已阅读5页,还剩38页未读 继续免费阅读




1、高中毕业班英语质量检查试题英 语 试 题 本试卷分第一卷(选择题)和第二卷(非选择题)两部分。第一卷1至12页。第二卷13至14页。满分150分。考考试时间1200分钟。注意事项: 1考考生将自己的的姓名、准考考证号及所有答答案均填写在在答题卡上。 2答答题要求见答题卡上的“填涂样例”和“注意事项”。 ,第一卷(选择题题共115分)第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分) 做题时时,先将答案案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案案转涂到答题卡上。第一节(共5小小题;每小题15分,满分75分) 听下面面5段对话。每段对话后有一个个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳

2、选项,并标在在试卷的相应位置。听完完每段对话后,你都都有10秒钟的时间来回答有有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍遍。例:例:How much is the shirt? A1915 B 915 C 918答案是B。1What,did tthe maan wannt? AA llarge note BBSome stampps CCSmalll channge2What does the wwoman look like? AShee is ttall. BShe iis fatt CShe iis thiin3What is thhe womman liikely to doo at C

3、Christtmas? AMeeet somme of her ffriendds BHellp herr mothher doo somee cookking CDo anythhing sshe maay comme acrross4Why ddidnt Johhn go home last weekeend? AHe was ii11 BBHe wass busyy CCHe weent too New York5What time is itt whenn the dialoogue hhappenns? AAt 930 BBAt 10000 CCAt 10030第二节(共155小题;

4、每小题15分,满分225分) 听下面面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后后有几个小题题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前前,你将有时时间阅读各个个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独自读两遍。听第6段材料,回回答第6、7题。6What wouldd Georrge raather do? ADo the ddishess BBCleann the tablee CCTake out tthe ruubbishh7Whats the relattionshhip beetweenn the two sspea

5、keers? AMotther aand soon BBSisteer andd brotther CCTeachher annd stuudent听第7段材料,回回答第8、9题。8When will the pparty be heeld? AOn May 22nd BBOn Maay 3rdd CCOn Maay 4thh9What will take placee at tthe paarty? ASomme speeechess BBA dannce CCA conntest听第8段材料,回回答第10至12题。10Whicch musseum wwill tthey ggo to? A

6、Thee art museuum BThe cchildrrens museeum CThe hhistorry musseum11Who is Heenry? AJimms brotther BBThe wwomans hussband CCThe wwomans fathher12How will they go too the museuum? AOn foot BBBy buus CCBy caar听第9段材料,回回答第13至16题。13Whatt doess the man wwant tto do? ABuyy a fiiat BBChangge a fflat CCRent a

7、flaat14Why doesnnt thee man like the fflat iin Kinngstonn Roadd? AIts too exppensivve BIts too smalll CIts farr fromm downntown15How much will the mman paay eacch yeaar forr the flat? A2,4400 doollarss BB2,500 ddollarrs CC3,000 ddollarrs16Wherre is the bbiggerr flatt locaated? AIn Kingsston RRoad BB

8、In nooisy ddowntoown CCBesidde thee parkk听第10段材料料,回答第117至20题。17Whatt is tthe maan tallking aboutt? AThee storry of his nname BHis pparentts namess CHis grrandfaathers namee18Whatt doess the man kknow aabout the nname“Evanss”? AIt has aa lot of meeaninggs BIts commmon inn Walees andd all arounnd Brii

9、tain CIts veryy popuular aamong farmeers19Who was IItzhakk Perllman? AA ffamouss musiician BThee mans fatther CThee mans graandfatther20Whatt doess Isaaac Evaans doo? AA vviolinnist BBA paiinter CCA docctor第二部分英语知知识运用(共两两节,满分45分) 第一节节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填人人空白处的最佳选项,并在答答题卡上将该项涂黑

10、。例:It iss geneerallyy conssidereed unwwise tto givve a cchild _ hhe or she wwants Ahowwever Bwhateever Cwhichhever Dwheneever 答案是B。21一Letts disccuss tthe quuestioon raiised llast nnightshalll we?一There is noo hurrry forr thatt. I _ foor a connferennceAheadeed Bwas hheadinng Cam heeadingg DDhave head

11、eed22It ttook tthe eaarly ssettleers moore thhan 1550 yeaars too builld up _ iss now a moddem ciity Awheere Bwhichh CCwhat Dthat23一I ttry too memoorize new wwords everyy daybut CCall oonly rremembber feew of them 一Thhats nott surpprisinngNewlyy-learntt wordds aree easiily foorgottten unnless frequue

