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1、Unit 2 Keeping HealthyTopic 3 Must we exercise to prevent the flu?Section A 教学设计 Material analysis本节课为单元第一课时紧活动为 Section 的 1a 和 二单元谈论如何维持健康,第三话题谈论体育锻炼有助于健康绍了如何才能维持健康么才能正确地增强体育锻炼 育学生要珍爱健康,增强锻炼。课后学生能做出一份有关维持健康的手写报。Teaching aimsKnowledge aims1. 能正确拼读并运用单词表中的单词与短语:question, ahead, all the time, finally,

2、 Internet2. 能认读下列单词:journalist, throat 。3. 能用以下短语进行口头或书面的表达: away from, take some cold pills, changeour clothes to crowded places, do at once, play sports too 等。4. 能用 first, third, finally 有序地进行表达。5. 能正确地运用 must 提问:You must a good You mustnt throw litter around.Skill aims:1. 能听懂有关预防流感的对话或文章。2. 能正确阅读

3、有关预防流感的对话或文章。3. 能比较流畅地谈论有关预防流感的话题练地运用 must 问答征求意见或提建议。 4. 能正确地用书面形式表达有关预防流感的话题。Emotional aims:1. 学生能够听从他人建议,踊跃预防伤风。2. 强化学生维持健康的思想,教会学生如何更好地进行体育锻炼。 The key points and difficult pointsKey points:keep away take some pills, to crowded places, play too 短 语的明白得及运用。Difficult points :1. May you some questio

4、ns? some 在疑问句中的运用。2. Must 的回答语 No, don t have / we needn t. Learning strategies学会用 first, second, 谈话或写作学生英语口头和书面表达的层次性。 Teaching aidsComputer multimedia projector, pair glasses, microphone, cameraEveryday saying: Happiness lies first all health. 幸福第一在于健康。Teaching proceduresInteractionStep Student ac

5、tivity Teacher activitypattern1. The their attention on the students for learning.whole teacher.class the saying everyday saying for thestudents.(one a week)from group accept acts as a journalist and2. Thewholeclass 3.ThewholeIntroduction class interview:S1: Yes, please.S2: Yes. bed early get early.

6、S3: Drink enough waterevery day.S4: Eat fruit and vegetablesinterviews one group abouthow keep healthy:T: ajournalist CCTV. (Show picture of ” onscreen.) May I ask you aquestion? T: Do you know how keep healthy?(7 minutes )4.wholeTheoften keep healthy.S5: Take in sports.4. Teacher leads the students

7、 to readclass S6: Have a healthy eating “journalist”.habit. 5. Teacher shows the new5.The can read and understandthe words on the screen withwholemeaning. synonymous besides:go aheadclass understand the new words preventstopbuild by seeing synonymous keep healthy all the time read new according alwa

8、ys finally lastto phonetic syllables.1. The make sure know verb asks the students to lookwholephrases in 1b. They may through class discuss groups.listen and finish plays recording.plays 1a again and asks the2.Thelisten again finish students finish Presentatiwholeclass 3. Thewholeclass 4. Thewholecl

9、ass look through 1a, checking asks the students to looktheir answers 1b and through 1a and check their read after the recording answers.sentence sentence. plays 1a sentence by make sure they can read sentence.correctly. lets students in pairs.read at the same speed and plays without stopping.try to

10、imitate its explains some language pronunciation and points:nintonation. (1)May I ask you some(105. Theunderline their and questions?minutes)wholeunderstand what the (2) aheadclass 6. Thewholeclass 7. Thewholeclass teacher explains. (3) What should we do toprevent (4) build (5) all time(6) keep from

11、(7) firstsecondthird finally1. The whole read pairs choose 1. Teacher the students class the best and groupworkread 1a in pairs, and eachgroup chooses out the best pair.stand the teaching platform, Someand teacher makes a draw to2. Teacher makes a draw towork Somedecide will the journalist.decide wh

12、o will be the journalist.journalist beginsinterviewing acting out. Other students 3. Teacher gives the pair ofConsolidation(8 minutes) act a doctor team, and each glasses, and microphone work student one thing. to the journalist.retell 1a in pairs, ask andanswer using , ,4. Pair thirdand try to memo

13、rize 4. Teacher asks the students the verb retell 1a according to the sequence:(1) exercise to build up(2) keep our rooms and the air (3) our hands change our clothes (4) keep away from crowded1. The 1. Students replace the verb demonstrates students wholephrases in 1b into the make conversations by

14、 usingclass 2. Pair conversation together.2. Students ask and answer questions pairs.A: Must ?B: Yes, must.the verb in 1b.A: Must B: Yes, must.A: Must B: No, we don have to./ No, needn 3.workGroup A: Must ?B: No, we don have to./ 2. Teacher the students No, needn and answer pairs.Practice4. Group3.

15、Each group will make six 3. Teacher the students (10 minutes)workdifferent conversations.finish and pairwork5. The wholeclass 4. Teacher Member make the conversation pairs.4. Member and from each5. Teacher organizes a competitiongroup will show theto find out who is the fastestconversation.one to fi

16、nish making5. Students ask answerconversations by using thethe dialogue 1d using eightverb phrases 1b.verb phrases in 1b, and eachA: Must student makes eightB: Yes, must.conversations.A: Must B: No, have / No, needn Production(10 minutes)1. The whole understand the meanings of 1. Teacher explains th

17、atclass “symptoms and “sore “symptoms here meansthroat”. “illness and shows2. The2. Students guess something a picture “sore ”wholeabout illness. on screen.class 3. Students and finish asks the students to predict3. The of 2. They should know the what they are going to whole meaning listen class 4.

18、Students make sure they 3. Teacher the recordingknow phrases B 2. of 2.4. The5. Students and finish 4. Teacher the students wholeof look through B class 6. Volunteers read their 5. Teacher the recording5. The answers. of 2 again.whole 7. Students write down, and 6. Teacher checks answers.class they 7. Teacher the students may discuss groups. write phrases 3.6.Some8. Students summarize 8. Teacher the summarySection A, doing exercise to students.Workshown the screen. 9. Teacher assigns homework:7. The (1) Teacher thewh


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