



1、 PAGE 5 5 页A braham Lincoln was born in a poor family ,and had little educationg(D C B A B)1.which is the American2.littlemuch3. Whole-heartedly4。not often5。 Both simple but greatA man on a lonely island can (D C A C C)A man on a lonely island can act as he likes, because D。 he feels it unnecessary

2、to consider others_。Two strangers will never get along well unless _C。 they make peace with each other or one defeats the otherIf you meet a tribe whose language you dont know, you can offer all the followings EXCEPT _A.teaching them your language。The arrival of an important visitor is something out

3、 of the ordinary, so they will . C。 receive the visitor betterIf you want to live well in a community,C . you should follow the rules and conventions of societyAtomsare all around us。They are the bricks (B D A A D )1。many millions of atoms2.both A and C3。at all time 4.usually hold together5。meltingB

4、eing a man has always been dangerous。 (C C B A D)1. According to the author, what was the danger a man had to face?CLower survival。2。 The sentence There is another way to commit evolutionary suicide perhaps means.C.there is another factor to prevent us from evolving3. The example of India interprets

5、 thatB。 natural selection hardly works among the rich and the poor4。 The author argues that our bodies have stopped evolving because .A。 life has been improved by technological advance5. What is the main idea of the passage?DHuman evolution going nowhere.Charlie Chaplin has broken all records in mak

6、ing people laugh.( A D D D B)All of the following about Charlie Chaplin are true exceptA。 he was born in the USAAccording to the author, Charlie Chaplin has been popular with generation after generation becauseD。 both B and C3。According to Charlie Chaplins life history writers,had a strong influence

7、 on the type of films he made.D。 his unhappy early years in the poor area inLondon4。According to the passage, which of the following is true?D. Chaplins films are the combinations of funny and sad elements.5.This passage wasB. written about Charlie ChaplinCulture shock might be called an (A A C A C)

8、1。According to the passage, culture shockA. is an occupational disease of foreign people2。According to the passage, culture shock results fromA。 the sudden change of the social atmosphere and customs3。Which one of the following may not be the symptoms of culture shock ? C You suddenly forget what a

9、word means 4。How would a person who stays abroad most probably react when he or she is frustrated by the culture shock according to the passage? A。 He is most likely to refuse to absorb the strange environmentat first.5。This passage is most likely taken fromC.a book on medicine and psychologyFor tho

10、usands of years people dreamed1。 Which of the following is true?A. People have always hoped to fly since ancient times.Which of the following is a great change brought by flying? B。 People can reach any place in the world within 24 hours。What does the word ”tropical (paragraph 3) mean? C. The southe

11、rn hot area。4。 The development of aviation provided people with 。 D。 more job chances Few countries will admit officially that theyHow many men got out? B. Three.2。 How were they dressed? C. They dressed in heavy black coats.3。 They kept looking。 B. over the sideWhat were they doing in that cold mor

12、ning? A。 They were exchanging spies。How do the American office men(A D C D C)According to the text, some women have to work in pants because A. pants are almost a necessity for their workdress in good taste” (in Paragraph 3) may refer toD. dress in proper and unobvious clothesThe importance of groom

13、ing cannot be overemphasized (in Paragraph 4) may most probably mean C.grooming should be overemphasized because it is veryimportant 。4。 It is suggested in the text that before leaving home for work D.everyone make sure he or she is properly dressed or made up .5。 Which of the following can be infer

14、red from the text?C.Both men and women may go to an evening engagement before returning home.If you want to stay young, (A C D C A)46。 The team of doctors wanted to find outA。why certain people age sooner than others47. On what are their research findings based?CThe study of brain volumes of differe

15、nt people.48。 The doctor s tests show that Dsome people s brains have contracted more than other people sThe word ”subjects in paragraph 5 meansCpersons chosen to be studied in an experimentAccording to the passage, which people seem to age slower than the others?ALawyers。If you want to keep young,保

16、持年轻1 the team of doctors wanted to find outB why some people age sooner than others2 the front and side parts of the brain relate to all of the following aspects EXCEPTD eating and breathingthe word “subjects(in paragraph 4) most probably refers toB persons chosen to be studied in an experimentaccor

17、ding to the research findings, which kind of people seems to age most quickly?D farm workerswhich of the following sentences is NOT mentioned in the passage? C the team of doctors made these tests in order to show how the brain worksIn 1848, gold was discovered in California.( A B C C B)This article

