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1、毕业设计外文资料翻译学 院: 专业班级: 学生姓名: 学 号: 指导教师: 外文出处:(外文) Adoption ofFlash cartoon in multi-media teaching system 附 件:1.外文资料翻译译文; 2.外文原文 指导教师评语: 该英文资料选择合理,与毕业论文相关度高。专业术语、词汇翻译的准确度较高,体现了较强的英语应用水平。翻译工作认真细致,严格按照规定,翻译材料能与原文保持一致,能正确表达出原文意思,保持准确。签名: 陈劲新 2015年 10 月 14 日1外文资料翻译译文Flash动画在多媒体教学系统的应用 关键词: 教学;动画;Flash;现代信

2、息技术;卡通摘要: Flash中好的动画制在多媒体教学中起着至关重要的作用。Flash可以用来显示一些抽象的概念和抽象的现象。使用Flash进行多媒体教学对老师来说并不难。这篇文章探讨了在教学中如何利用Flash卡通动画功能。它还探讨了Flash设计的作用、设计思想以及设计程序。Flash动漫在课程教育中的功能第二号高等教育文件2000指出,“在大学中,更应该注意现代教育技术和方法的研究和应用”。应投入更多的精力致力于开发计算机课件,并扩大其在课程教育中的广泛应用。在远程教育中实现试点,实现现代化教育技术,从而使这些现代教育技术发挥更多提高整体教育水平的重要作用。在传统的教学课件中,教师教学过



5、刺激,更能激发学生在学习中的兴奋和学习兴趣。自此以后,学生的学习态度将发生改变,从“不得不学”到“想学要学”。最后,学生会不断发现学习的乐趣。Flash的主要功能是通过玩耍学习。随着计算机游戏的发展,游戏对学生的强大吸引力促使教育工作者讨论如何将游戏和教育结合起来。游戏能够激发智慧,丰富人格,进而提高教育。此外,游戏能够使学习更有趣,让学生喜欢去学习,因此,学生的学习和协作能力将得以提高。B、再现思维过程,激发思维方式 感觉是领悟事情的开始。如果没有正确的理解,那么获得的知识,就像镜花水月一般不真实。如果我们能用生动的图像将文本展示出来,使静态的知识呈现在学生面前,将会激发学生钻研学习新知识的






11、ash软件制作交互多媒体课件时,基于我们必须解决的问题,我们应该使用结构化和建模程序设计理论。Flash课件设计的整体结构应清晰明了,可以使程序更加合理,符合逻辑要求。因此,该课件可以得到更广泛地浏览阅读,也可以自由地扩展,并且向更多的人开放。毫无疑问,进一步发展的Flash技术使得Flash课件制作变得更加轻松。如下图介绍了多媒体的结构电磁感应课件。 课件制作多媒体信息合成纠错和教育评估多媒体资料准备脚本创建教学设计选择程序系统的设计 课件制作多媒体信息合成纠错和教育评估多媒体资料准备脚本创建教学设计选择程序系统的设计 图1、电磁感应闪光的总体框架结论Flash强大的功能使其在大学中越来越流

12、行。当我们设计Flash动画时,它需要一些综合准则,例如Flash卡通的视觉理论原则,教育原则和卡通制作原则。在本文中,一些Flash的突出特点,例如,Flash课件是生动的,鲜明的,它能够激发学生的积极性,是至关重要的。此外,本文指出了Flash课件制作的基本原理和过程。 参考文献1 Ji Ruifang, Design and application of flash comic in education website, 2008, Hebei Normal University2 Li Yong, a preliminary discussion of basic requiremen

13、ts in designing flash comic, 2008, Journal of Tongren Professional and Technological College3 Wang Xianghe and Yu Ruihua, Application of interaction in multimedia courseware, 2008, Tonghua Normal College.4 Wang Lianmin, Skills in production of course ware using Flash 8, 2009, Computer Education.2.外文

14、原文Adoption of Flash cartoon in multi-media teaching system Keywords:teaching; animation; Flash; Modern information technology ; cartoon Abstract. Good cartoon producing functions of Flash plays an important role inMuslim-media teaching system. Flash can be used to show some abstract concepts and phe

15、nomena. It is not difficult for teachers to use Flash. It is discussed in this paper to how to use Flash cartoon function in teaching. It is also discussed Flash designing roles, designing thoughts as well as designing procedures. The function of Flash comic in the course education It is pointed out

16、 in the second higher education file of 2000 that “much attention should be paid to study and application of modern education techniques and methods in college. Much effort should be dedicated to develop computer course ware and extend their widely use in the course education. Pilot program in dista

17、nce education should be fulfilled in order to realize modernization of education techniques and thereby to make these modern educationtechniques play more important role in improvement of overall education level. Teacher teaching, text, blackboard writing, material object, model and wall map are wid

18、ely used in traditional education course, but it should be kept in mind the limitation of these techniques. Teaching using Flash is helpful or information transmission and receives by students. Its livelystyle can stimulate students and improve their focus. Active status can be kept during the learn

19、ing process. Students can obtain directly the lively perceptual knowledge through stimulation of their interest and strong emotion. The knowledge and skill can be better pass to students if they are shown lively by a suitable Flash courseware. Furthermore, information transmission between teacher an

20、d student can thereby speed up and multi-sense organs of students can be stimulated using Flash courseware. In the end, education process can be optimized and better education effects can be achieved.A. Stimulate interest of students on study using modern information technique It was pointed bout by

21、 Einstein that “Interest is the best teacher”. Therefore, teachers should stimulate the strong interest and thirst for knowledge using some interesting and novel methods. Thereby, student can be active in learning. Flash is a multimedia with a combination of text, figure, image, video, comic and voi

