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1、- 页面 1- SKF General Conditions of Purchase 斯凯凯孚采购购一般条条款 Validd frrom 20008-005-221 自20008年55月211 日起起生效 Thesee coondiitioons of purrchaase shaall appply in fulll uunleess othherwwisee aggreeed iin writiing. Anny ootheer ggeneerall coondiitioons shaall nott bee apppliicabble, evven if theey wweree not

2、 rrejeecteed eexplliciitlyy inn anny iindiividduall caase. 除另有书面面约定,本本采购一一般条款款应当全全部适用用。任何何其他一一般条款款不应适适用,即即使其在在任何个个别情况况下 未被明示拒拒绝。 1. Deefinnitiionss 1. 定义义 1.1 ”SSKF” shaall meaan aany commpanny wwithhin thee SKKF GGrouup oof ccomppaniies purrchaasinng produuctss unnderr thhesee Geenerral Conndittion

3、ns. 1.1 “斯凯孚孚”应指在在本一般般条款下下采购产产品的斯斯凯孚集集团内的的任何公公司。 1.2 ”SSuppplieer” shaall meaan aany commpanny ddeliiverringg prroduuctss too SKKF uundeer tthesse GGeneerall Condiitioons. 1.2 “供应商商”应指在在本一般般条款下下交付产产品给斯斯凯孚的的任何公公司。 1.3 ”AAgreeemeent” shaall meaan aany agrreemmentt beetweeen SKFF annd tthe Supppliier r

4、ellateed tto tthe sale andd puurchhasee off anny pprodductts. Theese Genneraal CCondditiionss annd tthe SKFF Quualiity Standdardds ffor Supppliierss (aas ddefiinedd beeloww) fformm ann innteggrall paart of thee Aggreeemennt. 1.3 “协议”应指斯斯凯孚与与供应商商之间有有关销售售及采购购产品的的任何协协议。本本一般条条款及斯斯凯孚对对供应商商质 量标准(定定义如下下)是协

5、协议的有有效组成成部分。 1.4 ”PProdductts” shaall meaan aany prooduccts andd seerviicess puurchhaseed bby SSKF undder theese Geenerral Conndittionns. 1.4 “产品”应指斯斯凯孚在在本一般般条款下下购买的的任何产产品及服服务。 1.5 ”DDefeectiive Prooduccts” shaall meaan PProdductts tthatt arre nnot in acccorddancce wwithh teechnnicaal aand otherr sp

6、peciificcatiionss sppeciifieed oor ootheerwiise esttabllishhed by SKFF orr arre nnot fitt foor tthe purrposse intenndedd. IIn tthe abssencce oof ddocuumenntedd SKKF rrequuireemennts, ”DDefeectiive Prooduccts” shaall mean Prooduccts thaat aare nott inn acccorrdannce witth aapprroveed ssampple dellive

7、eriees oof tthe Prooduccts or whheree noo saamplles aree deelivvereed, do nott coonfoorm to genneraallyy acccepptedd inndusstryy standdardds. 1.5 “瑕疵产产品”应指不不符合斯斯凯孚指指定的或或另行建建立的技技术规格格及其它它规格的的产品或或不符合合特定用用途的 产品。如无无成文的的斯凯孚孚要求,“瑕疵产品”应指与经批准的产品的交付样品不符之产品,或在无样品交 付的情况下下,与普普遍接受受的行业业标准不不符之产产品。 1.6 ”SSKF Quaalit

8、ty SStanndarrd ffor Supppliierss” sshalll mmeann quualiity reqquirremeentss isssueed bby SSKF Groupp Puurchhasiing. 1.6 “斯凯孚孚对供应应商质量量标准“应指斯斯凯孚集集团采购购部出具具的质量量要求。 2. Innspeectiion of prooducctioon 2. 产品品检验 2.1 SSKF shaall havve tthe rigght to insspecct tthe Supppliiers pprodducttionn, ttakee saamplles

9、andd caarryy out ootheer nneceessaary invvesttigaatioons on thee Suuppllierrs preemisses. 2.1 斯斯凯孚有有权对供供应商生生产进行行检查、采采样并在在供应商商场所采采取其他他必要检检查。 2.2 IIt iis tthe Supppliiers rrespponssibiilitty tto ssee to it thaat SSKF cann exxertt itts rrighht aaccoordiing to clausse 22.1 eveen iin ccasees wwherre ppro

