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1、中级口译教程-热点话题王晨奥运VenueSolidarityTriumph ThemeVitalityAspirationCalligraphyA grand gathering BidtranscendShowcase/display/reflect/demonstrateUnfoldA well-off society Modernization drive Under optimum conditionsKeep pace with the times 残奥会 Paralympics绿色奥运 Green Olympics科技奥运 Hi-tech Olympics人文奥运 Peoples

2、Olympics国际奥委会 International Olympic Committee国家体育场 National Stadium普及体育运动 to popularize sports增强体质 enhance their physique弘扬奥林匹克精神carry forward the Olympic spirit会徽 emblem奥运五环 Olympic rings中国结 Chinese Knot吉祥物 mascot精神风貌 spirited outlook东方神韵 charm of oriental culture多元文化融合 amalgamate the diversified u

3、rban cultures of the world 国际知名度 international visibility奋发图强、不断进取 strive and excel博爱、团结、公平和宽容 brotherhood ,universality,justice and generosity国际展览局 Bureau of International ExhibitionInspire a generation 激励一代人奥运会的吉祥物文洛克(Wenlock)来自于马齐文洛克(Much Wenlock)的施罗普希尔村。在那里,曾经举办过文洛克奥林匹克运动会,而这项古老的赛事正是现代奥运之父顾拜旦创造现

4、代奥林匹克运动会的灵感来源地之一:在19世纪,顾拜旦曾被邀请去那里观看文洛克游戏,顾拜旦大受文洛克游戏的启发,进而创立了现代奥林匹克运动。1至今,文洛克游戏仍在举行。因此,为了纪念文洛克奥林匹克运动会,伦敦奥运会决定将吉祥物命名为“文洛克”(Wenlock)。 Title中国政府和人民一向赞赏奥林匹克精神的宗旨和原则。The government and people of China have always admired the essences and principles of the Olympic spirit .Title体育不仅让我们学会沟通、合作和尊重他人,它也是不同文明之间

5、加强联系的重要媒介。Sports teach us communication ,cooperation and respect for others ,and its also an important medium for strengthening ties among different civilizations .The Olympic Movement must show no mercy in dealing with any form of corruption or manipulation in this area .奥林匹克运动决不允许在竞争领域发生任何形式腐败和滥用职

6、权现象。我们将加快文化和体育事业的发展,促进社会的文明与进步,展现北京历史文化名城风貌和市民的良好精神风貌,实现东方神韵与现代奥运理念的完美结合。We will speed up the development of culture and sport ,promote social progress ,unfold the charm of Beijing as a historical and cultural city and show spirited outlook of its citizens .We hope to achieve the integration of the

7、charm of oriental culture with modern Olympic philosophy .公共卫生 public health医疗保健 medical care 社会保障 social security社会福利制度 the social welfare system医疗保险 medical insurance老年痴呆症 AlzheimersAn aging society refers to one with more than 10 percent of its population older than 60 ,or more than 7 percent of

8、its population older than 65 .老龄化社会指的是在一个社会中,60岁以上人口占总人口10%以上,或65岁以上人口占总人口7%以上。Currently there are more than 50,000 institutions for the aged all over China ,but they are a drop in the ocean when compared with the demand .The majority of the elderly still live at home ,wither by themselves or with t

9、heir children .目前,全中国共有5万多家养老机构,但与需求相比,这仅仅是杯水车薪。大多数的老年人还是住在家里,要么独立生活,要么和子女住在一起。The pension system in the countrys rural areas is especially worrying .The elderly usually depend on their offspring for a living and for health care expenses ,which barely works .该国农村地区的养老金体制尤为令人担忧。老人的生活和医疗费用一般依靠子女提供,而这种

10、方式往往不可行。AIDS:艾滋病是人类共同的挑战,给人民的身体健康、生命安全,乃至一国和地区的稳定带来严重威胁。/AIDS has posed a challenge to the entire mankind, producing serious threats to peoples health and life and even national and regional stability.近年来,尽管全世界艾滋病防治工作取得了一些进展,但形势仍非常严峻。今年全世界艾滋病病毒感染人数又创新高,突破3900万人,新增感染者490万人。/In recent years, though th

11、ere has been certain progress in global fight against AIDS, the situation remains grave. The number of this years 39 million HIV infections has set a new record with an increased number of 4.9 million.艾滋病防治是关系中华民族素质和国家兴亡的大事,目前中国政府加大了工作力度,预防并坚决遏制其蔓延势头。/AIDS prevention and treatment is a major issue p

12、ertinent to the quality and prosperity of the Chinese nation. At present, the Chinese Government is reinforcing its efforts to prevent and contain the spread of AIDS.d西部大开发:在中国中部地区吸收外资迅速增长的同时,西部地区吸收外资也取得了明显进展。/While the absorption of foreign investment in the eastern areas of China is growing at a r

13、apid speed, the western regions have also made obvious headway in its attraction of foreign investment.今年1月至6月底,西部地区新设立外商企业742家,合同外资19.1亿美元,实际使用外资7.1亿美元。/In the first six months of this year, 742 new foreign invested enterprises were set up in the western regions with the contractual value amounting

14、 to USD 1.91 billion and actually utilized value, USD 710 million.随着西部大开发战略的稳步推进,西部地区的资源优势、经济优势到充分发挥,经济增长的质量和水平将进一步提高。/As the strategy of developing the western regions is steadily pushed forward, the resource and economic advantages of the west will be brought into full play, thus further raising t

15、he quality and level of its economic growth.真题演练Throughout the country ,I met and heard directly from different groups of war-affected children and their families .Obviously ,the direct and indirect impact of the wars has taken a very toll on children.在全国各地,我会见了饱受战争创伤的儿童和他们的家人并直接听取了他们的述说。显而易见,战争直接和间

16、接的影响已经给儿童造成了非常严重的伤害。In the last 20 years ,the number of Americans over 65 who live with their adult children declined by half ,dropping from 18% to 9% .在过去20年里,和成年子女一起居住的65岁以上的美国人数量从18%下降到9%,减少了一半。There are many reasons for this decrease ,from the improved health of older Americans to the growing nu

17、mber of two-or-more-job holders .Moreover ,a third of the over-65 population lives entirely alone .这其中有很多原因,包括美国老年人健康状况有所改善及越来越多的家庭有两个或更多的人从事工作。还有,65岁以上的人口中有三分之一是完全独立生活的。例如:女领导一般对人们的感情和问题更加敏感,更注重同事的情绪,更愿意倾听他人的意见。For example :female leaders are generally more sensitive to peoples emotion and problems

18、 .They are more attentive to her colleagues mood changes and are always ready to pick up others opinions .今天我很荣幸在这里向大家介绍政府在医疗卫生信息化这一重要议题上所做的工作。I am honored to be here today to share with the Governments efforts in this very important subject informationization of medical and hygienic system .现在似乎公众仍然普遍认为,在医疗服务行业,信息技术的使用还没有普及,这种看法是错误的。It seems to me that today ,there is still a rather popular yet inaccurate perception among the public that we have not pop


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