18、 as a whole is aboutA.how people got blue jeansWhile not stated in the article, you can tell thatBLevi found riches in the gold fieldsThe word this in the first paragraph, last sentence, refers toC 。 many people looking for goldLevi used strong blue cotton cloth to make pants because _C_.miners want

19、ed pants which could stand rough work 5.Which of the following sentences is notManners are important to happy Manners are important to happy relations among people。(1、he knows what to do andoccasions2、do whatever he can do help3、interrupting hin if too much4、Making no sound in class5、”when in Rome,d

20、odo”Mr。Smith gvre his wife ten pounds for her(C B C C D)1.he day after her birthday2。 a nice hat3。mext to4。 a wad of pound notes5。she didnt like to make trouble for otherMrs。Brown had just put the dinner on the table(A B D C D )about to eatshe wanted to see 3。didnt want anyone to see4。she had read a

21、bout 5。because he knewMore than 30000 drivers and front seat passengers are (D C B A B)A police report/a government information bookletreduces the death rate 3.makd the front seat 4.someone who is backing 5。not to wear a seatMost people feel stress at some timeWhich is NOT a correct statement about

22、stress? A。Stress is the cause of our discomfort and should be avoided by everyone。According to the passage, people under stress may do all of the following EXCEPT CCryThe author cites the example of crying baby in order to D。 support that stress comes from how people regard the stress4。 According to

23、 the passage, stress can be caused by all the following EXCEPT . A. a critical event5.The tone of the passage is _B. informativeMany private institutions of higher education around美国公立学校和私立学校6。 In the passage, the author asks the public to support。C。 highquality private universities and colleges7。 A

24、ccording to the passage, schools are bad businesses because of。 A. the nature of school8。 The phrase “go under” in the second paragraph is closest in meaning to. B。 get into difficulties9。Which of the following statements is TRUE? B. The author thinks diversity of education is preferable to uniformi

25、ty of education.10。In the authors opinion, the way that can save private schools lies in。 D. national supportOne morning a young woman, who has1。 What must the woman do to know the way of making money? C。 Send a postal for five pence and an envelope with a stamp and her address。2。 According to the s

26、tory, her motherA. didnt believe the ad. and didnt want her to do so3。 What was the easy way? D. To learn from the advertiser.4。 This passage isB。 a humor.Once there was a king who neverate a meal unless(C A B D C)1.there was no fishthe king had promisedwas very surprised4。The king was quite 5。the P

27、rime MinisterRote-learning死记硬背(D D B B B )According to the author, the future doesnt needDfollowersIn the authors view 点, how can students learn well? D。Combine listening with looking and doingWhat does the author mean by ”The changing speed of information is frightening? B。 What we learned today ma

28、y not be useful tomorrow。4。What does the last sentence of the passage tell us?BStudents may have to do jobs which have not yet been invented.5. The authors attitude towards rotelearning isB disapproving Since the late 1960s a growing number of women have (B D C D D)1。 Since the late 1960s more women

29、 have been dissatisfied with the marriage where in_Bthey are in the inferior positionWhat is the long-standing division of labor between husband and wife in America?D Husband plays a superior role while wife plays an inferior roleWhich statement is NOT true about the new type of marriageC Wife earns

30、 the living while husband does housework。 4. The womens attitudes toward marriagecontribute to D。all of the above5。 Which of the following can be the title for this passage? DThe Equal Right Between Husband and WifeSome students at the open university left school (C B D A D )1.no less than 21 years

31、old2。are not ginen examinations3.the people who did not go 4.on radio and television5。when the students of otherThat Monday morning feeling ” could be1. What is the ”Monday morning feeling ”?B。 Its a feeling of pain in thechest which makes people sweat and gasp.2。 According to the research from Germ

32、any and Italy, Monday morning feelingA。 has something to do with heart attacks.What can we infer from Dr. Willich s opinion on Monday morning feeling and heart attacks? B. ”Monday morning feeling” is not enough to explain thecauseof heart attacks.What did Dr. Willich suggest?A。 We should learn to en

33、joy our work。The fourthgraders atChicagos McCormick Elementary SchoolThe best title for this passage might be。 A. Next Hot Language to Study: ChineseThe most difficult thing to do is findingC. enough teachers for the Chinese programs4。According to the passageall the following statements are true EXC

