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1、BEC初级考试真题InstructionstoCandidates(a)The timeallowedforthis examinationis 2 hours.(b) Answerall 4 questions.(c)Use the spaces providedin the combinedquestionand answerbook lettocompletetheanswers.If morespace is needed foranswers or roughnotes,use thesupplementarysheets providedand secure theminside

2、yourbookletwithyour nameandcandidatenumberclearly writtenon each sheet.Rough notes shouldbe clearlycrossed through.(d) Creditwillbe given forcorrectspelling,punctuationand grammar.(e) Adequateand appropriatecommunicationis requiredratherthana particularnumber of words.(f)When youfinish, check yourwo

3、rkcarefully.(g) The use of standardEnglish dictionariesand cordless non-programmablecalculatorsis permitted.Candidates whose firstlanguage is not English may use a bilingualdictionary.ENTER DETAILS BELOWCANDIDATES NAME IN FULLAs it is toappear on the certificateIDENTITY CARD NUMBERSubjectCode Number

4、1041 Candidate sNumber.CentreCodeFull PrivateAddress .Postcode .CentreName and Address?STATE HERE THE NUMBER OF ADITIONAL SHEETSHANDED IN QUESTION 1Situation: Watsons Plastics, whereyouworkinthe Accounts Department,has a fleet ofcompany cars. You have noticedthatthebillsforminorbodyworkrepairsand da

5、maged types have increased steadily in the last year. Driverreportsseem toindicatemanyexamplesof careless parking and accidentshappening whenthe cars are privately used afterworkinghours.Task: Writea memoto the Finance Manager,James Shah, informinghim of the situationand asking forhis advice aboutyo

6、urconcerns overrising costs, cars not inuse etc.Lay out youransweras a memo,in the space below, makingup any necessary details.MEMORANDUMTO DATE FROM REFSUBJECTQUESTION 1 CONTINUEDYou may continuewritingyourmemohere:QUESTION 2Situation:Your company,Peak Security, is applyingforthe securitycontractat

7、 a numberof majorsportingevents. You have been asked tocheck the informationbelowabout theBurlingtonFields Tennis Festival.Task: Read the articleon BurlingtonField opposite,thensay whetherthe followingstatementsare TRUE or FALSE. Then quoteONLY the wordor phrase fromthe textthatsupportsyouranswer. T

8、he inclusionof irrelevantinformationwillbe penalised.Writeyouranswers on the lines markedA.1 The BurlingtonField festivalis usually held in June.A _2 The festivalcan be reached onlyby car or railway.A _3 The ChampionsCourtis open to everyone.A _4 There are fewerthan50 places tobuy foodor drink.A _5

9、Any of the230 driverswilltake visitorstotheirhotel.A _6 BurlingtonFields bringstogetherthevery best players.A _7 Dishonestpeoplecan be foundat thefestival.A _8 Bars and restaurantsat BurlingtonFields are open24 hoursa day.A _9 Apartfromsecurityguards, the festivaldoes nothingtoalertpeopletothe prese

10、nce ofthievesA _10 The Tie Break Bar caters foroldervisitors.A _(30 marks)QUESTION 2 CONTINUEDBURLINGTON FIELDS THE HOME OF FIRST CLASS TENNISSince1979BurlingtonFieldhas been oneofthe mostimportantsporting eventsinthewesternworld,attractingworldclass playersandreceivingmedia coveragefrom120countries

11、aroundtheglobe. Thefestivalruns over a fortnight,alwaysthelast 2weeks inJuly,anddraws huge crowds of visitors, hoping to enjoythe thrillsofthetournamentandthelivelyexcitementofthe crowdedbarsand eatingplaces. Thereis always the chance, especially ifyou keepyourwits aboutyou,of rubbingshoulders,oreve

12、nsharing atable,withastarofthetennisworld!The enormous complexcoversover asquare kilometre. Thereare 8entrancepoints fromthe spacious car parks and 2 fromtherail station.Afurther entrancepoint isavailable topeople arriving on the riverboatsorbyhelicopter.Thehelicopterlanding pointhasbeen very freque

