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1、广东省广州市白云区2020-2021学年八年级上册期末英语试学校: 姓名: 班级: 考 一、单选题I think there is ill tliis book. You dont need to read it.nothing usefulB.anything usefillC.usefulnotlungD.useful anytlungThis camera is too expensive, rd like a one.cheapB.cheaperC.cheapestD.more expensiveMiss Liii has taught us English we came to tl

2、iis school.A. foiB. sinceC. beforeD. whenYbu wont ainve at the top of die mountain you keep climbing all the time. A.thoughB. unlessC.becauseD. onceWe do something to protect our environment.A.dareB. mustntC.shouldD. wouldnt二、完型填空阅读卜面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上卜文迕货的要求,从卜列各题所给的A、B、C和D项中选出佳选项Do von liave a lucky

3、numbei ? What is it? Many people have a special numbei 6 they hope it will bring them good luck.In Chinese cultiue,people believe some numbers aie lucky or unlucky according to 7 sounds. For example, die number 8 (ba) 8 quite like the Chrnese character发(fa) ”. So people tlunk it is a very lucky numb

4、er. Some people will even spend lots of money 9 8 m their phone numbers or dnvmg license numbers. The opening ceremony( JF幕式 )6. A.whenB.becauseC. ifD.tliough7. A.theyB.themC. tlieirD.llieus8. A.soundB.soundsC. sound9. A.getB.getsC. gotD.getting10. AoilB.mC. atD.toof tlie Beijing Olympic

5、s began at 8: 00 pm.108 August, 2008.Once upon a time, there lived a gul ui ancient China named Mulan. Mulans faeiused to be a general. He was too old to figlit. but not too old to 11 Mulan how to ride a horse and use a swoid (剑) Girls usually did not leam these 12 But NIulans fatliei believed every

6、one should know how to 13 even girls.One day, the emperor sent soldiers to Mulaifs village. The war was coming. Men were 14 for the amiv. the leader of the soldiers put up a list of names in the village square. Each name meant one man from each family.Mulan saw her fathers name on die list. She knew

7、 hei fatliei couldnt fight in a war. Mulas brother was a young cluld. There was 15 Mulan who could take hei fathers place. But the army did not lake guls as fightmg men.Quietly, die next morning, Mulan stole her fathers armor (盔甲). She dressed up herself as a 16 The soldiers acceptedliiiirin her17 p

8、lace.Mulan was very caieful over the years. No one found that she was a gill. When tlie xvai was over,Mulan received a special prize from the empeioi fbi her 18 The empeioi gave her a horse and a lot of wealth!Her family greeted her with jov. Mulan dressed once again in the clothes of a woman. Two o

9、f the men who had worked with Mulan 19 by her home, on their wayhome. When Mulan greeted them,they could not believe tlieir eyes.After recalluig many memories, tliey 20believed that Mulan was a woman. Theyspread Mulan*s story across Cliiiia and it inspired many young women to ride horses and use swo

10、rds.11. A. giveB. providec.leamD. teach12. A. exerciseB. meaningsC.skiUsD. subjects13. A. shareB. drawc.careD, fight14. A. neededB. savedc.caughtD. beaten15. A. evenB. onlyc.stillD. else16. A. horse | 7Afhth 产rkB. childc.cgeneralD. man18. A. powerU L/1 lllvlB. diffeiencec.lllVlllCl ocouragekJ e UllV

11、 IVD. illness19. A. stoodB. stoppedc.coveredD. disappeared20. A. suddenlyB. confidentc.filiallyD. perhaps三、阅读单选 阅读理解A TrapMi. Smith left lus car outside lus apartment one night as usual, but when he came down the next mommg to go to his office, he discovered that tlie car wasnt there He called the p

12、olice and told them what had happened, and they said tliat tliev would try to find rhe car.When Mi. Smith came home from liis office that evening, the cai was back again in its usual place in fiont of his house. He examined it carefully to see whether it had been damaged, and found two theater ticke

13、ts on one of the seats and a lettei* which said、clWere very sony. We took your cai* because of an emergency.”Mr. and Nirs. Smith went to die theater with the two tickets the next mght and enjoyed themselves veiy much.When they got home, they found tliat thieves had taken almost everything they had h

14、ad in tlieii apaitnient.B. The door of the car was open.D. His car was outside of the garage.B. He closed the door of his car.B. The door of the car was open.D. His car was outside of the garage.B. He closed the door of his car.D. He looked everywheie for it.His car was missing.C. His car was m the

