1、综合测试(B卷)班级: 姓名: 得分: 发展性评语: . 听力(25分)A. 听句句子,选选择恰当当的答语语,念两两遍(110分)What doees yyourr auunt do?1. A. Shhe s mmy ssistter. B. Shhe s mmy ffrieend. C. Shhe s bbuyiing sommethhingg. D. Shhe s aa teeachher. 答案: DDHow llongg dooes it takke yyou to thee shhop by bikke?2. A. FFiftteenn miinuttes. B. Fiffteeen
2、 ddayss. C. FFiftteenn weeekss. D. Fiffteeen yyearrs. 答案: AAWheree dooes he livve?3. AA. Inn a suppermmarkket. B. In an apaartmmentt. C. IIn aa shhip. D. In thee suun. 答案: BBDo yoou llikee pllayiing commputter gammes?4. AA. Yees, I ddid. B. Yees, I ddo. C. Noo, hee diidn t. D. Noo, hee dooesnn t. 答案
3、: BBDid sshe waiit ffor a bbus?5. AA. Yess, I didd. B. Noo, I diddn t. C. YYes, shhe ddid. D. Yess, shhe ddoess. 答案: CCWhen shaall I ggo tto ssee youu?6. AA. I wwilll goo too Wuuhann toomorrroww. B. Thee daay aafteer ttomoorroow. C. TThe dayy beeforre yyestterdday. D. I wennt tto sschoool yessterrda
4、yy. 答案: BBWhat werre yyou doiing wheen iit rrainned yessterrdayy?7. A. I wannt tto ssee a ffilmm. B. I wennt tto mmy ffrieend s hhomee. C. I wannt aa niice wattch. D. I wass waatchhingg TVV. 答案: DDHave youu evver beeen tto aa zooo?8. AA. No, nevver. B. Twoo. C. TThiss Frridaay. D. Winnterr. 答案: AAWh
5、eree dooes he comme ffromm?9. AA. Ireelannd. B. Ourr cllasssrooom. C. HHis fattherr. D. My houuse. 答案: AAHow ddo yyou likke tthiss ammuseemennt pparkk?10. A. Veery mucch. B. Thee peeoplle. C. TThe foood. D. Verry oofteen. 答案: AAB. 听对对话及后后面的问问题,选选择正确确答案,念念两遍(55分)A: IIs tthiss a phooto of youur ffamii
6、ly, Jaack?B: Yees,iit iis. A: Whho aare theey?B: Loook, thhe ttwo in thee baack aree myy paarennts, annd tthe girrl iis mmy ssistter, tthe boyy iss mee. Q: Hoow mmanyy peeoplle aare theere in Jacck s fammilyy?1. A. Thhreee. B. Foour. C. Fiive. D. Siix. 答案: BBA: Whhat aree yoou ddoinng, Li Leii?B: I
7、m loookinng ffor my penn. A: Leet mme hhelpp yoou. Whaat ccoloor iis iit?B: Bllackk. Q: Whhat collor is Li Leii s penn?2. A. Bllackk. B. Bllue. C. Grreenn. D. Brrownn. 答案: AAA: Daavidd, haave youu evver beeen tto CChinna?B: Yees. I wwentt thheree laast yeaar. A: Whhat do youu thhinkk off Chhinaa?B:
8、Itt s greeat. Q: Haas DDaviid eeverr beeen to Chiina?3. A. Noo, hee haasn t. B. Noo, hee issn t. C. Yees, he hass. D. Yees, he is. 答案: CCW: Woouldd yoou llikee soometthinng tto ddrinnk?M: Yees, pleeasee. W: Whhat aboout a ccup of cofffeee?M: Noo, thhankks. A ccup of watter. Q: Whhat doees tthe mann
9、liike to driink?4. A. A cupp off teea. B. Soome watter. C. A glaass of millk. D. Soome cofffeee. 答案: BBA: Caan II heelp youu?B: Yees, I m loookinng ffor a bbookk. A: Whhat kinnd oof bbookk doo yoou wwantt?B: A boook oon sscieencee. Q: Whheree arre ttheyy taalkiing?答案: DD 5. AA. Inn a libbrarry. B. I
10、n a hhosppitaal. C. On a ffarmm. D. In a bbookk-sttoree. C. 听短短文,根根据短文文内容选选择填空空,念两两遍(110分)Mary hass foour couusinns. Theey aare Bettty, Peeterr, Biill andd Annn. Marry iis tthe elddestt off thhe ffivee. Bettty is fouurteeen yeaars oldd. Shee iss twwo yyearrs yyounngerr thhan Marry aand onee yeear el
11、dder thaan PPeteer. Billl iis nninee annd AAnn, thee yoounggestt onne iis sseveen. Both Bettty andd Peeterr liike runnninng. Theey ccan runn veery fasst. Petter in onee off thhe ffasttestt booys in hiss cllasss. Marry aand Bettty likke tto pplayy baaskeetbaall. Marry pplayys mmuchh beetteer tthann B
12、eettyy. Mary andd Beettyy sttudyy inn thhe ssamee miiddlle sschoool. Petter, Billl aand Annn arre iin pprimmaryy scchoools. Theey ddon t worrk hhardd, butt Beettyy dooes. Shee woorkss thhe hharddestt. Shee dooes herr hoomewworkk moore carrefuullyy thhan anyy off heer ccoussinss. 1. Hoow mmanyy giirl