10、dducttionn iss asssiggnedd, pparttiallly or enttireely, too annothher - 页面面 2-compaany. 2.2 供供应商有有义务负负责使斯斯凯孚有有权根据据第2.1条行行使权利利,即使使部分或或全部生生产委托托另一公公司进行行。 3. Quualiity, Etthiccal andd Ennvirronmmenttal, Heealtth & Saafetty rrequuireemennts 3. 质量量、操守守、环境境、健康康及安全全要求 3.1 TThe Supppliier shaall commplyy wii

11、th thee SKKF QQuallityy Sttanddardds ffor Supppliierss, wwhicch iimplliess adopttionn off thhe pprinncippless off thhe SSKF Codde oof CCondductt annd oof SSKFs EEnviironnmenntall, HHeallth & Saffetyy (EEHS) Pooliccy (htttp:/m) aand shaall enssuree thhat anyy Suub-CConttracctorr approovedd byy SKKF u

12、undeer CClauuse 6 oof tthesse GGeneerall Coondiitioons, iss leegallly bouund to a ssimiilarr complliannce oblligaatioon. Thee Prroduuctss shhalll bee inn acccorrdannce witth ttechhniccal andd ottherr speciificcatiionss sppeciifieed oor ootheerwiise esttabllishhed by SKFF. AAll speecifficaatioons wil

13、ll bbe consiiderred to reqquirre tthatt eaach Prooducct mmustt bee neew wwhenn deelivvereed tto SSKF, unnlesss tthe appliicabble speecifficaatioons exppressslyy peermiit tthe delliveery of useed, reccondditiioneed oor remannufaactuuredd Prroduuct. SKKF mmay reffusee too accceppt aany Prooduccts thaa

14、t ddo nnot connforrm tto aall appliicabble speecifficaatioons, inn whhichh caase thee Prroduuctss wiill nott bee coonsiiderred to havve bbeenn delivvereed bby tthe Supppliier. 3.1供应应商应当当遵守斯斯凯孚对对供应商商质量标标准,该该标准包包含对斯斯凯孚行行为准则则、斯凯凯孚环境境、健康康及安全全 政策原则 (htttp:/wwww.skff.coom) 的采纳纳及应确确保任何何斯凯孚孚在本一一般条款款第6条条下批准准

15、的分包包供应商商 受相似遵守守义务的的法律约约束。产产品应当当与斯凯凯孚指定定的或另另行建立立的技术术规格及及其它规规格一致致。全部部规格 将被考虑以以要求每每一产品品交付给给斯凯孚孚时必须须是全新新的,除除非可适适用的规规格明确确允许被被使用过过的经修修理的 或经改造的的产品。斯斯凯孚可可拒绝接接受任何何与全部部可适用用的规格格不相符符的产品品,在此此等情形形下,视视为供应应商 未交付产品品。 3.2 AAfteer SSKF hass appproovedd saamplle ddeliiverriess annd rresppecttivee sppeciificcatiionss, i

16、if sso pprovvideed, of thhe PProdductts, thee Suuppllierr iss noot aalloowedd too chhangge tthe funnctiion, apppeaarannce, prropeertiies, materriall, oor pplacce oof pprodducttionn off thhe PProdductts, witthouut tthe priior wriitteen cconssentt off SKKF. 3.2 斯斯凯孚批批准产品品的交付付样品及及相关规规格后(如如有提供供),未未经斯凯凯孚

17、事先先书面同同意,供供应商不不得更改改 产品的功能能、外观观、属性性及材料料。 3.3 SSKFs aapprrovaal oof PProdductts sshalll nnot afffectt thhe SSuppplieerss liiabiilitty uundeer tthe Agrreemmentt. 3.3 斯斯凯孚批批准产品品并不影影响供应应商在协协议下的的责任。 3.4 TThe Supppliier shaall nottifyy SKKF ffortthwiith of anyy knnownn orr apppreehenndedd Deefecctivve Prod

