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1、美国WorldViz虚拟现实系统介绍1、制造商的科研背景和实力1)公司背景:美国WorrldVizz公司起源于于美国加州大大学虚拟环境境与行为研究究中心,公司司CEO AAndy BBeall就就是该研究中中心主任。该该实验室主要要致力于心理理认知相关的的科学研究,包包括社会心理理学、视觉、空空间认知等。具具有科研背景景和实力,并并以用户和自自身的科研需需求来指导虚虚拟现实设备备的研发和生生产,因此该该公司的虚拟拟现实软硬件件平台更适合合科研领域。2)技术实力:该公司拥有有一个专业的的技术支持队队伍,可以为为科研用户提提供优良的技技术服务,并并提供科研应应用方面的咨咨询服务,帮帮助用户与国国内


3、2)、迈阿密大大学心理与计计算机科学实实验室研究领域:空间间认知 Human Spatiial Coognitiion Inn his reseaarch PProfesssor DDavid Walleer invvestiggates how ppeoplee learrn andd menttally repreesent spatiial innformaation aboutt theiir envvironmment. Weariing a head-mountted diisplayy and carryying aa lapttop-baased ddual ppipe iim

4、age generrator in a backppack, userss can wirellesslyy walkk throough eextremmely llarge compuuter ggeneraated vvirtuaal envvironmments. Researcch Prooject Exampples SSpecifficityy of SSpatiaal Memmoriess Whenn peopple leearn aabout the llocatiions oof objjects in a scenee, whaat infformattion ggets

5、 rrepressentedd in mmemoryy? Forr exammple, do peeople only rememmber wwhat tthey ssaw, oor do they commiit morre absstractt infoormatiion too memoory? IIn twoo projjects, we aaddresss theese quuestioons byy examminingg how well peoplle reccognizze perrspecttives of a scenee thatt are simillar buut

6、nott idennticall to tthe viiews tthat tthey hhave llearneed. Inn a thhird pprojecct, wee exammine tthe reeferennce frrames that are uused tto codde spaatial inforrmatioon in memorry. Inn a foourth projeect, wwe invvestiggate wwhetheer thee biasses thhat peeople have in thheir mmemoryy for pictuures

7、aalso ooccur when they rememmber tthree-dimennsionaal sceenes. Nonvisuual Eggocenttric SSpatiaal Upddatingg Whenn we wwalk tthrouggh thee enviironmeent, wwe reaalize that the oobjectts we pass do noot ceaase too exisst jusst beccause they are oout off sighht (e.g. beehind us). We sttay orrienteed in

8、 this way bbecausse we spatiially updatte (i.e., kkeep ttrack of chhangess in oour poositioon andd orieentatiion reelativve to the eenviroonmentt.) 网站链接: hhttp:/www.userss.muohhio.eddu/walllerdaa/spaccelab/spaceelabprrojectt.htmll 3、加拿大滑铁铁卢大学心理理系设备: WorrldVizz Vizaard 3DD softtware toolkkit, WWorldV

9、Viz PPPT H8 opticcal innertiaal hybbrid wwide-aarea ttrackiing syystem, NVISS nVissor SXX headd-mounnted ddisplaay, Arrringtton Eyye Traacker 研究领域:行为为科学项目介绍: Professsor CColin Ellarrd aboout hiis ressearchh: I aam intterestted inn how the oorganiizatioon andd appeearancce of naturral annd buiilt spp

10、aces affeccts moovemennt, waayfindding, emotiion annd phyysioloogy. MMy appproachh to tthese questtions is sttronglly mulltidisscipliinary and iis infformedd by ccollabboratiions wwith aarchittects, artiists, plannners, and hhealthh proffessioonals. Currrent sstudiees incclude invesstigattions of th

11、he psyycholoogy off resiidentiial deesign, wayffindinng at the uurban scalee, resstorattive eeffectts of expossure tto nattural settiings, and ccomparrativee studdies oof deffensivve ressponsees. Myy reseearch methoods inncludee bothh fielld invvestiggationns andd studdies oof humman beehavioor in i

12、mmerrsive virtuual ennvironnmentss. 网站链接htttp:/wwww.pssychollogy.uuwaterrloo.cca/peoople/ffacultty/celllard/indexx.htmll httpp:/viirtuallpsychh.uwatterlooo.ca/rresearrch.httm htttp:/ 部分发表论文: Coliin Elllard (2009). Wheere amm I? WWhy wee can find our wway too the Moon but gget loost inn the mall. Tor

13、oonto: Harpeer Colllins Canadda. Journall Artiicles: Coliin Elllard aand Loori Waagar (2008). Plaasticiity off the assocciatioon bettween visuaal spaace annd acttion sspace in a blindd-walkking ttask. Perceeptionn, 37(7), 11044-11053. Colin EEllardd and Meghaan Elller (22009). Spattial ccognittion i

14、in thee gerbbil: CComputting ooptimaal esccape rroutess fromm visuual thhreatss. Aniimal CCognittion, 12(2), 3333-345. Posterss: Kevvin Baarton and CColin Ellarrd (20009). Findiing yoour waay: Thhe inffluencce of globaal spaatial intellligibbilityy and fieldd-of-vview oon a wwayfinnding task. Postte

15、r seessionn pressentedd at tthe 9tth annnual mmeetinng of the VVisionn Scieences Socieety, NNapless, FL. (Linnk To Posteer) Brian GGarrisson annd Collin Elllard (20099). Thhe connnectiion efffect in thhe dissconneect beetweenn periipersoonal aand exxtrapeersonaal spaace. PPosterr sesssion ppresennte