13、ss doo yoou kknoww inn thhis passsagge?A. Onne. B. Twwo. C. Thhreee. D. Foour. 答案: CC2. Whho iis MMaryy s eeldeest couusinn?A. Biill. B. Beettyy. C. Annn. D. Peeterr. 答案: BB3. Hoow oold is Marry?A. Thhirtteenn. B. Foourtteenn. C. Fiifteeen. D. Siixteeen. 答案: DD4. Whhichh spportt dooes Bettty likke?A
14、. Shhe llikees pplayyingg baaskeetbaall. B. Shhe llikees pplayyingg foootbballl. C. Shhe llikees sswimmminng. D. Shhe llikees ssinggingg. 答案: AA5. Hoow mmanyy off thhe bboyss arre sstuddyinng iin pprimmaryy scchoool?A. Onne. B. Twwo. C. Thhreee. D. Foour. 答案: BB. 基础础知识(335分)A. 选用用出正确确的词填填空(55分)1. Th
15、heree wiill be_(fewwer/lesss) shooolss inn 1000 yyearrs. 答案: ffeweer 2. I wannt tto bbe aan_(aaparrtmeent/asttronnautt). 答案: aastrronaaut 3. Hee dooesnnt liike plaayinng_(gguittar/thee guuitaar). 答案: tthe guiitarr4. Shhe ssaidd shhe_(wwas goiing to/is goiing to)babby-ssit Aunnt HHuanng s bbabyy thhi
16、s eveeninng. 答案: wwas goiing to 5. Woouldd yoou mmindd_(too goo ouut/ggoinng oout)of thee baathrroomm?答案: ggoinng ooutB. 用所所给动词词的适当当形式填填空(110分)1. Lii Leei ttogeetheer wwithh hiis ffrieendss_(heelp)thee olld mman_(do)thee hoouseeworrk ooncee a weeek. 答案: hhelpps, do2. Thhe ddocttor_(sayy)hee_(caan dd
17、o)tthe opeerattionn onn thhe bboy. 答案: ssaidd, coouldd doo3. I saww soome peooplee_(waaterr)thhe ttreees aand _(pllantt)thhe yyounngerr onnes. 答案: wwateerinng, plaantiing4. Evveryy onne_(kknoww)itt s hhardd_(fiinissh)tthe worrk. 答案: kknowws, to finnishh5. Yoou ddon t_(nneedd)_(wworrry)aabouut yyourr
18、 grranddma. 答案: nneedd, too woorryyC. 单项项选择(220分)1. Whhen theey_ on thee boookss too mee, tthe belll rrangg foor tthe endd off thhe cclasss. A. gootB. sppokeeC. paasseedD. keept答案: CC2. Itt_ to be mucch ccoldder todday thaan yyestterdday. A. seeemssB. waantssC. gooesD. liikess答案: AA3. I m_ he ll be
19、pleeaseed iif yyou invvitee hiim tto ddinnner thiis SSundday. A. soorryyB. affraiidC. suureD. riightt答案: CC4. Miilliionss off peeoplle_ theeir monney to hellp tthosse iin ttrouublee. A. puut aawayyB. gaave awaayC. raan aawayyD. weent awaay答案: BB5. AAre we goiing to staay hheree foor tthe nigght?I am
20、m_ so. A. thhinkkB. soorryyC. hoopeD. affraiid答案: DD 6. Thhe bbabyy iss teen mmontths_ andd hee iss crryinng. A. loongB. heeavyyC. olldD. yooungg答案: CC7. Shhe wwalkked intto tthe claassrroomm annd ttookk a seaat iin tthe _. A. baackB. miiddlleC. leeftD. riightt答案: BB8. WWhenn arre yyou commingg heer
21、e to staay wwithh uss?I lll ccomee ass _ass poossiiblee. A. sooonB. eaasyC. caareffulllyD. neearlly答案: AA9. Shhe wwas wriitinng aa leetteer_ sommeonne kknocckedd att thhe ddoorr. A. buutB. beecauuseC. whhenD. annd答案: CC10. WWho do youu thhinkk_ up thee puursee a mommentt aggo?A. piickeedB. piickssC.
22、 piickiingD. too piick答案: AA11. AAll thee ruunneers werre_ to runn att thhe sstarrtinng llinee. A. reeadyyB. riighttC. buusyD. woorriied答案: AA12. II waasnt ccareefull ennouggh aand_ offf thhe bbikee att thhe ccornner of thee rooad. A. juumpeedB. feeltC. paasseedD. feell答案: DD13. My sissterr caalleed
23、 mme aa moomennt aago. Whatt diid sshe_?A. taalkB. sppeakkC. teellD. saay答案: DD14. I wwas thee fiirstt inn thhe ttestt. _A. I cann t tthinnk. B. Coongrratuulattionns. C. I d llovee too. D. Hoow lluckkilyy!答案: BB15. WWhenn wiinteer ccomees, it s ggetttingg cooldeer_ collderr. A. orrB. wiithC. thhanD.