12、ntlyy _ iin commmuniccationn Auseed Busingg CCto usse Dbe ussed24Duriing yoour sttay inn Brittain,youll facce cullture shockklangguage probllems Aas far aas Bas loong ass CCas goood ass Das weell ass25一Jimm manaaged tto gett intoo his housee withhout tthe keey? 一I dont knoowHe miight hhave aasked so

13、meoone foor hellp AWhaat forr BBGuesss how CSo Whhat DWho kknows26Jackk feltt gratteful to hiis teaacherss _ hhe couuldnt finnd worrds too exprress iit Aas if Beven thouggh Cso thaat Dnow tthat27一Howw can we reeduce C02 in ouur homme?一Its eeasy_ offf youur TV or coomputeers whhen yooure noot usiing

14、thhem,and yyoull grreatlyy reduuce itt ATurrn BTo tuurn CTurniing DTurneed28一Do you hhave tthe Haarry Potteer boooks byy JK RRowlinng in your shop?一Sorry,theree is _ lefft at the mmomenttAnothiing Bno onne Cnone Dnot oone29Untiil tenns of yearss ago,most zoos _ inn suchh a waayanimaals inn one area

15、and bbirds in annother Awerre orgganizeed Bhad oorganiized Cwilll orgganizee DDhave been organnized30一Willl Danniel ccome tto ourr gathheringg? 一 _ noot,for hhe is much too bbusy wwith hhis reesearcch worrkAHopeffully BLikelly CHardlly DProbaably31You _ have writtten soo longg an aarticlleThe tteach

16、eer saiid 100 wwords would be enouggh Amusstnt Bneednnt Ccouldnnt Dwoulddnt32The day bbeforee the partyy,Lauraa was walkiing _ onee streeet affter aanotheer,searcching for aa suittable dresss Athhroughh Bacrosss Cover Dinto33一Didd you enjoyy the moviee?一Sure,iit is _ a beauttiful counttry toown wiit

17、h a varieety 0ff cultturesAput oon Bset iin Ctakenn on DDgot iin34Onlyy thosse whoo havee expeeriencced haardshiip _ well awaree of wwhat hhappinness mmeans Acaan theey be Bthey can be Ccan bbe Dthey can35The _ fligght CAA9525 for 11130 a.mis too be pput offf duee to tthe sttormy weathher Aorrdinarr

18、y Bcommoon CCformaal Dregullar第二节完形填空空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) 阅读下下面短文,从从短文后各题题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入入空白处的最佳选项项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。After ggraduaation from college,I staarted to seellSoon I disscoverred thhat thhe 36 exprressioon I had bbeen wwearinng sinnce chhildhoood meeant ssure 37 I kneew it wasnt goiin

19、g too be eeasy tto 38 that eexpresssion on myy facee leftt by sso manny yeaars off harddshipIt 39 a commpletee channge inn my view on liifeHere is thhe 40 I triedd Eacch morrning durinng a ffifteeen-minutte batth,I 41 to cultiivate(培养)a biig,happyy smilleI fouund ouut, 42 ,that it coouldnt be a forr

20、ced ssmile 43 justt for the ppurposse of puttiing doollarss in myy 44 It haad to be ann honeest-to-goodnness ssmile from down deep 45 ,an ouutwardd exprressioon of happiiness from withiin! Letts see 46 sttartinng offf withh a goood fiifteenn-minutte worrkout of thhe smiile muuscless 47 mee durinng t

21、hee dayBeforre entteringg an oofficee I 48 thinkk of the mmany tthingss I haad to be 49 for,work up a big ssmile and tthen eenterSeldoom didd it ffail tto gett the same smilee 50 fromm the persoon I mettI alsso fouund thhat itt 51 peoplle wheen I ppassedd themm on tthe sttreet to giive thhem a 52 sm

22、ilee Givve eveery liiving soul you mmeet tthe beest smmile yyou haave 53 smilled inn yourr lifee,and ssee how mmuch bbetterr you 54 and lookIts one oof thee bestt wayss I knnow too 55 worrrying,and startt liviingWhen I beggan dooing tthisI fouund I becamme morre wellcome everyywheree36Ahaappy Bworri

