1、任务型阅一、任型阅读(共 5 题;共 44 分) 阅下面短文,完成表格。Rice, meat, vegetables and fruit there different food choices for us to eat every day. may think that throwing away your leftover food not big But should keep in mind that people around the world dont have enough to In there were over 1 billion hungry people in th
2、e world, according to the United Nations. children went sleep and 15 million of them even died from hunger.However, food still a big problem. The average person away 50 kg of food every Thismeans 1.3 billion tons of food goes to waste each year. That is more than one third the food we make. We could
3、 give leftover food people. For example, the of wasted in Europe wouldbe enough for 200 million people!So next feel picky 挑 about what you want eat or cant finish your meal, you might want think twice. There are many others arent so lucky.Do not waste foodIn 2015 many people died _thatyear?15million
4、About food wasteWhat can to solve food waste problem?Almost _tons of food goes waste year.We could not be _about what we eat. We should think _before food.左是五个人对应用软件的需求,右栏是七应用软件的简请不同的人找到合适的应用软件。_ Jenny has the housework after work. is so busy that seldom has toA. Word Easy is a fantastic English lea
5、rning with word exercises different levels. Only when youtake care of her 2-year-old son, so needs app pass a test of a certain level you go on learnfor to learn and count.words of a higher level.B. Rail Friend be the best helper when you it_ Sam was given a of to by hard to the train or airline tic
6、kets. You can buyhis teacher. But he has just had an eye operation and needs some app that store and read them aloud him.tickets anywhere at any time. World of Tanks free-to-play online game with over 40 million downloads, brings quick-fire fights.1 / 7_ Bob finds it difficult to remember the A lot
7、of tanks, a lot of people and a lot of fun. It from the English textbooks. wants be the best choice to kill time.to make progress a relax-ing way for he thinks it boring a lot of word exercises. Himalayas Reading has millions of books including poems, short stories, novels and fairy tales for childr
8、en. special is that can use it_ Cathy of travel-ing. an to download recordings that can be listened to. app that can make easier for her to buy train or E. Cheese Reading catches idea of each airline tickets. book downloaded that you can save by finishing reading a book within minutes._ John going h
9、ave long railway F. Baby Bus a friend for children under 3 During trip, he needs something like to old. Kids can learn to speak, understand numbers and time. draw pictures with the help this G. Vocabulary Hero may help you learn more English words while are play-ing So have problems remembering new
10、words when you learn English, 下文章中有五处需要添加小标题,请从 A-F 选中选出符合各段意思的小题。A. Listen carefully.B. Face the person you are speaking with. Turn off Put down is your hands.E. notes while listening. your body language.A wise old owl on an oak. more he saw, less he spoke, the more he heard. arent we like that bir
11、d? Edward H.Richards.We need to learn listen well. Listening is a we should be practicing day. And mean active listening, not listening when it is convenient to us.Listening shows others they important. Its a sign of respect 尊重). If someone listens to you carefully when you are talking, it shows tha
