1、精品(第二版)教案 2002年3月可编辑精品新编剑桥商务英语(初级)课程单元教学设计一、 教案头2. 掌握相关的词汇.3. 了解名片所包含的主要内容 ,及不同格式.任务一: 通过听力练习一,掌握名片所包含的主要内容和格式,并制定自己的名片.在BEC的教学中,主要采取分组教学的方法,将班里的学生分为十组,每组四人,每组都是一个公司,全班共十个公司,学生既是班里的成员,也是公司的员工.采取组组竞争和提问个人的方式,既让锻炼学生的团队精神,又能突显个人的能力.1. 完成练习册上的相关内容.(书面)3. 小组讨论成立自己的公司,确定业务范畴和职务,并以公告表演的形式宣传介绍自己的公司.(表演,书面)可
2、编辑精品二 教学设计 5 听 握 初 步 或 基 本 2掌握不同职务的职能范围.3 掌握一般现在时的用法。可编辑精品4.能够设计自己的名片。 5分钟 第一次课设计梗概(2课时) ) ) Listening 1: Listen to the tape to finish the exercise anddiscuss the business card.可编辑精品 Discussion: Different positions and duties in a company. Listen 2: Find the different duties in a company. Game: Divi
3、de students into different groups to play a game inorder to review the present simple. Reading: Know more about the different duties in a company. Vocabulary: Remember all the new words in this unit and finishthe exercise in the book. Speaking: 1. Design a business card of everyone.2. Set up a compa
4、ny, four students in one group.详案1Part One Introduction and Job descriptionI.Aims and Objectives:At the end of this session, the students should be able to:a. Know the general information about Cambridge BEC Preliminary, theuseful study strategies for this course and the content of PassCambridge BEC
5、 Preliminary.b. Talk about jobs, practise listening for specific information andreview the present simple.II.Session Outline1. Greetings2. Duties:1) Warmer (books closed): T asks Ss the definition of business cardsand how important business cards are to them and the people they arefamiliar2) Listeni
6、ng 1:a. T introduces the Chamber of Commerce and gives more information ifrequested(itisanorganizationwhichoperatesonalocalbasis;ithelpsbusinessbypromotingthearea;itoffersbusinessopportunitiesforitsmembers through a variety of services and events)b. T focus Ss attention on the business cards and cla
7、rifies jobvocabulary where necessary. Ss listen to six new Chamber of Commercemembers speaking and number the in the order in which thepeople speak.c. Check theSs answers and listen to the tape again to make sureeveryone understands it.可编辑精品3) Listening 2:a. T focuses Ss attention on two of the card
8、s: Helen Marsdens andRobin Seatons. T elicits from the group what they think their dutiesare.b. Ss listen to Helen Marsden and Robin Seaton in order to find outwhether their predictions were correct. T should not give too muchinformationatthisstageasSswilllistenagainandtakenotestofinishEx 3.c. Ss re
9、ad the notes about Helen Marsden and Robin Seaton beforelisteningtothecassetteagain.Texplainsanydifficultvocabularywherenecessary.TusesthefeedbacktocheckwhetherSshaveproblemswhitthethird person s when talking about the peoples jobs.4) Dont forget: Review the usage of simple and let studentmake more
10、sentences about it.e.g. a. He works in a office but she works in a company.b. She works as a line manager in this big company.5) Reading:a. Ss decide individually (or in pairs) which person each question isfor.Theexerciserecyclessomeofthevocabularyfromthetapescriptbutalsoincludessomeasyetunseenvocab
11、ulary,whichTmayneedtoexplain.b.Throughthisexercise,Ssneedtoknowthatitisoftennotnecessaryto understand every word in order to extract sufficient meaning for thereaders purpose. T should ask Ss to underline the vocabulary, whichsuggested the answer.c. Check the answers one by one.6)Speaking:usethetopi
12、cinthebookanddividestudentsintoseveralgroups to discuss them.7) Vocabulary: the idea of building up space cities?3. Talking about your job1) Ss match sentence halves about enables Ssto review somegeneral work-related vocabulary, which they will need in order to speakabout their jobs. Before Ss begin
13、, T what an accountants jobmight involve. T then ensures that Ss are aware that prepositions arefollowed by a noun or ing. and check the answers in the book.2) Speaking: Ss work in pairs to find out about their partners job.This allows Ss topractisethepresent simpleand some ofthe vocabularyfrom the