23、ied Ccurious Dsurprrised37Asuuccesss Bfrienndshipp Cfailuure DDwealth38Aweear Bshow CCchangge DDsee39Amaade upp Bbroughht in Cturneed oveer Dcalled ffor40Ameethod Bexampple Cidea DDthougght41Adeetermiined Bhurriied Cfaileed DDpreteended42Athherefoore Bhowevver Cinsteead DDOtherrwise43Ainntroduuced B

24、develloped Cdiscooveredd D1eft44Aoppinionn Bhonorr CCbill Dpockeet45Aouutsidee Bupwarrd CCinsidde Dforwaard46Awhhen Bhow CCwhethher Dwhy47Aheelped Bupsett CCsatissfied Ddisapppointted48Acoould Bmightt CCshoulld Dwouldd49Areeady Beagerr CCthankkful Dfamouus50Ainn geneeral Bin puublic Cin reeturn Din

25、addvancee51Agrreetedd Bpleassed Cpuzzlled Dwelcoomed52Achheerfuul Bforceed Cstrannge Dbitteer53Aneever Bjust Calreaady Dever54Aprrove Bappeaar CCfeel Dremaiin55Akeeep Bstop CChate Dproteect第三部分阅读理理解(共20小题;每小题2分。满分40分) 阅读下下列短文,从从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答答题卡上将该项涂涂黑。A Fiffty yeaars aggo I mmarriee

26、d my soldiier swweetheeartSix wweeks laterr,he leeft too fighht in KoreaaWhilee he wwas awway foor thaat firrst yeear off our marriiage,I staayed wwith mmy mumm and workeed harrd to keep our ssavinggs forr our firstt homeeAfterr Johnn retuurned, we ffound a homme andd appllied ffor a War Serviice Ho

27、ome Looan,whichh at tthat ttime ttook aabout six mmonthss to ccome tthrouggh Thee buillder oof ourr homee liveed in the ssame street as ouur houuse annd he allowedd us to move in annd pay rrent uuntil our looan caame thhroughhThe rrent wwas onne pouund annd tenn shilllingss per week,whichh we thougg

28、ht faairAs wee got to knnow ouur neiighborrs,severral toold uss to wwatch our llandloord ass he wwas “sharpp” and mmay chheat uus in some wayWe allways repliied thhat hee had givenn us no causee for compllaint Thee loann moneey camme thrrough shorttly beefore ChrisstmasWe weere noot welll-off bbut w

29、ee weree happyy to hhave oour owwn hommeOne nnight,two wweeks beforre Chrristmaas,theree was a knoock att our doorIt waas ourr landdlord and hhis wiifeWe innvitedd themm in aand ouur lanndlordd saidd,“As yoou knoow,your loan has ccome tthrouggh andd you do noot havve to pay mee rentt any moreI didd

30、not set tthat rrent,the estatte ageent(房产代理商)diid,and II thouught iit wass a biit higghEveryy timee you paid me I put tten shilllings away in a boxIt caame to 11 pouunds” We were surprrised and ddelighhtedTo us,it waas a ssmall fortuune juust inn timee for ChrisstmasWe were able to buuy giffts foor

31、ourr entiire faamilyIt waas thee niceest thhing aanyonee had ever done for uus andd we deecidedd thatt we wwould neverr judgge anyyone oon heaarsay56Why did tthe coouple applyy for a Warr Servvice HHome LLoan? ATo get mmarrieed BBTo reent a housee CTo buy aa housse DTo keeep saavingss57Whenn a feew

32、neiighborrs tallked aabout theirr landdlord,the ccouplee _ Abellievedd thatt he wwas shharp Bmade a faiir remmark aabout him Calsso commplainned abbout hhim Dsaid nothiing abbout hhim58Whicch of the ffollowwing iis TRUUE aboout thhe rennt? AThee coupple thhoughtt the rent was aa bit high BThee landd

33、lord chargged hiigh reent byy cheaating CSomme of the nneighbbors wwere cchargeed tooo muchh on tthe reent DThee estaate aggent sset thhe rennt whiich miight bbe a bbit hiigh59Why did tthe laandlorrd andd his wife call on thhe couuple oone niight? ATheey wannted tto givve loaan monney too the coupll

34、e BTheey triied too cheaat thee coupple foor morre monney CTheey wannted tto givve bacck parrt of the rrent tthe coouple had ppaid DTheey triied too givee the couplle a bbox ass a Chhristmmas giift60The purpoose off the passaage iss to sshow tthat _ Awe shoulld nott judgge a ppersonn on hhearsaay Bi

