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1、高一英语下学期 Unit18 New Zealan 单元测Goals:itTalk about location an irection.一、Write the key wors or phrases from memory(默写重点单词与词组)10 分1.风,ft水 3.海 7.表,外 9.占,财 11.婚 13.会议 15.农业 17.海边别 19.输,出口 二、Wor spelling)10包,围 海 泉 安,定 同,一 埋 关,联 牲 航 区 1.New Zealan is sby the Pacific Ocean to the north an 2.New Zealan has a

2、 pof about 3.8 million people.3.The气)in some southern cities is very mil an pleasant. 4.In China October 1 is庆)as a National ay.The girl rto in your letter use to be my neighbors aughter.New Zealan,with its n parks,attracts tourists.beauty,mountains,rivers an nationalMany families go)in the hills or

3、 on the coast.The happier events,like weing,are m ancing.with speeches,singing anCan you tell something in rto eucation? 10.Captain Cook took)of the islans in 三、Rewrite the following )5To rink too much wine is not a goo habit. not a goo habittoo much wine.People keep eer in orer to get meat an fur.T

4、he eertheir meat an fur. 3.Farmers sen the eer meat an fur to all over the worl by The eer meat an furall over the 4.Most people in Australia speak English. in Australia speak English.5.There are 6% of Asians who have settle in New Zealan.Asiansabout 6% ofin New Zealan.四、Multiple choice(单项选择)15 分We

5、can see lots of small islansthe A.onB.offC.along.besieThe oceans an seasthe islans are eep blue an many cities lie a bay.A.surrouning;inC.surroune;in.surroune;onSome of this heat near the earths surfacemake A.is use forB.is use toC.gets use to.use toThe stuentforwar to going abroa for further A.refe

6、rre to looksB.referre to lookC.refers to look.referring to lookEinstein was famousa scientisthis Theory of Relativity. A.for;forB.as;forC.for;as.as;asAbout 6% of the population in New ZealanA.areB.isC.make up.are fromThe majority of the stuents hereEnglish A.practises speakingB.practise speakingC.pr

7、actices to speak.practise to 8.Can you escribe the climateNew Zealan?A.close toB.next toC.in relation to.referring to some 3 500 kilometers from Polynesia to New Zealan. A.There isB.It isC.It has.There liesFinally an agreementafter they ha two-ay iscussion. A.reacheB.was reacheC.signe.finisheNew Zea

8、lan wine isan is sol all over the A.of high qualityB.high qualityC.goo quality.of poor qualityFarmers have turne toeer because it can make a lot of A.keepB.keepingC.make.makingNew Zealan is a(n)country.A.spoken EnglishB.English spokenC.speaking English.English-speakingo you think that the way of Mao

9、ri life in the village will be keptA.lovelyB.aliveC.lively.life nees further iscussion whether well buil a laboratory or A.The matterB.HeC.It.We五、Cloze test(完形填空)20 分Whenavewaseighteen,heboughtasecon-hancarfor 200sothathecoultravel to an from work more 1than by bus.It worke quite well for a few year

10、s,but itgotsool,anitwascostinghim2much in repairs that he ecie that he ha better3it.He aske among his friens to see if anyone was particularly4to buy a cheap car,but they all knew that it was falling to pieces,so 5of them ha any esire buy it.avesfrienSamsawthathewas 6whentheymetoneevening,ansai,“Wha

11、ts7 ,ave?”avetolhimanSamaboutavertisingitinthepaper? You may 8 more for it that way than the cost of the avertisement!” Thinking Sams 9 was sensible,he put an avertisement in an evening paper,which rea:“For sale:small car, 10 very little petrol,only two owners.Bargain at 50.”For two ays after the av

12、ertisement first appeare,there was no11 .But on Saturay evening a man rang up an sai he woul like to 12him about the “All ave sai,feeling happy.He aske the man whether ten oclock the next morningwoulbe13orthemanIll 14my wife.We inten to go for a rie in it to15Thenextmorning,attenquarter,aveparkethec

13、arinthesquareoutsiehisfront oor, 16to wait there for the person who ha17his avertisement.Even ave ha to18that the car really looke like a wreck.Then soon after he ha got the car as19as it coul be,a police car stoppe just behin him an a policeman out.Helookeatavescaranthenyoureportethis20tousyet,sir?

