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1、 9/9江苏省南通市2019-2022三年高二下学期英语期末试卷汇编 读后续写专题江苏省南通市2021-2022学年高二下学期期末考试英语试题第二节(满分25分)47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。At 76 years old, Melanie felt tired all the time. It had nothing to do with her age, though. 14 years ago, her son, Anthony, died in a plane crash. After a long-time search, the

2、rescuers said there were no survivors and no hope for the victims families. Luckily, Melanie had Anthonys son, Mark, and his wife, Kayla, to get her by. But it wasnt the same. She missed Anthony and often felt hopeless about life. Her son died at a young age. He left a baby, and Kayla had not recove

3、red from his death either. One day at home, when watching the news on TV, Melanie and Kayla were suddenly surprised by what they were seeing. A news reporter was talking beside a man who looked like Anthony. He seemed older than he had ever been. The news caused great excitement. “It must be him!” M

4、elanie and Kayla both said happily. “If you recognize this man, please call the number on the screen. Recently, a vague (模糊的)memory of having a plane crash hit this mans mind. But he still doesnt remember anything before the crash 14 years ago near the Canary Islands. Authorities now have reason to

5、believe that there was a mistake in the previous report that the crash left no survivors”When the news ended, Kayla called the number immediately. She told the attendant that she believed the man was her husband Anthony and provided details. Kayla also asked for more information about what had happe

6、ned over the past 14 years since the accident. The attendant said, “14 years ago, some local fishermen found him who lost his memory. They offered him a job, and he has worked and lived with one of them since then.”This attendant then told Anthony that his family were waiting for him to go home. Wee

7、ks later, Anthony went to the city where Melanie and Kayla lived. All the family members were waiting at the airport. Finally, the gates opened, and people were coming out. 注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。Suddenly, Kayla noticed a familiar face in the crowd. _Back home, Melanie and Kayla trie

8、d to restore Anthonys memory. _江苏省南通市2020-2021学年高二下学期期末考试英语试题第二节(满分25分)阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。Wrapping paper flew everywhere as Jodi opened her gift. The box had a picture of a pretty girl in a red scarf. She was wearing white ice skates and dancing around a frozen pond.Jodi looked up

9、at her aunt and uncle with her big brown eyes. “Figure skates? Wow! How nice of you! But,” the little girl hesitated, “。 but I dont know how to skate.” She looked embarrassed.“Dont worry,” said Aunt Lisa. “Thats the fun part-learning how to do it! ”“Thats right,” said Uncle George. “We will take you

10、 to the ice rink (溜冰场) and all go skating together.”Jodi wasnt too sure. Then she looked again at the happy girl on the box. It did look like fun. “Okay,” she agreed. “Lets do it! ”The next day Jodi went to the skating rink with her aunt and uncle. Her eyes shone in excitement as she looked at the o

11、ther skaters around her. Immediately she slipped her feet into the skates, and put on her helmet.Her uncle helped her walk to the edge of the rink, and said, “We will hold your hands and you stand between us.” Jodi took their hands in hers and made her first step onto the smooth ice.“Whoa! This is s

12、lippery!” Jodi nearly fell over, but her aunt and uncle pulled up on her arms and she found her balance again. She grinned and tried taking a few steps. Her legs wanted to slide out in front of her, so she made her steps smaller. That seemed to help.“Good, Jodi. Skate to your uncle now, her aunt sai

13、d, pushing her on the back a little to get more speed. Jodi glided unsteadily towards her uncle, taking small steps and holding her arms wide for balance. Her uncle caught her and gave her a hug.注意:1.续写词数应为150左右;2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。“Way to go, Jodi! ” he said. “Now you try it on your own.”Jodi took

14、a deep breath, trying to resist the pain.江苏省南通市2019-2020学年高二下学期期末考试英语试题第二节 读后续写(满分25分)57. 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。续写的词数应为150词左右。Anna ran across the front yard and around into the back as Brisky,her dog,chased her.Come on,boy!”When she got to the backyard she noticed something in the fence at t

15、he far end of the yard.Oh,no!”Anna grabbed Briskys collar and led him to the house.Mom!Mom!Mom raced onto the back porch.Whats wrong?Theres a fawn(小鹿)trapped in the back fence.Weve got to help it!Mom grabbed Brisky.You have to stay in the house,boy.You could accidentally hurt the fawn.She put him in

16、side and closed the door.Come on,honey,said Mom.Anna and Mom sped to the back fence.Mom looked to see if she could get the fawn loose.Its a female fawn.I dont know why shes alone or how on earth she got her leg stuck in between the planks(旱板)。Well need help.You stay with her,Ill go call animal rescu

17、e.Anna sat next to the fawn.Itll be okay.Dont be scared.She kept talking to the fawn until help came.She was relieved to see Mom leading the rescuer through the yard.Anna rushed to meet them.Its a fawn.Shes stuck in the fence.Can you help her?gasped Anna.Well,howdy.Im Randy.Let me take a look.I need

18、 to know what were dealing with.Randy examined the fawn then smiled at Anna.Well have her out of there in just a bit.I have to go to my truck to get some tools.Ill be right back.”Anna walked with Randy.Will the fawn be okay?How come shes not with her mother?Can we keep her?”Randy scratched his head.

