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1、UNIT 5LANGUAGES AROUND THE WORLDPeriod FourReading for WritingVideo Time课前自主预习1used to_2have trouble with _3get used to_4把和相比较_5取决于_6与亲密;靠近_7与相关;涉及;谈到_过去常常在某方面有麻烦/困难习惯;适应comparewithdepend onbe close torelate to8aside from _9as soon as _10cant help but do sth._11由组成_12primary school _13get high marks

2、 _14catch only a few words _15一个亲密的朋友_除之外一就禁不住做某事;不得不做某事be made up of小学得高分仅听清楚只言片语a close friend16bridge the gap_17open a window for sb.to another world_18提高嗓门_消除隔阂;弥合差距;缩短差距给某人打开了通往了另一个世界的窗口raise ones voice1_ _ _ _ _(听英语广播节目)helps me get used to how fast native speakers talk.(动名词短语作主语)【答案】Listening

3、 to English radio programmes2Would you mind _ _ _(打开窗户), please?(Would you mind doing.?句型)【答案】opening the window课堂新知讲练1equal n同等的人;相等物adj.相同的;同样的;胜任的v等于;比得上Paraphrase: same; to be exactly the same as something else; to be as good as something else(P66)our relationship is close and were equals, so I

4、only need a few words to bridge the gap between us.我们的关系亲密,彼此平等,所以我只需要只言片语就可以消除我们之间的隔阂。【用法详解】The happiness you feel is equal to the love you give.你感受到的幸福与你付出的爱相等。He is equal to doing this task.他能胜任这项任务。His paintings are without equal in the Western World.That is, no one else equals him in painting.他

5、的画在西方世界首屈一指。也就是说,在绘画方面没有人能比得上他。Anyone, whether he is an official or a bus driver, should be equally respected.任何人,无论他是官员还是公交车司机,都应被平等地尊重。The government must promote gender equality because women deserve more opportunities.政府应倡导性别平等,因为女性也应该获得更多机会。针对练习单句语法填空(1)She is very weak and not equal to _ (make

6、) a long journey.(2)Diet and exercise are _ (equal) important.(3)No one equals him _ strength.完成句子(4)Im sure he _ _ _ _ a teacher.我确信他能胜任做老师。【答案】(1)making(2)equally(3)in(4)is equal to being2demand n要求;需求vt.强烈要求;需要Paraphrase: desire; a very firm request for something; to ask for something very firmly

7、(P66) I must make my request longerand I must make it a question, not a demand我得把我的请求说得长一些我得把它变成一个疑问句,而不是一个要求【用法详解】The workers in this factory demanded to raise their salary.这家工厂的工人要求提高他们的工资。Yesterday evening, the couple came to my house and demanded help of/from me.昨天晚上,这对夫妇来到我家要求我帮忙。They demand th

8、at the books (should)be returned to the school library at once.他们要求把书立刻还回学校图书馆。He demanded of me to shut the gate.他要求我关上大门。Taxis are in great demand on rainy days.下雨天要雇出租汽车的人很多。The manager promised that they would try to meet their customers demands.经理许诺他们会尽力满足顾客的需求。【特别提醒】常见的动词后接宾语从句,用虚拟语气的动词:一坚持(in

9、sist);二命令(order, command);四建议(suggest, advise, propose, recommend);四要求(require, request, demand, desire)等。针对练习单句语法填空(1)Our products are of high quality so they are always _ great demand.(2)He demanded _ me to tell him the truth.完成句子(3)It is impossible to _ _ _ _.满足你所有的要求是不可能的。一句多译(4)他要求我们立马离开。He dem

10、anded that _ _ at once.He demanded _ _ _ _ at once.【答案】(1)in(2)of(3)satisfy/meet all your demands(4)we leave; of us to leave3relate vt.联系;讲述Paraphrase: connect a person or thing with something; to tell someone about something(P67)Does each sentence relate to the main idea? 每个句子都与主旨有关吗?【用法详解】I cant r

11、elate what you said to/with what I saw.我不能把你说的与我看到的联系在一起。Do you think the robbery ralated to that man?你认为抢劫案与那个男人有关吗?These two events were related to each other.这两个事件相互有联系。The commodity price changes in relation to the change in the supply and demand.商品价格会随着供求关系的变化而变化。【特别提醒】表示“与有关”的其他短语还有:be connect

12、ed with,be concerned with,have sth. to do with等。针对练习单句语法填空(1)The position calls for _(relate) experience in the field and being skilled at using computers.(2)His disease is related _his bad habit of diet.(3)What you did had nothing to do _ what you said.(4)It is difficult to relate these results _ a

13、ny known cause.完成句子(5)Trainees should be invited to _ new ideas _ their past experiences.应该要求实习生把新想法与他们过往的经历相联系。【答案】(1)related(2)to(3)with(4)to/with(5)relate; to/with(P66)Would you mind opening the window, please?请你把窗户打开好吗?【句式剖析】本句中的Would you mind opening为“would you mind doing sth.”句型,意为“你介意做某事吗?”。(

14、1)Would/Do you mind doing sth.?你介意做某事吗?(2)Would/Do you mind sb./sb.s doing sth.?Would you mind if sb.did sth.?Do you mind if sb.do sth.?【考点提炼】Would you mind moving your car?请你移动一下你的车好吗?Would/Do you mind my/me closing the window?Would you mind if I closed the window?Do you mind if I close the window?

