



1、天津盘山道中学高二英语期末试题含解析一、 选择题1. The old couple have been married for 30 years, and never once _ with each other.A. they have quarreled C. had they quarreledB. did they quarrel D. have they quarreled 参考答案:D略2. Many of the big world sports events are _by wealthy big companies, who hope to advertise their c

2、ompanies or their products. A. organized B. arranged C. hosted D. sponsored 参考答案:D3. When you finish reading the book, youll have_better understanding of_life.Aa; the Bthe; a C/; the Da; /参考答案:D4. _ more about university courses, call (920)746-3789. A. Find out B. To find out C. Finding out D. Found

3、 out参考答案:B5. Thanks for your help, but can you do me one more favor, please? _, Sir. Whats it then?A. Just a minute B. My pleasure C. Thats right D. At your service参考答案:D6. His report was so exciting that it was _ interrupted by applause. A. constant B. constantly C. seldom D. never参考答案:B7. How long

4、 do you think it will be _ China sends another manned spaceship to the moon?A.when B.until C.that D.before参考答案:D8. It is widely accepted that young babies learn to do things because certain acts lead to A. rewards B. prizes C. awards D. results参考答案:A9. More money and effort should be spent to _ the

5、cultural relics in the world.A. keep B. remain C. preserve D. support参考答案:C10. _1_ is known to us all is that China has launched Shenzhou VII spaceship, _2_ made the countrys first spacewalk successful.AThat;what BWhat; whichCIt; which DAs ;that参考答案:B【详解】考查名词性从句和定语从句。句意:众所周知,中国已经发射了神州7号宇宙飞船,这是中国首次成功

6、的太空行走。第一空处为主语从句,从句缺少主语,需用what引导;第二空所在句子是个定语从句,先行词为整个主句的内容,从句中缺少主语,需用which引导。故选B。11. You can ask him again if you like, but it wont make any _ hell still say no.A. difference B. result C. use D. consequence参考答案:A12. _ _ the rising birth rate and immigration, the declining death rate also _ _ the popu

7、lation growth.A. In consequence of; caused B. In addition to; resulted inC. In terms of; resulted from D. In spite of; accounted for参考答案:B略13. If we _ the other road, we might have arrived here in time for the meeting. A. take B. had taken C. took D. have taken参考答案:B14. There were signs here and the

8、re, _ visitors to look out for _ rocks. A. warning; fallen B. warned; falling C. to warn; fallen D. warning; falling参考答案:D15. _ you do the experiment carefully, you would make discoveries others wouldnt make.A. ShouldB. WouldC. CouldD. Might参考答案:A16. _ the day went on, the weather got worse. A. With

9、 B. Since C. While D. As 参考答案:D17. I _ more careful in that quiz. I made too many stupid mistakes.A. must be B. could have beenC. must have been D. could be参考答案:B【详解】考查情态动词。句意:在那次测验中我本可以更加仔细。我犯了太多愚蠢的错误了。对过去事情的推测,用情态动词 + have done。could have been对过去的推测,“某人可能做过某事”;must have been对过去的推测,“一定已经,肯定已经”。故选B。

10、18. With age _ experience. As you pass through life, you go through many trials.A coming B comes C will come D has come参考答案:B考查倒装。句意:年龄增长会相应地带来阅历的增加。在生活中,你会经受许多考验。这里为完全倒装句,正常语序为experience comes with age.,根据句意可知,陈述客观事实,故用一般现在时。故选B。19. In Britain today women _ 44% of the workforce and nearly half the

11、mothers with children are in paid work.A. hold up B. build up C. consist of D. account of 参考答案:D二、 书面表达20. 书面表达 (共1题,满分15分)某英文报正在就建立良好的师生关系进行讨论。作为一名中学生,请你围绕 “A good relationship benefits us all” 这个话题,根据以下要点,用英语写一篇100-120个词的短文。1. 建立良好的师生关系的必要性;2. 你认为良好的师生关系应该怎样的;3. 如何才能建立这种关系。注意: 开头已为你写好,不计入总词数。A goo

12、d relationship benefits us allAs a middle school student, I think it necessary to build a good relationship with our teachers. _ 参考答案:略21. 假定你是李华,你校为防止同学们浏览不健康的网站,关闭了教室中电脑的网络浏览功能,对此你们感到非常难过。请你根据以下提示,给校长写一封信,劝说校长开通教室内的网络。劝说理由:1. 有利于查找资料;2. 浏览新闻,了解信息;3. 作为高中生,我们正在形成自己的判断力。注意:1. 词数:100左右;2. 信的开头和结尾已经给出

13、,不计入总词数。Dear Headmaster, Im writing to persuade you to let us surf the Internet in the classroom. _Yours sincerely,Li Hua参考答案:Dear Headmaster, Im writing to persuade you to let us surf the Internet in the classroom. We know youre afraid that we may be exposed to unhealthy websites. Actually every co

14、in has two sides. We think that surfing the Internet can bring us more advantages.First of all, there is a lot of learning resources on the Internet and we can make good use of them. In addition, we can broaden our horizons by reading latest news online. Last but not least, as high school students,

15、we are forming our judgment. Given chances, we are sure that we will learn to stay away from unhealthy websites.I do hope you can take my suggestions into consideration. Yours sincerely,Li Hua三、 阅读理解22. A shopkeeper sent his son to learn about the secret of happiness from the wisest man in the world

16、. The boy walked a long way, and finally came upon a beautiful castle where the wise man lived. Rather than finding a holy man, though, our hero, on entering the main room of the castle, saw a hive of activity: tradesmen came and went, people were chatting in the corners and a small orchestra was pl

17、aying soft music. The wise man talked with everyone, and the boy had to wait for two hours before it was his turn. The wise man listened carefully to the boys explanation of why he had come, but told him that he didnt have time just then to explain the secret of happiness. He suggested the boy look

18、around the palace and return in two hours. “Meanwhile, I want to ask you to do something,” said the wise man, handing the boy a teaspoon that held two drops of oil. “As you wander around, carry this spoon with you without allowing the oil to spill”. The boy began to walk up and down stairs in the pa

19、lace, keeping his eyes fixed on the spoon. After two hours, he returned. “Well,” asked the wise man, “Did you see the Persian tapestries (波斯织锦) hanging in my dining hall? Did you see the garden that it took the master gardener 10 years to create?” The boy was embarrassed, and replied that he had obs

20、erved nothing. His only concern had been not to spill the oil. “Then go back and observe the wonderful things of my world,” said the wise man. Then the boy picked up the spoon and returned to his exploration of the palace, this time observing all of the works of art on the ceilings and the walls. He

21、 saw the gardens and the mountains all around him. When he returned, he described in detail everything he had seen. “But where are the drops of oil I gave to you?” asked the wise man. Looking down at the spoon he held, the boy saw that the oil was gone. “Well, there is only one piece of advice I can

22、 give you,” said the wise man. “The secret of happiness is to see all the wonders of the world and never to forget the drops of oil on the spoon.” 29. When the shopkeepers son arrived at the castle, he _. A. received warm welcome from the wise man B. didnt expect to see so many people around C. was shown around the palace by the local people D. had already missed his chance to talk to the wise man30. The wise man gave the boy two tasks in order


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