1、被动语态练习题1.我们希望你尽快完成那项工作。2我们已在会议上讨论了那个重大的问题。学生们经常在课上做那样的练习题。明年他们将在这条河上建一座新大桥。你的家庭作业做完了吗?这家工厂制作这种自行车。上课之前我们必须交上数学练习本。我们把这个房间当作会议室使用。明天他们会完成植树吗?你可以早一点做完它我看见她从学校出来了。她给了我一件生日礼物。我们还没有担完水。你能在两小时之内干完活吗?我从没听他说过关于这件事.即使问题的确出现了,也可以轻易地得到改正或 解决。在全体工作人员的共同努力下,这项生产计划得 以顺利实施。人们重新发现了古代文明教授们因此得到了报酬。人们预计直到2000年那个国家的失 业
2、率都会保持 稳定。必须立刻处理他频繁的逃课问题。人脑与电脑的区别可以用一个词形容:复杂性。从那以后人们通常认为它是一把双刃剑,就 像人的克隆一样,在增加我们的财富以及给我 们带来舒适的同时,其潜在的危险又让人们感 到恐慌。人们相信核能是我们这个时代最伟大的革 新之一,然而人们又担心它会毁灭世界。一种在世界范围内迅速传播的计算机病毒已 经感染了 5000多台电脑。大体上来说,人可以分为三种:一种是劳累 至死的,一种是忧心至死的,还有一种无聊至 死的。2 7 总的来说,得出这种结论是 有一定把握的,然而,必须具备两 个条件:能够假定这个孩子与他的竞争能力对 手对考试已经有着相同的态度;他也不会因为
3、 缺乏对手们已掌握的有关知识而被处罚。28.那个男学生在过马路的时候,被一辆小型巴士撞 倒。29.在任何时候,任何情况下,是有的供应都有可能 毫无预兆地中断,就当前的石油使用速度来说,油井 将会在未来三十年左右枯竭。30.在一些欧洲国家里,人们能够得到最好的社 会福利,如医疗保险。参考答案You are expected to fin ish the work soon by us.The importa ntproblem has bee n discussed by us at the meeti ng.The exercises likethatareofte ndone by the
4、stude ntsinclass.A new bridge will be built over t he river by them.Has your homework been done yet?Thiskindof bikes is made by the factory.The maths exercise books must be hande in before class.The room is used as a meeting-roomby used.Ca n the trees be fini shedpla ntingby them tomorrow?10.lt may
5、be done a little earlier by you11.She was seen to go out from the school by me.A birthdaypresentwas giventome by her.Water has nt bee n fini shedcarry ingby us.Ca n the work be fini shedin twohoursThe matter has n ever bee n said t o me by him.Eve n if problems do emerge, they can be easily correcte
6、d or solved.The production plan was carried through due to the commoneffort of the workers and staff.The culture ofantiquitywas rediscovered.The professorsarepaid forthis.The un employme nt rate in that country isexpectedto rema instable for2000.Hisfreque nt abse neefromclassmust be dealt with immed
7、iately.Thediffere neebetwee n a brainand a computer can be expressed in a sin gleword complexity.Sinceit isoftenrefe rred to asa dou ble -edgedswo rd,in creas ingourwealthandcomfortwhileleav ingpeopleinfearofpote ntialdan gerslikehuma ncloning.24.lt s believed thatnuclear power is among the greatest
8、 inno vati ons of o ur time.But its also feared that it will bring the end of the world.25.More tha n 50,000 computers at web sites were in fected by a computer v irus that is spreadi ng rapidly aroun d the world.26.Broadlyspeak ing,huma nbeingsmaybe dividedintothreeclasses:those whoaretoiledtodeath
9、,those whoareworriedtodeath,and thosewhoare boredto death.27.0n thewholesuch ancon clusi oncanbedraw nwith acertai ndegree ofconf idence,butonl yi f t hechi ldcanbe assumedt o havehadthe same attitude towards the testas the other with whom he is being c ompared, and only if he was not pun ished by lack of releva ntin formation which they possessed.28. Theschoolboywas kno ckeddow nby a mini buswhen cross ing thestreet.29.The supply of oil can be shut off un expectedly at any time, andin anycase, theoilwellswillallrundry inth
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