14、unit. Ss need to take notes as they will write an article abouttheir partners job in the section. T reminds Ss that theycan use the phrases used by Beth Lambert in Ex.4. Self-study: let students finish the exercises in the book and checkthe answers.可编辑精品5. Homework1) Grasp the main vocabularies and
15、phrases2) Finish the exercises in the book.3) Discussion: “company profile”4) Set up a company and design a business card.一.教案头1.掌握表示频率的副词.2.了解公司规章制度所包含的内容.任务二: 通过阅读, 了解关于工作的评价,完成书中的练习.任务三: 通过讨论,了解表示频率的副词,并掌握副词的用途.任务四: 通过阅读,了解公司的规章制度所包含的内容.任务五: 通过讨论,制定自己公司的规章制度.这节课主要通过学生阅读,分组讨论等活动,让学生掌握语法点并制定自己公司的规章
16、制度.可编辑精品3. 制定本公司的规章制度.(表演,书面)二 教学设计 5 任务三: 通过讨论,了解表示频率的副词,并掌握副词的用途.任务四: 通过阅读,了解公司的规章制度所包含的内任务五: 通过讨论,制定自己公司的规章制度.知识点 1. 掌握频度副词的用法.可编辑精品2. 了解并制定公司的规章制度。 5分钟 Reading 1: Read the comment box and answer the questions. Discussion: The order of the adverbs of frequency. Speaking: Practice the usage of adv
17、erbs of frequency. Vocabulary: Match the words in the book and remember the newwords. Reading: Read the conditions of employment and finish theexercise. Speaking: Design the conditions of employment of your owncompany.详案:Working conditionsI. Aims and Objectives:At the end of this session, the studen
18、ts should be able to:a. talk about working conditionsb. practise reading for gist and for specific informationc. review adverbs of frequencyII. Session Outline1.Greetings可编辑精品2.Review what we learned in Lesson 1a3.Comments about work:1) Warmer: T asks Ss whether they have a suggestions box or a comm
19、entsbox at work. If so, what kind of things do people write about? If not,T asks what other system they have for dealing with problems/complaintsat work. T asks what typical problems they have at work.2) Reading:a. Read the six comments in the book and go over the questions.b. Let students do a fast
20、 reading and finish the exercisesc. Check the answers of the exercises.3) Vocabulary:a. T asks Ss to underline any adverbs of frequency in the comments andchecks their meaning. Ss then look at the adverbs of frequency in theexerciseandwritethemintheappropriateontheline.Theythencomparetheir order wit
21、h a partner.b. Check the answers of the exercises4) Grammar:a. Ss look at the comments again in order to work out the position ofadverbsoffrequency.LetthestudentsfinishtheDontForgetsection.Then check the answers.b. Grasp the usage of the adverbs, such as “usually, often, sometimes,occasionally, neve
22、r, rarely, weekly, monthly and annually etc.”c. Let students make more sentences of the adverbs above.e.g. She usually goes shopping with her sister on weekends.He writes a composition monthly.5)Speaking:Sswork inpairstodiscussroutines:bothwork-relatedandpersonal.4.Terms and conditions of employment
23、1).Vocabulary:a. Ss matchitems of vocabulary withtheappropriate meaningin order toprepare for Ex 2. T could ask Ss to scan The Terms and Conditions ofEmploymenttextinEx2toseeiftheycanworkoutthemeaningofunknownwords.b. Check Ss answer one by one and let them remember the new words.2) Reading:a.Ssread
24、theTermsandConditionsofEmploymenttextforgistanddecidewhat type of work the document refers to.b.Ssthenreadthemultiple-choicebeforelookingfortheanswersinthetext.3) Speakinga.Ssworkinpairstodiscusstheirconditionsofemployment.Someideashave been given but Ss do not have to discuss all of them. They may
25、alsohave ideas of their own. The pairs then give feedback to the whole classon what was the same for both partners.可编辑精品b. Check students feedback.4) Self-study: finish the exercises in the book and check the answers.5. Homework: Finish the exercises in the book and discuss the topic.Unit Two一.教案头单元
