1、European Culture:An IntroductionDivision SixThe Age of EnlightenmentEuropean Culture:An IntroductThe Age of Enlightenment. General Introduction. French Philosophy and Literature . English Literature. German Literature and Philosophy. ArtVI. MusicThe Age of Enlightenment I. General Introduction1. Enl
2、ightenment The Enlightenment was an intellectual movement originating in France, which attracted widespread support among he ruling and intellectual classes of Europe and North America in the second half of the 18th century. The enlightenment is sometimes called the Age of Reason. I. General Introdu
3、ction1. Enl2. Historical Context(三大革命影响世界:美国独立战争;法国大革命;英国工业革命)The first half of the 18th century was an age of relative peace, security and optimism. But the 1750s saw the world turning toward a period of turbulence, full of ideological, political, social and economic revolutions.1776: the American
4、War of Independence1789: the French Revolution1760-1840: the Industrial Revolution 2. Historical Context(三大革命影响世界French Philosophy and LiteratureBaron de la Brede et de Montesquieu (1689-1755)Voltaire (pseudonym of Jean Francois Arouset, 1694-1778)Jean-Jacques RousseauDenis DiderotFrench Philosophy
5、and LiteratuBaron de la Brede et de Montesquieu 孟德斯鸠(1689-1755)Montesquieu was the first of the great French men of letters associated with the Enlightenment a. Persian Letters (波斯人的信札)b.The spirit of the Laws (论法的精神)Baron de la Brede et de MontesThe spirit of the Laws (论法的精神)It is an investigation
6、(研究) of the environmental and social relationships that lie behind the laws of civilized society.The definition of law by Montesquieu.Laws “must be adapted to each people” The theory of the separation of powers (三权分立理论) was put forward by Montesquieu in his work The Spirit of the Laws. He believed t
7、hat the legislative (立法), executive (行政) and judicial (司法) powers must be confided (托付) to different individuals, acting independently. (独立的行为)The theory of the separation of powers was accepted by the U.S. Constitution.(三权分立的思想被美国宪法所接受)The spirit of the Laws (论法的精神) Voltaire (伏尔泰) (pseudonym of Jea
8、n Francois Arouset, 1694-1778)His works are an outstanding embodiment of the principles of the French Enlightenment.Letters Anglaise (Letters philosophiques) 哲学信件Candide (名字) Voltaire (伏尔泰) (pseudonym of Jean-Jacques Rousseau卢梭 The greatest figures of the French Enlightenment (对浪漫主义文学思潮产生影响的法国哲学家) h
9、e glorified human nature and attacked social inequality. (赞扬人的本质反对社会不平等)a. The Origin of Human Inequality 论人类平等的根源b. The New Heloise 新爱洛依丝c. Emile, or On Education 爱弥儿或论教育d. The Social Contract社会契约论e. The Confessions 忏悔录Jean-Jacques Rousseau卢梭Denis Diderot 狄德罗a. Philosophical Thoughts哲学思想录b. Letters
10、 on the Blind论盲人书简c. Encyclopedie 百科全书d. Elements of physiology生理学的基础e. Rameaus Nephew 拉摩的侄儿Denis Diderot 狄德罗a. Philosoph English LiteratureAlexander Pope(1688-1744)Daniel Defoe (1660-1731)Jonathan Swift (1667-1745)Samuel RichardsonHenry Fielding (1707-1754)Samuel JohnsonJournalism and the Periodica
11、l Essay English LiteratureAlexander PAlexander Pope亚历山大蒲柏(1688-1744)Pope was the great poet and verse satirist of the 18th century.a. Essay on Criticism 论批评b. The Rape of the Lock夺发记c. Dunciad愚人志 d. Essay on Man人论Alexander Pope亚历山大蒲柏(1688-174 Daniel Defoe 笛福(1660-1731)The Life and Strange Surprising
12、 Adventures of Robinson Crusoe 鲁滨逊漂流记The Fortune and Misfortunes of the Famous Moll Flanders摩尔弗兰德斯 A Journal of the Plague Year瘟疫年纪事 Daniel Defoe 笛福(1660-1731)TheJonathan Swift 斯威夫特(1667-1745)Jonathan Swift is the foremost satirist in the English language and one of the satiric masters of all time.a
13、. A Modest Proposal温和的建议b. Gullivers Travels格列佛游记 Jonathan Swift 斯威夫特(1667-1745)Samuel Richardson理查森His type of novel is called the epistolary 书信体novel,i.e. stories told in a series of letters.Works: Pamela, or virtue Rewarded and Clarissa, or the History of a Young LadySamuel Richardson理查森His type
14、Henry Fielding亨利.菲尔丁 (1707-1754)He was called by Sir Walter Scott the “Father of the English novel”.Works: The History of the Adventures of Joseph Andrews and his Friend, Mr. Abraham Adams约瑟夫安德鲁传 The Life of Mr. Jonathan Wild the Great大伟人江奈生魏尔德传( The History of Tom Jones, a Founding汤姆琼斯, Henry Field
