




1、 Articles of Association for Zhongbao Energy Resources Service CompanyCatalloguueChaptter 1Genneraal PProvvisiionssChaptter 2Objjecttivees, Sccopee annd SScalle oof PProdducttionn annd BBusiinesssChaptter 3Tottal Invvesttmennt AAmouunt andd thhe RRegiisteeredd CaapittalChaptter 4InvvesttorssChaptter
2、 5Boaard of DirrecttorssChaptter 6SuppervvisoorsChaptter 7Bussineess Mannageemennt OOffiiceChaptter 8Labbor MannageemenntChaptter 9Traade UniionChaptter 10Taxxatiion andd Fiinannce Chaptter 11Excchannge MannageemenntChaptter 12Disstriibuttionn off PrrofiitsChaptter 13Durratiion andd TeermiinattionnC
3、haptter 14 InssuraanceeChaptter 15 Supppleemenntarry PProvvisiionssChaptter 1Genneraal PProvvisiionssArticcle 1In acccorrdannce witth LLaw of thee Peeoplless Reepubblicc off Chhinaa onn Fooreiign-Cappitaal EEnteerprrisees ,Commpanny LLaw of thee PRRC aand othher rellevaant Chiinesse llawss annd rreg
4、uulattionns, _TTreaasurre CChinna IInveestmmentt Liimitted inntennds to sett upp Zhhonggbaoo Ennerggy RResoourcces Serrvicce CCo. Ltdd. (herreinnaftter refferrred to as thee Coompaany), aan eexcllusiivelly fforeeignn-owwnedd ennterrpriise. Foor tthiss puurpoose, thhesee Arrticcless off Asssocciattio
5、nn heereuundeer aare worrkedd ouut.Articcle 2The iinveestiing parrty is a llegaal ppersson reggisttereed wwithh Hoong Konng iin aaccoordaancee wiith thee laaws of Honng KKongg. BBasiic iinfoormaatioon aas ffolllowss:The llegaal nnamee off thhe iinveestiing parrty is Treeasuure Chiina Invvesttmennt L
6、Limiitedd.Its llegaal rreprreseentaativve: Namme Naatioonallityy The llegaal aaddrresss off thhe CComppanyy iss att Rooomss 10001-4A, Chhamppionn Buuilddingg, 2287-2911 Dees VVoeuux RRoadd Ceentrral, Hoong Konng.Tel:Fax:Articcle 3The nnamee off thhe CComppanyy inn Chhineese is 中宝能能源设备备服务有有限公司司 The n
7、namee off thhe CComppanyy inn Enngliish is Zhoongbbao Eneergyy Reesouurcees SServvicee Coompaany.The llegaal aaddrresss off thhe CComppanyy iss att 6,GGanggwu Aveenuee, XXian Intternnatiionaal TTradde &Loggistticss Paark, Xiian, Chhinaa.Articcle 4Chairrmann off thhe BBoarrd iis tthe leggal reppresse
8、nttatiive, peerfoorm hiss orr heer ddutiies commplyy wiith thee sttipuulattionns oof tthe Chiinesse llawss, ddecrreess annd rreleevannt rreguulattionns.Articcle 5The CComppanyy iss Chhineese leggal perrsonn, iits acttiviitiees iis uundeer tthe govvernnancce oof CChinnesee laaws andd reegullatiionss.
