



1、 高一英语宾语从句(The Object Clause)导学案本节课学习目标:1. 复习五种句型结构,能够写出五种基本句型结构。2. 能够判断出宾语从句,了解宾语从句的基本用法。3. 掌握宾语从句的语序及引导词的用法,能够选择宾语从句引导词。4. 能够合作学习,在合作中学会宾语从句。本节课的重难点:重点:宾语从句的基本用法。难点:宾语从句引导词的选择。一、复习五种句型结构Task 1: 分析文章句子成分。 I like English. Because it is interesting and I think it useful. I have English class every day

2、. Last year, my English teacher gave me an English book. Time flies. Now I can read English books and watch English movies. Task 2: 写出五种句型结构。_ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _二、宾语Task 1: 观察下列句子,说出宾语的位置。1. I heard his story. _ 2. I listen to music. _ 3. Im glad to see you. _三、宾语从句Task 1: 分析下列句子成分。1. I know him. 2

3、. I know that he comes from America.3. It depends on what you think. 4. Im not sure whether you would like it or not.合作归纳:宾语从句放在_、_或_之后,在复合句中做_。Task 2: 找出宾语从句。1. What he said is interesting. 2. This is what he said. 3. I listen to what he said. 4. I have no idea where he is. 5. What he needs is that

4、 book. 6. I am afraid that he didnt call me.7. Thats why I was late. 8. He told me that he would come.四、宾语从句三要素宾语从句三要素:_ _ _(一)语序陈述句结构叫_ There is a shop near here.疑问句结构叫_ Is there a shop near here?宾语从句必须用_。Task 1: 改错1. I dont know where has he gone. 2. Can you tell me what is this? 3. I want to know

5、 what are you doing? 4. He asked me where did he put the books. 5. His brother asks when will he go home.(二)引导词1. 引导词分类(1)从属连词:_ (2)从属连词:_(3)疑问代词:_ 疑问副词:_2. 引导词的选择Task 1 :I am a student. 翻译:他说他是一个学生。_结论1:陈述句做宾语从句,引导词用_,无词义,不做成分,可省略。practice: 合并句子He lives in Beijing. I guess I guess _.Task 2:Is he a

6、student?翻译:我们问他他是否是一个学生。 _结论2:一般疑问句做宾语从句,引导词用_,“是否”,不做成分。practice: 合并句子Will it rain tomorrow? Do you know?Do you know _?Task 3:Who is he?翻译:我不知道他是谁。_结论3:特殊疑问句做宾语从句,引导词用_,做句子成分。practice: 合并句子Where is my pen? Please tell mePlease tell me _.Task 4: 填写引导词。He doesnt understand _ you said. 意思:_,成分:_I want to know _ you study English. 意思:_,成分:_结论4:如何选择引导词?_。3. 巩固练习:填空I think _ someone forgot to sweep the floor. 2. I dont know _ he will come tomorrow.3. She asked me _ she put her money.4. She hopes _ they will have a good time.5. Im not sure _ you would


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