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1、Section Lesson 2Different SchoolsSection Lesson 2Different S一二三一、词义匹配AB1.drilla.the speed at which sb./sth.walks,runs or moves2.mottob.a way of learning sth.by means of repeated exercises3.alternativec.saying4.reputationd.fame5.obeye.that can be used instead of sth.else6.pacef.to do what you are tol

2、d or expected to do答案:1.b2.c3.e4.d5.f6.a 一二三一、词义匹配一二三二、猜词拼写1. opposed to great or sudden social change2. not exact;not very careful3. extremely good;excellent4. choose5. very small in degreeconservative loose outstanding select slight 一二三二、猜词拼写conservative loose ou一二三三、词汇拓展1.punishment vt.惩罚2.slight

3、 adv.轻微地3.receiver vt.接收 4.mild adv.温和地5.reflect n.反映6.select n.挑选7.misunderstand n.误会punish slightly receive mildly reflection selection misunderstanding 一二三三、词汇拓展punish slightly recei1234567随堂练习1.What does “alternative education” mean?(P38)选修教育(课)是什么?考点alternative adj.非传统的;另类的;可选择的;两者(或若干)中择一的n.可选

4、择的东西(或办法等)If this plan is not accepted,we have an alternative one.如果这个计划不被接受,我们还有另一个计划。To stay where I was is my only alternative.留在原地是我唯一的选择。1234567随堂练习1.What does “altern1234567随堂练习考点延伸阅读下列句子,指出黑体单词的词性/词组和意义Ill have no alternative but to go with you.词组 have no alternative/choice but to do.意义 别无选择只

5、能做There was no alternative but to close the road until February.词组 there is no alternative but to do.意义 别无选择只能做The treatment is offered as an alternative to surgery.词组 an alternative to sth.意义 某物的替代We could drive all the way.Alternatively,we could fly.词性 副词意义 二者选一地1234567随堂练习考点延伸1234567随堂练习have no a

6、lternative/choice but to do.别无选择只能做there is no alternative but to do.别无选择只能做an alternative to.的替换物;取代alternatively adv.二者择一地1234567随堂练习have no alternative1234567随堂练习1234567随堂练习1234567随堂练习1234567随堂练习1234567随堂练习2.Founded in 1896,“Tredona School” is proud of its long list of outstanding past students.(

7、P38)Tredona学校成立于1896年,它为自己培养出众多的优秀学生而感到骄傲。考点“Founded in 1896”是过去分词短语在句中作状语,与句子主语“Tredona School”构成逻辑上的被动关系。Grown in richer soil,these seeds can grow fast.如果种在更肥沃的土壤里,这些种子能长得很快。 Supported by a young man,the old woman came in.在一个年轻人的搀扶下,老太太进来了。1234567随堂练习2.Founded in 1896,“1234567随堂练习考点延伸阅读下列句子,指出黑体部分

8、充当什么状语Born in a poor family,Nadia had only two years of schooling.原因状语When asked her future plans,the girl said that she wanted to be a teacher.时间状语Some medicines,if wrongly taken,can kill a person.条件状语Encouraged by his parents, he still has no confidence in overcoming the difficulties.让步状语1234567随堂

9、练习考点延伸1234567随堂练习The girl met with an accident when crossing the road,wounded in the head.结果状语1234567随堂练习The girl met with 1234567随堂练习1234567随堂练习1234567随堂练习1234567随堂练习1234567随堂练习3.Our goal is to contribute to the students whole being by giving each of them real-life skills.(P38)我们的目标是通过给每一个人真实生活的技能来

10、促进学生的全面发展。考点be to do sth.是一般将来时的一种形式,表示安排、命令、职责、义务、目的、用途、可能性、命中注定等含义。Her ambition is to become part of the national team for the next Paralympic Games.她的理想是加入国家队并参加下一届残奥会。We are to meet at the school gate.我们约好在校门口碰头。You are to do your homework before you watch TV.你得做完了作业才能看电视。1234567随堂练习3.Our goal i

11、s to co1234567随堂练习They were never to meet again.他们注定以后再也见不着面了。You are to be back by 10 oclock.你要在10点以前回来。考点延伸be to do sth.表示该做或不该做某事时,意思接近should,must,ought to,have to等。be to have done.常用来表示过去“本来计划做,但事实上并未做”。be to do sth.用于条件句时,意思接近if you want to do.,意为“如果你想;设想”。1234567随堂练习They were never to 1234567随

12、堂练习1234567随堂练习1234567随堂练习1234567随堂练习1234567随堂练习1234567随堂练习1234567随堂练习4.Our school motto reflects the importance we place on good manners,hard work and success.(P38)我们的校训反映了我们重视礼貌、努力工作和成功。考点reflect vt. 反映;反射;映出【高考典句】(2019江苏)A city is the product of the human hand and mind,reflecting mans intelligence