16、d aat thee 9th annuaal meeeting of thhe Vission SSciencces Soocietyy, Napples, FL. (Link To Pooster) 4、美国斯坦福福大学信息学学院虚拟人交交互实验室设备: WorrldVizz Vizaard 3DD softtware toolkkit, WWorldVViz PPPT X8 opticcal innertiaal hybbrid wwide-aarea ttrackiing syystem, NVISS nVissor SXX headd-mounnted ddisplaay, Coomp

17、lette Chaaracteers avvatar packaage 研究介绍:Thhe misssion of thhe Virrtual Humann Inteeractiion Laab is to unndersttand tthe dyynamiccs andd impllicatiions oof intteracttions amongg peopple inn immeersivee virttual rrealitty simmulatiions (VR), and oother formss of hhuman digittal reepreseentatiions ii

18、n meddia, ccommunnicatiion syystemss, andd gamees. Reesearcchers in thhe labb are most conceerned with underrstandding tthe soocial interractioon thaat occcurs wwithinn the confiines oof VR, and the mmajoriity off our work is ceentereed on usingg empiiricall, behhaviorral scciencee methhodoloogies t

19、o exxploree peopple ass theyy inteeract in thhese ddigitaal worrlds. Howevver, ooftenttimes it iss neceessaryy to ddeveloop neww gestture ttrackiing syystemss, thrree-diimensiional modelling ttechniiques, or aagent-behavvior aalgoriithms in orrder tto ansswer tthese basicc sociial quuestioons. CCons

20、eqquentlly, wee alsoo engaage inn reseearch geareed towwards devellopingg new ways to prroducee thesse VR simullationns. Our ressearchh proggrams tend to faall unnder oone off threee larrger qquestiions: 1. Whatt new sociaal isssues aarise from the uuse off immeersivee VR ccommunnicatiion syystemss?

21、 2. How can VVR be used as a basicc reseearch tool to sttudy tthe nuuancess of fface-tto-facce intteracttion? 3. How can VVR be appliied too imprrove eeverydday liife, ssuch aas leggal prracticces, aand coommuniicatioons syystemss. 网站链接: hhttp:/ 5、加州大学圣圣迭戈分校神神经科学实验验室设备: WorrldVizz Vizaard 3DD softtw

22、are toolkkit, WWorldVViz PPPT X8 opticcal innertiaal hybbrid wwide-aarea ttrackiing syystem, NVISS nVissor SXX headd-mounnted ddisplaay 研究介绍:Thhe lonng-rannge obbjectiive off the laborratoryy is tto bettter uundersstand the nneurall basees of humann senssorimootor ccontrool andd learrning. Our appro

23、oach iis to analyyze noormal motorr conttrol aand leearninng proocessees, annd thee natuure off the breakkdown in thhose pprocessses iin pattientss withh seleectivee faillure oof speecificc senssory oor mottor syystemss of tthe brrain. Towarrd thiis endd, we have develloped novell methhods oof imaag

24、ing and ggraphiic anaalysiss of sspatiootempooral ppatterrns innherennt in digittal reecordss of mmovemeent trrajecttoriess. We monittor moovemennts off the limbss, boddy, heead, aand eyyes, bboth iin reaal envvironmments and iin 3D multiimodall, immmersivve virrtual envirronmennts, aand reecentlly

25、havve addded syynchroonous recorrding of hiigh-deefinittion EEEG. OOne doomain of ouur stuudies is Paarkinssons diseaase. OOur sttudiess havee beenn disssectinng outt thosse eleementss of ssensorrimotoor proocessiing whhich mmay bee mostt impaaired in Paarkinssonismm, andd thosse eleementss thatt ma

26、y most cruciially depennd upoon bassal gaangliaa funcction and ccannott be ccompennsatedd for by otther bbrain systeems. SSince skillled moovemennt andd learrning may bbe connsiderred opppositte siddes off the same coin, we aalso aare innvestiigatinng leaarningg in PParkinnsonss diseease: how PParki

27、nnsonss patiients learnn to aadapt theirr moveementss in aaltereed sennsorimmotor envirronmennts; hhow thheir eeye-haand cooordinnationn channges oover tthe coourse of leearninng seqquencees; annd howw theiir neuural ddynamiics arre alttered when learnning tto makke deccisionns bassed onn rewaard. F

28、Finallly, wee are examiining the aabilitty of drug versuus deeep braain sttimulaation theraapies to ammeliorrate ddeficiits inn thesse funnctionns. 网站链接: hhttp:/poiznner/inndex.hhtml 论文列表: hhttp:/poiznner/puublicaationss.htmll 3、良好的兼容容性和交互性性3.1、与第三三方虚拟现实实配套设备的的结合Worldviiz支持所有有专业显示设设备,如头戴戴式显示器、立立体投影仪

29、和和立体视镜、立立体显示器;支持多种运运动追踪系统统、数字手套套、微型眼动动仪、力反馈馈器、触摸屏屏、模拟驾驶驶器和游戏杆杆等。良好的的兼容性为用用户今后的实实验室拓展提提供了基础。3.2、与生理理信号采集设设备的结合虚拟现实技术作作为一种全新新的沉浸式呈呈现技术,为为心理学提供供了新的研究究方法和手段段,通过与其其他设备的配配合,我们不不仅仅可以采采集到被试在在虚拟环境中中的的行为数数据,还能同同步采集到生生理数据,如如脑电、多导导生理和眼动动等。例如使使用多导电生生理仪,采集集被试的呼吸吸、脉搏、脑脑电等指标,进进而分析被试试的情绪反应应,或者进行行生物反馈治治疗情绪障碍碍。使用头盔盔内眼动仪采采集被试观察察虚拟世界时时的眼动信息息,为空间认认知,空间记记忆,社会心心理学等领域域的研究提供供更客观有效效的数据。实验举例: 设备: WorrldVizz HYPER


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