34、EPTto start Chinese programs。C。government officials dont like the pressure from business leaders and parentsthe more you learn ,the more you earn5 The word ”quadrupled in the last paragraph the more you learn ,the more you earn(B C D B A)B。 four times1、they can get higher degrees2、collge education c

35、an make a 。around him3、do all of the above4、much higher than innationsThe University of London is one of The University of London is one of Britains(B B C A C)1.The University of London is situated at a cityB。 full of activity and energy2。The University of London is famous forB。 international educat

36、ion3.Whenever international students have any difficulty in life, they can go tofor help。 C。 the Student Service Office 4 。The university assures the first yearstudents thatA。 they can have a place in halls of residence if they wish to_.5。The main purpose of this passage is toC.draw more internation

37、al studentsThe English names of the months of the year come from Lati。 (D C A A B)1. What do people often do in the first month of the year?D.Both A and C。2。 The second month of a year is named February probably because C .it is time to consider spring cleaning3. Regarding 关于 the origin of the name

38、of the second month of a year, the author isA . not very sure4。 According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE? A. It is frequently rainy and stormy in March in most of NorthAmerica.You spend a big part of yout life in bed,right?5。 Which of the following statements might be the topic sente

39、nce ofthis passage? B。The English names You spend a big part of yout life in bed,right?(B C A B C)1.the third and 2.the heart beats 3. his brain is active4.a darkened room5.the body tenses whenyou have decided to raise a dog.1. According to the writers suggestions, dogs should be fedB。 regularly wit

40、h balanced food。2。 Why is exercise important to the dogs? B。 It helps to develop friendly character and working skills.3.What does pet (paragraph 4) mean? B. The dog4。This passage discusses the following except _ D. training of a dog。Where did the british people com from?This is (B D D A C) 1.the Ib

41、erians2。many different races3。the AngloSaxon language4。the Britions form a large 5.the origin of the BritishWhat kind of home you need to1.According to the writers suggestions, dogs should be fed B。 regularly with balanced food.2。 Why is exercise important to the dogs? B。 It helps to develop friendl

42、y character and working skills。3。 What does pet (paragraph 4) mean? B。 The dog4. This passage discusses the following except D. training of a dog.When all the animals of a species(种类) die out(A C A C B )Joan Embary is a _A_naturalistMany people are worried that _Cmay species in the animal world may

43、die out3 Gorillas areAgentle and shysnakesareC the enemy of harmful insects DIt is implied but not stated that now many women work in zoos. becauseB Joan Embery has set a good example for them.Joan EmberyWhile plant and animal species are disappearing at a rapidly increasing rate throughout the worl

44、d,(B A C C C)1.What is the best title for this passage?B。Protecting Endangered Species爱护临危物种2.The number of elephants killed illegally in Africa has decreased greatly in that _AAfrican countries agreed to establish export limits on ivory from elephants3。In Africa, the number of elephants killed ille

45、gally in 1983 and1984 was C 。 135 000=89000+460004。The number of mountain gorillas has remained about the same for many years partly 部分 because ofC。Rwanda developed an important business thatdepends on protecting the gorillas 5。The phrase 短语 ”the wild荒野 in Paragraph5 refers to C。 the wild nature翻译题C

46、 除非他做错事,否则不会受到批判He will not be criticized unless he makes mistades。C 从他的语音说明他是外国人His accent betrays hina foreigner。沉甸甸的果实压弯了树枝With a lot offruit on the tree,the branches are bent. D 当他工作时,没有什么大事能打搅他Nothing can disturd him while he is working.当你在学校四周,尽管四周没有小孩,你也必需减慢你的速度You must slow down when you are

47、 near the school,even though there is no child around。D 到18 世纪末,英国正快速成为世界的工厂By the end of the eighteenth century England had fast becoming the workshop of the world。D 到了明年7 月,我在这里读书将已三年了By July of next year I shall have beenstudy here for nearly three years。 J 假如你昨天到达,你就能见到她If you had arrived yester

48、day, you would have seen herJ 尽管任务重时间紧,我们仍旧努力去完成。 Although there is not enough time for the tough task, we still tried out best to accomplish it.JJANE 为自己的城市骄傲,当她当游客参观时从不感到厌烦Jane is so proud of her city that she is never sick of showing the tourists around。L 老师布置了要读多少章节的作业How many chapters did the t