9、 Alll thhe llegiitimmatee riightts aand inttereestss off thhe ccomppanyy iss unnderr thhe gguarranttee andd prroteectiion of Chiinesse llaw. Thhe ccomppanyy foorm is Co., LLtd. Thhe rrespponssibiilitty oof tthe invvesttor is limmiteed tto tthe reggisttereed ccapiitall off thhe ccomppanyy. CComppanyy
10、 iss reespoonsiiblee foor tthe debbts by alll itts aasseets.Afterr beeingg aggreeed bby CChinna rreleevannt ddepaartmmentts, commpanny ccan sett upp brrancchess orr suubsiidiaariees oon ddomeestiic oor aabrooad. Chaptter 2Objjecttivees, Scoope andd Sccalee off Prroduuctiion andd BuusinnesssArticcle
11、6The oobjeectiive of thee Coompaany is to strrenggtheen eeconnomiic ccoopperaatioon aand tecchnoologgicaal eexchhangge, alsso pprommotee thhe ddeveeloppmennt oof CChinnesee naatioonall ecconoomy andd ennsurre ssatiisfaactoory ecoonommic bennefiits forr thhe iinveestiing parrty.Articcle 7The bbusiine
12、sss sscoppe oof tthe Commpanny iis DDrilllinng eequiipmeent andd acccesssorriess saaless, llaboor sservvicees, driilliing enggineeeriing, peetrooleuum ttechhnollogyy coonsuultiing andd seerviicess (aabovve tthe rannge aree frree froom sstatte llawss annd rreguulattionns aand resstriictiionss prrohii
13、bitt opperaatinng tthe proojecct, invvolvvingg liicennsinng qquallifiicattionn, wwithh opperaatinng ppermmitss)Chaptter 3Tottal Invvesttmennt AAmouunt andd thhe RRegiisteeredd CaapittalArticcle 8The aamouunt of tottal invvesttmennt oof tthe Commpanny iis UUSD990,0000,0000; tthe reggisttereed ccapiit
14、all iss USSD500,0000,0000. Thhe rregiisteeredd caapittal is paiid iin _ iinsttalllmennts. Wiithiin tthreee mmontths upoon tthe isssuannce of bussineess liccensse, _ of thee fiirstt innstaallmmentt shhalll bee paaid, annd tthe resst ppartt shhalll bee paaid offf inn twwo yyearrs.The ddifffereencee be
15、etweeen thee tootall ammounnt oof iinveestmmentt annd tthe reggisttereed ccapiitall caan oobtaain froom bbankk looanss orr shhareehollderr looanss.Articcle 9The ppropporttionn foor eexpoort of thee Coompaany is _. TThe Boaard of Dirrecttorss orr thhe ccorpporaate mannageemennt wwithh auuthoorizzatii
16、on froom tthe Boaard of Dirrecttorss caan ddeciide at itss owwn ddisccrettionn onn doomessticc orr ovversseass saale of thee prroduuctss off thhe CComppanyy.Chaptter 3Tottal Invvesttmennt AAmouunt andd thhe RRegiisteeredd CaapittalArticcle 10The aamouunt of tottal invvesttmennt oof tthe Commpanny ii
17、s _; thee reegissterred cappitaal iis _.Articcle 11The cconttribbutiion metthodds oof tthe Commpanny aare, cash _;kind equuivaalennt oof _.Articcle 12The iinveestiing parrty shaall conntriibutte tthe reggisttereed ccapiitall wiith thee foolloowinng mmethhod: (NNotee: cchooose onee off thhem)Payinng
18、ooff alll thhe ccapiitall wiithiin ssix monnthss uppon thee isssuaancee off buusinnesss liicennse.The rregiisteeredd caapittal is paiid iin _ iinsttalllmennts. Wiithiin tthreee mmontths upoon tthe isssuannce of bussineess liccensse, _ oof tthe firrst insstalllmeent shaall be paiid, acccounntinng ffo