24、 annd答案: DD16. TTherre s aa hoousee inn thhe ppictturee, _?A. issn t iitB. arre yyouC. issn t ttherreD. arre ttheyy答案: CC17. IIt wwas harrd tto ssee whoo waas iin ffronnt, beecauuse theey wweree neearlly_. A. alll tthe sammeB. att thhe ssamee tiimeC. faast enooughhD. neeck andd neeck答案: DD18. _yyou
25、surre tthatt thhey willl ccomee onn tiime?A. DooB. ArreC. HaaveD. Diid答案: BB19. AAt tthatt tiime I_ afffordd too buuy aa liiverrpoool ffoottballl TT-shhirtt. A. cooulddn tB. diidn tC. waasn tD. wooulddn t答案: AA20. OOn mmy_ to thee faarm I ssaw a llot of truuckss caarryyingg orrangges. A. tuurnB. woo
26、rkC. waayD. geettiing答案: CC. 看图图说话(110分)What s wwronng wwithh hiim(hher)?Pictuure 1: 答案: HHe hhad a sstommachhachhe. (Hee haas aa paain in thee sttomaach. )Pictuure 2: 答案: HHe ddreaamedd thhat hiss teeam wonn thhe llastt soocceer ggamee. Pictuure 3: 答案: HHe bbrokke hhis commputter. Pictuure 4: 答案: S
27、She wass maad wwithh thhe ssterreo (nooisee). Pictuure 5: 答案: HHe mmisssed thee laast buss. . 阅读读理解(220分)AIn 19971, att thhe aage of onee annd aa haalf, Haao HHaiddongg waas rrunnningg affterr a pinng-ppongg baall inddoorrs. In a ssmalll rroomm, hiis ffathher wass hooldiing thee baall to inttereest
28、hiss soon. Wheen tthe balll sstucck(卡卡住),hhis fattherr diid nnot lett hiim gget it outt wiith hiss haand, sso tthe chiild hadd too usse hhis fooot tto ttakee itt ouut. As thee daays wennt bby, thee piing-ponng bballl waas rrepllaceed(替替代)bby aa foootbballl. Affterr twwo yyearrs, too thhe ffathher s
29、jjoy andd suurprrisee, thhe yyounng HHaiddongg shhoweed hhis remmarkkablle ttaleent(天赋)ffor foootbaall. 阅读短文,选选择最佳佳答案(110分)1. Haao HHaiddongg iss onne oof tthe besst_ in ourr coounttry. A. baaskeetbaall plaayerrsB. piing-ponng bballl pllayeersC. foootbballl pllayeersD. voolleeybaall plaayerrs答案: CC2
30、. Whhen Haiidonng wwas verry yyounng, he oftten_. A. raan aafteer aa piing-ponng bballl inndooorsB. pllayeed aa fooobaall at hommeC. liikedd pllayiing witth aa yoo-yooD. pllayeed bbaskketbballl wiith hiss faatheer答案: AA3. Whhen thee baall stuuck, hiis ffathher lett hiim_. A. geet iit oout witth hhis
31、 hanndB. usse hhis fooot tto ttakee itt ouutC. taake it outt wiith a ssticckD. pllay othher toyys答案: BB4. Seeverral yeaars latter, thhe ffoottballl rrepllaceed tthe pinng-ppongg baall beccausse_. A. thhe ppingg-piingbballl waasn t iinteeresstinngB. pllayiing foootbaall wass eaasyC. thhe ppingg -ppon
32、gg baall wass diiffiicullt ffor himmD. hee shhoweed hhis remmarkkablle ttaleent forr foootbballl答案: DD5. Thhe ddatee off Haaidoong s bbirtth iis _. A. Maay 99th, 19960B. Maay 99th, 19970C. Maay 99th, 19980D. Maay 9thh, 19990答案: BBBLong lonng aago theere wass a docctorr inn a smaall towwn. He wass go
33、ood andd kiind. Hee waas aalwaays reaady to go andd heelp peooplee. Peeoplle aalwaays wennt tto hhim wheen ttherre wwas sommethhingg wrrongg wiith himm. Many yeaars latter, thhe ddocttor beccamee olld. He beggan to forrgett thhinggs. Peooplee weere afrraidd annd ddidnn t ggo tto hhim anyy moore. Thh
34、e oold docctorr asskedd, “Whyy dooes no onee coome to seee mee noow?”No onne wwantted to telll hhim whyy, beecauuse theey ddidnn t wwantt too huurt thee goood mann. Innsteead theey ssaidd, “Eveerybbodyy inn thhe ttownn iss heealtthy noww. ”Thee dooctoor wwas pleeaseed wwhenn hee heeardd thhat. 读短文,判判断正(TT)误(FF)(110分)1. Thhe sstorry wwas aboout an oldd dooctoor iin aa smmalll toown. 答案: TT2. Maany yeaars latter thee olld ddocttor beggan to forrget
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