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1、单元主题素养练Unit 1Tidy up!提示:点击 进入习题一二三四五六趣听练趣读写趣说练七八九一、客厅很乱, 孩子们把东西丢得到处都是, 这些物品都是谁的呢? 听录音, 连线。对话读两遍。1. A. Jim B. Daisy 4. 2. C. Robin D. Linda 5. 3. E. Mike 二、受新型冠状病毒的影响, 疫情期间孩子们每天必须待在家里, 他们今天在家做了什么呢? 听录音, 给下列图片排序。对话读两遍。 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )4 512 3三、妈妈正在帮孩子们整理物品。听一听她和Paul的对话, 补全表格。对话读两遍。 WhatWhoseWhat co

2、lourWhere1. _Jimsyellowon the floorcrayonLindas2. _on the desk3. _Paulsgreenunder the bed4. _Johnswhite5. _ on the bed capredsocksshirt四、Jim的房间很乱, 妈妈看了很生气, 让他把房间收拾好。看图, 根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。This is Jims room. What a m . His s and T- are on the floor. essocksshirtHis u is on the desk. The b are everywhere

3、on the bed. His c is near thetrash can(垃圾桶). His shoes are on the chair. Mum is angry. She asks Jim to t up his room right now, or he cant w TV this evening. Jim knows he is wrong, so he is tidying up his room now. atch idymbrellaooksap五、墙上挂了五顶不同颜色的帽子, 它们的颜色依次是棕色、黑色、蓝色、橙色、白色。请你根据下面的描述猜测帽子是谁的, 然后回答后面

4、的问题。Sam:The brown cap is not mine. My cap is next to Bobs cap. Jack:The black cap isnt Sams. Bob: I like blue. My cap is my favourite colour. Mike:The orange cap is not Jacks. Amy:Mikes cap is brown. My cap is next to Sams cap. 1. Whose cap is brown?_2. Is the black cap Jacks?_3. Is the brown cap Bo

5、bs?_Mikes cap is brown. Yes,it is. No,it isnt. 4. Whose cap is orange?_5. What colour is Amys cap?_Its white. Sams cap is orange. 六、Kevin找不到自己的球, 请Linda帮他找。请你读一读他们的对话, 选择合适的句子将对话补全。A. Whose balls are they?B. Yes, that new ball is mine. C. What are you doing?D. Is the blue ball yours?E. No, they are

6、not mine. Linda: Hello! Kevin.1. _Kevin: Im looking for my ball. Can you help me?CLinda: Sure. There are three balls over there. Are they yours?Kevin: 2. _Linda: What colour is your ball?Kevin: My ball is blue. A. Whose balls are they?B. Yes, that new ball is mine. C. What are you doing?D. Is the bl

7、ue ball yours?E. No, they are not mine. EA. Whose balls are they?B. Yes, that new ball is mine. C. What are you doing?D. Is the blue ball yours?E. No, they are not mine. Linda:3. _Kevin: The yellow ball is Joes. The brown ball is Alices. Linda: 4. _Kevin: No, its Peters. His ball is old. My ball is

8、new. ADLinda:Look, Peter is playing with a blue ball. Is that yours?Kevin:5. _ Thank you. Linda: Youre welcome. A. Whose balls are they?B. Yes, that new ball is mine. C. What are you doing?D. Is the blue ball yours?E. No, they are not mine. B 七、客厅很乱, Tom会怎么收拾呢? 看图, 写一写。不少于5句话。The living room is in a

9、 mess. Let me tidy it up. _ The living room is in a mess. Let me tidy it up. My umbrella is on the floor. I put it in the box. My cap is on the floor. I put it on my bed. My crayon is on the_floor. I put it in my schoolbag. I put my books in my schoolbag, too. Now the living room is clean. 八、这些物品是谁的

10、? 请你根据图片, 仿照例子说一说。 Whose books are these? They are Kitty and Bens. 例1. Kitty 2. Jill1. Whose umbrella is this? Its Kittys. 2. Whose crayons are these? They are Jills. 3. Alice 4. Joe3. Whose schoolbag is this? Its Alices. 4. Whose socks are these? They are Joes. 九、请你根据上面的图片, 仿照例子和你的小伙伴练习对话。umbrella

11、JoeIs the umbrella yours, Joe?No, it isnt. Its hers. Its Kittys. 例1. crayonsJill2. schoolbagBen3. socksKitty1. Are the crayons yours, Jill?Yes, they are. They are mine. 2. Is the schoolbag yours,Ben?No, its hers. Its Alices. 3. Are the socks yours, Kitty?No, they arent. They are his. They are Joes.

12、一、1. Whose cap is this? Its Robins. 2. Is that your sweater, Linda? Yes, its mine. 3. Whose socks are those? They are Jims. 4. Are these your shoes,Mike? No, they are not mine. They are Daisys. 5. Is this your toy car,Daisy? No, its Mikes. 二、1. Can you put your cap on your bed,Jack? Sure. 2. Lets tidy up our room,children. OK. 3. Whats in the basket,Mum? Its full of vegetables. 4. Whose umbrella is it,Jack? Its hers. 5. Are they your crayons,John? Yes, they are mine. 三、W:Whose cap is this,Paul?Its on the floor. M:Its yellow. Its Jims. W:There is a red crayon on the


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