26、标题:Company History1.能够评价公司的历史.2.能够制定公司的简介.1.掌握一般过去时的用法.任务二: 通过讨论,了解大众公司的历史.任务三: 通过阅读,了解大众公司的历史.任务四: 通过讨论,制定自己公司的简介.这节课主要通过学生阅读,分组讨论等活动,让学生掌握语法点并制定自己公司的简介.可编辑精品1.完成练习册上的相关内容.(书面)2.完成书中的各项任务.3.制定本公司的简介.(演示,书面)二 教学设计 任务二: 通过讨论,了解大众公司的历史.深 对 基本 能 力任务三: 通过阅读,了解大众公司的历史.任务四: 通过讨论,制定自己公司的简介.可编辑精品 Speaking 1
27、: Discuss the history of Volkswagen. Reading 2: Read the history of Volkswagen and finish theexercise. Vocabulary: Finish the exercise in the book. Speaking:Findfivethingsaboutthehistoryofyourpartnerscompany. Vocabulary:Findthecompanydescriptionswiththedefinitions. Speaking: Work in pairs and design
28、 the company profile of yourown company.详案:Company historyI.Aims and Objectives:At the end of this session, the students should be able to:a. describe companies and their history.可编辑精品b. practise reading for specific information.c. review the past simple and prepositions of time.II. Session Outline1
29、. Greetings2. The history of Volkswagen1)Warmer(booksclosed):TasksSsiftheyknowwhatthemostsuccessfulcar ever is: the Volkwagen Beetle. T then asks Ss what they know aboutVolkwagen(VW) and VW beetles. T can ask if any Ss own/have seen a Beetleand what they thought about the car.2) Speaking:a. Focus Ss
30、 attention on the subject matter of the unit andintroduce Ss to the history of Volkswagen.b. Ss do the quiz in pairs.c. T does not give correct answers as Ss will have to scan thetext to find them in ex2.3) Reading:a.Scanthroughthetextonpage14.TremindsSsthattheyarescanningthetextforrelevantinformati
31、ononlyanddonotneedtoreadfordetailedcomprehension.b. T should not answer any questions about vocabulary since there isanother exercises about it later.c.ChecktheanswersonebyoneandTshouldansweranyquestionsaboutcomprehension of this passage.d. Finish exercise 3 on page 144)Vocabulary:Ssnowreadthetexton
32、cemorefordetailedcomprehension,searching for specific vocabulary to match a list of definitions. Tensures that Ss know that the words are in the same order in the text.WhenSsreportback,Tasksforthewholesentenceandnotjustindividualwords,thusencouragingSstousethenewvocabularyincontext.Onlywhenthe feedb
33、ack has been completed does T invite questions concerning anyremaining vocabulary problems from the text.5) Grammar: review past simple and let students make more sentences.e.g. a. When did the company produce its first car?b. He played computer games till midnight yesterday.6)Speaking:dividestudent
34、sintoseveralgroupstodiscussthehistoryof their familiar companies3.Company Profile1)Vocabulary:Sscandothetaskindividuallyorinpairs.SubsidiaryandpubliclimitedcompanybothappealedinEx4intheprevioussection.The exercise is therefore a combination of vocabulary consolidation andinput, preparing Ss for Ex 2
35、.2) Speaking:可编辑精品a. T explains the task to Ss before handing out the cards. Ss lay outthe cards on the table and form an organigram.b. Let students present their organigram on the board.c. The class challenges anything they are not happy with and reachesconsensus before T provides any necessary cor
36、rection. The answerappears at the end of the Ts notes for this unit.4. Self-study: let students finish the exercises in the book and checkthe answers.5. Homework1) Grasp the main vocabularies and phrases2) Finish the exercises in the book.一.教案头1.能够评价公司的投资.1.掌握一般现在时和现在进行时用法.2.能够确定本公司的投资环境及原 2.了解公司投资环
37、境所要考虑的内容.因.任务六: 通过词汇练习, 掌握表示并列和转折连词的用法.这节课主要通过学生阅读,分组讨论等活动,让学生掌握语法点并制定自己公司的投资环境.可编辑精品1.完成练习册上的相关内容.(书面)2.完成书中的各项任务.3.制定本公司的投资环境.(演示,书面)二 教学设计 任务二: 通过阅读,了解汽车公司在中欧的投资.任务三: 通过练习,了解一般现在时和现在进行时的用法.深 对 基本 能 力任务四: 通过讨论,了解公司在中欧投资的原因.任务五 : 通过阅读 , 完成可编辑精品练习.可编辑精品一、 知识点1. 一般现在时和现在进行时.5分钟2. 了解并制定公司的投资环境。 ; 公 5分
38、钟 Reading: Read the diagram and know the car company investmentin central Europe. Grammar: Practice the grammar. Speaking: Work in pairs to work out the reason why the companyinvested in central Europe. Reading: Read the extracts and find the correct order. Vocabulary: Know the usage of the collecto