15、garage.What did he do then, A. He got iu aud drove it.C. He called the police.What happened when he came home from his office that evening0A.The police was waitmg for him.B.His car wasback.C.His car was damaged.D.His car was stolen.What did Mr. Snutli find on one of tlie sears in lus carA.Some books

16、.B.Some tickets.C.Some monev.D.Some food.JWhat did Mr. aiid Mis. Smith do witli die tlimg(s) they found in then car?A. They sold them.B. They gave tliem to then filends.C. They tluew them away.D. They went to the theater witli them.I aiu 13 years old and in eighth grade. One day, when I was walking

17、home fiom school, I saw some words on a fence (柵栏)of a house. It said,Happiness is a direction, not a destination (终). ” I had been having a bad day and just reading tins made me a little happier.I saw the quote (格 言)every day wliile walking home fioin school. One day I decided to write one of my fa

18、vourite quotes oil the fence fbi someone else to see. But when I came back to tlie fence I saw anodiei quote under mine. I added anothei . aud we kept at this pattern fbi quite a while.A few days later, when I was writing another quote on tlie fence, the old mail, one of my neighbours, who owned the

19、 fence, saw me. He came out and I was afiaid he would be angry with me. He was not known to be a fiiendly person. He looked at me angrily and then read tlie quotes on the fence. Witliout saying a word, he went back inside. I was terrified for a while,but when I went back to tlie fence, I noticed nvo

20、 words had been added: Thank vou. FLaterf I saw the old man in his front yard. He called me over and told me that he was glad to see that young people still had values. Wc are now good friends. I still dont know who wrote that very first quote, but Id like to say thank you” to that unknown hero.How

21、did he author feel before he saw the words on tlie fence?A. Excited.B. Bored.C. Unhappy.D. TiledWhat does the underlined word ”quote, in the second paragraph, refer to?A. The words on the fence.B. The fence.C. The house.D. The words that the author wrote on tlie fence.What did the old man do after h

22、e read the quotes?A. He argued witli the author.C, He warned the author and went inside.A. He argued witli the author.C, He warned the author and went inside.What can we leani about the old mail? A. He was tlie authors new neighborHe wrote another quote on the fence. D. He expressed liis thanks iu h

23、is own way. B He knew who fiist wrote the words on hisfence.He was glad to see that young people had values D. He was known for Ins friendlinessWho wrote tlie fiist quote on the fence?A. The autlioiB. The old mailC. One of the author *s neighbouis.D. Someone unknown.Wimupeg Railway Museum & Gift Sho

24、p Where the past meets the present ADMISSIONAdults$ 5.00Students (6 - 15 years) . $3.005 & Under FREE For group toursCall 942 - 4632 oi email wpgrailmts. netvww. wpgrailwaymuseurn. comWelcome to The ForksSix thousand years ago this was a great place to meet. Cenuines later,it still is. The Forks is

25、a place here you can visit and fiud plenty to do, see, caste and expedience. Hours: The Forks is open 24hours a day, 365 days a year.July 1 - September 1Open daily 9:30 am to 9:00 pmSundays 9:30 am ro 6:30 pmSeptember 1 - - - June30 Open daily 9:30 am to 6:30 pmFridays 9:30 am to 9:00 pmInfo Hotline

26、: 204 - 957 - 7618 Toll free: 1 - 888 - 942 - 6302 vww. thefdrks. com Fork, conYou can call if you want to go to A Gift Shop.A. 942 - 4632B. 204 - 254 - 3170 C. 1 - 888 - 942 - 6302D. 942 - 6432Sally will visit Winnipeg Railway Museum witli hei 4 - year - old daughter aiid 12 year -old son. She shou

27、ld pay A. $3.00B. $5.00C. $8.00D. $ 11.00Which is die proper tune to visit The Forks Maiket?A. 8:A. 8: 30 am on Sundays in July. C. 7: 30 pm on MondaysVisitors may feel at the Forks. A. boredB. unliappy7: 30 pm on Fridays in August.9:00 am on Tuesday in September.meaningfulD. madWhat are the two ads

28、 probably taken from?A. A guidebook. B. A movie poster C. A food magazine. D. A story book四、补全短文5选5阅读文章及文后选项,选出Ilf以填入空白处的最佳选项The world is full of great books, just waiting to read. 36, Here are some tips.What makes you liappy ?If you have a favorite hobby, look for books about that activity. Youre m

