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1、新世纪大学英语综合教程第二版第一册全套教材2022/10/1新世纪大学英语综合教程第二版第一册全套教材2022/9/2Unit 1 College LifeUnit 1 College LifeSit in groups of threes or fours and discuss the following questions.You may have imagined what college life would be like before you became a college student. Has it turned out to be what you expected?

2、Provide examples in support of your answers. Get Started-discussionGet started DSit in groups of threes or fouGet Started-discussionGet started D3. How do you like your college life so far? Give examples. 4. What do you think is the most important thing to achieve at college? Explain.Get Started-dis

3、cussionGet starQuotes 1Study the following quotes about education. Do you agree with each of them? Give reasons to support your view.Quotes 1Study the following quQuotes 1The things taught in schools and colleges are not an education, but the means to an education. Ralph Waldo Emerson Interpretation

4、:We dont go to school or college to learn, but to seek the way to learn. Click PictureQuotes 1The things taught in sQuotes 2Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire. W. B. YeatsInterpretation:Instead of stuffing students with knowledge, real education aims at bringing out w

5、hat is inside students and cultivating their potential. Click PictureQuotes 2Education is not the fQuotes 3Interpretation:Teaching doesnt really help anyone, but it helps a person find out what he/she is good at. You cannot teach a man anything; you can only help him find it within himself. GalileoC

6、lick PictureQuotes 3Interpretation:You canvideo Watch the following video clip “How to Select Your College Major”, and then complete the tasks that follow:Click herevideo Watch the following vbut of course this is not completely true. However, when youre going to college, your for going to , everyth

7、ings going to be fine and youre going to get a great job I would like to tell you that if you select something that you love and that youreselect your college major_.videoclick pictureprimary reasonpassionate about with your degree_,college is to educate yourself, which means to make yourself a bett

8、er person both , spiritually, mentally, all of these things. Hi, this is Laura Turner, and today Im going to talk to you about how toFill in the missing words according to what you hear from the video clip. intellectually_Click herebut of course this is not compvideo2. Discuss the topic with your gr

9、oup members: What are the recommended concerns in selecting a college major according to the video clip? And how did you choose your current major? According to the video clip, the main concerns should be: first, to choose something you really enjoy; second, to choose something your school is well k

10、nown for. click pictureclick pictureClick herevideo2. Discuss the topic withL&R 1freshman n. infml a student in the first year at college or university 非正式大学一年级新生in general for the most part; commonly, usually 一般说来anticipation n. the feeling one has when expecting sth. pleasant to happen 期望;预期 L&R 1

11、freshman n. L&R 1discovery n. a fact or thing that has been discovered 被发现的事实、事物definitely ad. without doubt; clearly 无疑地,确实地impression n. (on) an image or effect that is produced in the mind by a person, event, experience, etc. 常与on连用 人、事件、经历等留下的印象;感想L&R 1discovery n. L&R 1head off move towards; go

12、 to 朝前进,向去related a. (to) connected in some way 常与to连用有关系的workload n. the amount of work that a person or machine is expected to do in a particular period of time 人或机器在一定时期的工作量,工作负担L&R 1head off L&R 1challenge n. (sth. with) the quality of demanding competitive action, interest, or thought 挑战性;具有挑战性

13、的事物 amount n. (of) a collection or mass considered as a unit in terms of its size, number, etc. 常与of连用总数,数额,数量deadline n. a date or time before which sth. must be done or completed 截止日期;最后期限L&R 1challenge n. L&R 1frustration n. the feeling of being annoyed, upset or impatient 沮丧;失望 previous a. happe

14、ning or existing before the one mentioned 在先的,在前的,以前的patience n. U the ability to accept pain, trouble, anything that causes annoyance, without complaining or losing ones self-control 忍痛的能力,忍受力,耐性L&R 1frustration n. L&R 1diverse a. different (from each other); showing variety 各不相同的,各种各样的relationship

15、 n. (between, with) a friendship or connection between people 常与between 或with连用友谊;关系so to speak as one might say 可谓,可以说,简直是L&R 1diverse a. L&R 1responsibility n. U 常与for连用责任(心);责任感,可信赖性anticipate vt. think likely to happen, expect 预期,期望mission n. the particular work which one believes it is ones dut

16、y to do 职责;使命L&R 1responsibility n. L&R 1inspiring a. that gives one the urge or ability to do great things 激励人心的;启发灵感的career n. a job or profession for which one is trained and which one intends to follow for part or the whole of ones life 职业;一生的事业 L&R 1inspiring a. Choose the best answer to comple

17、te each of the following sentences according to the information contained in the listening passage. L&R 2Choose the best answer to compL&R 2In this monologue the speaker mainly talks about _.A) stories about college life B) the life of college freshmen C) carefree life of college studentsD) differen

18、ces between college and high schoolL&R 2In this monologue the speL&R 22. According to the speaker, the freshman experience will _.A) enable students to find true friendship B) leave a deep impression on every studentC) decide what a student can do in the futureD) teach students the importance of res

19、ponsibility L&R 22. According to the speakRead the following statements and decide whether each of them is true or false based on the information contained in the listening passage. Write T for True and F for False in the space given before each statement. L&R 2Read the following statements 1. _ Fre