19、r _% oof iits subbscrribeed ccapiitall, aand the resst ppartt shhalll bee paaid offf inn _ mmontths. (NNotee: TThe conntriibuttionn too thhe ffirsst iinsttalllmennt sshalll nnot be lesss tthann 155% oof iits subbscrribeed ccapiitall.)The ccapiitall coontrribuutioon oof eeachh paartyy shhalll bee coo
20、nveerteed aaccoordiing to thee cuurreent nummeraairee exxchaangee raate of thee Peeoplless Baank of Chiina.The ccapiitall coontrribuutioon iin kkindd shhalll bee reecoggnizzed as avaailaablee onn thhe dday wheen tthe Commpanny oobtaainss thhe ccerttifiicatte oof rrighht.Articcle 13Withiin 330 ddayss
21、 uppon thee caapittal conntriibuttionn off thhe CComppanyy too anny iinsttalllmennt, thee Coompaany shaall enggagee ceertiifieed ppubllic acccounntannts reggisttereed iin CChinna tto vveriify thee caapittal andd prreseent a rrepoort on thee veerifficaatioon oof ccapiitall. WWithhin 30 dayys uuponn r
22、eeceiipt of thee reeporrt oon ccapiitall veerifficaatioon, thee Coompaany shaall preesennt aa ceertiificcatee off caapittal conntriibuttionn too thhe iinveestiing parrty andd fiile witth tthe oriiginnal exaaminnatiion andd appproovall auuthooritty aand thee addminnisttrattivee deeparrtmeent of inddu
23、sttry andd coommeercee.Articcle 14The rreaddjusstmeent of reggisttereed ccapiitall orr tootall innvesstmeent amoountt shhalll, aafteer bbeinng uunannimoouslly aagreeed by thee Booardd off Diirecctorrs, be subbmitttedd too thhe oorigginaal eexamminaatioon aand appprovval autthorrityy foor aapprrovaal
24、 aand go thrrouggh aalteerattionn foormaalittiess wiith thee addminnisttrattivee deeparrtmeent of inddusttry andd coommeercee.Chaptter 4Boaard of DirrecttorssArticcle 15The CComppanyy shhalll seet uup tthe Boaard of Dirrecttorss, wwhicch sshalll bbe tthe higghesst aauthhoriity of thee Coompaany. Itt
25、 shhalll deecidde oon aall majjor isssuess coonceerniing thee Coompaany. Thhe ddatee off isssuaancee off thhe aapprrovaal ccerttifiicatte oof tthe Commpanny sshalll bbe tthe datte oof tthe esttabllishhmennt oof tthe Boaard of Dirrecttorss.Articcle 16The BBoarrd oof DDireectoors is commpossed of _ddi
26、reectoors, wiith onee chhairrperrsonn annd _ viice-chaairpperssonss. TThe memmberrs oof tthe Boaard shaall be apppoinntedd byy thhe iinveestiing parrty. Thhe ttermm off offficce ffor thee diirecctorrs, chaairppersson andd viice-chaairpperssonss iss foour yeaars, annd ttheiir ttermm off offficce mmay
27、 be renneweed iif cconttinuuoussly apppoinntedd byy thhe aappoointtingg paartyy. AAny parrty shaall infformm thhe ootheer ppartty oof iits apppoinntmeent or repplaccemeent of dirrecttorss annd pput it on fille wwithh thhe aadmiinisstraativve ddepaartmmentt off inndusstryy annd ccommmercce. Articcle
28、17The cchaiirpeersoon oof tthe Boaard is thee leegall reepreesenntattivee off thhe CComppanyy. SShouuld thee chhairrperrsonn bee unnablle tto eexerrcisse hhis/herr reespoonsiibillitiies forr anny rreasson, hee/shhe sshalll aauthhoriize thee viice-chaairppersson or anyy ottherr diirecctorr too exxerc
29、cisee riightts aand fullfilll oobliigattionns.Articcle 18The BBoarrd oof DDireectoors shaall connvenne aat lleasst oone meeetinng eeverry yyearr. TThe meeetinng sshalll bbe ccallled andd prresiidedd ovver by thee chhairrperrsonn off thhe BBoarrd. Thee chhairrperrsonn maay cconvvenee ann innterrim me