22、ce. It can transmit information in a lively and intuitive style. We can use Flash to show directly some abstract concepts, complex changes, experiments that cannot be demonstrated under the ordinary condition and dynamical processes. Thereafter, teaching can become more direct, interesting and chang

23、eful. Sense organs such as eyes, ears, brain and hands of. Student can be stimulated and then student is excited and interested in learning. Afterwards, students attitude to learning changes from “has to learn” to “wants to learn”. In the end, student will find the pleasure of study. The main functi

24、on of Flash is learning through playing. With the development of computer games, strong attraction of games for students makes the educationalists todiscuss how to combine education with games. Games is able to inspire wisdom and enrich personality, and then to improve education. Furthermore, gamesi

25、s able to make learning more interesting and let student study from doing, therefore, student learning and corporation ability can be improved. Applied Mechanics and Materials Vols. 321-324 (2013) pp 2475-2478 Online: 2013-06-13 (2013) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerlanddoi:10.4028/AMM.321-324.2475

26、All rights reserved. No part ofcontents of this paper may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without the written permission of Transech Publications, . (ID: 99, Purdue University Libraries, West Lafayette, USA-09/07/15,17:24:38)B. Reappear thinking process and inspire thinking

27、style Sense is the beginning of knowing thing. If there were not correct sense to obtain knowledge, it should become flowers in a mirror and the moons reflection in water. If we can present textbook content using lively images and make the static knowledge be presented to students, the interest will

28、 be stimulated to dig into new knowledge. It is widely used and outstanding in physical and chemical field to create lively images using Flash comic and widen thinking dimension of students. C. Direct demonstration of knowledge learning, highlight key points and breakthrough difficulty Flash comic h

29、as function of dynamic and static combination as well as voice and color combination, furthermore, flash comic can becontrolled and interacted, so it is able to show concretely the abstract knowledge and turn the dead knowledge to alive. Therefore, those difficult points that cannot be interpolated

30、clearly now can be easily presented. During the teaching process, teachers often face a very difficult situation, for example, the key and difficult points can be perceived but cannotbe described with words or it is very hard to reproduce the pure theory in reality. Under this situation, it is very

31、hard to breakthrough for traditional teaching methods. However, lively flash comic can play an important role. The characteristic of flash comic such that it can be controlled an interacted makes it able to introduce student to take part in the experiment.Additionally, flash comic can motivate stude

32、nts to study actively and their enthusiasm for study. The perceptual knowledge of students can be improved to rational knowledge. Design principle of flash in courseware We should adhere to some principles when design and use flash comic. The basic of courseware is to spread knowledge; therefore, us

33、ing comic in the teaching should adhere to education principles, at the same time, we should refer to the characteristics of information that has to be expressed. Comic is the tool and channel for education. It is not comic itself but education information therein to improve teaching effects. We sho

34、uld detailed analyze teaching materials when we design comic, thereby we better understand which information should be transmitted by comic. We cannot misuse comic for diversity. Comic cannot replace teaching content. For example, we can use comic to simulate reaction processes of chemical reaction

35、step by step, so that students can understand teaching content fast and remember it very long, however, it is more suitable to use text to summarize classification figures. Therefore, it is suggested that we should adhere to following principles when we make flash comic. Aas a media for teaching, co

36、mic should be able to express teaching information The objective of producing comic is for teaching. We should begin from the reality of teaching to teach the key and difficult points. The design of flash courseware should base on the learning characteristics and follow principles and psychological

37、rules. Dedicated thought and varying rhythm can be used to motivate learning activity of students and thereby to help them to investigate, compare,. Judge and synthesize. Deep and abstract theory can be transformed to lively images by making use of flash courseware. The essence of theory can be reve

38、aled from the outside to the inside, from one to the other, from sensitivity to reason, therefore, we can reach a very good effect. B. Adhere to scientific nature We should adhere to the scientific nature when we design flash concourse.The knowledge should be taught to students correctly, which make

39、s them haveknowledge of and understand the nature and principle of objective thing. Weshould choose those representatives, typical material and it should be real and correct when we design flash courseware. The demonstration of causality should meet the requirement of logic relation and the incident

40、al should be put before the 2476 Mechatronics and Industrial Informatics fundamental. Theory and principle that is shown by the flash courseware should be real and reliable. The reasoning processes should be correct and precise. The simulation effects should be vivid and lifelike. C. Emphasize artis

41、tic effect We should adopt vivid, lively and original representation style when we design the flash courseware,furthermore, the content and pattern should be coordinated. Flash is an art with acombination of modeling, voice and story. Flash comic should not only be original and enlightening, but als

42、o be very expressive and rich. Only in this way is students interest and imagination motivated. We should use artistic treatment to make the flash more vivid and lively as well as to make the text full position. We can also use special techniques to combine figures and thereby make the content more

43、natural and full of expression. Flash is also an acting art, in which we should consider how to absorb attention of students and how to highlight the theme. D. Concise design Flash is often used to demonstrate those content which is difficult for students to understand. Therefore, it should be conci

44、se and simple and the representation style should be vivid and lively. We can begin from simplicityto complexity and lead to students to understand what they are studying step by step. Design theories and processes of flash courseware When we use soft wares to produce interaction multi-media coursew

45、are, we should use structured and modeled procedure designing theory on the basis of the question we have to solve. Clear overall structure of flash courseware may be able to make the program more reasonable and meet the logicrequirement. Therefore, the courseware can be read more widely and also ca


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