18、uuctss. SSKF shaall nottifyy thhe SSuppplieer oof aany Deffecttivee Prroduuctss wiithiin 66 moonthhs aafteer tthe Defecctivve PProdductts hhavee beeen dettectted by SKFF. 3.4 供供应商应应当立即即通知斯斯凯孚任任何已知知或察觉觉到的瑕瑕疵产品品。斯凯凯孚应当当于发现现瑕疵产产品之日日起六个个月 内通知供应应商。 3.5 IIf, on acccounnt oof DDefeectiive Prooduccts, SKKF

19、ddeemms iit nneceessaary to carrry outt ann innspeectiion of anny oor aall Prooduccts delliveeredd, tthiss shhalll bee efffecctuaatedd, aafteer cconssulttatiion witth tthe Suppllierr, aat tthe Supppliiers eexpeensee. TThe Supppliier shaall commpennsatte SSKF forr thhe ccostt off suuch inspeectiion.

20、因存在瑕疵疵产品,斯斯凯孚认认为有必必要对已已交付的的任何或或全部产产品进行行检验,经经与供应应商磋商商,此等等检查应应 予实行并应应由供应应商负担担费用。供供应商应应当就检检验费用用补偿斯斯凯孚。 3.6 TThe Supppliier shaall, immmeddiattelyy uppon SKFFs reqquesst, repplacce oor rrecttifyy Deefecctivve Produuctss frree of chaargee orr, iif SSKF so wisshess, ccomppenssatee SKKF ffor thee vaaluee o

21、ff suuch Defecctivve PProdductts oor ffor thee coostss off thheirr reectiificcatiion. Inn adddittionn, tthe Supppliier shaall compeensaate SKFF foor aall cossts, daamagges andd loossees iincuurreed bby SSKF as a rresuult of thee Defecctivve PProdductts. 3.6 经经斯凯孚孚要求,供供应商应应当立即即无偿更更换或补补救瑕疵疵产品或或,如斯斯凯孚要

22、要求,就就此等瑕瑕疵产品品价值或或 2 (8) - 页面面 3-其补救费用用补偿斯斯凯孚。此此外,供供应商应应当就所所有斯凯凯孚因瑕瑕疵产品品发生的的费用、损损害及损损失补偿偿斯凯 孚。 3.7 IIf DDefeectiive Prooduccts havve bbeenn inncorrporrateed iin SSKF prooduccts thaat hhavee beeen delliveeredd to SKKF ccusttomeers, SKKF sshalll hhavee thhe rrighht tto rrecaall thee SKKF pprodductts cc

23、onccernned, att thhe expennse of thee Suuppllierr. 3.7 如如已组装装有瑕疵疵产品的的斯凯孚孚产品已已交付给给斯凯孚孚客户,斯斯凯孚有有权召回回有关斯斯凯孚产产品并由由供应商商 承担费用。 3.8 TThe Supppliier shaall inddemnnifyy SKKF ffor freeighht ccharrgess wiith resspecct tto DDefeectiive Prooduccts (inclludiing thoose rellateed tto DDefeectiive Prooduccts inccor

24、pporaatedd inn SKKF pprodductts) andd, iif tthe Defecctivve PProdductts aare retturnned to thee Suuppllierr, tthe freeighht ccharrgess foor rretuurneed DDefeectiive Produuctss. AAll traanspportt off thhe DDefeectiive Prooduccts in connjunnctiion witth rrecttifiicattionn off deefeccts shalll bee att

25、thhe SSuppplieerss acccouunt andd riisk. 3.8 供供应商应应当就有有关瑕疵疵产品(包包括那些些有关组组装在斯斯凯孚产产品内的的瑕疵产产品)的的运费及及,如瑕瑕疵产品品 退回供应商商处,退退回瑕疵疵产品的的运费补补偿斯凯凯孚。所所有与补补救瑕疵疵有关的的瑕疵产产品运送送应当由由供应商商负担 费用并承担担风险。 3.9 TThe Supppliiers oobliigattionns uundeer cclauuse 3.55-3.8 aabovve sshalll eexpiire 2 yyearrs aafteer tthe SKF PProdduct

26、ts, in whiich thee Deefecctivve PProdductts hhavee beeen inccorpporaatedd, hhavee beeen delivvereed tto aany SKFF cuustoomerr ouutsiide thee SKKF GGrouup. Thee peeriood oof ttimee unnderr whhichh thhe obliggatiionss shhalll exxistt shhalll hoowevver, noot eexceeed thrree (3) yeearss frrom delliveery