29、oie likely toeiijoy reading a book if yourie alieady iiiteiested ill its subject.Fiction or noilfiction?Some books are totally made up and imagined. 37. Novels, short stories, and fables (寓 言are all examples of fiction. These books can bnng you to anotlier world or help you imagine somethmg beyond (

30、超出)your own experience.But that doesnt mean they are boxing. Nonfiction books can bring to life everything from die first tup(o the moon to what its like to explore (探索)the deepest oceans. Tiv both fiction aud nonfiction books to see which you like bertei. Find a family favorite.What was your mother

31、s favorite book when she was at your age? Or your dads?Then you can ask them why they liked it and shaie voiu thoughts. Its a fun way to get to know your family a little better, and to find a book you 11 eqjoy!Ask an expert.Youi* local library is a great place to find books that you will love. 40, T

32、ell a librarian about your mterests. Your librarian can help you find books that youre sure to love. Your teacher is another good person to ask.Ask them and give it a read.Those are called fiction books.How cau you pick one you will like ?Nonfiction books tell stories using facts.Ybu don* t have to

33、search all by yourself.五、根据首字母填空单词拼写根裾下列句子以及所给单词的首字母写出所缺单词.在填写答题卡吋,要求 写出完整单词,Im sure we will w the football match,Mi Li asked me to c down the maths problems caiefully.That gui wants to work a a writer when she grows up.I invited a special g to my party.Tom,you should make a shoppmg 1 before you go

34、shopping”. Mother said.六、完成句子完成句子根裾所给的汉砑内容用英语完成卜列句子依我看,每所学校都应该有英语角. , every school should have ail English coiner.水不断从小洞涌出The water keeps fiom the little hole迄今为止,凯特己经学了 500个汉字.Kate has learned 500 Chinese words .我期盼收到妈妈的邮件I the E mail from my mum.城市的空、没有农村的新鲜.The air in the city isnt that in the co

35、untiyside.七、材料作文书面表达最近,你随机调査了你校50名同学的i果外英语学习现状(结果见阁表).请你就此 用英语写-篇短义,在英语课上进行汇报.并谈谈你的看法和建议.注意:1.义章必须包括阁表中四项内容,吋适当增加细节:旮法和注议至少两条:文章开头己纪给出,不计入总词数,你只需接着写:词数:S0 - 100.参考词汇:背诵recite溧外英语学习现状学习方式背词面练习习笔记说训练学生人数728你的看法(至少一条)你的建议.(至少一条)I liave recently done a survey about how students learn English our of clas

36、s. 参考答案A【解析】【详解】句意:我认为在这本t;里没有有用的东西,你不需要读它。当形容词修饰复合不定代词时,形容词放后面,排除C和D; nothing没有东西,anything 用于肯定句中译为“任何东西”,用于疑问句和否定句中译为“一些东西”。根据Youdont need to read it “你不耑要读它”可知,表示“没有有用的东西”。故选A。B【详解】句意:这部相机太贵了,我想要一部便宜些的相机。根据句惫J知后而与前而的cameia两荇作比较,使用比较级,因此填cheaper。故选B【详解】句意“林老师A从来到这个学校就教我们英语”。A.for+吋叫段:B. since自从,+时

37、间点,或后跟绚子;C.在之前:D.当吋候。根 据has taught 4知,这边一个现在完成吋的句子,we came to tins school足一个句子,用 since引导吋叫状语从句.故选B。B【详解】句意:你不会到达山顶的,除非你一直在爬山。A.虽然(引导让步状语从句):B.除非(引导条件状诰从句):C.因为(引导原因状语从 句):D. 一H (引导时问状语从句和条件状语从句,根椐句意可知.表示“除非你一直爬 山,否则你不能达到山顶”。故选B。C【详解】句意“我们成该采取措施来保护我们的环境”。A.敢;B.禁止,表示绝对禁止;C.应该(表示贵任和义劣); D.表示愿望和意志(不愿意);