20、shman experience is an unforgettable experience to college students.2. _ Students will feel just as comfortable in their first year at college as in their previous years when they were in high school or back at home. 3. _ Students are able to find very good friends at college.4. _ Learning to be res

21、ponsible for oneself at college is very important.5. _ Freshmen should not be concerned with their future careers.L&R 2FTTFT1. _ Freshman experience iL&R 3Listen to the recording again and fill in each of the blanks according to what you have heard.L&R 3Listen to the recording awonderful discoveries

22、L&R 3The freshman year at college is, generally speaking, a time filled with , some anxiety, and . 2. The workload will be and the major challenges of college work are a large amount of and the short . 3. College Friendship will be among the and of ones life. Its always exciting to discover how coll

23、ege relationships can be.anticipationheavierreading and writing deadlines_most satisfying_long-term_wonderfully diverse_wonderful discoveriesL&R 3The 4. Students should remember that they are at college with an : they shouldnt waste time on .5. Going to college is not just to get a degree: it is to

24、find out and . meaningless things who you are anticipated missionwhat you are really made for_L&R 34. Students should remember thMain IdeaExercise 1: Write down the main idea of the following paragraphs in the space provided. Para.Main Ideas23456Top students learn to be organized. Top students attai

25、n academic excellence by mastering a few basic principles that others can easily learn.Top students know how to schedule their time properly. Top students are very serious about school and very active in class. Students benefit from group study.Main IdeaExercise 1: Write dowMain IdeaExercise 2: Read

26、 the following statements and then decide whether each of them is true or false based on the information in the text. Write T for True and F for False in the space provided before each statement. Main IdeaExercise 2: Read the Main Idea1. _ Being bright does not necessarily make one a straight-A stud

27、ent. 2. _ A top student knows how to balance between what is more important and what is less important.3. _ One student thinks that learning a new word while brushing his teeth helps him learn the new word best. 4. _ A messy student may waste a lot of time.5. _ Professors may concentrate more on the

28、 neatness of an assignment than on its content. 6. _ Students benefit more from group study than from individual study. 7. _ Pressure from parents is good for students. TTFTFTFMain Idea1. _ Being brighMain IdeaBasic Principles That Top Students Master and Apply a. b. c. d. set priorities study anywh

29、ere or everywhere study at ones preferred timebe consistent Exercise 3: Summarize the basic principles that top students master and apply in their studying and put them down in the space provided. Main IdeaBasic Principles Working towards academic excellence constitutes one of the most important par

30、ts of college life and is the goal of most college students. Straight-A students, in this respect, can be of great help by sharing their secrets in achieving academic excellence. Read the following text to find out what some of these secrets are. In-DepthWorking towards academic excelIn-DepthSecrets

31、 of Straight-A Students A professor of education who has conducted major studies of super-achieving students revealed that top grades do not always go to the brightest students. According to him, other education experts and top students themselves, it is far more important for a student to know how

32、to his or her innate abilities. _ The students at the top of the class . academic excellence by mastering a few basic principles that others can easily learn. To begin with, top students know how to set their priorities right. Study time is never compromised for phone calls, television programmes or

33、 snacks. make the most ofattain21In-DepthSecrets of Straight-A In-DepthIn other words, it is always placed above recreation. In addition, top students make a point of studying anywhere or everywhere. A top student who is also a top athlete memorises biology terms as he works out every day. Another s

34、tudent learns a new word every morning while brushing his teeth. Among all the students interviewed, every one agreed that study times are strictly a matter of personal preference. Some thrive at night when all is silent. Others prefer to study as soon as they come home from school when the lessons

35、are fresh in their minds. However, all agreed that consistency is a main factor if one is to perform well at all times. _In-DepthIn other words, it is proper places because he simply cannot afford time-wasting searches. Another student immediately files the days notes in colour-coded folders so that

36、 they are available for review nearing examination time. Another technique advocated by top students is to read effectively. This includes speed-reading, improving ones memory or retention ability, and actively asking questions that will lead to a full understanding of the authors message. In-Depth

37、A student must also learn to be organised. For example, a top student who is actively involved in his school band, track and field, rugby association and debate team disclosed that he keeps his things in their 3proper places because he simplIn-Depth4 It is also important for students to know how to

38、schedule their time. They must know how to pace each assignment or project according to their daily timetable and work ability so that they might not be overwhelmed by the tasks at hand. Being able to set timetables not only allows students more time to review and polish their work, it also prevents

39、 them from procrastinating. Top students believe that a secret of their success is the taking down of good notes during lessons and using them for revision. One student revealed that she writes notes from the text on one side of her notebook and those from her teachers lectures on the other side. Th

40、is allows her to review both aspects of each lesson at once. The_In-Depth4 It is also importaIn-Depthstudent also revealed that instead of wasting time whispering to friends and getting ready to rush out of the class just before the bell rings, she uses those few minutes to jot down a two or three-s

41、entence summary of the lessons principal points. She then scans the notes to refresh her memory before the next days class.5 Another winning formula which teachers promote lies in a students ability to hand in neat work. According to one professor, the student who turns in neat work is already scori

