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1、商务翻译第14单元:商务信函类语篇的翻译商务翻译第14单元:商务信函类语篇的翻译商务信函 是涉外商务中使用的各种信函的总称,是商务活动,尤其是进出口业务进展情况的专业性书面记录。商业信函的功能:信息功能祈使功能交际功能法律价值商务信函 是涉外商务中使用的各种信函的总称,是商务活动,尤其商务信函的原则格式正确亲切友善讲究商誉简明生动积极正面商务信函的原则格式正确商务信函的语篇结构与格式包括:信头(heading)、日期(date line)、信内地址(inside address)、文档号(reference)、注意项(attention line)、称呼(salutation)、事由(subj

2、ect)、正文(body)、结束语(complimentary close)、公司名称(company name)、签字(signature)、附件(enclosure)、抄件(copy notation)、附言(postscript)商务信函的语篇结构与格式包括:信头(heading)、日期(商务信函用词用词规范、庄重、清晰: in accordance with 或as per而不用according to?(与教材举例自相矛盾); in advance of 或prior to 而不使用before;inform或advice 而不使用tell; duplicate 而不使用copy;d

3、ispatch而不使用send;使用in connectionwith或in view of而不使用about;otherwise而不使用or商务信函用词用词规范、庄重、清晰:商务信函用语模糊?(严谨?)、礼貌、得体Some of your references have reported that during the last 12 months, some payments have made up to months late. We understand that the lateness of the payment might have been exceptional. Wou

4、ld you care to tell us about this so that we could still consider what credit could be arranged? As we should like to keep you supplied, we shall hold back your order for 10 days while we await your reply.商务信函用语模糊?(严谨?)、礼貌、得体语气According to our records, you have not yet settled your account for elect

5、ronic equipment supplied to you on 10th December and 20th January this year. We sent you detailed statements of account on 28th December last year and 28th January this year, but as those may not have reached you, we are taking this opportunity of sending you a further copy of this statement. You wi

6、ll note that the outstanding amount is 9098.00 dollars. If you have settled this account since receiving our most recent statement, please ignore this reminder and accept my apologies for troubling you further in this matter. If, however, you have not yet settled this account, we would appreciate if

7、 you would do so at your earliest convenience for it has been outstanding for a considerable time. We therefore look forward to hearing from you in the near future.语气According to our records, yo商务翻译的原则1、把握商务信函文体风格:正式、严谨、洗练、语气礼貌委婉2、内容的准确性3、形式的规范性:措辞、语气、句式的选择商务翻译的原则1、把握商务信函文体风格:正式、严谨、洗练、3. 例子If your c

8、onfirmation arrives before May 1, you can see personally the excellence of the two dozen light blue bed sheets as well as that of your other orders.教材:如果您在5月1日前回复并予以确认的话,您就可以亲眼目睹这两打浅蓝色床单和其他所订床单的绝妙之处了。改译:如果您在5月1日前回复并予以确认的话,除了您所订之物,您还将会亲眼看到两打浅蓝色精美的床单。3. 例子Because of their low price and the small profi

9、t margin we are working on, we will not be offering any trade discount on this consignment.由于这批货物定价低廉,我们的利润空间也很小,所以我们不打算折扣销售。鉴于本批委托代销商品价格低廉,利润微薄,本公司抱歉无法给予任何折扣。Because of their low price and3We shall be obliged to establish the relevant L/C on the condition that you agree to insert in the contract “P

10、artial shipment and Trans-shipment Allowed”如贵方同意在合同中加入“允许分批装运和转运”,我方将开立相关信用证。3We shall be obliged to establ4Our corporation is established for the purpose of carrying on import and export business as well as other activities in connection with foreign trade.我们成立公司的目标是从事进出口业务以及与外贸相关的其他活动。 本公司是本着经营进出口

11、业务、开展与对外贸易相关的其他活动为目的而建立起来的。45We have pleasure in sending you the samples of the goods listed on your inquiry sheet No.2080 for your consideration, and hope that they will be of interest to you.很高兴寄送你方第2080号询价单所列货物样品供你方考虑,希望你方感兴趣。5We have pleasure in sending y6We wish to introduce ourselves to you as

12、 a professional corporation specializing in all kinds of woven garments and are interested in establishing mutually beneficial business relations with you.我们乐于向贵方介绍自己,我们是专门从事各种编织服装的专业公司,愿与贵方建立互利的业务关系。67We are aware of your fine reputation in manufacturing kitchen utilities and would appreciate your

13、sending us particulars of your current lines, wholesale prices, and discounts for volume purchases.我们了解到你放在厨房用具生产方面享有较高声誉,故请寄来你们现有产品的具体信息及批发价和批量订货的折扣情况。78Considering the quality of the suitcases offered we do not feel that the prices we quoted are at all excessive, but in view of the long-standing b

14、usiness relations between us, we have decided to offer you a special discount of 2 percent for an order exceeding 20,000 dollars.考虑到我们所提供的箱子的质量,我们认为所报价格一点都不高,但鉴于我们之间长期的业务关系,我们决定对你方超过2万美元的订货给予百分之二的特别折扣。89We take pleasure in enclosing the latest designs of our products, which are superior in quality a

15、nd moderate in price and are sure to find a good market at your end.很高兴随函寄给你方我们产品的最新设计式样,这些新设计质量高,价格适中,肯定会在你方市场畅销。910Thank you for your interest in our stainless cutlery, but we are sorry to inform you that because we have a lot of orders in hand and the factories are heavily committed, we have no m

16、ore goods available this year.感谢你方对我方生产的不锈钢刀具感兴趣,但非常遗憾地告诉你们,由于我们手中已有很多订单,厂家任务非常繁重,今年再无货可供。10Thank you for your interest 11Owing to the heavy commitments of our manufactures, we regret to say that we are not in a position to meet your requirements for the time being in this respect.由于我方厂商不堪负重地承约,我方很遗

17、憾地告知:眼下在这方面无法满足你方要求由于我方厂商大量承约,很遗憾,我方无法在此方面满足贵方要求。11Owing to the heavy commitmen12As we are in the market for the goods mentioned above, we should be pleased if you would send us your best quotations.由于我们想买进上述货物,如你方能够向我们寄送最优惠报价,我方将很高兴。由于我方正在市场上觅购上述货物,如贵方能够寄送最优惠报价,我方将很高兴。12As we are in the market for 13If you admit that your company is in error or is willing to take responsibility for the claim, you should wri


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