14、”1.A.irectlyB.safelyC.properly.easily2.A.soB.suchC.very.too3.A.keepB.repairC.sell.throw4.A.anxiousB.luckyC.ashame.generous5.A.someB.neitherC.none.no one6.A.calmB.upsetC.elighte.astonishe7.A.noB.upC.it.that8.A.learnB.missC.get.fin9.A.messageB.aviceC.request.escription10.A.usesB.losesC.has.spens11.A.o


16、eC.accient.result六、Reaing comprehension(阅读理解)20 分AFor years,business people in Western Europe were worrie.They knew they coul not compete)against business from the U.S.The Unite States is much larger an many more resources than any Western European country.Some European people realize that the Europ

17、ean nations nee to join together help each other.If they coul forget their language ifferences an the ifferences in customs),they might become strong competition against other countries.In 1958,six of the European countries-Belgium;the Netherlans,Luxembourg,France,Germany an Italy got together an ec

18、ie to cooperate).TheycalletheirgrouptheEuropeanEconomicCommunity,ortheCommon Market.Thesecountriesagreetojointheirresourcestogether.Withinafewyears,the EuropeanEconomicCommunityhaworkesowellthatitsmembersweremoreprosperous(繁荣)than many other European nations.Soon,othernationsbegantorealizetheavantag

19、es)oftheCommonMarket.Toay the Common Market inclues most of the important countries in Western Europe.It helpingWesternEuropetoagaintakeitsplaceasaleaeramongtheinustrialnations of the worl.From the passage we know the U.S.is much richer thanin resources. A.any other Western Europe countriesany other

20、 country in Western Europeany country in Western Europeevery country in EuropeThe members of the European Economic Community have evelope fast because they.share their resources an prouce more gooscan again take the place as a leaerforget the ifferences in their languages an customshave become stron

21、g competition against the 3.Which statement is true?The Common Market is only a political The Common Market is an economic an political association.The Common Market is only an economic association.The Common Market is neither an economic association nor a political one. 4.In orer tothe Western Euro

22、pean countries ecie to cooperate. A.join together to foun a unite countryhelp each other to smooth away the ifferences in customswork an act together for common purposefight against the U.S.Toay the Common Market has helpeagain take the place as a among the inustrial nations of the worl.Belgium,the

23、Netherlans,Luxembourg,France,Germany an ItalyBelgium,the Netherlans,Luxembourg,France,Germany,Italy an other countries C.Belgium,the Netherlans,Luxembourg,France,Germany,Italy an other Europeancountries.Belgium,the Netherlans,Luxembourg,France,Germany,Italy an other Western European nationsBSyney is

24、 Australias most exciting city.The history of Australia begin here.In 1788,Captain Arthur Philips arrive in Syney with 11 ships an 1 024 passengers Britain(incluing 770 prisoners).Toay there are 2.5 million people in Syney.It is the biggest city in Australia,an one of the most beautiful cities in th

25、e worl.There are over 20 fine beaches close to Syney.Its warm summer climate an cool winter have mae it a favorite city for immigrants(移民)from overseas.There are threethings that mae Syney famous its beautiful harbor( 港 口 ),the Syney Harbor Brige,an the Syney Opera House.But there are many more inte

26、resting things in Syney:beautiful shops an restaurants,for example,rows of interesting ol houses built in the 19th century,an everywhere,the sea.Summer or winter,ay or night,Syney is an outoor city.Some Americans think it is very British.Some British visitors think it is like America.There is some t

27、ruth in both these opinions,because Syney takefsrom both the Ol Worl Europe,an the New Worl America,an makes it into something that is neither British nor American but truly Australian.What is Syney?The capital of Australia.The biggest city in Australia.The olest city in the worl.The biggest harbor

28、in the worl.In 1788 Captain Arthur Phillips arrive in Syney.with some ships an more than one thousan passengers from Britainwith eleven ships an seven hunre prisonerswith one thousan an twenty-four passengers besies seven hunre prisonerswith more than ten ships an some sailors 8.What mae Syney famou

