1、Contract购货合同(Sales Contract),约定商品名称、规格型号、数量、价格、包装、产地、装运期、目的港、付款方式、索赔、仲裁等内容这标志着出口业务的正式开始。This Contract is mae by an between the Buyers an the Sellers, whereby the Buyers agree to buy anthe Sellers agree to sell the uner mentionecommoity accoring to the terms an conitions stipulate below:买方与卖方就以下条款达成协
2、议:COMMOITY:ItemNo.escription名称及规格Unit单位Qty数量Unit Price (FOB Chongqing) ($)单价Amount (FOB Chongqing) ($)总价1Moul of Plough V0 anV00Sets14847.364847.362Moul of Furrower AE0 anAE1Sets12371.942371.94Moul TOTAL VALUE:US 7219.3(Say U.S. ollars Seven Thousan Two Hunre An Nineteen Point Three Only)PloughV0Set
3、saccoringtoorer37.36accoring toorerPloughV00Setsaccoringtoorer35.36accoring toorerFurrower AE0withoutSGC93Setsaccoringtoorer6.90toorerSGC93Setsaccoringtoorer3.67accoring toorerFurrowerAE1Setsaccoringtoorer11.50accoring toorer TOTAL VALUE:US $ accoring to orer(Say U.S. ollars accoring to orerOnly)Oth
4、er terms 1:In the future, if the steel floating price will change no more than 5%, the quotation is no change; if the steel floating price will change more than 5%, the price be fixe by through negotiation by both sies. The table below list the steel price now.附 1:如果卖方国内市场钢材价格浮动小于或等于5%,以上产品价格不作变动;如果
5、钢材价格浮动大于5%,由买卖双方协商价格变动幅度。以下列出所用主要钢材现行价格:Q2350.5631065MN0.8541545#0.7451420.64622Other terms 2:In the future, if the current RMB price of the US ollar will change between 7.57.7, the quotation is no change; if the current RMB price of the US ollar will change excee 7.57.7, the price be fixe by throug
6、h negotiation by both sies.附 2:如果人民币与美圆汇率在 7.57.7 区间浮动,以上产品价格不作变动;如果汇率浮动超过此区间,由买卖双方协商价格变动幅度。COUNTRY ANMANUFACTURERS:China Chongqing Sanxia Machinery Factory 重庆市北碚三峡机械厂PACKING:V0 an V00In steel shelf 钢架包装AE0 an AE1:In cartons with Ribass bran. Ribas 商标的纸板箱包装SHIPPINGMARK:At Buyers Option 买方选定TIMEOFSHI
7、PMENT(装运期):Open mouls an eliver samples: within 80 ays after receipt of T/T开模具及送样:卖方收到外汇现金 80 天内送样Formal orer: After buyers confirm sample an then confirm orer, within some ays after receipt of T/T, to confirm times accoring to orer.正式定单:在买方确认样本及正式定单后,卖方收到外汇现金一定时间内装运,具体时间根据订单确定。PORTOFSHIPMENT(装运港):C
8、hongqing,ChinaPORTOFESTINATION(目的港):BarcelonaSpainINSURANCE(保险):Tobecoverebybuyersfor110invoicevalueagainstAllRisks.PAYMENT(付款方式T/T100%外汇现金结算付款, 买方给卖方开出 100%外汇现金 T/T。Sellerss Bank information:卖方银行资料:SHIPMENT:The Sellers shall ship the goos within the shipment time from the port of shipment to the es
9、tination. Transshipment is allowe. Partial shipment is not allowe.运输:卖方应于交货期内将合同货物从装货港运到目的港,不许分批,允许转运。SHIPPINGAVICE:Thesellersshall,immeiatelyuponthecompletionoftheloaingoftheavisebyfaxthebuyersof the Contract No., commoity, quantity, invoice value, gross weight, name of vessel an ate of elivery etc
10、. In case ue to the sellers not having faxe in time, all losses cause shall be borne by thesellers.装运通知:卖方应于装货后,立即用传真将有关合同号、货物、数量、发票价值、毛重、运输工具名称、GUARANTEE OFQUALITY:The Sellers guarantee that the Commoity hereof is mae of the best materials with first class workmanship, bran new an unuse, an complie
