



1、word13. They started towards the village with the boy the way.A.to lead B. led C. leading D. leads译林牛津英语模块三第三单元检测题一单项选择15分1. The work in the office was by a constant stream of visitors.A. confused B. interrupted C. confusing D. prevented2. This watch costs 500 dollars, but I can offer you a 5% _.A.

2、return B. rise C. discount D. fee3. People_ coal for fuel for a long time in China.14. She waved her hands in order to make herself .A. seeing B. see C. to see D. seen15. Toms parents find it hard to his need.A. promise B. answer C. meet二 完形填空共20小题,30分D. manageThe eyes are one of the most expressive

3、 instruments of bodylanguage. Keith, seventeen, from MontclairNew Jersey, learned the hardA. have usedB. have being usingD. have been usedC. have been usingwayaboutone1theeyescanmake.Ihasaon classroom discussion, Keith says. Heability to know just when I did have thehow he could be so sharp.2 whogra

4、ded(打分)heavily4. The book cost me 12yuan in all, postage .3to have a strong. I couldnt imagineA. included B. including C. includes5. I dont think he is the right person .A. to depend on B. that I can dependC. I can depend on D. to be dependD. is included4ThenIunderstood.5 Ididntknowtheanswer,Iwoulda

5、voidlookingathim.WhenIdidknowwhatto 6 ,Ialwaysstaredstraightback6. FrenchA dipsfrom English in having gender from all nouns.B. diverges C. dines D differs7him.Fromthatmomenton,II knew the answer or not. That trick has 108 myselftolookhimintheeyes,9me a lot of trouble.7. Nancy is not coming tonight.,

6、 but she !Many people, including some policemen, believe eye contact isagood11ofhonesty.Ifsomeonecantlookatyoudirectlyintheeye,thenhe or she is not playing12. After many experiments,13 , a number ofexpertshavefoundoutthatgoodliars(说谎者)canmakefalseeyecontact.Eye contact, though not a sure sign of hon

7、esty, is a clear way to 14A. promises B. promised C. will promise D. had promised8. Marry smiled her mother did when she was her age.A. whatB. thatC. the way D. as though9. He is only in his early thirties, but he more than fifty.A. seems to be B. is likely C. appears D. happens to beinterestinanoth

8、erperson.Whenapersonlooksatyouanddoso,youknowhis 16 isplacedonyou.Whenhe18person may have trouble making and keeping eyecontact, no matter how interested he is in the other person. Andcertain20 , such as the British and Germans, are much less orientedto (重视) eyeball-to-eyeball contact than, say, the

9、 French and Arabs.1517there aretohis10. He always did well at school having to do part-time jobs every now head away, his mind is probably elsewhere.and then.A. in spite of B. instead of C. in case of D. in favor ofexceptions. A 1911. The city is no longer.A. what it is B. what it used to beC. which

10、 it was D. that it used to be12. It is the ability to do the job matters not where you come from orwhat you are.1. A. letter2. A. student3. A. seemed4. A. questionB. notice C. messageB. headmaster C. friendD. newsD. teacherB. appearedB. problemC. happenedD. tookA. oneB. that C. what D. itC. excuse D

11、. answer1 / 5word5. A. Whatever6. A. think7. A. fromB. WheneverB. sayC. howeverC. imagineD. atD. WhereverD. readAmericans touch another person by they say, “Pardon me.or“Excuse me.B. toC. forB. forcedB. whetherB. savedAmericansliketolooktheotherpersonintheeyeswhentheyaretalking.If you dont do means

12、you are bored, hiding something, or are notinterested. But when you stare at someone, it is not polite.ForAmericans,thumbs-upmeansyes,verygood,orwelldone.Thumbs-downmeanstheopposite.Tocallawaiter,raiseonehandtoheadlevelorabove.To show you want the check, make a movement with your hands as if you are

13、singing a piece of paper. It is all right to point at things but not atpeoplewiththehandandindexfinger食指.Americansshaketheirindexfingeratchildrenwhentheyscoldthemandpatthemontheheadwhentheyadmire them.8. A. helped9. A.whenC. taughtC. ifD. advisedD.asD. madeD. test10.A. caused11.A. lesson12.A. honest

14、lyC. spentC. chanceB. wayB. quicklyC. correctly D. really13.A. therefore B. howeverC. soD. stillD. showD. hopesC. strengthD. energy14 A. increase15.A stops16 A. attentionB. spiritB. expressC. findB. continues C. changes17.A. gets18.A. AndB. turnsB. OrC. partsC. ButD. bowsD. SoLearning a cultures bod

15、y language is sometimes If you dont know what to do, the safest thing to do is to smile.1. From the first paragraph we can learn that _.Agestures dont mean anything while talkingBgestures can help us to express ourselves19.A. braveB. shyC. stupidD. proud20.A. nationalities B. citiesC. countriesD. la

16、nguage三阅读理解 共15小题,30分Cwe can learn a language well without body languageDonly American people can use gesturesASometimes people add to what they say even when they dont talk.2.IfyouareintroducedtoastrangerfromtheUSA,youshould_.Agreet him with a hugBplace a hand on his shoulderGestures are the “silen

17、t languageofevery culture. We point a fingerormoveanotherpartofthebodytoshowwhatwewanttosay.Itisimportantto know the body language of every country or we may be misunderstood.IntheUnitedStates,peoplegreeteachotherwithahandshakeinaformalintroduction. The handshake must be firm. If the handshake is we