15、你介意我关窗吗?【特别提醒】回答 “Do/Would you mind.?”问句时,一定要注意前后的一致性。常见的表示“不介意”的答语有:Certainly not./Not at all./Not a bit./No, go ahead。表示 “介意” 的答语有:Im sorry, but I./Yes, I do mind./Im sorry, but youd better not.针对练习单句语法填空(1)Would you mind my/me _ (leave)ahead of time?(2)Would you mind if I _ (change)channels on th

16、e TV?(3)Do you mind if I _ (come)with you?【答案】(1)leaving(2)changed(3)come写作高效提升话题佳句【引人入胜的开头句】1Learning a language is a gradual processit does not happen overnight.学习一门语言是一个循序渐进的过程一夜之间学不好语言。2English is one of the most important languages in the world so we should learn it well.英语是世界上最重要的语言之一,因此我们应该学好

17、它。【精彩纷呈的篇中句】3Remember learning is a processspeaking a language well takes time.记住,学习是一个过程说好一门语言是需要时间的。4Be patient and persistent, especially in the initial period of study when all of the effort seems to be with no result, do believe in that we will see the fruit of our hard work after the suffering

18、.耐心和坚持,特别是在学习的初期阶段,当所有的努力似乎都没有回报的时候。我们要相信,苦难过后,我们会看到努力学习的成果。【回味无穷的结尾句】5Practice makes perfect.熟能生巧。6If you work hard enough, you can grind an iron rod into a needle.只要功夫深,铁棒磨成针。历史现代汉语的标准语称为“普通话”,是以北京方言为基础的使用情况约有16%的世界人口把汉语作为第一语言,大部分居住在中国;普通话是中国的官方语言,也是联合国工作语言之一趋势汉语将在国际交流中发挥更重要的作用【写作指导】主题给外国朋友介绍汉语体裁应

19、用文人称第三人称为主时态一般现在时为主布局第一段:说明写作目的介绍汉语第二段:根据提示详细介绍汉语的历史、使用情况第三段:表达自己的期待汉语将在国际交流中发挥更重要的作用【遣词造句】.用本单元所学单词或短语填空1_ adj.主要的2_ n方言3_被称作4_ 以为基础5_ 导致6_ 起重要的作用Keys:1.major2.dialect3.is referred to as4.be based on5.lead to6.play an important part in.本单元语块、语法运用1完成句子(1)汉语是世界上重要的语言之一。Chinese is _ _ _ _ _ _.(2)现代汉语口

20、语的标准形式被称为“普通话”,它是以北京方言为基础的。The modern standard form of spoken Chinese _ _ _ _ “Mandarin” or Putonghua and it _ _ _ the Beijing dialect.(3)我相信在未来的国际交流中汉语将起着越来越重要的作用。Im sure Chinese will _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the international communication in the future.2句式升级(4)将句(2)升级为含有定语从句的句子_(5)将句(2)升级为含有过去分词短语作定语的句子_K

21、eys:(1)one of the worlds major languages(2)is referred to as;is based on(3)play a more and more important part in(4)The modern standard form of spoken Chinese is referred to as “Mandarin” or Putonghua which is based on the Beijing dialect.(5)The modern standard form of spoken Chinese is referred to

22、as “Mandarin” or Putonghua based on the Beijing dialect.【连句成篇】_One possible version:Dear Tom,Im glad you are interested in Chinese.Now Im writing to tell you something about it.Chinese is one of the worlds major languages.The modern standard form of spoken Chinese is referred to as “Mandarin” or Put

23、onghua, based on the Beijing dialect.At present, about 16% of the worlds population use Chinese as their first language, most of whom live in China.Mandarin is now the official language of China and is one of the working languages of the UN.Im sure Chinese will play a more and more important part in

24、 the international communication in the future.Yours,Li Hua写作练笔(2019甘肃省静宁一中高一上学期期中)假设你们班将举行一场以“Why Should We Learn English”为主题的英语演讲比赛。请你结合以下内容,写一篇80词左右的英语演讲稿。主要内容:1现在英语被广泛使用;2学习英语可以为我们带来很多好处,如可帮助我们考取理想大学,增强竞争力,了解外国文化,丰富生活。注意:1词数80左右;2可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。参考词汇:理想的ideal;有竞争力的competitiveWhy Should We Learn En


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