1、所p老师讲的课程都是方法P巧,是帮考生在学过程中怎学所p老师讲的课程都是方法P巧,是帮考生在学过程中怎学考博英语是靠自的真本,多看看书,老师的解题巧各位考生早!本讲义由淘提录考博英语专突破班力讲考博英语专突破班力第一考博英语 力理p的高校将力部VV两节考博英语专突破班力第一1确定中心,合. 考博英语专突破班力第O1篇章结构1构建框考博英语专突破班力 第四O1s键词1点把考博英语专突破班力 第五四1精记1要考博英语专突破班力第七考博英语专突破班力第SectionC 表格填考博英语专突破班力第九考博英语专突破班力第十考博英语专突破班力第十一SectionA . V考博英语专突破班力第十考博英语专突
2、破班力第十O地考博英语专突破班力第十四. 考博英语专突破班. 态考博英语专突破班力第十因考博英语专突破班力第十1考博英语专突破班力第十九特殊考博考博英语专突破班力第十九特殊考博英语专突破班力第十模拟考博英语专突破班力第十一B 节cion B 篇章理考博英语专突破班力第十考博英语专突破班力第十O考博英语专突破班力第十四篇章理解1234. s键词判s键考博英语专突破班力第十五保持节信号词考博英语专突破班力第十考博英语专突破班力第十七考博英语专突破班力讲义考博英语专突破班力第一课考博英语 一1能力要力理解部V要测试考考博英语专突破班力讲义考博英语专突破班力第一课考博英语 一1能力要力理解部V要测试考
3、生掌握力材料中和要内容的能力情o1场合1人物s系语每V120 个词A 节cton A_, 况Q,概要应包括短文的要要点,O用把每话都翻译出来SportsinAmericanHighAmericans learn sports as part of their education. They learn two or more ball games, such as football or basketball. At high school, they choose groups of boys or girls to make They choose those who are best t
4、 sport. These teams compete against teams from schools. In many schools, students learn wrestling, running, tennis, golf and swimming. haveteamsforsome ofthese sports, The games n schools are often very exciting. Other students, the ones not on team, love to watch them. They let everyone know this b
5、y shouting and cheering, when laysThere is a spel club of girls and boys, mostly girls, who jump up and down and shout for their football team. They call elves cheerleaders, because they lead everyone in shouts cheers. They wear clothes of a l color - the color of their schools team. The players t c
6、olor, too. Each school has a team color and a team name. Cheerleaders out the team name in their cheers. They practice many hours to learn the spel jumcheering moves. Cheerleading is almost sport itself.美中学的体育 球或篮球2在r队2他们选择在该中最秀高尔球和游泳2它们_r队在学校之间的比赛经常非常人t奋2w他的学生, 一O是队员的学生喜l看在学校之间的比赛经常非常人t奋2w他的学生, 一O是
7、队员的学生喜l看p一和男孩r的, , 把自称拉拉队_球队油2他们穿着特殊颜色的衣服-他们校队的颜色2足球员_穿的队服2每所学校p一种校队颜色和队2拉拉队大声|自的队2他们学校之间进行比赛,学生喜l看比赛,本队油威B 节etion B一段短文150-200_两遍,之用3-5个问题2问题s在答题纸 P,考生音时,可能考虑问题,缩小答题的范围2在一般情况Q,p1-2题是提问1. Howmanypeoplespeak Englishall700 It is now t y 350 million people speak English as language,andaboutthemberofpeo
8、plespeakitastheirsecondhispassage, whatareaswerespecificallymentionedwhereEnglishisAviation,sportandpopIts the language of aviation with pilots being trained in English so they can understand controllers ernational airports across the world. Its the language of sport with ernational rules and commen
9、taries being written and given in English. Its also the language of pop music because it rhymes easily and the words are short. And most popular music groups come from America or England.Whatpercentage oftheworld9sradios ionsbroadcastin60%ofthe worldsradioionsnowbroadcastin1一1一个通知等,要求考生据所的材料,将ps信息用文
10、填入表格内2做类考题时,考生应该注意ps的数_1时间1地点等2时要看清p的高校将力部VV两节A 节ctin A p的高校将力部VV两节A 节ctin A The man is offering to pay. Thewomanisofferingtopay. The man paid last time.Thewomanpaidlast B 节ecion B 2Learningdifferentthings. Learning to dance.Learning tousea LearningtoplayNoticingevenasmallobjectMemorizingtcatchesyou
