1、现代大学英语听力 1课堂听力 Unit 7精品文档Unit 7Task 1【答案】1) They are Emma, Mark and Jane.2) Emma wants a joke book; Mark wants a model train, and Jane wants a radio.3) The joke book costs two pounds fifty. The radio costs twenty-seven pounds ninety-nine pence. We t know the exact price of the model train, but it mu
2、st be veryexpensive.【原文】Jane: What are you doing Emma?Emma: Im writing to Father Christmas.Mark: Oh shes asking for Christmas presents. What do you want Emma?Emma: Well, I can read now. I like books. So, I want a joke book.Jane: Look. Heres one in this magazine. It costs two pounds fifty. Its very n
3、ice.Emma: Yes, it is. I know, I can ask Father Christmas to bring presents for you andMark, too.Mark: Good idea! Well, I like.Jane: Trains! You like trains. We know.Mark: So I want this train. Look. Isnt it splendid?Jane: Mark, that model train costs.Mark: Yes, Jane, I can see the price, but look at
4、 it.Jane: Well, I dont want a train.Emma: There are some nice dolls.Jane: Oh Emma. Im fifteen years old. I dont like dolls. I want a radio for mybedroom. ThenI can listen to all my favourite songs.Mark: A radio. Heres one. Look. It costs twenty-seven pounds, ninety-nine pence.Jane: Thats OK. Right E
5、mma. Finish your letter to Father Christmas. Tell him toput a joke book, a train and a radio in his big sack. And dont forget to putthe right address on theletter!Task 2【答案】A.1) EmmaShe is going to bed now.2) Marks having a bath. Now hes washing his feet and singing a carol.3) JaneShe is putting the
6、 last Christmas Cards on the table in the hall.4) Mr. Phillipss putting all the presents under the tree. s thinking about his busy day.5) Mrs. Phillips收集于网络,如有侵权请联系管理员删除精品文档Shes preparing all the food for tomorrows mealsB.1) d2) a3) c【原文】Its 8 pm on Christmas Eve. Everyone is happy because tomorrow
7、is ChristmasDay. But everyone is busy too. Theres a lot of work to do. Here is the Phillipsfamily in their home. What are they all doing?Emma is ing to bed now. Shes hanging up her empty stocking for FatherChristmas. Shes thinking of the presents under the tree. She wants to open all herpresents now
8、, but she cant. She must open them in the morning.Mark is in the bathroom. Hes going to a party tonight, so hes having a bath.Now hes washinghis feet and singing a carol.Jane is putting the last Christmas cards on the table in the hall. She cant put themin the sitting-room or the dining-room because
9、 they are full of cards. Shes listeningto the carol-singers.There is no one in the room. Its empty.Mr. Phillips is in the sitting-room. Hes putting all the presents under the tree.Hes thinkingabout his busy day. Parents always work hard at Christmas.And wheres Mrs. Phillips? She is working in the ki
10、tchen. Shes preparing all thefood fortomorrows meals. The Christmas pudding is ready, and so is the turkey.Now she is decorating thecake. Shes having a glass of sherry because its Christmas.There are some carol-singers in the street. They are singing carols and collectingmoney for poorpeople. Now th
11、ey are knocking on the front door of the Phillipshouse.The church bells are ringing too. Everyone can hear them. And there, in the sky, a.long wayaway. Whos that? Its Father Christmas. Hes driving through the sky inhis sleigh. Tonights a busy night for him. Hes thinking about all those blackchimneys
12、. And hes looking at a long list of childrens names and addresses. Is EmmaPhillips on his list?Task 3【答案】A.read, drew, made, drank, had, flew, went, see, rememberB.1) a, 2) c, 3) b【原文】How much do you remember of the time when you were a child? You got upearly every morning and went to school. You re
13、ad books at school. You drew picturesand made things out of clay. You drank milk every day and ate things that were goodfor you. Perhaps you had plaits. Perhaps you flew a kite. Perhaps you went abroad for收集于网络,如有侵权请联系管理员删除精品文档your holidays. You can see photographs of yourself in the family album. T
14、hey helpyou to remember the distant past.I remember the Christmas holidays best. It was always cold. The days were veryshort. Thenights were long and dark. It wasnt a good time of the year except forone thing. I always received presents at Christmas. I can remember the bright lights inthe streets. I
15、 can remember the big shops and the crowds. My mother always took meto London to see the lights. And she always took me to one of the big shops to meetFather Christmas. This was a special event every year. I always met Father Christmasin a big shop. I always asked for lots of presents and he always
16、brought them for me.Two weeks before Christmas one year, I went to London with my mother. I wasfive years old at the time. I shall never forget the day. It was cold and dark. But theshop windows were very bright. The streets were full of people. There were crowds inthe streets and crowds in the shop