15、ing亨利.菲尔丁 (1707-17Samuel Johnson塞缪尔约翰逊 Samuel Johnson was the editor of A Dictionary of the English Language, the first great English dictionary.Samuel Johnson塞缪尔约翰逊 Journalism and the Periodical EssayIn 18th-century English, two writers must be mentioned as far as the periodical essay is concerned:
16、Joseph Addison and Steele contributed to The Tatler and The Spectator, two series of periodical essays.Journalism and the Periodical German Literature and PhilosophyGotthold Ephraim LessingWolfgang von GoetheJohann Christoph Friedrich von SchillerImmanuel KantGerman Literature and PhilosopGotthold E
17、phraim Lessing莱辛 Lessing was the first German dramatist of lasting importance and the most brilliant representative of the German Enlightenment.a. Minna Von Barnhelm明娜封巴尔赫姆 b. Nathan the Wise智者纳旦 c. Laocoon拉奥孔 d. Hamburgische Dramaturgie汉堡剧评 Gotthold Ephraim Lessing莱辛 LeWolfgang von Goethe歌德Goethe w
18、as the greatest of all German poets and the outstanding figure of world literature since the Renaissance.a. The Sorrows of Young Werther少年维特的烦恼 b. Wilhem Meisters Apprenticeship威廉麦斯特的学习时代 c. Wilhelm Meister;s Travels威廉麦斯特的漫游时代 d. Faust浮士德 e. Poetry and Truth诗与真Wolfgang von Goethe歌德Goethe wJohann Chr
19、istoph Friedrich von Schiller席勒a. The Robber (抢劫者)b. Cabal and Love 阴谋与爱情c. Wallenstein威廉迈斯特d. Wilhelm Tell威廉退尔 Johann Christoph Friedrich vonImmanuel Kanta. General History of Nature and Theory of the Heavens自然通史和天体论 b. Critique of Pure Reason纯粹理性批判 c. Critique of Practical Reason实践理性批判 d. Critique
20、 of Judgment判断力批判 Immanuel Kanta. General HistoArtRococo ArtTypical Works and Major ArtistsArtRococo ArtRococo Art 洛可可艺术Rococo style in art is usually associated with architecture and interior decoration. It is characterized by elaborate ornamentation imitating shellwork and foliage and it has a cur
21、ving and elastic pattern.In Rococo art, “The sublime gave place to the graceful, the grandeur of size to the charm of eloquence,” it was luxurious, sensual and delicate, characterizing the taste of a pleasure class, particularly in France, of the royal family and the aristocratic families who rolled
22、 in money and lavished their money on interior decoration for their pleasure and comfort.Rococo Art 洛可可艺术Typical Works and Major Artistsa. Salon de la Princesse, Hotel de SoubiseThis is one of the finest examples of Rococo, a good example of the elegant town houses in Paris belonging to the aristocr
23、atic society after they deserted the Royal Palace of Versailles and chose to live thereTypical Works and Major Artistb. Rococo Paintersi. Antoine Watteau华铎 ii. Francois Boucherb. Rococo PaintersMusicThe Musical EnlightenmentThe Classical PeriodMusicThe Musical EnlightenmentBy the beginning of the ei
24、ghteenth century the art of creating music had become almost entirely rationalized. It came to its richest fruition in the works of Bach and Handel.The Musical EnlightenmentBy thJohann Sebastian Bach巴赫Bach created a synthetic art (人为艺术) which summarized all the developments of the Baroque era. 巴洛克时代
25、works: 6 Brandenburg Concertos布兰登堡协奏曲 , Violin Concerto in E major, Double Violin Concerto in D minor小的琴协奏曲 , Mass in B minorOrgan Music: Fantasia in G minor, Toccata and Fugue in Dminor, Prelude in B minorPassion Music: Passion according to St, John, Passion according to St. MattewPiano Works: Chro
26、matic Fantasy and Fugue, 6 Partitas, The Well-Tempered Clavier平均律钢琴曲集 Orchestral Suites: No. 2 in B minor, No. 3 in DJohann Sebastian Bach巴赫George Frederick Handel亨德尔 His supreme genius was shown in one field alone, the oratorio, Messiah being his crowing masterpiece, in which he put forward the mea
27、ning of the life and death of Christ.Works: Oratorios清唱剧: Messiah弥赛亚, Israel in Egypt以色列人在埃及Orchestral Music: Fireworks Music皇家焰火音乐, Water Music水上音乐George Frederick Handel亨德尔 HiThe Classical PeriodAccording to Kant, the function of reason is to relate the individual judgments of the understanding to
28、 the higher principles which order and regulate the totality of knowledge.The changing attitudes of the second half of the eighteenth century towards art were reflected in the music of this period.The three composers Haydn海顿, Mozart莫扎特 and Beethoven贝多芬 are known as the Viennese School.维也纳流派The Classical PeriodAccordingJoseph Haydn海顿Austrian composer.Works: String Quartets: Quartet in E-flat major, Op. 50, No. 3., Quartet in D major, Op. 64, No. 5., Quartet in D minor, Op. 76, No. 2., Quartet in C ma
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