35、t was nnot eaasy foor thee coupple too havee a hoouse oof theeir owwn Cthee landdlord Was kkind tto thee coupple buut nott to tthe neeighboors Dthee coupple haad an unexppectedd forttune bbeforee ChriistmassB ARKK(Absoolute Returrn forr Kidss)workks witth sevven Hoome-Startt centrees acrross tthe UK

36、K to pprovidde underrstandding,trainned voolunteeers tto suppport probllem faamilieesThrouugh thhis eaarly iintervventioon(干预、介入)we aimm to ssolve childd and familly probleems beefore they becoome soo intraactablle thaat soccial serviice innterveentionn is reqquiredd Prooblem famillies iin thee UK o

37、often receiive tooo litttle aassisttance too llateLow ssociall servvice capaccity(能能力)meaans faamiliees oftenn reacch breeakingg poinnt beffore rreceivving aany suupporttSociaal workeers haave liittle time to buuild ttrust with the ffamilyy and devellop alll undderstaandingg of sspeciffic probllemsW

38、hat is moore,sociaal worrkers can bbe reggardedd by ffamiliies ass a thhreat一一“They come to take our cchildrren awway” Parrents(with childdren uunder five)who ssufferr fromm illnness,disabbilityy,addicction,poverrty orr otherr presssuress receeive vvisitss fromm a trrainedd voluunteerr one afterrnoo

39、n a weeek to suppoort annd advvise them throuugh peeriod of crrisisWheree posssible the vvoluntteer ccomes from a simmilar backggroundd to tthe peoplle callling for hhelp,or haas perrsonall expeeriencce of simillar prroblemms Thee effeectiveeness of Hoome-Startts loongstaandingg proggrammee has been

40、 proveed by a nummber oof reseaarch rreporttsOne sstudy of prroblemm famiilies assissted bby Homme-Startt voluunteerrs fouund: Neearly 40 of suurveyeed motthers reporrted rreduceed deppressiion 422 of fammiliess repoorted improovemennts inn manaaging theirr chilldren Chhild bbehaviioral probllems rr

41、educeed by 50 Sinnce ARRKs invoolvemeent thhis successs hass beenn recoognizeed in the GGovernnments Greeen Papper Everyy Chilld MatttersThe ppaper recommmendeed enllarginng thee proggrammee to eensuree Homee-Startt servvices are aavailaable iin eveery coommuniity inn the UKThe GGovernnment has nnow

42、 prrovideed5 milllion to heelpHome-Sttart aachievve thiis goaal61The main purpoose off ARKs workk withh Homee-Startt is tto _ Atraain voolunteeers tto suppport probllem faamiliees Bbuiild goood reelatioonshipp withh the probllem faamilies Csollve chhild aand faamily probllems aat thee begiinningg Ds

43、avve eveery prroblemm chilld in placee of ssociall servvices62The underrlinedd wordd “intraactablle”(in PParagrraph 11)mostt probbably meanss _ Aserrious Bpartiicularr CCattraactivee Dsensiitive63It ccan bee infeerred from the ppassagge thaat _ Athee UK govvernmeent caan usuually help probllem faami

44、liees in time Bsoccial wworkerrs enjjoy hiigh poopularrity aamong probllem faamiliees Cthee voluunteerrs musst shaare thhe samme bacckgrouund wiith thhe peoople nneedinng hellp Dsoccial sservicce cannt sattisfy the nneeds of prroblemm famiilies64In tthe UKK,Home-Startt servvices are nnow _ Asprread

45、tto eveery coorner Bproveed to be efffectiive Cthoought of ass a thhreat Drun byy the goverrnmenttCThe Besst Parrks foor A111 OPENIING TIIMES OOpen eevery day oof thee yearr exceept Chhristmmas Daay Summmer TTime:10 a.m一6 pm1astt admiissionn 430 p.m Winnter TTime:10 a.mdusk,last admisssion 3 p.m We

46、recommmend that you aallow betweeen 3 and 44 hourrs to fullyy enjooy thee ParkkHOWLETTSDIHOWLETTSDISABLED VISITORS Howletts is accessible to wheelchair users and every effort has been made to enable the greatest possible enjoyment for disabled guestsWheelchairs are available for hire(please book in

47、advance to avoid disappointment)There are reduced admission prices for disabled visitorsPlease request more detailed advice on arrivalBY ROAD Howletts is located at Bekesbourne and is signposted off the A2,three milessouth of Canterbury in KentFree parkingBY RAIL One and a half hours from London Vic