17、s. My mother held my hand tightly and we bothwent into a big shop.It was warm and bright in the shop. We both went upstairs to the toy department.The toy department was full of children. There were lovely toys everywhere: cars,bicycles and planes. Then I saw my old friend at one end of the departmen
18、t store:Father Christmas himself! I pulled my motherby the hand. “Please take me to FatherChristmas,” I said. There were lots of children near Father Christmas. They werestanding in a line. Father Christmas spoke to every one of them. At last it was my turn.“Hello, little boy,” he said to me. “Where
19、 do you live?”“Dont you know?” I answered. “You came last year.”I cant remember what Father Christmas answered. But I remember one thing. Iwas very sad.Father Christmas hadnt remembered my name. He called me “littleboy”. And he hadnt remembered my address. I got my presents that year, as usual,but i
20、t wasnt the same. Something had changed.Task 4【答案】A.past, future, memories, hopes, fearsB. b【原文】In late October in the northern half of the world, the days grow shorter and thenights grow longer. It is colder and darker. There is mist and fog, and cold windsblow. The leaves fall from the trees, and
21、their black skeletons stand out against theautumn sky. The year is ending and everything is dying. Winter is coming, with itslong dark nights. People stay at home in the evenings and at weekends. Old peopleremember the past and young people think of the future. It is a time of memories, ofhopes and
22、fears. It is the time of Halloween.Halloween marks the end of autumn and the start of winter. In the past thisfestival was a time of fear. People believed in ghosts and witches and they stayedindoors. On October 31st, Halloween, the ghosts of the dead rose from their graves,and all the witches of th
23、e world rode through the sky on their broomsticks. Today this收集于网络,如有侵权请联系管理员删除精品文档ancient festival is a time for fun, for Halloween parties. You can see ghosts andwitches, but they are ordinary people in fancy dress. Everyone eats rich autumn food,pumpkin pie or ginger cake. People make lanterns fr
24、om pumpkins. And they try to tellthe future.Task 5【答案】A.1) There were only seven small houses to live in. So everyone had to squeeze intogether. You might have had four or five extra people living with your family.2)Your house was dark inside. You couldnt see anything out of the tiny windowsbecause
25、they were made from oiled cloth, not glass.3) The air was full of smoke from the fish-oil lamps and from the big fireplace, wheresomething was cooking all day long.B.1) F, 2) F【原文】What would it be like if you were there on the first Thanksgiving Day? (Part)What would your house be like?Crowded! Ther
26、e were only seven small houses to live in. So everyone had tosqueeze in together. You might have had four or five extra people living with yourfamily.Each house had only one room, called the hall. The hall was your kitchen,bedroom, dining room, and your living room. There was also a loft upstairs, b
27、ut thatwas used for storage.The furniture got moved around a lot. When it was time to eat, out came thewooden benches and boards that were used to make a table.At night, the benches and the boards were laced against the walls. Out came thelumpy mattresses, which were laid right on the cold dirt floo
28、r.If you were one of the lucky ones, your family might have a real bed. Yourparents slept on top and you slept in the trundle” bed hidden underneath. It was like abig drawer that was pulled out at bedtime.Your house was dark inside. You couldnt see anything out of the tiny windowsbecause they were m
29、ade from oiled cloth, not glass.And it was smelly! The air was full of smoke from the fish-oil lamps and fromthe big fireplace, where something was cooking all day long.Task 6【答案】A.1) Because most of the water in England was polluted in the early 1600s. You couldget very sick from it. But beer was s
30、afe because it has alcohol in it, and alcohol killsgerms. So, thats what people drank every day.收集于网络,如有侵权请联系管理员删除精品文档2) Doing the laundry was a really big job in those days. First, the women had to makesoap out of animal fat and ashes. That took a long time. Then the children had to carrywater from
31、 the stream, so it could be boiled in big outdoor pots. After everything waswashed, the laundry was hung on bushes to dry.B.1) F, 2) F【原文】What would it be like if you were there on the first Thanksgiving Day? (Part II)Did the Pilgrims think drinking beer was wrong?No. The Pilgrims were very religiou
32、s. They thought it was a sin to get drunk. Butthey did drink beer. They drank beer because it was safer than water.Most of the water in England was polluted in the early 1600s. You could get verysick from it. But beer was safe because it has alcohol in it, and alcohol kills germs. So,thats what peop