29、s?There are many immigrants from ifferent countries,the beautiful beaches interesting ol houses.There are beautiful shops,the beautiful harbor an large ships.There are the Syney Opera House,moern restaurants an many overseas.The beautiful Harbor,the Syney Harbor Brige an the Syney Opera 9.The climat

30、e in Syney is.warm in summer an col in winterwarm all the year rounneither too hot nor too colcool all through the year10.The writer thinks Syney isA.mostly like Americais very Britishis neither British nor American but truly Australiataking from the Ol Worl an New Worl七、Error correction(短文改错)10 分Co

31、ffee houses can be seen anywhere in America.1. The Europeans brought the iea with them.Soon 2. became of their favorite rink.Toay people in 3. USA rink more coffee than people in any country. 4. They rink them at breakfast,at lunch an 5. meal,an not only at home but also at work.Coffee 6. is also ri

32、nking aroun the worl.Some people 7. coffee is very black an very strong.But others 8. coffee with cream or sugar,or cream an sugar 9. it.Now coffee has become a worl-wiely 10. 八、Guie writing(书面表达)10 分请根据下表提示,以“Canaa”为题,写一篇英语短文。地理状况气候资 源 工农业地广人稀。三面环海,南邻美国。湖泊众多;沿海地区岛屿较多。东部和西部湿润;南部温暖;北部寒冷。水电,森林,矿产(如煤,石

33、油,天然气等)资源丰富。主要集中于南部。工业发达,交通便利;农作物以玉米、小麦为主。注意:1.词数:100 左右。2.内容连贯,通顺。参考答案一、Write the key wors or phrases from )10 2.surroun 3.bay 4.harbor 5.volcano 6.spring 7.surfacesettle 9.possession 10.agreement 11.weing 12.burial 13.conference 14.relation 15.agricultural 16.cattle 17.seasie cottage 18.sail 19.ex

34、port 20.region二、Wor spelling(单词拼写)10 分1.surroune2.population3. climate4.celebrate5.referre7.camping 8.marke 9.relation 10.possession三、Rewrite the following sentences(句型转换)5 分1.It isto rink 2.are farme for 3.are shippe to 4.The majority of people 5.make upthe population四、Multiple choice(单项选择)15 分1.B

35、off 表示“距离远” Japan lies off the east of China.The islan is 500 kilometers off the shore.2.B 首先分词短语 surrouning the islans 作定语修饰前面的名词;lie on the bay表示“在海湾”。3.B be use to o /be use for oing表示“被用来做4.A 这个句子特别注意 referre to于定语从句who is referre .这里主语是the stuent ,所以谓语动词单数 looks。5.B be famous for famous as “作为而

36、出名6.A populationpeopl。7.B 这里主语是the stuents ,是复数,practise 后面接动名词,即practise oing。8.C 词组in relation to 表示“与有关”。9.B 这一单元重点学习itit 可表示“距离,时间,天气等10.B reach an agreement 表示“达成协议,达成一致的意见”。11.Abe ofhigh quality12.B turn to oing .表示“转向做”,这里 to 是介词,keep eer 表示“饲养13. English-speaking 表示“说英语的” ,这是一种构词法。 e.g.Austr

37、alia is English-speaking country while France is a French-speaking country.14.B keep alive 表示“保持,继续”。15.C 这里考查it 的用法, 这里it 是形式主语,代替whether 导致的从句。五、Cloze test(完形填空)20 分1. ave 买了车,所以上班越发方便。2.A 这里使用了sothat 句型。3.C 修车太花钱,所以他想卖车。4.A be anxious to o表示“急切要做5.C 因为朋友知道车子太破,所以没人要买。6.B upset 表示“不安”。7.B Whats up?表示“怎么了?什么事?8.C 朋友出主意,要他做广告,至少可以赚到超出广告开支的钱。9.B 他认为朋友的意见有道理。10.A 他打出广告,大吹车子节油。11. 头两天没有反映。12.B 终于星期六晚上有人打来


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