19、Okay,lets go one at a time.The fawn will be fine.She was probably waiting in hiding for her mother to come back and got frightened.Luckily, nothing was after her.He opened his truck and took a hammer and some other tools out of a toolbox.“What about my last question?Can we keep her?注意:续写部分分为两段,每段的开头

20、已为你写好。Paragraph 1:Randy shook his head._Paragraph 2:Randy cut the wood plank carefully so the fawn wouldnt get hurt._ 参考答案江苏省南通市2021-2022学年高二下学期期末考试英语试题【答案】Suddenly, Kayla noticed a familiar face in the crowd. She could hardly contain her excitement. “Anthony!” She screamed, waving joyfully at her l

21、ong lost husband. Hearing his name called, Anthony immediately hurried to them. Meanwhile, Melanie recognized her son in an instant, who hadnt changed so much except for some wrinkles on his forehead. “Thank goodness! How nice to have you come back!” She said in a trembling voice and held him tightl

22、y, tears blurring her eyes. Confused as Anthony was, he believed they were his beloved family members mentioned by the attendant and agreed to go back home with them.Back home, Melanie and Kayla tried to restore Anthonys memory. Every day, they accompanied him to receive the rehabilitation treatment

23、 in the hospital. Apart from that, they showed him their former pictures, which they hoped would bring back his memory. One day, as they were browsing the pictures, one of them caught his eyes. It was Anthony and his son, in which they took a trip to their old house. “Mark! Its Mark!” he yelled. Hap

24、py memories of the past flooded into his mind. With great effort, Anthonys memory was restored.【解析】【导语】本文以人物为线索展开,讲述了76岁的Melanie一直没有从儿子安东尼的空难离世中走出来。一天,Melanie和她的儿媳Kayla在家里看电视新闻时,突然看到一名新闻记者在一个长得像安东尼的人旁边讲话。新闻结束后,Kayla立即拨打了电话号码,并得知她的丈夫还活着,但是对14年前空难之前的事失去记忆。后来他们一家团聚并帮助安东尼恢复记忆的故事。【详解】1.段落续写:由第一段首句内容“突然,凯

25、拉注意到人群中有一张熟悉的脸。”可知,第一段可描写这一家人在机场团聚场景。由第二段首句内容“回到家后,梅勒妮和凯拉试图恢复安东尼的记忆。”可知,第二段可描写梅勒妮和凯拉如何帮助安东尼恢复记忆。2.续写线索:认出激动回家康复训练看过去照片找到记忆3.词汇激活行为类尖叫:scream/shout/yell认出:recognize/pick out找回:bring back/restore 情绪类.激动的:excited/thrilled .快乐的:happy/joyful/delighted【点睛】高分句型1. Meanwhile, Melanie recognized her son in an

26、 instant, who hadnt changed so much except for some wrinkles on his forehead.(运用who引导的非限制性定语从句。)高分句型2. She said in a trembling voice and held him tightly, tears blurring her eyes.(运用独立主格结构。)高分句型3. One day, as they were browsing the pictures, one of them caught his eye.(运用as引导的时间状语从句。)江苏省南通市2020-2021

27、学年高二下学期期末考试英语试题读后续写 One possible version“Way to go, Jodi!” he said. “Now you try it on your own. ” Jodi wasnt too sure about that. It seemed like everyone else was zooming past her without any difficulty. She started to get nervous,when suddenly she lost her balance, and fell down heavily. It really

28、 hurt. She closed her eyes, trying not to cry. In a moment, she was picked up and put back on her feet. Her uncle smiled into her eyes. “Everyone falls down the first few times. You just have to get back up again.” Jodi took a deep breath, trying to resist the pain. “Okay, I can do this.” She skated

29、 away from her uncle toward the crowd. As she glided unsteadily, she encouraged herself to be brave and keep going. Soon she skated almost all the way around the rink by herself! Aunt Lisa caught up to her and took her hand, saying,“Look at you! You are working so hard and doing so well. Were proud

30、of you.” Jodi grinned. Learning skating was really great fun.江苏省南通市2019-2020学年高二下学期期末考试英语试题【57题答案】【答案】Randy shook his head.No,you cant keep her.Shes a wild animal and needs to stay in the wild.If shes injured,Ill get her to a vet.Then shell be looked after by a wildlife protection center.Hearing this,Anna s face dropped.What if the fawn didnt have a mother to take care of her?The first thing we need to do is get her free,said Randy as they walked to the back“Then well see if we can find her mo


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