18、ak, itis a sign of weakness or unfriendliness. Friends may place a hand on theothersarmorshoulder.Somepeople,usuallywomen,greetafriendwitha hug拥抱.Cshake his hand firmlyDshake his hand weakly3. In the United States, people often _.Ashow their friendship by touching each otherBshow their friendship by

19、 glancing at each otherCsay “Pardon me to each other when they are talkingDget uncomfortable when you sit close to them4. If you talk with an American friend, its polite to _.Alook up and down at your friendSpace is important to Americans. When two people talk to each other,theyusuallystandabouttwoa

20、ndahalffeetawayandatanangle,sotheyare not facing each other directly. Americans get uncomfortable when aperson stands too close. They will move back to have their space. IfBlook at the other person in the eyesChide your opinion2 / 5wordDlook at your watch now and then5. When your friend gives you th

21、e thumbs-up, he, in fact, _.Ashows his rudeness to youBkeep their food cleanCimpress visitors with their good mannersDamuse the EnglishBshows his anger to you4. The use of the forks became common in England _.Aat the same time as in ItalyCexpresses his satisfaction to youDexpresses his worries about

22、 youBearlier than in any other European countryCabout 600 years after forks came to EuropeDnot long after they reached Europe5. The best title for the passage is “_.AEating with a ForkB“Fingersweremadebeforeforks. Whenapersongivesupgoodmanners,puts aside knife and fork, and dives into his food, some

23、one is likely torepeat that saying.BThe history of Eating with a ForkCA Way of EatingThe fork was an ancient agricultural tool, but for centuries no onethought of eating with it. Not until the eleventh century, when a younglady from Constantinople brought her fork to Italy, did the custom reachEurop

24、e.DA Custom of EatingCBy the fifteenth century the use of the fork was wide-spread in Italy.The English explanation was that Italians were unwilling to eat foodArabs consider it extremely bad manners to start talking businessimmediately. Even the busiest government official always takes extratouched

25、 with fingers, “seeing all mens fingers are not alike clean. time to be polite and offer No matter how busy youAnyone who used a fork to eat with was laughed at in England for thenext hundred years. Not the late 1600s did using a fork becomea common custom.are, you should make time for this.Theconfe

26、rencevisitisawayofdoingbusinessthroughouttheArabworld.Frequently, you will have to discuss your business in the presence ofstrangers,whomayormaynothaveanythingtodowithyourbusiness. Donot be surprised if your meeting is interrupted several times by peoplewhocomeintotheroomunannounced,whisperorspeakso

27、ftlytothepersonwith whom you are talking and leave. Act as though you do not hear andnever show displeasure at being interrupted. Making decision quickly isnot an Arab custom. There is a in doing businessin the Middle East which will puzzle a newcomer. Give yourself lots oftime and ask lots of quest

28、ions.1. The custom of eating with a fork was _.Abrought to Europe from AmericaBbegun when forks were first inventedCbrought to Europe from ConstantinopleDthought of by the Italians2. By the fifteenth century, forks were used _.Aall over ItalyBonly in ConstantinopleCby the kings and queens of EuropeD

29、in EnglandWhenanArabsaysyes, hemaymean“maybe, whenhesaysmaybe, heprobably means “no. You will a direct “noform an Arabbecause it is considered impolite. Instead of “no, he will say“inshallah, which means,“if God is On the other hand,3. The English thought that Italians used forks in order to _.Aimit

30、ate模仿the people of the East3 / 5word“yes doesnotnecessarilymean“yes. Asmileandaslownodmight四单词拼写 共10小题,5分seem like an agreement, but in fact, your host is being polite. An Arabconsiders it impolite to disagree with a guest.1Ttheir marriage he had only once seen her cry.2. Both France and Germany are

31、 E3. The instructions on the box are too ccountries.to understand.anorphan(孤1. The main purpose of this article is to explain .A. why you need extra time when you visit Arab countries.B. How to be polite when doing business in the Arab world.C. Why Arab officials are so busy.4.Havingnochildrenofthei

32、rown,theydecidedtoa儿).5. The government encourages the dof small business.6. Their English (发音) is not good, but it is improving.7. Bad planning will lead to (困难) later.D. What Arabs say when doing business2.Accordingtothearticle,.whichofthefollowingwouldbeconsideredpolite?8. In England you must dri

33、ve on the orest of Europe.side of the road to theA. You leave angrily because of interruptionsB. You demand an immediate decision9. The film star was a(n) u10.He said it would rain, but I dwouldnt rain.actor a few years ago.with him- I was sure itC.Yourefuseacupofteaandshowpicturesofyourproductright

34、away.D. You look out of the windows while a stranger comes into speak withyour host.五完成句子共5分1 每一个单词都查肯定是浪费时间。every word will certainly be time.2事物的开展由内因决定的。The of things internal causes.3澳大利亚英语和美国英语在发音上不同。3. Which of the following is NOT an Arab custom?A. Disliking being interrupted during their mee

35、ting.B. Often giving you a vague answer.C. Seldom hesitating to discussing business in the presence ofstrangers.The Australian English theAmerican English .41066年,诺曼人征服了英格兰,并控制了这个国家。In 1066, the Norman English and the country.5他们似乎已经听说了这件事。D. Seldom saying “no directly.4. The writer of this article has probably .A. had bad experiences in the Arab world.B. worked in the Arab world.They seemed about it.C. been against the Arab customs.D. liked the Arab customs.六书面表达 15分5. From this article, we know that .不久前,你班教师建议学生上学不带手机,你班学生展开了讨论,请你根据下表总结讨论的情况。A. when


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