33、le drank every day.But their beer was not like the beer today. The women made it at home. Therewas very littlealcohol in it, so you wouldnt get drunk from drinking it with your food.People had beer for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. They thought it was good foryou. Children started drinking it as soo
34、n as they were able to hold a cup in their hands.Who had to clean the dishes?Nobody! The Pilgrims didnt clean their dishes with soap and water the way wedo today. The women and girls just rinsed the pottery bowls, wooden platters, cups,knives, and spoons and put them back on the shelf.Napkins were w
35、ashed only once a month. You can imagine how dirty they got!But the Pilgrimswerent bothered by dirt the way we are. They were used to it. Anddoing the laundry was a really big job in those days.First, the women had to make soap out of animal fat and ashes. That took a longtime. Then the children had
36、 to carry water from the stream, so it could be boiled in bigoutdoor pots. After everything was washed, the laundry was hung on bushes to dry.Task 7【答案】Childrens No. Holidayspinch whoever does not wear greenfollow the clueseat hot boiled peanuts and read The Polar56EasterHolidecorate the crosscolorf
37、ul water thrown at friends【原文】Every Saint Patricks Day, my whole family has to wear green. If someone doesnot, then everyone gets to pinch that person! Last year, my grandpa forgot to weargreen! He finally foundsome, so we didnt pinch him.收集于网络,如有侵权请联系管理员删除精品文档Every Easter, my Nanny gives my brother
38、 and me a small Easter egg with a cluein it. We follow clue after clue until we come to a prize. This is my favourite holidaytradition.My favourite traditional holiday is the Chinese New Year. I like it because myfamily goes to a Chinese temple in Los Angeles. It is very beautiful and exciting. Wege
39、t to see Chinese dragons dance on the streets.On the night before Christmas, we go around our town and look at the Christmasdecorations on all the houses. While we look at the lights, we eat hot boiled peanuts.When we get home, we readThe Polar Expresnd Christmas story.At our church on Easter, we pu
40、t a bunch of flowers on a cross out by the road. Itturns out very colorful and very beautiful! I love getting my picture taken in front of it.That is my favourite holiday tradition.In India, we have a holiday called Holi. We call our friends, get together, andthrow at each other water with paint mix
41、ed in it. It is great fun. I love Holi!Task 8【答案】Months FestivalsActivities for Celebration/Well-dressingdecorating wells with flowers,shells, moss and other naturalobjectsJapanflying streamers or kites,displaying traditional warriordolls and bathing the children【原文】In Japan,New Years Day is also ce
42、lebrated on lst January. At midnight on thelast day of the old year, the bells in every Buddhist temple are struck one hundred andeight times. As the sound of the bells dies away, the New Year begins and Buddhiststhink about ways in which they can live better in the year to come.The theme of water,
43、which is used in baptism to wash away the sins of the world,is also linked with a pre-Christian custom the tradition of Well-dressing. At onetime, the fear of summer drought led people to make offerings to the water spirits,who were thought to live in springs and wells. Decorating wells with flowers
44、, shells,收集于网络,如有侵权请联系管理员删除精品文档moss and other natural objects depicting a religious subject is an art passed on fromfather to son in English villages.Each year, on the fifth day of May, Japanese boys look forward to Kodomono-hior ChildrenDay. On this day, families with young boys fly colourful strea
45、mers andenormous kites, in the shape of carps, from a large pole in the garden. The streamersand carp kites symbolize a family. The first kite represents the father, the second kite,the mother and the third kite, the children. Inside the houses, families displaytraditional warrior dolls and bathe th
46、e children in iris leaves. The main purpose of thisfestival is to show young boys the importance of qualities such as strength anddetermination.Task 9【答案】making dumplings of rice, meat andother ingredients & dragon boatcompetitionItalya family occasion celebrating theascent of Virgin Mary into Heave
47、nlighting candles in memory of thedeadFestival of the Dead Mexico【原文】A major festival of the Chinese year is the Dragon Boat Festival orDuanwu Jie.This commemorates the death of a national hero, Qu Yuan, who drowned himself inprotest against a corrupt government. It is said that dumplings made of rice, meat andother ingredients were thrown into the river to feed the fish so that they would not eathis body and the water was beaten with
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