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1、必修一Unit 3Sports and FitnessPeriod 3 Discovering Useful Struures 必修一Unit 3Period 3 Discovering Discovering Useful StructuresThe tag questions & their answersDiscovering Useful StructuresT1 概述单元语法附加疑问句(1)定义附加疑问句,又称反意疑问句,主要用于口语,其作用是说话人向对方验证自己的陈述或者判断,也可以用于祈使句表示请求或者建议。(2)组成陈述部分 + 附加疑问部分(助动词 /be 动词 / 情态动词

2、 + 表示主语的代词)肯定式陈述部分 + 否定附加疑问部分You come here often,dont you? 你经常来这里,不是吗?否定式陈述部分 + 肯定附加疑问部分This isnt your first time here,is it? 这不是你第一次来这儿,是吗?含有否定词的陈述部分 + 肯定附加疑问部分Nothing can stop us now,can it? 现在没有什么可以阻挡我们,是吗?1 概述单元语法(1)定义祈使句 + 附加疑问部分Dont drive so fast,will you? 不要开得这么快,好吗?(3)回答附加疑问句的答语与一般疑问句类似,注意其与

3、汉语表达习惯的差异。 David has been to a football match,hasnt he?大卫去看足球赛了,不是吗?Yes,he has./No,he hasnt. 是的,他去了。/ 不,他没有去。 You cant play badminton,can you? 你不会打羽毛球,是吗?Yes,I can./No,I cant. 不,我会打。/ 是的,我不会打。(4)语调陈述部分一般用降调,而附加疑问部分既可用升调也可用降调,但含义不同。通常情况下,用升调多表示疑问或请求,用降调多表示求证或希望对方同意。祈使句 + 附加疑问部分Discovering Useful Stru

4、ctures反义疑问句的主语反义疑问句的动词反义疑问句的肯定和否定反义疑问句的升调和降调反义疑问句的回答带有宾语从句的复合句的反义疑问句并列句的反义疑问句祈使句的反义疑问句含有had better, used to do的反义疑问句neither nor, either or 连接的并列主语的反义疑问句Discovering Useful StructuresDiscovering Useful StructuresTag questions are additional questions which expresses the questioners opinion, which is u

5、ncertain and needs the listeners approval.是指当提问的人对前面所叙述的事实不敢肯定,而需要向对方加以证实时所提出的问句。反义疑问句基本构成 ,A former statementPart 1助动词 do/does/did have/has/hadbe动词情态动词Part 2主语Part 3Discovering Useful StructuresTDiscovering Useful StructuresA former statementPart 1观察前陈述句主语及动词,据此判断反义疑问句的动词及主语如果陈述部分为肯定句,反义疑问句则为否定如果陈述

6、部分为否定句,反义疑问句则为肯定如:The students are having an English class, _?No, they arent .Theya re having a math class.主语the students为第三人称复数,代词用they 动词areare theyDiscovering Useful StructuresADiscovering Useful StructuresA former statementPart 1陈述部分是肯定句还是否定句的判断句子含有否定副词或否定代词方能算否定句,带有否定前缀的词不能算做否定句否定副词:no, not, ne

7、ver, hardly, rarely, seldom, scarcely, barely否定代词:few, little, nothing, no one, nobody, neither, none.否定前缀:un-,non-,in-,dis-,a-,de-,under-,anti-, counter-.如:He hasnt been there before.There is nothing I can do to help.The weather yeasterday was abnormal.否定句否定句肯定句Discovering Useful StructuresADiscove

8、ring Useful Structures关于主语陈述部分主语如果是人称代词主格,保持不变There be 中,反义疑问句主语为there陈述部分主语如果是名词,根据单复数变为he, she, it, they陈述部分主语是不定代词,如果指代物,反义疑问句则用it, 如果指代人,反义疑问句则用he / they不定式,动名词做主语时,反义疑问句主语为it主语Part 3Discovering Useful Structures关Discovering Useful StructuresEverthing is ready, _?Everyone is here, _?We are busy,

9、 _?The workers are busy, _?The doctor is busy, _?There is a book on the desk, _?Nothing goes well, _?Eating too much is bad for health, _?isnt itisnt hearent wearent theyisnt he/sheisnt theredoes itisnt it主语Part 3关于主语Discovering Useful StructuresEDiscovering Useful Structures关于动词They work hard, _?He

10、 walked slowly, _?They have completed the task, _?Nothing can stop them, _?Everyone must take part, _?The train had left, _?It appears to be wrong, _?We seldom go to the cinema, _?The Sports Day is coming soon, _? dont theydidnt he havent they can it mustnt he hadnt itdoesnt it do we isnt it 助动词 do/

11、does/did have/has/hadbe动词情态动词Part 2Discovering Useful Structures关Discovering Useful Structures常见特殊情况祈使句祈使句的反义疑问句不区分肯定句还是否定句,为will you 。Give me a hand, _?Leave all the things as they are, _?Dont spoil your child, _?Take his dirty gloves away, _? will you will you will you will youDiscovering Useful S

12、tructures常Discovering Useful Structures常见特殊情况Lets do.,表示建议,反义疑问句为:shall weLet us/me/them/.则视作祈使句,反义疑问句为will youLet us know the time of your arrival, _?Lets try again,_?Let me help you, _?Lets have a look on your book, _? will you will you shall we shall weDiscovering Useful Structures常Discovering Us