30、eetinng bbaseed oon aa prropoosall maade by morre tthann onne tthirrd oof tthe tottal nummberr off diirecctorrs.Articcle 19The BBoarrd mmeettingg (iinclludiing intteriim mmeettingg) sshalll nnot be helld wwithhoutt thhe aatteendaancee off moore thaan ttwo thiirdss off diirecctorrs. Eacch ddireectoor
31、 hhas onee voote.Articcle 20In caase a ddireectoor ccannnot atttendd thhe BBoarrd mmeettingg, hhe/sshe shoouldd isssuee a lettterr off atttorrneyy enntruustiing othher perrsonn too atttennd tthe Boaard meeetinng aand votte oon hhis/herr beehallf. Shoouldd hee/shhe nnot atttendd orr enntruust othher
32、perrsonn too atttennd tthe Boaard meeetinng iin ddue couursee, hhe/sshe shaall be deeemedd too waaivee hiis/hher rigght.Articcle 21Unaniimouus aapprrovaal oof aall thee diirecctorrs ppressentt too thhe BBoarrd mmeettingg shhalll bee reequiiredd foor aany deccisiionss coonceerniing thee foolloowinng
33、iissuues:modifficaatioon oof tthe Artticlles of Asssociiatiion of thee Coompaany;termiinattionn orr diissooluttionn off thhe CComppanyy;readjjusttmennt oof rregiisteeredd caapittal of thee Coompaany;splitt off thhe CComppanyy orr meergeer wwithh ottherr ecconoomicc orrgannizaatioons.issuees wwhicch,
34、 acccorddingg too thhe BBoarrd oof DDireectoors, muust be unaanimmoussly passsedd byy alll ddireectoors.Otherr isssuees ccan be passsedd byy thhe ddeciisioons of simmplee maajorrityy.Articcle 22Each Boaard meeetinng sshalll hhavee deetaiiledd miinuttes, whhichh shhalll bee siigneed bby aall thee dii
35、recctorrs ppressentt att thhe mmeettingg. TThe meeetinng mminuutess shhalll bee puut oon ffilee off thhe CComppanyy foor ffutuure reffereencee.Chaptter 5Bussineess Mannageemennt OOffiiceArticcle 23The CComppanyy exxerccisees ggeneerall maanagger ressponnsibbiliity sysstemm unnderr thhe lleaddersship
36、p off thhe BBoarrd oof DDireectoors, wiith _ ggeneerall maanaggerss annd _ deeputty ggeneerall maanaggerss too bee enngagged by thee Booardd off Diirecctorrs. Articcle 24The ggeneerall maanagger is dirrecttly ressponnsibble to thee Booardd off Diirecctorrs aand shaall carrry outt thhe vvariiouss dee
37、cissionns oof tthe Boaard andd orrgannizee annd gguidde tthe oveeralll pprodducttionn off thhe CComppanyy. TThe depputyy geenerral mannageers shaall asssistt thhe ggeneerall maanagger in hiss/heer wworkk. TThe terrms of reffereencee off thhe ggeneerall maanagger andd deeputty ggeneerall maanaggerss
38、shhalll bee deecidded by thee Booardd off Diirecctorrs.Articcle 25Severral depparttmennt mmanaagerrs mmay be apppoinntedd byy thhe mmanaagemmentt offficce tto bbe rrespponssiblle ffor thee woork in varriouus ddepaartmmentts rresppecttiveely, haandlle tthe mattterrs hhandded oveer bby tthe genneraal
39、mmanaagerr annd ddepuuty genneraal mmanaagerrs aand be ressponnsibble to theem.Articcle 26The ggeneerall maanagger, thhe ddepuuty genneraal mmanaagerrs aand alll thhe ootheer mmanaagerrs sshalll eearnnesttly perrforrm ttheiir ddutyy annd sshalll nnot holld cconccurrrentt poost as a mmanaagerr orr ot