38、 结合语境吋知,表示“沌该保护环境”.表示一种贵任。故选C。 TOC o 1-5 h z BCBA【分析】本篇文章难度适中,主要讲述在中国的文化中,数字8是幸运数字,囚为它的发音和汉语的 发相似。所以人们不惜花重金买带8的电诏码和车牌。北京奥运会的开幕吋W也是200S 年8月8曰晚8点。句意“许多人有一个特殊的数字,因为他们希望这会给他们带来好运”。本题考S连词辨析-A.当吋候(引导时间状语从句);B.因为(引导原因状语从句);C. 如果(引导条件状语从句):D.尽管(引导让步状语从句)。根据空前和空后吋知,i午多人拥 有一个特别的数字,闪为他们希望这会给他们带来好运,空前和空后表原闪,用be

39、cause. 故选B 一句意“人们相信,一些数字根据它们的发音确定足幸运的数字还足不幸运的数字”。 本题考S代词辨析。A.他们(人称代词主格);B.他们(人称代词宾格);C.他们的(形容词 性物主代词D.他们的(名词性物主代词)。根据语境.表示“它们的发音”,用物主代词. 排除A和B;且根据sounds “声音”为名词uj知,用形容词性物主代同。故选C。S.句意:数字8听起来作常像中国的汉字“发”。本题考査动词吋态。根据句意知,本句话缺少谓语,排除D:根据语境,此处足讲数字8 听起来和发同音,此处足对fl体5实的陈述.用一般现在时.排除C: W为主语为rhe number是单数,要用第三人称单

40、数形式,sound要加s.故选9-句意“一些人甚至会花费很多钱在他们的电话9码或者车牌兮上得到S”。 根据Some people will even spend lots of money可知,此处是讲人们花很多钱来得到8, spend+ 时问/金饯+m doing花时M/饯做某卞知,用getting.故选D。句意“北京奧运会足在2008年8月8 口 8点开始的”。本题考査介词辨析。A.on后接良体到某一天的时叫或荇只体某一天的早锓.K午和晚上: B.m后接没有具体到某一天的时叫(世纪、年、月份、季节等)或早层、下午、晚上 后接钟点或者中午、夜叫等:D.到达。根据空后8 August

41、, 2008可知,表示兴体的某一天, 用on,故选A。 TOC o 1-5 h z DCDABD TOC o 1-5 h z CBC【分析】本篇文章难度适屮.主要讲述木兰从军的故卞。战争来临M家耑要征兵,但是木兰的父亲年 龄很大.弟弟太小,所以木兰只能女扮男装替父从军。木兰的故市鼓舞了许多女性。H.句意“他太老了以至于不能打仗,但足他可以教木兰如何骑马和使用剑”。 本题考査动词辨析。A. give给;B. provide提供;C. leani学习:D. teach教。根据howto nde a horse and use a swoid 14知,是指教她如何骑马和使用剑,故选D。句意“女孩通常

42、不学这些技能”。本题考S名词辨析。a. exercise练习;B. meanmgs f:思;C. skills技能;D. subjects科目。根据 前i ride a horse aud use a svoid 骑马和使用剑”可知,骑马和使用剑是技能,故选Ca句意“但S木兰的父亲认为每个人成该知道如何打仗,甚至是女孩”。本题考査动词辨析。A. share分享:B. draw画画:C. care关心;D. fight战斗。根据前 文how to nde a horse and use a swoid f知,水兰的父亲教她如何骑马和使用剑,她认为女孩 也应该参加战斗,故选D。句意“战争即将到来.

43、军队盂要男人”。本题考S动词辨析。A. needed 要:B. saved挽救:C. caught抓住:D. beaten打败。很 据The wai was coniuig战争即将来临,推出需要男人去打仗,故选A。句意“只有木兰能代替她父亲的位置”。本题考査副词辨析。A. even甚至:B. only仅仅:C. still仍然:D. else其他的。根据Slie knew her father couldnt fight in a war. Mulaiis brother was a young cluld * 她知道她的父亲不 能参加战争。木兰的弟弟还小”推出,木兰是唯一一个可以g父从军的人

44、,故选句意“她将自己乔装打扮成男人”。本题考查名词辨析。A. horse马:B. child孩子:C. general将军:D. iikiu男人。根据The soldiers acceptedlum,关键从him说明他把自己打扮成男人的样子,故选D。句意“十兵们接受她代替她父亲的位置”。本题考2名词辨析。A. fathers父亲的:B. bioThefs兄弟的:C. mothers妈妈的:D. uncles 叔叔的。根据全文可知,她是替父从军.所以代替父亲的位罝。故选A。句意“当战争结束时.木兰因为她的勇飞而收到了皇帝特别的奖励”。本题考査名同辨析。A. power能量:B. difieren