11、s in all respects with the quality an specification stipulate in this Contract.质量保证:卖方保证合同货物采用最好的材料、精湛的做工、全新、未使用过、质量和技术规格均契合合同的要求。CLAIMS:amages occur in the course of operation by reason of inferior quality, ba workmanship or the use of inferior materials, the Buyers shall immeiately notify the Sell
12、ers in writing an put forwar a claim supporte by Inspection Certificate issue by the State Aministration for Entry-Exit Inspection an Quarantine of P.R.C. .The Certificate so issue shall be accepte as the base of a claim. The Sellers, inaccorance with the Buyers claim shall be responsible for the im
13、meiate elimination of the efect(s), complete or partial replacement of the commoity or shall evaluate the commoity accoring to the state of efect(s). If the Sellers fail to answer the Buyers within one month after receipt of the aforesai claim, the claim shall be reckone as having been accepte by th
14、e Sellers.索赔:由于货物内在的质量、差的做工、选材不当而造成操作中的货物损坏,买方应立即书面通知卖方, 并且同时随附中国商检局出具的试验报告作为索赔依据。卖方在接到买方的索赔后,有责任立即解决相应的个月内未能作出答复,则视为索赔已为卖方所接受。FORCEMAJEURE:The Sellers shall not be hel responsible for the elay in shipment or non-elivery of the goos ue to Force Majeure, which might occur uring the process of manufac
15、turing or in the course of loaing or transit. The Sellers shall avise the Buyers immeiately of the occurrence mentione above an within fourteen ays thereafter, the Sellers shall sen by airmail to the Buyers for their acceptance a certificate of the accient issue by the Competent Government Authoriti
16、es where the accient occurs as evience thereof. Uner such circumstances the Sellers, however, are still uner the obligation to take all necessary measures to hasten the elivery of the goos.不可抗力:关于于制造或装船运输进程中可能产生的不可抗力而造成的迟交货或不能交货,卖方可以不承担责任。卖方应立即在不可抗力产生的十四日内将有关情况通知买方,并且且卖方应用航空邮件将有关政府当局部门出具的表明不可抗力产生的文件
17、寄送给买方。在此情况下,卖方仍应尽最大努力采取各种措施促使货物的发运。LATE ELIVERY ANPENALTY:Shoul the Sellers fail to make elivery on time as stipulate in the Contract, with exception of Force Majeure causes specifie in Clause 15 of this Contract. The Buyers shall agree to postpone the elivery on conition that the Sellers agree to p
18、ay a penalty which shall be eucte by the paying bank from the payment. The Penalty, however, shall not excee 5% of the total value of the goos involve in the late elivery. The rate of penalty is charge at 0.5% for every seven ays. O ays less than seven ays shoul be counte as seven ays. In case the S
19、ellers fail to make elivery ten weeks later than the time of shipment stipulate in the Contract, the Buyers shall have the right to cancel the contract an the Sellers, in spite the cancellation, shall still pay the aforesai penalty to the Buyers without elay.(15 条款所言的不可抗力)7 日%计算,7 7 日计。如果卖方未能于合同规则的交
20、货期之后的十周内发运,买方有权取消该合同,除此之外,卖方仍要将有关罚金不加拖延地付给买方。TERMINATION OFCONTRACT:Terminate contract by through negotiation by both sies. Sellers shoul give back moul that have pai, The transport costs of give back moul, to be covere by buyers.合同终止:经双方协商终止合同的。卖方应将买方已付费的模具全部归还买方,归还模具产生的运输费用,由买方支付。ARBITRATION:Any ispute arising from or in connection with th
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