40、therr foormss off emmplooyeee foor ootheer ccomppaniies.In caase of mallpraactiice or serriouus ddereelicctioon oof ddutyy onn thhe ppartt off thhe ggeneerall maanagger andd deeputty ggeneerall maanaggerss, ttheyy caan bbe ddismmisssed at anyy tiime upoon tthe deccisiion of thee Booardd meeetiing.Ar
41、ticcle 27The ddepaartmmentts oof tthe Commpanny aand thee seetupp off deeparrtmeent strructturee shhalll bee pllannned by thee geenerral mannageer aand depputyy geenerral mannageers thrrouggh cconssulttatiion andd shhalll bee deeterrminned by thee Booardd off Diirecctorrs. Othher subb-deeparrtmeents
42、s annd tthe settup of possitiionss ottherr thhan senniorr maanaggerss shhalll bee deeterrminned by thee geenerral mannageer aand thee deeputty ggeneerall maanaggerss thhrouugh connsulltattionn.Articcle 28In caase of mallpraactiice or serriouus ddereelicctioon oof ddutyy onn thhe ppartt off thhe ssen
43、iior mannageers, thhe BBoarrd oof DDireectoors shaall havve tthe powwer to dissmisss tthemm att anny ttimee.Chaptter 6Taxxatiion, Fiinannce andd Fooreiign Excchannge MannageemenntArticcle 29The CComppanyy shhalll paay vvariiouss ittemss off taaxess inn acccorrdannce witth rreleevannt CChinnesee laaw
44、s andd sttipuulattionns oon ttaxaatioon.Articcle 30Stafff meembeers andd woorkeers of thee Coompaany shaall payy inndivviduual inccomee taax aaccoordiing to Inddiviiduaal IIncoome Taxx Laaw oof tthe Peooplees Reppubllic of Chiina.Articcle 31The CComppanyy shhalll immpleemennt aaccoounttingg syysteem
45、 iin aaccoordaancee wiith rellevaant finnancciall maanaggemeent sysstemm off thhe PPeopples RRepuubliic oof CChinna. Thee Coompaany shaall, acccorrdinng tto iinteernaatioonall prractticee, aadoppt aaccrruall acccouuntiing sysstemm annd ddebiit-ccreddit boook-kkeeppingg meethood.Articcle 32The ffiscc
46、al yeaar oof tthe Commpanny sshalll bbe ffromm Jaanuaary 1 tto DDeceembeer 331 oof eeachh Grregooriaan ccaleendaar yyearr. TThe firrst fisscall yeear shaall be froom tthe dayy whhen thee buusinnesss liicennse is isssuedd too Deecemmberr 311 off thhe ssamee yeear.Articcle 33All aaccoounttingg voouchh
47、erss, aaccoountt boookss annd sstattemeentss shhalll bee wrrittten in Chiinesse aand shaall, iff wrrittten in forreiggn llangguagges, bee suuppllemeenteed wwithh Chhineese.Articcle 34The CComppanyy shhalll usse RRMB boookkeeepiing. Coonveersiion of RMBB wiith othher currrennciees sshalll bbe ccalccu
48、laatedd onn thhe bbasiis oof mmidddle ratte pprommulggateed bby tthe Staate Admminiistrratiion of Forreiggn EExchhangge oon tthe dayy off arrisiing.Articcle 35The CComppanyy shhalll, iin aaccoordaancee wiith apppliccablle CChinnesee laaws andd reegullatiionss, oopenn a forreiggn ccurrrenccy aaccooun
49、tt annd aa RMMB aaccoountt inn doomessticc baankss.Articcle 36In thhe ffirsst 33 moonthhs oof eeachh fiiscaal yyearr, tthe genneraal mmanaagerr shhalll prrepaare thee prreviiouss yeears bbalaancee shheett, pproffit andd looss staatemmentt annd pproffit disstriibuttionn prropoosall annd ssubmmit thee
50、m tto tthe Boaard of Dirrecttorss foor eexamminaatioon aand appprovval.Finannciaal cchecckinng aand exaaminnatiion of thee Coompaany shaall be connducctedd byy ann auudittor reggisttereed iin CChinna aand thee auudittors rrepoort shaall be subbmitttedd too thhe BBoarrd oof DDireectoors.Articcle 37Th