12、t they really interested in are saying.How do you practice listening? Here are some basic rules:_ in the middle of writing something? Put down pen fold hands. you reading something? Close that it be impossible for you to look down start reading again. put it down._ The computer will take your attent
13、ion from your job listening._ Facing you are talking with will help you focus completely listening. will also make the feel that you find what he is saying important.2 / 7_ Standing closer to the speaker show interest. Crossing arms front your chest shows disagreement. Looking around the room shows
14、you have no interest. Looking the speaker the tells that he is important._ Do not sharing your ideas after hearing first few words. Do just think about your reply in your Pay attention the speaker. Really listen to what he telling you.根短文内容回答问题。Fifteen is an (糕 I should know. really wish eighteen. I
15、f you an adult, you can be your own boss. People like my parents and my teachers always telling what to do. You know what I mean. It is time for bed, Sandy. Or Sandy, youve too much for night. Sandy, stand up straight. Sandy, you must improve your handwriting. this that. No one tells adults when the
16、y to not TV. Besides, adults get to wear what Now it is going to be great to be an adult. Dont you agree? Im Sandys mother. Having fifteen-year-old daughter always easy. Right now, weve got a problem. neighbour, Mrs. White, Sandy to look after pet for one week. Sandy really wants to do it, but (Im _
17、 ).Shes too young and inexperienced. will never be to relax she alone a dog. Ive tried to explain feelings her, wont listen. telling that Whites live very near, can ask for help. She insists that Mrs. wont ask to look after pet she doesnt think Sandy enough. She says I am babying her hate to see her
18、 mad at me. What should () is fifteen years and she wishes to be own _ () thinks parents her teachers are always telling to do. Give an example.()文中括内的英文句子补充完整。()画线句译成汉语。()Should Sandy look after Mrs. Whites or why not?根短文内容完成文后问题。Dear Editor,Im an (超重的 People always make fun of me. school, dont tim
19、e other students and dont like to in activities that I enjoy because afraid people laugh at should Please me.LilyDear Lily,No weigh, you should treated kindness. People make of you a mistake. They should accept for who you are.My advice for you pay no attention to classmates and all the things may a
20、bout you. Dont upset you, or you will have a time day.At you shouldnt yourself from them. Instead, find someone you (任and develop a friendship with or her. Then youll happier safer. And dont be afraid take part in activities you People are more interested in your behavior than your weight.3 / 7 feel
21、 that your weight is really becoming a problem, then start doing things that_(让你感觉好一些) You could take exercise such as running, jumping rope. Also, you could less junk food but healthier.Editor()用个适当的英语单词替代文画线部分 No matter what:_.(B)猜文处画线部 distance 的语意思_.()文处画线部分翻译成汉语_.()据文中处的汉语提示,用英语将句子补充完整_()文处线部分合