45、ce不同:C. courage勇:D. illness疾病。根椐Mulan received a special prize from tlie emperor木兰收到皇帝给的一个特殊奖.推出足 因为她的得到奖赏的,故选C。句意“两个以前和木兰共市过的男人在回家的路上停在她家旁”。本题考査动词辨析。A. stood站;B. stopped停止:C. covered覆盖:D. disappeared消失。 根据When Mulan greeted them 4知,木兰迎接他们.推出他们停在了木兰的家旁,故选B。句意“在回忆了许多记忆之后.他们最终相信木兰是个女人”。本题考2副词辨析。A. sud

46、denly 突然:B. confident |*1 信:C. finally 最后:D. perhaps 可 能。根据They spread Mulans story across China可知,他们把木兰的故帘传遍了中国,推出 他们最后相信了木兰是女孩,故选C。【点睛】做完型填空吋.首先耍通读课文,明白主旨人意,然后再做题。做完型时要记住“瞻前顾后 想结果”这一原则.根椐上卜文以及语境做题,切忌主观臆断。另外,平吋还要多多积累词 汇。完型填空常考名词、动词、形容同和副词等辨析。做词义辨析题时.首先要确认四个选 项的含义,然后分析语境和逻W关系,确定答案。例如第1题,首先确定四个选項的含义,

47、A. give给:B. provide提供:C. learn学习:D. teach 教。再根据how to nde a horse and use a sword可知,是指教她如何骑马和使用剑,故选D。 TOC o 1-5 h z ACBBD【解析】【分析】本文介纟3 了发生在史密斯先生身上的故事。根fr!第一段第一hTwlieii he came down the next morning to go to his office, lie discovered that the car wasnt there ” nf 知 o由第一段第二句“He called the police可知拄|

48、第段的第一句“When Mr Smith came home fiom his office that evening, the car was back again iii its usual place in front of liis house J* uf 知。根据第.段的最 A3 一句 He exauiuied it caiefully to see wlietlier ii liad been damaged, and found two theater tickets on one of the seats and a letter which said, “We re very

49、 sony. We took your car because of an emergency. iJ 知。根裾第三段“Xfr. and Nirs Smith went to the theater with the two tickets the next mght and enjoyed .ery much”可知。 TOC o 1-5 h z CADCD【分析】本篇文章难度适屮.主要讲述又一次我的心情不好,当我走在路上的时候.我看到栅栏上有 一句话.后来每天上学我都在上而写一句话。一天当我写一句话时,邻居出来了.他是一个 不友好的人,我很害怕,但是他很欣赏我.后来我们

50、成了好朋友。细节理解题。根据 I liad been having a bad day aud just reading this made me a little happier “我度过了槽糕的一天,只足阅读它让我开心了一点”可知,在阅读这个之前,我不 开心。故选C。细节理解题。根据I saw some words on a fence of a house “我看到在一个房子的栅栏上 有一些单词”以及 I SaW the quote eveiy day while walking home from school “我每天从学校回 家时都看到了这句话”可知,表示的足在栅栏上的单词。故选A

51、。细节理解题。根据 He looked at me aiigrilv and then read tlie quotes on the fence. I noticed two words had been added: Thank you.他愤怒地看着我,然后读了栅栏上的引语。我注意到 新加了两个字:谢谢你J知,老人以他自d的方式表达了感谢.故选D。细节理解题。根掘 He called me over and told me that he was glad to see That young people still had values他打屯话给我告诉我他很高兴看到年轻人仍然有价ffi观

52、。故选C。细节理解题。根据 I sill dont know who wrote tliat very first quote. but Id like to say thank you to that unknown lieio “我不知道足谁写了第一句话,但S我想对那位不知名的英雄说 谢谢” nJ知,关干谁写的第一句话.我们还不知道。故选D【点睛】做细节理解题吋要先划关键同,再根据关键词定位到义屮的某一段即N做出题目。 例如第 1 题 o 根据关键同 before lie saw die words on the fence 定位至 I had been having a bad day