51、e fforeeignn exxchaangee isssuees oof tthe Commpanny sshalll bbe hhanddledd inn acccorrdannce witth tthe rellevaant lawws aand reggulaatioons conncerrninng fforeeignn exxchaangee addminnisttrattionn.Chaptter 7 DDisttribbutiion of ProofittsArticcle 38The CComppanyy shhalll seet aasidde aalloocattionn
52、s ffor resservve ffundds, exppanssionn fuundss off thhe CComppanyy annd wwelffaree fuundss annd bbonuusess foor sstafff aand worrkerrs ffromm thhe aafteer-iincoome-taxx prrofiits. Thhe sspeccifiic ppropporttionn off allloccatiionss shhalll bee deecidded by thee Booardd off Diirecctorrs iin aaccoorda
53、ancee wiith Rulles forr thhe IImpllemeentaatioon oof tthe Laww off thhe PPeopples RRepuubliic oof CChinna oon FForeeignn- CCapiitall Ennterrpriisess annd ootheer rreleevannt llawss annd rreguulattionns oof CChinna.Articcle 39The rremaainiing proofitts aafteer ppaymmentt off coompaany inccomee taax a
54、and alllocaatioon oof vvariiouss fuundss inn acccorrdannce witth tthe stiipullatiionss off Arrticcle 38 shaall be disstriibutted to thee innvesstinng ppartty aaccoordiing to thee deecissionn off thhe BBoarrd oof DDireectoors.Articcle 40The pproffitss off thhe CComppanyy shhalll bee diistrribuutedd a
55、nnnuaallyy annd nno pproffitss shhalll bee diistrribuutedd shhoulld tthe losssess inn thhe pprevviouus yyearrs nnot be covvereed. Thee unndisstriibutted proofitts iin tthe passt ffisccal yeaars cann bee diistrribuutedd toogettherr wiith thee diistrribuutabble proofitts iin tthe currrennt ffisccal ye
56、aar.Chaptter 8 LLaboor MManaagemmenttArticcle 41Such isssuess off thhe CComppanyy ass reecruuitmmentt, eemplloymmentt, ddismmisssal, reesiggnattionn, wwelffaree, llaboor pprottecttionn annd llaboor ddisccipllinee shhalll bee haandlled in acccorddancce wwithh reelevvantt sttipuulattionns oof CChinna
57、oon llaboor aand socciall innsurrancce. Thee Coompaany shaall nott emmplooy cchilld llaboor.Articcle 42The CComppanyy shhalll ennterr innto labbor conntraact witth tthe empployyeess annd sshalll ffilee wiith thee loocall laaborr addminnisttrattionn auuthooritty.Articcle 43The CComppanyy haas tthe po
58、wwer to impposee puunisshmeent succh aas ddisccipllinaary warrninng, demmeriit rrecoordiing, waage redducttionn annd eevenn diismiissaal iin ccasee off grravee miiscoonduuct on thee sttafff meembeers andd woorkeers vioolattingg thhe rrulees, reggulaatioons andd laaborr diisciipliine of thee Coompaan
59、y. Diismiissaal oof sstafff mmembber or worrkerr shhalll bee fiiledd wiith thee loocall laaborr addminnisttrattionn auuthooritty.Articcle 44The wwagees aand remmuneerattionn off thhe sstafff mmembberss annd wworkkerss off thhe CComppanyy shhalll bee deecidded by thee Booardd off Diirecctorrs iin aac
60、coordaancee wiith rellevaant stiipullatiionss inn Chhinaa annd aaccoordiing to thee siituaatioon oof tthe Commpanny aand shaall be speecifficaallyy sttipuulatted in thee laaborr coontrractt.Chaptter 9Traade UniionArticcle 45The sstafff mmembberss annd wworkkerss off thhe CComppanyy haave thee riight
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