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1、小学英语学习目标听力(话题:名胜古迹) 通不同形式的听力题,学习与名胜古迹有关的词汇和句型。 能顺利完成听力习题。重:掌握与名胜古迹有关的词汇句型。难:握一定的听力技巧。 考与名胜古迹相关的词汇和句型。 考常出现在单词辨音、判断对错、听问句选答语等题型中。 知识梳理【力堂听子选与听容符图,其号入前号。( ) 1. C.( ) 2. C.( ) 3. B. C.( ) 4. C.( ) 5. C.答:1. B B 5. A思分:能听清并认清所给地点的英文表述。听力原稿: Maybe go to cinema. did and last went 3. at this big wheel. s v

2、ery high. A: Where you holiday?B: Im going to Australia see my grandparents. A: you evening? B: A: I have for a can go together. B: 判所内是与片符符的,符的画。 2. 5.( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 答: 3. 4. 5. 思分:的时候要关注句子中的地标性建筑的英文名称。听力原稿: My lives I love very much. are you going to do this summer?m going to go to England. W

3、here will go? will Australia.5. send you a postcard 看听话根听的容择当选。( ) 1. What USA ( ) 2. What did do? ( ) 3. Where did go? B. C.( ) 4. What ( ) 5. Where mum? C.答:1. B B 3. C 4. B 5. A思分:听准对话中的关键地点或地标性建筑的名称。听力原稿: A: Do you visit building? B: s that?A: It a important building. wants make peace in the B:

4、Where is A: It in York. A: Where did last B: I did you there?B: I rode A: Where did last B: I supermarket. buy B: A: This is nice. Where did you this B: I this in London.A: see. s Big B: Of course not. at Buckingham lace. A: What mum B: very home. A: Is good B: a cook me.听话根问选答,其号入前号。( ) ll go China

5、.B. He go to China.C. go to China.( ) 2. She the B. s going to go Shanghai tomorrow.C. He going ( ) 3. Where did Mary and her visit? visited _. a big house B. a big hole( ) 4. Yes, I like very Because I like very much.C. Because I like ( ) 5. Yes, I will.B. s going to go back to England.C. Im going

6、to go back 答:1.A 2. B 3. B 4.C 5. C思分:够抓住问句中关键的信息点如特殊疑问词和人物。 听力原稿: will Where is she tomorrow? did go last weekend, B:I went to Beijing with myA:Whatdid you there? B: visited a new school, because Ill go to Beijing with my parents year. Why do you like Australia? are going do this 听力测试是英语考试中的必考项目,因此

7、我们应该具备一些听力的方法和技巧。 正的发音。首先要做到单词和句子能够正确的发音,学会发音,才能够在听的时候游刃有余。 预考题。做听力题前先阅读题干,预估一下题意。 抓重点。听时要集中精力,删除那些不重要的干扰信息,抓住重要信息是解题的关键。 分修正。听后要分析推理,修正答案。总之听的提高是一个循序渐日积月累的过程。在听力训练中们应该先制定 好目标,坚持不懈,夯实语言基本功,掌握良好的听力技巧,不断实践,这样一定可以提高 听力水平。【力赏Places ChinaThere places to go China. I want Shanghai very big and very famous.

8、 Kunming is a beautiful place. s in the south of China, and s got a And there lakes in Guilin. I should all these places. Thats a good idea.词汇点拨: 著的 山 lake 湖 主意同步练习(答题间: 钟)一看听子判图是与听的容致用或表示 2. 3. 5.( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 7. 8. 9. 10.( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 二听音 根据到内选恰的项将标填在号。( ) 1. Amy _ very England ( ) 2.

9、Sam England, he Big he likes C. an English( ) 3. will Wall. Lucy( ) 4. What today?B. s grandma Daming B. Friday( ) 5. Where will summer?C. America C. China三听文根内判正(T)误。 ( ) and Jack theatre in after have ( ) There a lot people in the ( ) When the lights in theatre go out, the people are talking. ( )

10、theatre to ( ) and Jack live in Bishopton.四看听文根所内将名在应图下Jill Peter Ben Tony Mark答案一 解析:Chinatown 是唐人街的意思; 解析: 博馆,而不是 书馆; 解:题给的国旗是英国的; 解America 美,与所听内容一致; 解Big 大钟; 解析:听力中说的是 China 中,所给的图是日本;7. 解:hospital 院的意思;8. 解:the building 联合国大厦; 解: 感恩节;10. 解: and Japan 法国和日本,与所给信息不一致。听力原稿: Chinatown in New Tell m

11、e this museum. Peter, have American cards? is I like London. I can Big Ben. ve got many stamps China. me, can you tell me how to find the hospital? I visit UN Thanksgiving an festival in America.10. They from and 二 解:关键要听准 Amy 喜的是哪个国家; A 解:要听准 Sam 欢英国的原因是什么; 解析:关键是听清谁要去长城; B 解:问今天是星期几; 解:要听清今年夏天她们要去

12、哪儿。听力原稿:听第 段对话,回答第 1、 题。、 A: Sam. s a map of China. really China.B: Why you A: I like very much. you, B: I like Big Ben is very and 听第 段对话,回答第 3 题。、 A: you do B:Tomorrow Saturday. Im going to to Great Wall with my parents. you come with us, Lucy?A: Id to, but tomorrow my pa will to my home. ll stay

13、at home with my family.B: Have good A: Thank 听第 段对话,回答第 5 小题。 A: Amy, look at pictures. I took in B: s so beautiful. When did you take them, Mary?A: I them vacation. I really like Australia. I like koalas But I like pandas better, so Im going to to China this summer. Will you come me?B: Yes, I love

14、三、1. T 解:从第 1 段的描述中推断得出是对的; T 解:子 theatre is 与给的句子意思是一致的; F解析:据 and curtain will slowly the lights in theatre will and the play will will 推是错的; F的; T解析:据 doesn like the play, likes to laugh and happy. 推是错 解析:据 come up 判断是对的。听力原稿:Susan Jack are come shopping, have at a and go theatre in It past waiti

15、ng for play to The theatre full, is talking loudly and laughing chocolates. Soon the and will slowly the lights in theatre will and the play will begin. Then will be Last week, and Susan saw a evening they will see happy one. Susan doesn like the play, likes to laugh and happy.Now it half eight, the up the is After the Susan and Jack will go home last to leaves at ten twelve.四、Fuji PeterTiananmen Square The Tower Bridge Sydney Opera


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