13、ntly used in thelast 5years.Fifteencourtsprovideenoughtopclass tennisfortheappetitesof the mostdemandingfans. Withthe exceptionof ChampionsCourt,whichadmitsbooked-in-advancebadgeholdersonly, visitorscan movefreelyfromone courtto anotherand haveaccess toall butthe Members Restaurant.Such names as Win

14、nersGallery,the Ball and Racquet, the SeafoodBarand TheTie BreakBar (thislast being really popular with youngerenthusiasts) draw inthecustomersfrom thetime thegates open at 1000 hours until thelast match has beenplayed around2100.All this movement of so many peopleinevitablybringsits problems.Anarmy

15、 ofofficials, waiters,securitymenetcisneededto ensure thesmoothrunningofthefestival,and, as always thereareoccasionswhen mattersgo wrong.Recentfestivals have seen significant increases in the numberofcounterfeit-ticketsellers, and pickpocketshavecreatedtheirshare of misery,as bagsandwalletshavegonem

16、issing. Thereare signswarningpeople,but it seems everyonecanloseconcentrationfora few seconds and thatis all athiefneeds!The facts and figuresbelowbearout whatan immenseand complexaffairthe festival has BECome:In 1997 therewere:1,400 caterersrepresenting200 firmsprovidingfoodand drinkin over80 outle

17、ts330 guards and securitymen,controllingentrancesandexits, patrollingcrowdsand dealingwithproblemslike lost children,peopletakenill,and otherdifficulties300 courtofficials,including45 umpireswhocover 2 matchesa day, andteams of line judges230 drivers,thereforthe exclusive use of playersand officials

18、comingto and from thefestival.Driversneed a clean licence and, aboveall, a good knowledgeof the areasstreetsandhotels.Manyotherworkers,fromcleaners to programmesellers, make up thiswell-drilledarmy.QUESTION 3Situation: You have been asked to check the details of a number of office-cleaningagencies.T

19、ask: Read the information opposite and answer the questions below in the space provided using no more than 3 words.Complete sentences are NOT required.ANSWERS1 Which firm has been established the longest2 Which firm has no listed contracts3 What is the charge per sq metre with Acme Cleaners4 How man

20、y firms employ more men than women5 How many firms have more than 20% staff turnover6How many banks are mentioned in the listed contracts7Does Spick & Span offer full window cleaning services8Is Davies Hygiene fastest in dealing with complaints9Which company based outside London was most recently st

21、arted10Which London-based company has the lowest staff turnover11How many companies carry more than 1 million insurance cover12Is the shortest contract available 3 months13Has Office Clean more listed contracts than ABC Clean14 Can you telephone complaints to Dusters15 Will Spot On clean your window

22、s outside16 Has Spick & Span more female employees than Dusters17 Which firm is slowest to deal with complaints18 Which firm has the highest cost per sq metre19 How many firms clean exterior windows20 Which London-based firm offers the cheapest daily cleaning service(20 marks)QUESTION 3 CONTINUED(图片

23、略 )QUESTION 4Situation: Read the following conversation beween 2 employees of the neilson CarpetFactory in Phuket.Task: Complete the Accident Report form using the information in the conversationbelow.Anna Leow We had a nasty accident this morning. A young woman broke her ankle.Acham Scott Yes, I he

24、ard. Friday the 13th, an unlucky day indeed. Was she an employee hereAnna Leow No, she was a bisitor. I was just taking her to see the canteen and have a drink. She slipped on the stairs.Acham Scott That stair carpet has been loose for a while now. It ought to ve replaced.Whatwas the lady s nameAnna

25、 Leow Jan Li. Ive got her details. livesShe with her husband on Yaowarat Road,number 43, here in Phuket.Acham Scott When did you say it happened This morningAnna Leow Yes. It was precisely 1020.Acham Scott And you sent her to hospital in an ambulanceAnna Leow No, we sent her by car to save time.Acham Scot


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