39、rs of addition andcontrast. Speaking: Work in pairs and set up the s investment.可编辑精品Company ActivitiesI. Aims and Objectives:At the end of this session, the students should be able to:a. describe company activitiesb. practice reading for specific informationc. raise awareness of cohesion and connec
40、tors of addition and contrast.d. Review the present continuousII. Session Outline4. Greetings5. Review what we learned in Lesson 2a6. Investing in central Europe1) Warmer: T asks Ss for examples of companies investing overseas andreasons why. For Ts working in central and eastern Europe , T ask Ss f
41、orexamples of inward investment and the changes it brings. T brainstormscar companies and locations they might choose for foreign investment.2) Reading:a. Look at the visual on page 17.b. T checks vocabulary such as plant, model, van, assembly andmabbreviations such as andbn.c. Ss then look at the q
42、uestions and scan the visual for the answers.d. T asks Ss to support their answers with relevant information.3) Grammar:a.Thisexerciseisareminderofthedifferentusesofthepresenttenses.Ss sort the uses into two groups.b. T asks Ss to give an example of each usee.g. The sun rises from the east.Costs are
43、 rising slowly.4) Speaking:a. The pair work activity allows Ss to discuss the unit topic and alsoacts as a prediction exercise for the text and a chance to introducesome relevant vocabulary.b. Ss work in pairs and list possible reasons for investment, which canbe written on the board.c. Before Ss do
44、 Ex1 in the next section, they can quickly check theirpredictions by scanning through the text.4.Driving eastwards1). Reading:a. The jigsaw reading task is not an exam-style exercise but introducesthe subject of cohesion. Texts can be made cohesive through the use ofvarious devices. In this case the
45、 text is made cohesive through lexicalcohesion. The writer also uses connectors of addition and contrast. Ssquicklyreadthroughthefiveextractstoestablishcontextandcontent.ThenSsreadthetextagainandordertheextracts.Ssmayfindtheexerciseeasier if T photocopies the page and cuts up the paragraphs for them
46、 to可编辑精品re-assemble. When reporting back, Ss explain their decisions and quoterelevant passages. T corrects as necessary and invites questionsconnecting difficult vocabulary in the text.可编辑精品b. Finish exercises in the book on page 19.2) Vocabulary:a. T checks Ss understand what connectors of Additio
47、n and Contrast areand elicits examples.Tasks Sstofind the italicizedconnectors in thetextandputthemintothecorrectgroup.Whenreportingback,Ssidentifythe passage and read the connector in context.b. Ifnotonlyis used before the verb, the verb needs to be inverted.However,ifitisusedaftertheverb,thereisno
48、problem.AtthislevelT is safest avoiding the subject of inversion with Ss. T must thereforebe careful when constructing sentences with this phrase.in spite ofc. Although Ss are unlikely to need to useor despite atCambridgeBECPreliminarylevel,theyneedtounderstandthem.Tmaywishinspiteofand despite are f
49、ollowed by.to point out that both3) Speakinga.TasksSstodrawamapshowingtheircompanysmarketsandactivities.T reminds Ss that the maps are only diagrams and need not to be works ofart.Ssthenmarkonimportantlocationsandexchangemapswithapartner.Ss take it in turns to ask each other what the locations are a
50、nd whatactivities take place there. Ss should be encouraged to ask follow-upquestions.b. Check students feedback.4) Self-study: finish the exercises in the book and check the answers.5. Homework: Finish the exercises in the book and discuss the topic inthis unit.一.教案头授课对象:目 学上课地点:知识目标能力(技能)目标可编辑精品1.
