



1、Module9 Unit2 I feel happy.教案外研社新标准(三起点)五年级上册内 容M9U2 I feel happy.科目英语执教人王瑞单 位青川县青溪镇中心小学校教材分析本课是外研社新标准英语(三年级起点)五年级上册Module9Unit2这一模块主要谈论自己亲身经历一件事情后的心情与感觉,通过别人的询问和自己的描述来表达自己的真实情感。本单元的新单词及句型“I feel.”等内容接近生活,易于学生接受和掌握。学情分析五年级学生已经具备了基本的听、说、读、写能力,但是随着年龄增长,学生逐渐变得害羞,特别是怕出错让别人笑话,这种爱面子的心理使学生不爱举手,阻碍了他们张嘴说英语,本

2、课通过歌曲、chant、表演表情等多种活动,鼓励学生张嘴多说,自信表达。教学目标(一)知识目标:1. 新授表达情绪感受的单词:feel,sad,angry,tired;能认读单词:won,ruler, farm, smell。2.会读、理解并运用功能句I feel.。 (二)技能目标:1.能够听懂、会说句型I feel.。2.能灵活运用功能句表达自己的情绪感受并询问、表达他人的感受。(三)情感目标:学生在学习过程中了解他人的情绪和感受,会用英语表达自己的心情,在学习的过程中培养学生的学习兴趣。教学重难点教学重点:1.能掌握新单词:feel, tired, angry, sad并运用在情境中表达

3、不同的情绪。2.在情境中使用I feel.句型。教学难点:能在具体语境中灵活运用句型I feel.来表达自己的情绪。教学准备多媒体课件、单词卡片,图片等相关视频和音频。教学过程学习活动设计意图Step1 Warming-up.Greeting.Sing a song.Step2 Lead in.T: Im happy now. How about you? Are you happy? S: Yes, I am happy. T: Great! When you say I am happy, it means I feel happy. Today we are going to learn

4、 this new lesson: I feel happy. Step3 PresentationTeach the new words: feel, sad, angry, tiredfeelT: Please look at this word: feel, now read after me: ee - /i:/S: /i:/T: see, cheese, beef. Can you read this one now? (Point to feel)S: feel sadT: Nice work. But in our daily life, we are not only happ

5、y, right? So, lets see some different feelings. (Play the flash of part1)T: Is he happy?S: No, hes not happy.T: Yeah, hes not happy. Hes sad. (Act) Now, read after me: sad, sad, I feel sad. Now, boys read! OK, girls read!T: So, we can say he feels sad.The same way to teach “angry”.tiredT: Wow, we ha

6、ve learned so much for this class. Im a little tired now. Lets watch a video to relax. (Play the video)T: OK, everyone, in this video we can see Daddy Pig is running, right? But how does he feel? You can answer in Chinese.S: 很累。T: Good answer! We can say he feels tired. Now read after me: tired, tir

7、ed, he feels tired. (In lower and lower voice)Learn the text context. Watch the flash of part2T: Good work. Now, look! Who is she? (Show the picture of Lingling)S: She is Lingling.T: Yes, and these are Linglings friends. Lets see how do they feel and why? (Play the flash)Answer :How does he/she feel

8、?She feels happy. -I won a chess game last week. Now, I feel happy.He feels hungry. -I can smell some nice noodle soup. Now, I feel hungry. She feels sad. -I lost my pen and ruler yesterday. Now I feel sad. He feels tired. -I helped my grandpa on the farm all day. Now, I feel tired. see, cheese, bee

9、f,以旧带新,使学生自然拼读出feel,同时教授学生主要句型I feel happy.通过观看flash视频,在真实的语境中教授学生表达情绪的单词sad,angry,通过老师形象地肢体语言使学生清晰的理解单词含义。通过观看小猪佩奇动画片段,使学生直观感受tired的含义并认读这个单词.学生带着问题看flash,可以帮助他们理解课文内容;通过前面的单词及句型教学,学生能顺利的表达出他人情绪。Step4 Practice.1. Listen and repeat.2. Retell the pictures. Step5 Consolidation.Act and guessStep6 Summary. 1. Lets chant.Happy, happy, happy, I feel happy.Sad, sad, sad, I feel sad.Tired, tired, tired, I feel tired.Angry, angry, angry, she feels angry.Hungry, hungry, hungry, he feels hungry.t forget:“No matter what happens, keep smiling.”Step7 Homework


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