of west show the respect of wine. To distinguish wine we need to watch its color, smell its fragrance, taste its taste.(观其色、闻其香、品其味) They drink for enjoying ,so sometimes they drink themselves.16Western Drinking Etiquette:166. the dif

14、ference of Purposes Chinese Drinking Purposes: Since we chinese have a long history of drinking ,we have many purposes for drinking. Wedding Worship(祭祀) Ceremony Business In the eyes of the Chinese people,wine is a tool for communication 176. the difference of Purposes Western Drinking Purposes:Drin

15、king in order to appreciate wine. 18Western Drinking Purposes:DriThe influencing factors:1. the influence of religious belief 2. the influence of value19The influencing factors:19 佛教(Buddhism)在中国的影响较为广泛,佛教的五条戒律中就有不饮酒这一条,很多中国人信奉佛教的教戒,尽可地不饮酒或控制饮酒;再加上中国的酒大多是用粮食酿造的,所以人们对于饮酒持的是一种比较谨慎的态度:认为喝酒只要达到一种微醺之境即可。

16、1.the influence of religious belief20 佛教(Buddhism)在中国的影响较为广泛,佛教的 西方人的主流宗教是基督教(Christianism),葡萄酒在(圣经) 里多次被提到。耶稣在知道了自己的命运后在最后的晚餐上说:“面包是我的肉,葡萄酒是我的血”。其目的在于要人们记住他是为人类罪而死的。因此,基督教徒视葡萄酒为圣血-耶稣的血液,他们在做弥撒的时侯喝圣血“吃圣体”,视酒为耶稣救世精神的化身,认为人喝了酒就能与上帝的心灵相通,从而得到仁慈上帝的佑护。21 西方人的主流宗教是基督教(Christianism) 中国的酒文化典型地体现了集体主义(collec

17、tivisim)的价值观念。中国人之间的关系倾向于依靠合作,也就是一种集体主义的紧密社会结构。中国人喝酒讲究气氛,三五成群,呼朋引伴。在喝酒时,中国人常常敬酒、劝酒,遇上喜庆节日的时侯还会有一些活动,比如划拳“行酒令”做游戏等来活跃饮酒气氛。劝酒不仅表现了中国人的热情好客,更与他们的集体主义思维有很大的关系。2. the influence of value22 中国的酒文化典型地体现了集体主义(collecti 西方的酒文化则是个人主义(individualism)的体现,一切都以自己为出发点。尽管他们也会有群聚而饮,但他们更注重的是个人对酒的浅尝独酌。西方人强调个人民主自由,从不干涉强迫别人,所以他们在喝酒的时候全凭个人自由自主,不想喝就不喝,想喝多少就喝多少,无需客套。23 西方的酒文化则是个人主义(individualismConclusion Chinese and Western wine culture have respective characteristics. Only


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