49、eacher assign for the homework ?N 你弄到这些足球票费了好大劲吧?Did you have a lot of trouble gettingthese football tickets?R 假如我见到她,我会叫她等一下If I see her, I will tell him to wait a moment。假如他早点动身,就能赶上火车了If he had set offearlier, he could have caught the train。要是他早点动手,就能赶上火车了.If he had done it earlier, he could have

50、 caught the train.受到他受到别人的称赞,他感到格外的生气 As he was ridiculend by others,he felt very angry。S 是牛顿发觉物体之间是相互吸引的It was Newton who found that substances attract each other。T他被禁止入城baHe was banned to enter the cit。T His fathers behavior is very rude when he loses his temper。T 她很想获得颁奖She is eager to be awarded

51、 prizes.T 她认为她的成功是努力的结果She attributes the success to her efforts.T 她被迫等了一个多小时(make)She was made to wait for more than an hour.T 2 个小时We had been waiting fortwo hours when he arrived.T 5 点后打电话更会省钱She wants to know if the telephone rate is a little cheap after 5 pm。T 他在申请一份职员工作He is applying for a job

52、 of office clerk.T 20 The airport they build recently is 20 kilometers away from the city. T 他心跳得如此之快,以至于他几乎喘不过气来 (beat)。His heart beats so fast that he could hardly breathe.W 我在认真致志地看书,没听见你叫我absor。I was absorbed in reading and did not hear you.W 无论卡门带游客参观多少次这个城市,她都从不厌烦谈论她的城市 No matter how many time

53、s Carmenshows people around her city, she never seems to gettirde oftalking about it。W 我们的军队在那场战斗中获得成功Our army won that battle.W 我们完全意识到局势的严峻性(aware)We have been completely aware of the seriousness of thesituation。W 我恳求他们不要在她面前提起我的名字I beg them not to mention my name before her.W 我们就牛奶的供应与农场主计价还价We b

54、argained with the farmer about the price of the milk provided by him. W我想知道如何解释空间通讯的重要性Idlike to know how to explain the importance of the space communication.W 我建议你们早点动身去机场sugges。I suggest thatyou leave for the airport earlie。X 小张失去了平衡从梯子上摔了下来(balance) Xiao Zhang lost his balance and fell off the l

55、adderX 校长授予优秀同学以荣誉称号besto。The president of our university bestowed honors on the best student X 细菌太小,肉眼看不见Bacteria are too small to be seen。Y 一旦你显出可怕的样子,他就会向你进攻(show,attack)Once you show scare, he will attack you。Y (lifetime)There is nobody who doesnt make mistakes in a lifetime.Z 在化学变化中,能量既不会制造,也不会

56、消逝Energycan neither be created nor disappear in the process of chemical change.Z这个小女孩渴望受到嘉奖 (avi。The little girl is avid for praise.Z 这些票的有效期只有7 天。These tickets will expire in7 days.Z 500 人。The hotel can provide lodgings for 500 people.Z 直到其次次世界大战才使用喷气式飞机。It was not until the World War II that jet p

57、lanes were used。语音学问:A17。A.answerB。angryC.anxiousD.animal B3。A.babyB。antC.changeD.paleB14.A.boughtB.brownC。southD.loudlyB19。A。booksB.parksC.stampsD.letters C12。A。coldB。oldC.wholeD.some C18.A.callB.talkC.halfD.walk D4.A。debtB.tombC.observeD。climb E16。A,earlyB。learnC。heardD。hear E7.A。enoughB.fightC.ne

58、ighborD.daughter G6.A.grapesBchangesCtablesD.libraries。H1.A.hairB.theirC.hereDwhere L5.A.lookBwoodC.foodD.goodL9.A。largeB.gayC。gloryD。grammar M11.A。matchB。fastC.haveD.sad S15。A.sightB。caseC.noseD.list T2。A.threeB。bothC。clothsD.think T10。A.thrownB.thenC。theD.their T20。A.thousandB。surround C.cloudyD。s

59、hould T13.A.throughB.anotherC。eitherD。though W8。A.wouldB。groundC.aboutD.out辨别错误C20.Compared with any other member of her family ,Susan is much more talle。G18.George has not finished his homework yeand Mary hasnt neithe。 H24。He was not sure if Mr 。Green would agree to his suggestion or not. I9.It is

60、believed the eastern part is wuperior in climate than the western part. I14。In 1937 Amelia Eanhart,the famous,pilot,disappears during her attempt to fly around the world. I15.I have lost my keys;I cannot remember where I lost it 。 I27.I cant find John anywhere,I think he must go to the library。L21Le


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