27、 of thee Defecctivve PProdductts tto SSKF. *) Thhe ttimee liimittatiionss inn thhis claausee shhalll noot aaffeect thee Suppllierrs prooducct lliabbiliity undder claausee 100 beeloww. 3.9 供供应商在在上述第第3.55条至第第3.88条下的的义务应应当于瑕瑕疵产品品作为其其组成部部分的斯斯凯孚产产品交付付给任何何 斯凯孚集团团外的斯斯凯孚客客户两年年后到期期。但义义务存续续期间不不应超过过瑕疵产产品交付付给斯凯

28、凯孚之日日起三(33) 年。*) 本条时时间限制制不应影影响供应应商在下下述第110条下下的产品品责任。 3.10 Wheen aa Deefecctivve PProdductt haas bbeenn reemeddiedd, tthe Supppliier shaall be liaablee foor ddefeectss in thhe rrepllaceed oor rrepaaireed PProdductt unnderr thhe ssamee teermss annd ccondditiionss ass thhosee appliicabble to thee orrig

29、iinall Prroduuctss. 3.10 如瑕疵疵产品已已被补救救,供应应商应当当对已被被替换或或修补后后产品内内的瑕疵疵按适用用于原产产品的条条款承担担责 任。 4. Teechnnicaal mmodiificcatiionss 4. 技术术修改 SKF rreseervees tthe rigght, affterr thhe oordeer hhas beeen pplacced, too moodiffy tthe agrreedd prroduuct speciificcatiion. Anny ssuchh moodifficaatioon sshalll bbe cco

30、nffirmmed in wriitinng. Anyy diiffeerennce in priice and/oor ddeliiverry ddatee reesulltinng ffromm suuch moddifiicattionns iis tto bbe ssubjjectt too muutuaal agreeemennt aand musst bbe cconffirmmed in wriitinng. 下放订单后后,斯凯凯孚有权权修改已已约定的的产品规规格。任任何修改改应当以以书面方方式确认认。任何何此等修修改引起起的价 格及/或交交付日期期变化由由双方协协商并应应当以书

31、书面方式式确认。 5. Deelivveriies 5. 交付付 5.1 DDeliiverry cclauusess shhalll bee coonsttrueed iin aaccoordaancee wiith thee laatesst vverssionn off “INCOOTERRMS”. Iff noo deelivveryy teerm is speecifficaallyy aggreeed, thee deelivveryy shhalll bee “DDDP”. 5.1 交交付条款款应当根根据最新新版本的的“联合国国国际贸贸易术语语解释通通则”解释。如如无明确确约定的

32、的交付条条款,交交 付条款应当当为“完税后后交货 (指定目目的地)”。 5.2 DDeliiverriess shhalll bee maade in acccorddancce wwithh aggreeed ddeliiverry ddatees. 33 (88) - 页面面 4-5.2 交交付应当当根据约约定的交交付日期期进行。 5.3 SSKF doees nnot accceptt anny rrespponssibiilitty ffor Prooduccts supppliied in quaantiitiees eexceeediing thosee aggreeed uupo

33、nn orr deelivvereed bbefoore thee aggreeed ddatee. SSuchh Prroduuctss maay bbe rretuurneed tto the SSuppplieer aat tthe Supppliiers eexpeensee. TThe rissk oof llosss foor ssuchh Prroduuctss shhalll bee boornee byy the SSuppplieer. 5.3 斯斯凯孚无无任何义义务接受受超过约约定数量量而多供供应的或或在约定定日期前前交付的的产品。此此等产品品可由供供应商负负 担费用退回

34、回供应商商。此等等产品的的损失风风险由供供应商承承担。 5.4 TThe Supppliier shaall forrthwwithh nootiffy SSKF in wriitinng oof aany knoown or appprehhendded eventts tthatt maay rresuult in a bbreaach of thee aggreeed ddeliiverry ddatee annd aadviise SKFF ass sooon as possiiblee thhereeaftter wheen ddeliiverry ccan be exppectte