51、能够掌握相关商务词汇的用法. 1.掌握前两单元语法点.2.能够掌握第一和第二单元的主要 2.掌握前两单元的主要内容.内容.任务四: 通过讨论,了解积累单词的方法.任务五: 通过讨论, 制定自己记忆单词的卡片.这节课主要通过学生阅读 ,分组讨论等活动,让学生掌握上两单元的语法点和商务知识,并掌握积累单词的方法.3.制定自己的单词卡片.(演示,书面)二 教学设计 5可编辑精品任务一: 通过提问,掌握前两个单元所有的语法点.任务二: 通过提问,掌握前两单元的语法知识和商务知识.任务三: 通过讨论,完成书中的词汇练习.任务四: 通过讨论,了解积累单词的方法.可编辑精品 Review:reviewthe
52、importantlanguagepointsinunit1andunit2. Grammar: Practice the grammar. Vocabulary: Finish the exercise in the book. Speaking: Storing the words. Vocabulary: Design vocabulary cards.详案:ReviewI. Aims and Objectives:At the end of this session, the students should be able to:a. describe companies.b. rev
53、iew the past simple and prepositions of time.II. Session Outline1. Greetings2. The history of Volkswagen(1) Duties: a. Warmer (books closed): T elicits to what extent Ss usebusinesscards.b.Listening1:SslistentoidentifyspeakersataChamberof Commerce meeting.c. Listening 2: Ss predict two peoples dutie
54、s and listen to confirmtheir predictionsbefore listening again to complete notes about the people.d. Language focus: Ss review the form of the present simple.e.Reading:Ssscanquestionsforkeyvocabularyanddecidewhichpersonfrom the business cards each question is for.f. Speaking: Ss do aactivity.Find so
55、meone whoTalking about your job: a. Vocabulary: Ss match sentence halves aboutoneofthepeoplefromthebusinesscardsandfocusonlanguagefortalkingabout jobs.b.Speaking:Ssworkinpairsandinterviewtheirpartnerabouthis/herjob in preparation for writing a newsletter article.Self-study:a. Vocabulary: matching ex
56、ercise. Ss then think of another noun to gowitheachverb.Word-buildingexercise.Gap-fillexerciseusingthenounsand verbs.可编辑精品b. Exam practice: multiple-choice gap-fill text.(1) The history of Volkswagen: a. Warmer: T elicits anyknowledge/experience of VW/Beetles.b. Reading: Ss do a quiz about Volkswage
57、n in pairs then scan a text tofind answers to the quiz. Ss then answer multiple-choice questions.c. Vocabulary: Ss scan the text again to pick out target vocabulary.d. Language focus: Ss review the form of the past simple.e. Speaking: Ss exchange information about their own companyshistory.Company p
58、rofile:a. Vocabulary: Ss match company descriptions with definitions.b.Speaking:Ssordercardstomakeacompanyorganigramthendescribethe company structure. Ss exchange information about the presentsituation of their own companies.Self-study:a. Language focus: gap-fill exercise (past simple)b Vocabulary:
59、Sorting exercise and odd-one-out collocation exercisec. Exam practice: vocabulary matching exercise and note-writingexercise.5. Homework1) Grasp the main vocabularies and phrases2) Finish the exercises in the book.Part Two Exam focus: VocabularyI. Aims and Objectives:At the end of this session, the
60、students should be able to:a. understand useful strategies for coping with unknown vocabularyb. know useful ways of organizing and storing new vocabulary.II. Session Outline1.Greetings2.Review what we learned in Lesson 1a3.New lesson1)Warmer(booksclosed):Twritesthewordsgrammarandvocabularyontheboard
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