53、and jusr reading this made me a little happier 我度过了糟糕的一天,只是阅读它让我开心了一 点”可知,在阅读这个之前,我不开心。故选C。AC TOC o 1-5 h z BCA【分析】本篇文章难度迠屮,主要讲述温尼伯铁路博物馆与礼品店和福克斯的广告。细节理解题。根据 Winnipeg Railway Museum & Gilt Shop 屮的 Call 942 - 4632 or email wpgrailmts. net可知,如果你想要去礼品店,要拨打9424632这个电话,故选A。细节理解题。根据 Adults$5.00,Students (6

54、 - 15 years)$3.00 以及 5 &UnderFREE可知,成年人5美元,1至15岁的学生3美元,5岁及以下免费吋知,萨利 支W 5美元.她的12岁的女儿支付3美元,4岁的儿子免费.所以要支付8美元.故选C。细节理解题。根据 July 1 - September 1 Open daily 9: 30 ainto 9: 00 pm Sundays 9: 30 am to 6: 30pm “7月1 口至9月1 口 口常开放吋间为早晨9:30至晚上9: 00;周天早晨9:30 至卜午 6:30” 以及 Septeiubei 1 - - - June30 Open daily 9: 30

55、am to 6: 30 pm Fridays 9:30 am to 9: 00pm “9月1 口至6月30 口 口常开放时间为早晨9: 30至下午6:30:周五早 晨9:30至下午9:00M埒知,在7月早晨8:30不开门,排除A:在9月1 口到6月30 口期间, 周一下午7J0不营业,排除C:在9月1 口至6月30日口周二开放时问为早晨9: 30至h 午6:30.所以晚上9:00不营业.排除D: 8月的周五晚上7:30营业,故选细节理解题。根据 The Forks is a place here you can visit and find plenty to do, see. Taste a

56、nd experience “福克斯足一个你W以参观的地方,在这里你可以找到很多东西去做,看,品 尝和体验” 4知,游客在这里会过得很有意义,故选C。推理判断题。A.导游f册:B.电影海报:C.&物杂志:D.故市书。本文主要讲述温尼伯 铁路博物馆与礼品店的票价.联系方式以及福克斯的简介、开放时问以及联系方式。nJ以推 断出这是一个导游手册,故选A。 TOC o 1-5 h z CBDAE【分析】本篇文章世界上有很多书不错的书等着我们去读,以及如何选择你喜欢的节。根裾前句 The world is bill of great books. just waiting to read “ 世界上到处

57、都足好朽.等待着你去读”和后句Here are some tips “这里有一些建议” nJ知,结合选项.敁说“你怎么能桃一个你S欢的呢? ” .故选C。根据前句Some books are totally made up and miaguied “有些书足完全虚构和想象出来的” 和后句 Novels, shoit stories, and fables (萬言)are all examples of fiction “ 小说、短篇小 说和寓言都足虚构的例子”可知.结合选项,应说这些fl叫做小说.故选B。根据后Lj But that doesnt mean they are boring.

58、Nonfiction books can bring to life everytlung from the first trip to the moon to whar its like to explore (探索)the deepest oceans “ 但这井不 意味若它们很无聊.非小说类书緖n以把从第一次月球之旅到探索最深海洋的一切都讲述地 栩栩如生” 4知,结合选项,吣说“非小说类竹緖用市实来讲述故事”,故选D。39 .根据前一 What was youi motheis favorite book when she was at voiu age ? Or youi dads ?

59、 “你的妈妈和你的爸爸在你的年龄段时最喜欢的fl足什么? ”以及后句Then you can ask them why tliev liked it and share your tlioughts “你n以问他们为什么容欢它,并分享你的想法” 可知,结合选项.疢说“问他们并给他们读”,them代指你的妈妈和爸爸故选A。根掘前句 Ybui local library is a great place to find books that you will love “ 你当地的阁书 馆足一个很好的地方”和后句 Tell a libranaii about your interests. You

60、r librarian can help you find books tliat youre sure to love “告诉阁fl管理员你的兴趣爱好.你的阁书管理员吋以帮你 找到你一定会喜欢的冇” 4知,结合选项,W说你不必一个人找。故选E。wuicopyasguestlist【解析】句意:我相信我们会疏得这场足球赛。根据句式J知.从句中缺少谓语。根据所给首字母提示及其题干the football match吋知表示 “羸得这场足球赛”。wm疏,且will后接动词原形,故答案为wm。句意“字老师让我把数学题仔细抄下来”。copy down抄卜。且根据ask sb to do sth nJ知


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