



1、申诉期间不小心退款的Dear Amazon,We are writing to you to make some explanation for a A-Z claim.Order ID: HYPERLINK /gp/guarantee-claims/home.html?ie=UTF8&getType=getAll&numberPerPage=10&sortDirectionType=sortDirectionAscending&sortType=sortReplyByDate 108-4052989-4077022As you know,we represent this A-TO-Z to

2、 you on Sep.13 and then Amazon requested information from the buyer on Sep.14 and then we got buyers e-mail on Sep.15 to say she already returned her item to us,but as we didnt know the buyer is just the buyer who issued A-TO-Z,we didnt check and then we refund her.And then we received your e-mail t

3、o tell us the claim is closed.As you know ,after we received her claim we contact,didnt get any reply,then we have no choice but to represent the case to you,or it will be closed automatically after 7 days.That is to say,she returned the item after we represent to you.Then ,we refund her.1.We want t

4、o know,will we still be deduct 500 points of seller rating?And our ODR be influenced?We think we shouldnt been punished for this as this buyer didnt return until we represent this claim to you.Really very unfair and unreasonable we didnt do anything wrong.2.And what we should do if a claim is still

5、under your surveying and we received buyers e-mail to tell us she returned?We shouldnt refund them at once?Thank you and waiting for your earliest reply.NUTKDear Amazon, On Nov.24,we received a A TO Z claim on the order : HYPERLINK /gp/guarantee-claims/home.html?ie=UTF8&getType=getActionRequired&num

6、berPerPage=10&sortDirectionType=sortDirectionAscending&sortType=sortReplyByDate 108-7281339-5196243,the customer send us a e-mail say he was not happy with the order on Oct.4 Our customer service team -Creaker responded him at once (Nov.24). We apologizing for his disappointment and stated that the

7、item he purchased is likely missing in transmit and told that we will issue him a full refund if he is willing.We are really very sorry for all the inconvenience brought to the buyer,but as you know there are always something out of control in international shipping.As a new seller on Amazon,everyth

8、ing is very difficult at the beginning.We really need a chance to amend this issue.So we keep contacting the buyer on Nov.25 and Nov.27,we have been willing to issue him full refund,but is there any chance for us to issue him full refund while we will not be punished at the same time .Per the e-mail

9、 the buyer replied,he agreed we issue him full refund ,but he is afraid on case he withdrew his claim ,he cant get his refund.Is there any chance for you to close the claim and we will issue the buyer full refund at once.You can check our communication e-mails and you will find that we have been wil

10、ling to issue our buyer full refund and will do everything to protect our buyer from suffering any loss.We really need your help. As a new seller ,we have been trying our best to offer best service for our customer. Thanks and looking forward to your help. Best regards Melody from Creaker针对同意退货申请但是没

11、有收到退货的Dear Amazon, On Sep.7,we received a A TO Z claim on the order :108-4052989-4077022,the customer send us a e-mail say she was not satisfied with the order on Aug.13. The buyer send us a inquiry e-mail on Sep.1 to ask why her tracker couldnt pair with her phone. Our customer service team -NUTK r

12、esponded her at once (Sep.1)and told her how to do,we also clarify that “Please have a try and update us ,any other help need ,please let us know”we dont know why our e-mail responded on Sep.1 is not shown on order&claim history ,but you will find it by checking Buyer-Seller Messages.We are still wa

13、iting for her further reply,but then we got her claim without any reminder. Then we received her return request on Sep.1 and we authorized her return request. We apologizing for her disappointment and stated that the item she purchased is likely damaged in transmit and told that we will issue a full

14、 refund or resend her a totally new one as she preferred .Actually,we dont know whether she said is true or false as we didnt receive any pictures to indicate the item she received is not working and we also didnt get the returning item. And we keep contacting her on Sep,7,Sep.8 and Sep 11,no any re

15、ply.We stated that we are willing to do everything to protect her from suffering any loss. And we called her totally 3times,but she didnt answer. We also asked her to provide the evidence(to send us some pictures on the problem) on the e-mail of Sep,11th,no any response. In fact ,we didnt receive th

16、e returned items,how we could refund her without receiving the return item?And we dont know whether what she said is true or false.No any photos or other proofs. It is really unfair and unreasonable for us ! Please help to inform the buyer and told her we are willing to refund her though we didnt receive the item so far. But she must cancel the claim first ,it is not complied with the


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