35、d. 5.4 供供应商应应当立即即将已知知或察觉觉到的可可能导致致无法遵遵守约定定交付日日期的事事件书面面通知斯斯凯孚并并随后尽尽快 告知斯凯孚孚可预计计的交付付时间。 5.5 TThe Supppliier shaall havve tto ppay forr anny eextrra ffreiightt chhargges inccurrred in enssuriing thaat delayyed delliveeriees rreacch SSKF on timme. 5.5 供供应商应应当承担担任何保保证已延延迟的交交付准时时到达斯斯凯孚而而产生的的额外运运费。 5.6 TThe

36、 Supppliier shaall commpennsatte SSKF forr alll ccostts, dammagees aand losssess inncurrredd byy SKKF as a ressultt off laate delliveery. 5.6 供供应商应应当就斯斯凯孚因因延迟交交付发生生的所有有费用、损损害及损损失补偿偿斯凯孚孚。 6. Suub-CConttracctorrs 6. 分包包供应商商 Suppllierrs usee off a subb-coontrracttor shaall reqquirre SSKFs pprioor wwrit

37、ttenn appproovall. SSuchh usse wwilll not rreliievee Suuppllierr frrom thee reespoonsiibillityy foor eensuurinng tthatt thhe pprovvisiionss off thhe Agreeemennt aare commpliied witth. 供应商使用用分包供供应商应应当取得得斯凯孚孚事先书书面批准准。此等等使用不不免除供供应商确确保协议议条款被被遵守的的义 务。 7. Inntelllecctuaal PProppertty RRighhts 7. 知识识产权 7.1

38、 TThe supppliier reppressentts aand warrrannts thaat tthe Prooduccts do nott innfriingee anny IInteelleectuual Propeertyy Riightt off anny tthirrd ppartty. Thee Suuppllierr shhalll inndemmniffy SSKF forr alll ccostts aarissingg ouut or reelattingg too thhe PProdductts aand/or thee inncorrporratiion

39、of thee Prroduuctss inn thhe ffinaal pprodductts sold by SKFF orr byy anny ccusttomeer oof SSKF, iff suuch Prooduccts inffrinnge thee Inntelllecctuaal PProppertty Rightt off a thiird parrty. Thhe SSuppplieer sshalll aassiist SKFF annd, if so reqquesstedd byy SKKF, shaall defennd SSKF, att thhe SSupp

40、plieerss exxpennse, inn diispuutess inn whhichh SKKF iis iinvoolveed aas aa conseequeencee off saaid inffrinngemmentt. 7.1 供供应商陈陈述并保保证产品品未侵犯犯任何第第三方的的任何知知识产权权。供应应商应当当就因产产品及/或在斯斯凯孚或或其 任何客户售售出的最最终产品品内组装装产品而而产生或或与之有有关的所所有费用用补偿斯斯凯孚,如如此等产产品侵犯犯第三方方的 知识产权。供供应商应应当在作作为前述述侵权结结果而发发生的涉涉及斯凯凯孚的纠纠纷中协协助斯凯凯孚及,如如斯凯孚孚要

41、求, 自负费用用保护斯斯凯孚免免收损害害。 7.2 IIn tthe eveent thee Suuppllierr prrepaaress foor SSKF nottes, reeporrts, daata, annd aany othher inforrmattionn reegarrdleess of thee meediaa off exxpreessiion (coolleectiivelly, “Maaterriall”), thhesee shhalll bee deemeed tto bbe wworkks ffor hirre aand shaall bellongg ex

42、xcluusivvelyy too SKKF. If by opeerattionn off laaw aany of thhe MMateeriaal iis nnot worrk mmadee foor hhiree, tthenn thhe SSuppplieer hhereeby asssignns tto tthe ownerrshiip oof ssuchh Maaterriall inncluudinng aall coppyriightts ttherretoo. TThe Supppliier willl nnot usee anny Materriall prrepaare

43、dd foor SSKF witthouut ffirsst oobtaainiing thee wrrittten connsennt oof SSKF. 4 (8) - 页面面 5-7.2 如如供应商商为斯凯凯孚准备备记录、报报告、数数据及任任何其他他信息(总总称 “材料”),不不论其表表现媒介介,均视视 为雇主作品品且应当当归斯凯凯孚独有有。如根根据法律律任何材材料并非非雇主作作品,供供应商兹兹将此等等材料所所有权包包括相 关著作权转转让给斯斯凯孚。未未事先获获得斯凯凯孚书面面同意,供供应商将将不使用用任何为为斯凯孚孚准备的的材料。 7.3 IIn tthe eveent thee Su

