



1、学校姓名南京市江宁实验小学教育集团桂婷婷教学设计课文标题All about animal moms教材版本Reading from A to Z授课年级Grade 5一、教学目标Teaching aims and learning objectives:By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:understand the text as a whole and get to know how do some animal moms take care of their babies;get to know the mea

2、ning offtake care of, feed, pouch, lick, chimp “ and pronounce them clearly;learn some reading strategies, such as guessing the meaning of new words;improve critical thinking skills by justifying how do some animal moms take care of their babies;talk about their parents according to the blackboard w

3、riting, and deepen their love for parents.二、教学重难点Focus of the lesson:understanding the text as a whole.understanding and experiencing how do some animal moms take care of their babies.Predicted area of difficulty:talking about their parents according to the mind map三、教学过程Teaching procedures:Before c

4、lass: Sing and dance: Animal families.Step I Lead-inFree talk. Get to know each other.What animals do you like?(说说喜欢的动物及原因。)引入新故事:All about animal momsStep II Understanding and learningStudents take a look at the cover and guess what animal moms are in the book.Students listen to the story and find

5、out the animal moms.Students read the story quickly and find out the main idea of the story.(渗透阅读策略,找中心 句的方法)think about where else we can put the topic sentence.(中心句的作用)Students read the story carefully, then discuss and write down key words: How do these animal moms take care of their babies? Stud

6、ents discuss in groups, find out the key information and take notes on the paper cards.(教师解释关键短语,学生组内每人写一个关键短语,教师随 机请学生写大词条贴在黑板上)Teacher checks the notes on the blackboard and play a physical game.(核对答案,根据指令做 动作。)Step HI ConsolidationStudents read after the tape.Students make a thinking map.Students retell the story according to their thinking map.Step IV ExtensionEnrich and act. Students try to act out the story more interesting.Teacher asks students to say something about their parents.Step V HomeworkRead the story loudly, record it and send to missvnj 163 .Enjoy the movie Born i


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