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1、Unit 6 What time is it?Story time Unit 6 What time is it?Story t游戏规则:看到出现三个数字,请一位同学快速猜一猜是什么数字,猜对了其他同学回答“Youre right.”猜错了就要出局了噢“Youre out.”Play a game游戏规则:Play a gamethreetwoninePlay a gamethreetwoninePlay a gameonefivesevenPlay a gameonefivesevenPlay a gametwoseventenPlay a gametwoseventenPlay a gam

2、ethreefourPlay a gamethreefourPlay a gameelevenLets learnelevenLets learntwelveLets learntwelveLets learn123456789101112What time is it ?几点了?Its seven oclock.七点整。Its time for breakfast.早餐,早饭Lets learn123456789101112What time is it123456789101112What time is it ?Its twelve oclock.十二点整。Its time for lu

3、nch.午餐,午饭Lets learn123456789101112What time is it123456789101112What time is it ?Its six oclock.六点整。Its time for dinner.晚餐,晚饭Lets learn123456789101112What time is it刘涛上课迟到了吗?Is Liu Tao late for class?Watch and answer刘涛上课迟到了吗?Is Liu Tao late for c刘涛上课迟到了吗?Is Liu Tao late for class?Good morning, Miss

4、Li.Good morning, Liu Tao.Hurry up! Its time for class. 快点 课,上课Watch and answer刘涛上课迟到了吗?Is Liu Tao late for cRead and completeRead and completeWake up, Taotao.Its seven oclock. Its time for breakfast. 醒,醒来What time is it, Mum?Lets readWake up, Taotao.Its seven ocIts six oclock. Its time for dinner.Le

5、ts readIts six oclock. Lets readOK, Mum.Its nine oclock. Its time for bed.What time is it, Mum?Lets readOK, Mum.Its nine oclock. Whaseven oclocknine oclockdinnerRead and completeseven oclocknine oclockdinneWatch and repeatWatch and repeat有表情地分组对话,并注意模仿语音语调噢!Good Reader有表情地分组对话,并Good Reader四人一小组表演对话,

6、比一比哪组表演的最棒噢!Lets act四人一小组表演对话,比一比哪组表演的最棒噢!Lets acHomework1.复述Story time中的故事。2.预习Cartoon time内容。Homework1.复述Story time中的故事。Unit 6 What time is it?Fun time & Cartoon time Unit 6 What time is it?Fun timTry to retellTry to retellonethreetwofourfivesixseveneightnineteneleventwelveLets readonethreetwofour

7、fivesixseveneig游戏规则:看到出现三个数字,快速说出对应的英文,看谁说得又快又准噢!Play a game游戏规则:Play a gamePlay a gamePlay a gameTry to makeTry to make123456789101112What time is it ?Its seven oclock.Look and answer123456789101112What time is it123456789101112What time is it ?Its twelve oclock.Look and answer123456789101112What t

8、ime is it123456789101112What time is it ?Its six oclock.Look and answer123456789101112What time is itIts eight oclock. Wheres Bobby?Watch and answerIts eight oclock. Wheres BoIts eight oclock. Wheres Bobby?Hes in bed.Watch and answerIts eight oclock. Wheres BoWhose bag is it? 这是谁的包?Read and answerWh

9、ose bag is it? 这是谁的包?Read anWhat time is it?Lets readWhat time is it?Lets readIts eight oclock.Lets readIts eight oclock.Lets readBobby, thats my bag!Lets readBobby, thats my bag!Lets reaWheres my book?Wheres my pencil?Lets readWheres my book?Lets readWhats this?Lets readWhats this?Lets readWhat are

10、 these?Bobby, heres your bag!这些= here is包Lets readWhat are these?Bobby, heres yWhose bag is it? 这是谁的包?Tinas.Watch and answerWhose bag is it? 这是谁的包?Tinas.Watch and repeatWatch and repeat有表情地分组对话,并注意模仿语音语调噢!Good Reader有表情地分组对话,并Good Reader两人一小组表演对话,比一比哪组表演的最棒噢!Lets act两人一小组表演对话,比一比哪组表演的最棒噢!Lets acHome

11、work1.复述Cartoon time中的故事。2.预习Sound time内容。Homework1.复述Cartoon time中的故事。Unit 6 What time is it?Sound time, Rhyme time, Checkout time& Ticking time Unit 6 What time is it?Sound tonethreetwofourfivesixseveneightnineteneleventwelveLets readonethreetwofourfivesixseveneig游戏规则:看到出现三个数字,快速说出对应的英文,看谁说得又快又准噢!

12、Play a game游戏规则:Play a gamePlay a gamePlay a game123456789101112What time is it ?Its seven oclock.Its time for breakfast.Look and answer123456789101112What time is it123456789101112What time is it ?Its twelve oclock.Its time for lunch.Look and answer123456789101112What time is it123456789101112What

13、time is it ?Its six oclock.Its time for dinner.Look and answer123456789101112What time is itListen and drawListen and drawIts seven oclock. Wake up, Mike.Lets checkIts seven oclock. Wake up, MGood morning, Helen. What time is it, please?Its ten oclock.Lets checkGood morning, Helen. What timeIts two

14、oclock. Its time for class.Lets checkIts two oclock. Its time foWhat time is it , please?Its nine oclock. Its time for bed.Lets checkWhat time is it , please?LetsI can ask and answer questions about the time.I can say “Its time for .”Ticking timeI can ask and answer questionsWhat time is it?Look and

15、 answerWhat time is it?Look and answeTick-tock. Eight oclock.Its time to eat.Tick-tock. Ten oclcok.Its time to meet.见面的时间到了。Lets readTick-tock. Eight oclock.见面的时间Tick-tock. Eight oclock.Its time to eat.Tick-tock. Ten oclcok.Its time to meet.Watch and repeatTick-tock. Eight oclock.Watcheat eight get ten time tLets readeat tLets readI can ask and answer questions about the time.I can say “Its time for .”I kn


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