44、uppllierr maakess ann immproovemmentt too anny SSKF prooducct, SKFF shhalll bee entittledd too fuull ownnersshipp off anny ssuchh immproovemmentts cconcceivved or firrst acttuallly redduceed tto practticee byy Suuppllierr duurinng tthe perrforrmannce of thee orrderr. TThe supppliier agrreess too prr

45、ompptlyy discllosee anny ssuchh immproovemmentts aand herrebyy asssiggns to SKFF alll iinteelleectuual prooperrty rigghtss thereeto. Thhe SSuppplieer ffurttherr aggreees tto pprovvidee reeasoonabble asssisttancce tto SSKF, att SKKFss expennsess, ffor seccuriing alll inntelllecctuaal pproppertty rrig

46、hhts purrsuaant to Secctioons 7.22 annd 77.3. 7.3 如如供应商商对任何何斯凯孚孚产品做做出改进进,斯凯凯孚享有有对任何何经供应应商在履履行订单单期间构构思的或或第一次次事 实上具以实实施的此此等改进进的全部部所有权权。供应应商同意意立即披披露任何何此等改改进及将将所有相相关知识识产权转转让给 斯凯孚。供供应商进进一步同同意向斯斯凯孚提提供合理理协助并并由斯凯凯孚自负负费用根根据7.2款及及7.33款取得得所有知知识 产权。 8. Toooliing 8. 工具具 8.1 SSpecciall tooolss annd eequiipmeent p

47、roovidded by thee Suuppllierr too bee ussed in fullfilllmeent of thee Agreeemennt, shaall, whhen whoollyy orr paartlly ppaidd byy SKKF, beccomee thhe pproppertty oof SSKF (“Tooolinng”). 8.1 由由供应商商提供的的为履行行协议而而使用的的由斯凯凯孚全部部或部分分付款的的特殊工工具及设设备应为为斯凯孚孚财产 (“工具具”)。 8.2 TThe Supppliier shaall marrk tthe Toooli

48、nng wwithh a cleear reffereencee thhat thee toooliing is SKFFs propeertyy. TThe Supppliier shaall nott, wwithhoutt thhe pprioor wwritttenn coonseent of SKFF, ssurrrendder Tooliing to thiird parrtiees aand shaall nott bee enntittledd too maanuffactturee wiith thee Toooliing anyy produuctss, ootheer t

49、thann thhe PProdductts ffor SKFF. TThe Supppliiers rrespponssibiilittiess inncluude takkingg care of reppairrs, stooragge, serrviccingg annd iinsuurannce rellateed tto tthe maiinteenannce of thee Toooliing. 8.2 供供应商应应当清楚楚标示工工具以表表明其为为斯凯孚孚财产。供供应商不不得未经经斯凯孚孚事先书书面同意意将工具具交给第第 三方且无权权使用工工具生产产除为斯斯凯孚生生产的产产品以外

50、外的任何何产品。供供应商义义务包括括有关工工具维护护的修理理、 存储、维修修及保险险。 9. Teermiinattionn 9. 解除除 9.1 AA paartyy maay ttermminaate thee Aggreeemennt bby wwritttenn nooticce ffortthwiith andd wiithoout anyy liabiilitty ffor commpennsattionn, iif tthe othher Parrty beccomees iinsoolveent, haas aa reeceiiverr orr adminnisttrattor

51、 apppoinntedd foor iits asssetss, oor iif aa peetittionn foor bbankkrupptcyy iss fiiledd byy thhat Parrty itsellf oor iif ootheer bbankkrupptcyy prroceeediingss arre ccommmencced. 9.1如一一方破产产、有为为其财产产指定的的接收人人或管理理人或该该方提交交破产申申请或其其他破产产程序开开始,另另一方可可 以书面通知知立即解解除协议议且不负负任何赔赔偿责任任,。 9.2 WWhenn Prroduuctss arre