42、ng an A. _ on the way toIn-Depthstudent also revealed In the classroom context, it is equally important for students to speak up and ask questions. This is perhaps the best way for a student to clarify any doubts. Classroom participation also demonstrates a students intellectual curiosity. As a stud

43、ent concisely puts it, “Better grades come from better understanding.” The value of studying together was demonstrated in an experiment conducted at one top university. The study revealed that students who discussed homework and problems together, tried different approaches and explained their solut

44、ions to one another scored higher than those who laboured on their own. The experiment also illuminated the value of hypothetical tests conducted among the students and on their own. This means that students frame tentativeIn-Depth _6In the classroom context, it iIn-Depthtest questions based on thei

45、r notes and give each other or themselves written examinations the day before a test. Experts confirmed that students who devise possible test questions often find many of the same questions during the real examination and thus score higher.7 Another technique employed by top students is to do more

46、than the assigned homework. A student revealed that if her teacher gives five problems, she will undertake ten. In the students words, “Part of learning is practising. The more you practise, the more you learn.” Last_ _In-Depthtest questions based oIn-Depthbut not least, all experts and top students

47、 agree that the most important “secret” of super-achievers lies in the crucial contribution by parents. From infancy, super-achievers were taught the importance of learning by their parents. The latter set high standards for their children and held them to those standards. They encouraged their chil

48、dren in their studies but did not undertake the work for them. Instead of pressuring their children, these parents were always loving, gentle and took pains to explain and motivate. They impressed the lessons of responsibility on their children, and the children delivered. _In-Depthbut not least, al

49、l expQ1. Do you know any other secrets towards academic excellence besides those mentioned in Text A? If so, share them with your classmates.voicingWork in groups of threes or fours and discuss the following questions.A1: Other possible secrets are: find out the learning strategies that best suit on

50、eself;consult more references;do extra reading;take a short break when tired; etc.Q1. Do you know any other secrvoicingQ2. Which is more important to you on your way towards academic excellence, intelligence or diligence (勤奋刻苦)? Why do you think so?A2: Possible answers: I opt for intelligence becaus

51、e some people hold that one cant be a top student if he/she is not bright enough. I think that diligent work always pays off. voicingQ2. Which is more imporvoicingQ3. Do you think parental influence is a very important factor in a childs academic excellence? Why or why not?A3: Possible answers: I th

52、ink good parental influence usually has positive effects on the children because parents are role models and first teachers of their children. voicingQ3. Do you think parentvoicingQ4. Do you often participate in group study? Why or why not?A4: Possible answers: Yes, I like group study because I lear

53、n better by discussing homework and problems together with my classmates. No, I dont like group work, as I feel Im most efficient when studying alone. voicingQ4. Do you often particKey Words (B)economicpeerself-inducedchargevictimeconomytuitionfeesumaccumulateloanfinancialtoughdeterminationlabdentis

54、twebsteersecureclassicspracticalfacultycreativeKey Words for Text BKey Words (B)economicpeerself-Key Words (B)specificprofessionseveretrulyobligatedfulfillexpectationdeandawntensionapproachdueoversleepmultiplydeliberatelyperceivepsychologicallyultimatelytrapuniqueKey Words for Text BKey Words (B)spe

55、cificprofessioKey Words (B)Expressions for Text Bwork oncome tomajor inpay offafter allunder pressureput togetherpoint outKey Words (B)Expressions for T1. It saddens me because I know them in other corners of their life as cheerful people. (Para. 4) 2) Paraphrase the sentence. It makes me sad becaus

56、e I know that they are happy and cheerful in other parts of life.1) Translate this sentence into Chinese.这让我很伤心,因为我知道在生活的其它方面他们是开朗快乐的人 。Sentences1. It saddens me because I kno2. The parents mean well; they are trying to steer their sons and daughters toward a secure future. (Para. 9) 2) Make a sente

57、nce with the italicized structure.My parents always tried to steer me toward a secure future as they had planned, but I had my own determination. 1) Translate this sentence into Chinese.父母的本意是好的,他们想引导自己的孩子走向无忧无虑的未来。Sentences2. The parents mean well; they3. One part of them feels obligated to fulfill

58、 their parents expectations; after all, their parents are older and presumably wiser. (Para. 10)2) Make a sentence with the italicized structure.He did fulfill his parents expectations and finally became an outstanding scholar.1) Translate this sentence into Chinese.一方面,他们觉得有义务不辜负父母对自己的期望,毕竟父母比自己年长,

59、该更有智慧吧。Sentences3. One part of them feels obli4. Its symptomatic of all the pressures put together. (Para. 13)2) Paraphrase the sentence.This incident is a sign of all the pressures that come together.1) Translate this sentence into Chinese.这表明所有压力都汇集在一起了。Sentences4. Its symptomatic of all theQ1What

60、 are the four kinds of pressure that students are faced with? Q2Who should we blame for those pressures? Para.1ComprehensionQ1What are the four kinds of pComprehensionQ1What does the writer mean by “Students today live in a brutal economy”?Q2When are the students expected to repay their loans for hi


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