13、eful Structures常见特殊情况含情态动词had better, 反义疑问句的动词要用hadYoud better read it by yourself, _?Youd better not stay here, _?Wed better make a change, _?The tree had better be watered often, _?hadnt youhadnt wehadnt ithad youDiscovering Useful Structures常Discovering Useful Structures常见特殊情况陈述部分的谓语是used to 时,疑问

14、部分用didnt +主语或 usednt +主语。He used to take pictures there, _?The old man used to get up early, _?They used to have just one class in the morning, _?The boy used to walk to school, _?usednt / didnt heusednt / didnt heusednt / didnt theyusednt / didnt heDiscovering Useful Structures常Discovering Useful S

15、tructures常见特殊情况反意疑问句的陈述部分为I (we) think (believe, suppose, consider)that从句时,反义疑问句的动词和主语与that从句内的动词和主语保持一致。I think that he has done his best, _?若反意疑问句的陈述部分为I (we) dont think (believe, supose, consider)that从句时,从句为否定意义,反义疑问句的动词和主语仍与that从句保持一致,用肯定形式。I dont think that you can do it, _?hasnt hecan you宾语从句的

16、反义疑问句Discovering Useful Structures常Discovering Useful Structures常见特殊情况反意疑问句的陈述部分为非第一人称主语think(believe,suose,consider)+that从句时,反义疑问句的动词和主语与主句的动词和主语保持一致。He said he wanted to visit Japan, _? They dont know where the cat has been, _? She doesnt think that Tom sings best in the class, _? do theydoes she

17、宾语从句的反义疑问句 didnt heDiscovering Useful Structures常Discovering Useful Structures常见特殊情况并列复合句的反义疑问句部分,要根据并列连词后面的句子确定动词和主语,如:Mr. Smith had been to Beijing for several times, so he should have been in China now, _?All through yesterday crowds have been arriving and by midnight thousands of people packed t

18、he square, _?shouldnt he带有并列连词复合句的反义疑问句didnt theyDiscovering Useful Structures常Discovering Useful Structures常见特殊情况陈述部分有must表示推测时的反义疑问句,疑问部分根据实际情况而定。He must be a doctor, _?You must have studied English for three years, _?He must have finished it yesterday, _?isnt hehavent youwasnt heDiscovering Usefu

19、l Structures常Discovering Useful Structures常见特殊情况陈述部分由neither nor, either or 连接的并列主语时,反义疑问句的主语根据其实际逻辑意义而定。Neither you nor I am an engineer, _?are weDiscovering Useful Structures常Discovering Useful Structures如何回答反义疑问句回答反意疑问句通常应根据实际情况来确定,如有人问你You are asleep, arent you? 你应回答No, Im not. 因为既然你能回答,肯定你还没有as

20、leep。但如果别人问你 You arent asleep, are you?(你还没有睡着,对吗),你也只能回答No, Im not.(是的,还没有睡着),而不能回答为Yes, Im not. 也不能回答成 Yes, I am.反义疑问句回答只需注意事实,肯定即用yes,否定用no,无需考虑句子原本是前否后肯或是前肯后否。建议在答题时,先按照实际写后面的答句,再根据前后一致原则写Yes或No。Discovering Useful Structures如Discovering Useful Structures反义疑问句的升降调反义疑问句陈述部分用降调,问句部分可升可降。提问者对陈述部分把握较

21、大时,问句部分用降调;对陈述部分不确定,需要对方确认时,用升调。 Discovering Useful Structures反 【学法点拨】 附加疑问句用法口诀前肯后否是自然,前否后肯也常见。问句 not 若出现,必须缩写是习惯。肯定事实答 yes,否定事实要答 no。前后时态要一致,人称和数要相符。还有一点要注意,短语代词作主语。回答附加疑问句,要以事实为依据。 【学法点拨】Discovering Useful StructuresRead the conversation aloud and pay attention to the tones of the tag questions.

22、Explain the meaning that different tones express.A: Were all so busy, but we cant just sit around and study all the time, can we?B: No, we cant Sometimes I just have to get up and do a few jumping jacks.A: Jumping jacks? Those are a kind of exercise, arent they?B:Yes, they are! You jump and bring yo

23、ur hands together above your head and move your feet apart. Then you jump again, bringing your hands to your side and your feet together. Im sure youve done them before, havent you?A: Iknow what you mean now. They are also called star jumps, arent they? Why dont we do a few now? B:Sure.对前面陈述的内容把握很大对

24、前面陈述的内容没有把握,需要对方确认对前面陈述的内容把握很大对前面陈述的内容把握很大Discovering Useful StructuresRI. Complete the conversations with appropriate tag questions or correct answers. Then act them out.1 A: Its not going to rain, is it?B: _ Its a good day for sports.A: Then we can play football, _?B: _. We dont have a ball.2 A: I

25、ts Sports Day next Thursday, _?B: You re right, it is. Lets ask Xia Lei if she wants to join a team.A: She likes soccer, _?B: _ But she loves volleyball She could be in the volleyball team.No, it isnt.cant weNo, we cantisnt itdoesnt sheNo, she doesnt.Step 3. PracticeI. Complete the conversations I.

26、Complete the conversations with appropriate tag questions or correct answers. Then act them out.3 A: Its time for badminton class. Where is the coach? Hes late, _?B: Its been 10 minutes already. He isnt coming, _?A: Cool! We can have a good time. Thats great!B: Shh!A: Oh no, hes right behind me,_?C: Yes, I am!isnt heis heisnt heI. Complete the conversations II. 完成下列反意疑问句1. Its a fine day. Lets go for a picnic, _? 2. Eason


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