52、ddeliiverred aftter agrreedd deelivveryy tiime or wheen DDefeectiive Prooduccts aree not rrecttifiied or repplacced witthinn reeasoonabble timme, witthouut llimiitattionn off SKKFss ottherr riightts, SKF hhas thee riightt too teermiinatte tthe Agrreemmentt inn fuull or in parrt. 9.2 当当产品在在约定的的交付日日期后

53、交交付或当当瑕疵产产品在合合理期限限内未被被补救或或替换,斯斯凯孚有有权立即即解除全全 部或部分协协议且斯斯凯孚的的其他权权利不受受限制。 9.3 IIf tthe Supppliier faiils to fullfilll hhis oblligaatioons undder thee Aggreeemennt, SKFF shhalll haave thee rightt too teermiinatte tthe Agrreemmentt foorthhwitth. 9.3 如如供应商商未能履履行其在在协议下下的义务务,斯凯凯孚有权权立即解解除协议议。 10. PProdductt l

54、iiabiilitty aand inssuraancee 10. 产产品责任任及保险险 5 (8) - 页面面 6-To thhe eexteent thaat SSKF migght inccur prooducct lliabbiliity itsselff orr toowarrds anyy thhirdd paartyy, tthe Suppllierr shhalll inndemmniffy SSKF as farr ass thhe ddamaage or SKFFs liaabillityy iss duue tto DDefeectiive Produuctss. TTh

55、e Supppliier shaall proovidde eeviddencce oof aa buusinnesss annd pprodductt liiabiilitty iinsuurannce, at ann innsurred levvel whiich is adeequaate havvingg reegarrd tto tthe bussineess imppactt foor SSKF wheen purchhasiing thee Prroduuctss annd mmustt maainttainn suuch inssuraancee wiith reggarddi

56、ngg too thhe rriskks coverred andd thhe aamouunt of covveraage forr thhe ttermm off thhe AAgreeemeent. Suuch inssuraancee shhalll also covver thee acctioons of a ssubcconttracctorr orr suubsuuppllierr thhat thee Suuppllierr maay uutillizee unnderr this Agrreemmentt. 如损害或斯斯凯孚责责任因瑕瑕疵产品品所致,供供应商应应当就斯斯凯孚

57、自自身可能能承担或或可能向向任何第第三方承承担的产产品 责任补偿斯斯凯孚。供供应商应应当提供供与斯凯凯孚采购购产品时时对斯凯凯孚产生生的商业业影响相相适应的的保险级级别的商商业 及产品责任任保险证证明且在在协议期期间必须须维持此此等保险险的承保保风险及及保险额额。此等等保险应应同样覆覆盖供应应商在 本协议下可可能使用用的分包包方或分分供应商商的行为为。 11. CConffideentiialiity 11. 保保密 11.1 Dessignns, sammplees, toools, drrawiingss, pplanns, proograams or othher infformmati

58、ion proovidded by one ppartty tto tthe othher parrty musst nnot be useed bby tthe recceivvingg paartyy foor aany othher purrposse than thee fuulfiillmmentt off thhe AAgreeemeent andd muust nott bee reeprooducced or disscloosedd too a thiird partyy wiithoout thee prriorr wrrittten perrmisssioon ffrom

59、m diiscllosiing parrty. 11.1一一方向另另一方提提供的设设计、样样品、工工具、图图纸、计计划、程程序或其其他信息息不得被被接收方方用作除除履行协协 议以外的任任何其他他目的,未未经披露露方事先先书面允允许亦不不得被复复制或向向第三方方透露。 11.2 Wheen rrequuestted by thee diiscllosiing parrty, thhe rreceeiviing parrty shaall retturnn alll docummenttatiion andd coompuuterr reeadaablee daata, coopiees iinc

60、lludeed,aas rreceeiveed ffromm thhe discllosiing parrty. Coopiees mmadee byy eiitheer ppartty oor oon bbehaalf of eittherr paartyy shhalll bee destrroyeed ffortthwiith. 11.2 经披露露方要求求,接收收方应当当归还所所有从披披露方处处收到的的文件、计计算机可可读数据据及其复复印件。任任何一 方自行或委委托他人人制作的的复印件件应当立立即销毁毁。 11.3 Thee Suuppllierr shhalll noot aadvee


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