13、 and creativity.城市是人类手与心的产物,反映了人类的智慧和创造力。He said that the statement did not reflect his own views.他说那个陈述没有反映他自己的观点。1234567随堂练习4.Our school motto 1234567随堂练习考点延伸阅读下列句子,指出黑体单词的词性/词组和意义In these cultures,silence is a call for reflection.词性 名词意义 反映I have been reflecting on what he said.词组 reflect on意义 反思

14、At the time I thought I was right,but on reflection I think perhaps I wasnt.词组 on reflection 意义 经过思考1234567随堂练习考点延伸1234567随堂练习reflect on反思reflection n.反映on reflection经再三思考1234567随堂练习reflect on反思1234567随堂练习1234567随堂练习1234567随堂练习1234567随堂练习1234567随堂练习5.Due to the limited number of places and our excel

15、lent reputation,students should apply early.(P38)由于地方有限和我们良好的信誉,学生们应该早申请。考点reputation n.名誉;名声His failure did a lot of harm to his reputation.他的失败使他的声誉受了很大的损害。The company has a good reputation.这个公司有好的名声。1234567随堂练习5.Due to the limite1234567随堂练习考点延伸阅读下列句子,指出黑体单词的词组和意义It is hard to live up to a great r

16、eputation.词组 live up to ones reputation意义 不负盛名The old man has a good reputation for generosity.词组 have a good reputation for.意义 因为而闻名The university has a good reputation as a centre of excellence.词组 have a reputation as.意义 作为而闻名易混辨析reputation/fame1234567随堂练习考点延伸1234567随堂练习live up to ones reputation不

17、负盛名have a good reputation for.因为而闻名have a reputation as.作为而闻名1234567随堂练习live up to ones re1234567随堂练习1234567随堂练习1234567随堂练习1234567随堂练习1234567随堂练习1234567随堂练习5612347随堂练习6.Well,to a certain extent,youre right.(P39)在某种程度上,你是对的。考点to a certain extent 在某种程度上To a certain extent,his ideas are valuable.在一定程度上

18、,他的想法是有价值的。To a certain extent,I was relieved.在一定程度上,我获得了些许宽慰。5612347随堂练习6.Well,to a certain5612347随堂练习考点延伸阅读下列句子,指出黑体词组的意义Her thinking affects me to a certain degree.词组 to a certain degree意义 在某种程度上To a large extent his advice saved us all.词组 to a large extent意义 在很大程度上extent n.广度,宽度,长度;范围,程度,区域to a

19、great/large extent很大程度上;非常to a certain degree在某种程度上5612347随堂练习考点延伸5612347随堂练习 5612347随堂练习 6751234随堂练习7.Well,select another one then.(P39)那选择另外一个吧。考点select vt.挑选;选择【高考典句】(2019江苏)It seems obvious that evolution should select for larger brains.很明显进化应该选择更大的大脑。We hope that you can select our company.我们希望

20、您能选择我们公司。6751234随堂练习7.Well,select anoth6751234随堂练习考点延伸阅读下列句子,指出黑体单词的词性/词组和意义All you have to do is select the phrases from the text.词组 select.from.意义 从中挑选Our teacher will select Tom to attend the ceremony.词组 select sb.to do sth.意义 选择某人做某事You have to be selective about which information to include in

21、the report.词性 形容词意义 认真挑选的6751234随堂练习考点延伸6751234随堂练习select.from.从中挑选select sb.to do sth.选择某人做某事selective adj.认真挑选的易混辨析select/choose/pick out/elect 6751234随堂练习select.from.从6751234随堂练习6751234随堂练习6751234随堂练习6751234随堂练习7651234随堂练习一、写作词汇检测用所学的单词或短语完成或翻译下列句子1.punishment(1)The boy was for stealing some mone

22、y.(2)他很幸运地逃过了惩罚。 答案:(1)punished(2)He was lucky to have escaped punishment.2.在某种程度上(1)He relied on his old friend a certain extent.(2)在某种程度上,他说的话影响了这些村民。答案:(1)to(2)His words affected the villagers to a certain extent.7651234随堂练习一、写作词汇检测7651234随堂练习3.obey(1)There are so many rules here for us .(2)你到了那里

23、,一定要遵守那里的制度。答案:(1)to obey(2)When you get there,you must obey the rules there.运用所学单词或短语造句4.reputation答案:The hotel has won a good reputation because of its good service.(这个宾馆因为良好的服务而声名在外。)5.outstanding答案:He is one of the most outstanding students in our class.(他是我们班最优秀的学生之一。)6.loose答案:The woman has a loose tongue.(这个女人的嘴不严。)7651234随堂练习3.obey6.loose7651234随堂练习二、阅读词汇检测阅读下列句子,说出黑体词的含义1.It is necessary for you to have a pronun


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