48、toria to Bekesbourne Stationfollowed by a 15-minute walkFor information telephone 0845 748 4950BY SEA The Park is easily reached from the Channel Ports and terminalsBY AIRCRAFT The Park is within a 30-minute drive from the terminal at Folkestone PORT LYMPNEDISABLED VISITORSPORT LYMPNEDISABLED VISITO

49、RS Port Lympne lies on hilly terrain and as a result is quite steep(陡峭的)in placesThere are however,selected routes suitable for wheelchair usersA safari shuttle(旅行车)service around the park is available(free of charge to disabled visitors subject to availability)Please request more detailed advice on

50、 arrivalThere are substantially reduced admission prices for disabled visitorsBY ROAD Port Lympne is located at Lympne,near Hythe in KentLeave the M20 atJunction 11 and the Park is situated just 5 minutes awayLook for the brown tourist signsPlenty of free parkingBY RAIL Just over an hour from London

51、 Charing Cross or Victoria to Ashford StationThe Park is then only a 30-minute bus ride away(No.10 bus)For information telephone 0845 748 4950BY SEA The Park is easily reached from the Channel Ports and terminalsBY AIRCRAFT The park is only 10 minutes drive from the terminal at Folkestone65You can e

52、enter eitheer of the ttwo paarks aat _ . A9330 a.min suummer B1130 a.mon Chhristmmas C3 pp.mon Eaaster Day D430 p.min wiinter66Afteer youu get off tthe trrain,it wiill taake yoou 15 minuttes too get to _ AHOWWLETISS by ttaxi BHOWLEETIS oon fooot CPORRT LYMMPNE bby bikke DPORT LYMPNNE by bus67The two

53、 pparks are ddifferrent iin _ Aopeening timess BBconveeniencce of traffiic Ccarring ffor thhe dissabledd D1and formssD Carreer bbuildiing iss an oongoinng acttivityyPlannning aand gooal seettingg are part of caareer buildding,but so iss adjuustingg to aand taaking advanntage of thhings that happeen

54、in all uunplannned wwayOur ddreamss and desirres,as weell ass the opporrtunitties oopen tto us,are cchangiing alll thee timeeSomettimes,they can changge quiite drramatiicallyy overr a shhort pperiodd of ttime Deaaling with changge oftten reequirees takking yyour ccareerr in aa diffferentt direection

55、nThereefore,most peoplles carreer ppaths wind up loookingg moree likee a foorest path or thhe couurse oof a rriver than a strraightt flighht patth froom poiint A to point BCareeer patths teend too meannderJust as a riverr mustt takee an indiirect path to geet aroound hhills and oother obstaacles(障碍物

56、),we offten hhave tto do a litttle meandderingg to gget arround barriiersWe allso meeanderr simpply too expllore vvariouus carreer ppossibbilitiies Thiis doeesnt meaan thaat youu shouuld waander aimleessly for tthe reest off yourr lifee! It dooes meean thhat,althoough ccareerr buillding givess you a

57、n ovveralll sensse of direcction,its reasoonablee to eexpectt thatt youll havve to take some meandderingg alonng thee way Carreer bbuildiing innvolvees manneuverring aas welll as meandderinggTo maaneuveer is to bee focuused aand sttrateggic(策略略的),to deecide what you wwant aand hoow youu are goingg t

58、o gget thhereBelieeve itt or nnot,you ccan maaneuveer andd meannder aat thee samee timeeIn faact,you hhave pprobabbly allreadyy donee soFor eexamplle,if yoouve evver seent inn an aappliccationn formm for an edducatiion prrogramm or jjob beefore you aare reeally sure you wwant yyour aappliccationn to

59、 bbe accceptedd,you hhave ttaken actioon on a plaan whiile yoou aree stilll expplorinng othher poossibiilitiessIn otther wwords,you aare maaneuveering and mmeandeering at thhe samme time68The passaage iss mainnly too _ Atelll youu how to gaain moore coontroll overr yourr lifee Bgivve youu a beetter

60、underrstandding oof youurselff Cshoow youu how to taake ann actiive roole inn plannning your careeer Dhellp youu to ddeal wwith tthingss thatt happpen inn an uunplannned wway69The underrlinedd wordd “meandder”(in PParagrraph 22)mostt probbably meanss _ Amovve awaay Bgo roound Cgett throough Drun oov


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