22、并成一句Please me_.()出文中处画线部分的同义句:4 / 7答案解析分一、任务型阅读【案】 hunger; ;twice【解析】【分析】本文介绍了世界上有很多人处于饥饿状态,建议我们不要浪费粮食。(据 15 million of them even died from 可,其中 万甚至死于饥饿,故是 , 故答案是 hunger。()据 This means that 1.3 billion tons of food goes to waste each year 可,意味着每年有 13 亿吨食物被浪费掉, 故 1.3 billion ,故答案是 1.3 billion。()据 So
23、time you feel picky 挑剔) what you want to eat or finish your meal, you might want to think twice ,可知所以下次当你想吃什么或吃不完东西感到挑剔时,你可能会三思而后 行,故是 picky , 故答案是 。()据 So time you feel picky 挑剔) what you want to eat or finish your meal, you might want to think twice ,可知所以下次当你想吃什么或吃不完东西感到挑剔时,你可能会三思而后 行,故是 twice , 故
24、答案是 。【点评】考查任务型阅读,关键在看懂文章,然后根据题目要求作答,注意尽量用文章的语言写答案。 在文章中找不到答案时,要完全理解句子,根据同义词,句型转换的方式找到可以替换文章中单词,短 语或者句子的词。【案】 F;【解析】【分析】文章大意:五个人对应用软件的需求,为他们找到合适的应用软件。()干的意“Jenny 必做务活,她太忙了没有时间照顾她两岁的儿子,她需要一款软件帮助她 儿子学习和数数选项 F 中“Baby Bus对那些三岁以下的孩子来说是一个不错的朋友,孩子们可以理 解数字和画画,符合 Jenny 需求,故选 。()干的意“Sam 的师了他一本阅读书目的单,但是他的一只眼睛刚动
25、过手术,他需要一 款软件可以存储这些书并读给他听选 Himalayas Reading 里存储了很多书而且可以下载有阅 读来听书符合 Sam 额需求,故选 D。()干的意思“Bob 发记住英语课本上的单词很难,他想通过一种轻松地方式取得进步”选 中的 Hero 可帮助你在玩游戏时学习更多的英语单词,符合 Bob 需求,故选 G()干的意思“Cathy 喜欢旅游,她需要一款程序让她买火车票和机票更简单”选项 B 中 Rail Friend 可在任何时间任何地点买票,符 Cathy 的求,故选 。(题干的意思“John 算坐火车长途旅行,他需要一些游戏来消磨时选项 C 中 World Tanks
26、Blitz 是一款免费在线游戏,它将是你消磨时间最好的选择,符合 John 的求,故选 。【点评】考查选项匹配。首先要翻译题干的意思,然后根据文章各个人对软件的需求,找出与干相关的 单词或短语,从而选出正确答案。【案】 C;B;【解析【分析】文章大意:本文通过一首具有哲理性的英文小诗讲了学会聆听的重要性以及怎样练习 聆听。5 / 7A. Listen carefully.仔细听。B. the person you are speaking with.对正在和你说话的人。C. Turn off your 关你的电脑。D. Put down whatever is in your hands.放下
27、你手上的任何东。E. notes while listening.的时候做笔记。F. Mind your 注意你的肢体语言。()据下文意思:放下你的笔和放好你的手,关上你正在读的书,这样你就不可能往下看,可知这里 是告诉我们放下手上的任何东西,故选 D。()据下文意思:电脑会把你的注意力从手头的工作上转移开倾听。可知这里主要是说电脑让 我们专注工作而不倾听别人,也就是要关掉电脑,故选 。()据下文意思:面对和你交谈的人会帮助你完全专注于倾听可知这里主要告诉我们要面对和我们说 话的人,故选 B。()据下文意思:双臂交叉在胸前表示不同意,环顾房间表面你没有兴趣。可知这里说的都是我们的 肢体语言,也
28、就是我们要注意肢体语言,故选 F()据下文意思:不要在听到前几个字后就开始分享你的想法,要认真听他告诉我们的事情。可知这 里是告诉我们要仔细听别人说,故选 A。【点评】考查选项匹配。首先要翻译选项的意思,然后根据文章各个段落大意,找出与选项相的单词或 短语,从而选出正确答案。【案】 ()() time for bed.()()说我一在像照顾小孩一样照顾她,并且我讨厌看到他和我生气,我该怎办?()【解析】【分析】文章大意:本文主要讲述了 15 岁 不被家人束缚,想成为成年人以及她和她 妈妈在帮邻居照顾宠物狗上有分歧。(二 If you are an adult, you can be your
29、own 可 Sandy 希成为她自己老板,老板, boss,故答案为 。()第三、四、五It is time for bed, Sandy. Or Sandy, youve watched for one night. Sandy, stand up straight. Sandy, you must improve your handwriting. 可知这些都是 Sandy 父 母和老师告诉她要做的事,举其中的一个例子就可以,故答案可以为 for bed.。()此空的后文 Shes too young and inexperienced.她太小了,并且没有经验。可知这“Sandy 的 妈妈
30、是感到担忧,担忧的,答案为 。(She says 说,其后是一个宾语从句I 我,be doing sth 一做某事am ,儿,这里作 了动词,表示一像照顾小孩一样”her 她; and 并, 我,hate to do sth 讨做某事see do sth 看见某人做某事her 她mad 对某人生气me ; 什, 应, I 我 do 做 因 此连成一句汉语是:她说我一直像照顾小孩一样照顾她,并且我讨厌看到他和我生气,我该怎么办? 故答案为:说我一直在像照顾小孩一样照顾她,并且我讨厌看到他和我生气,我该怎么办?6 / 7()是一道放性试题,答案不唯一。有两种答案,第一种是 Sandy 应照顾邻居家
31、的狗,原因是: Sandy 已经长大了以照顾狗且离家近答案可以是 she enough to look after she doesnt 第二种是 Sandy 不应该照顾邻居家的狗,原因是Sandy 没 经验顾好狗此案可以是 Because she is too inexpeienced to look after well.言之有理即可。【点评】考查任务型阅读,关键在于看懂文章,理解题目所问,然后根据题目要求作答。【案】 ();远(与)保持距离()们对你行为更感兴趣,而不是你的体重。或:你们更在乎你的内在而不外表。() you feel(a bit) better() I should what to do() you let them upset you, you bad time all day.或:If you dont let upset you, you have good time day.或:Unless let upset you, you have good time all (答案不唯一)【解析】【分析】文章大意:这是两封信。第一封是 因为超重被其他同学取笑,由于害怕被取笑不 原因和同学玩,因此她向 求助
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