11、rConcentratingonlyonwhatis) and B 节ecion B 2YoucanfocusonlyonitsYoucanfocusononeofitscharacteristics. You can assote it with other objects.YoucanfocusonitsYoucan Youcanreathinginforaminuteandthenbreathe reathinginfora shorttime,andthenbreatheout YoucanbreathehardfortenYoucanholdyourndcountto考博英语专突破班
12、力第A 节cton A一段短文150-200_,两遍,之用中文70 90A 节cton A一段短文150-200_,两遍,之用中文70 90 _的概要2做类题时,首先应掌握短文的要内容,可边边将情发生的原因1结果1时间1地点1人物一般情况Q,概要应包括短文的要要点,O用把每话都翻译出来 O1s键词1四1精记1一1确定中心1 全文第一往往直陈体2 转折第The Olympic Games held at Olympia in ancient Greece as long ago as 776 Theywere heldonce everyfouryears.Thecustomlastedforn
13、 1000Then in 1896, the Games were hat year, a an, Baron de Coubertin, to tryto start the game again. He wished to renewthe spirit he classic Greek He succeeded, and the modern Olympic Games began in Athens, Greece, in 1896. Since then the Olympics have grown steadily with more and more nations and a
14、thletes taking part. Because of the world war, they are not held in 1916, nor in 1940 and 1944. They have been regularly held ever since. Held every four years, the Olympics present the world9s most important contests. Athletes from all over the world take part he modern Olympic Games. Any may enter
15、 a team in the game if it agrees to follow the rules of ernational 1全文第一往往直陈体TheOlympicGamesheldat Olympia inancient Greeceaslongagoas776奥会|776 在希腊奥林第一k举行1全文第一往往直陈体奥林克发奥林克发奥林克发The Olympic Games held at Olympia in ancient Greece as long ago as 776 They were held once奥林克发奥林克发奥林克发The Olympic Games held
16、 at Olympia in ancient Greece as long ago as 776 They were held once every four years. The custom lasted for n 1000 years. The lasted for n 1000 years, but died out under the ruler of Rome and ceased with decline ofancient Greek 了 1000 多奥林克发展,但奥林克发Then in 1896, the Games were hat year, a French man,
17、 Baron de decided to try to start the game again. He wished to renew the spirit shown he classic Greek Olympics. He succeeded, and the modern Olympic Games began in Athens, Greece, in 1896. Since then the Olympics have grown steadily with more and more nations and athletes taking part. Because of th
18、e world war, they are not held in 1916, nor in 1940 and 1944. They have been regularly held ever since. Held every four years, the Olympics present the world9s most important athletic contests. Athletes from all over the world take part in the modern Olympic Games. Any nation may enter a team in the
19、 game if it agrees to follow the rules of theernationalOlympicThen in 1896, the Games were hat year, a an, Baron de decided to try to start the game again. He wished to renew the spirit shown in the classic Greek Olympics. He succeeded, and the modern Olympic Games began in Athens, Greece, in 1896.
20、Since then the Olympics have grown steadily with more and more nations and athletes taking part. Be ausw rld war, they are not held in 1916, nor in 1940 and 1944. They have been regularly held ever since. Held every four years, the Olympics present the most important athletic contests. Athletes from
21、 all over the world take part in the OlympicGames.AnynationmayenteraernationalOlympic hegameifitagreesto followtherulesofThenin1896,the Gameswere a an,trytostartthegamerenewthethemodern Olympic GamesbeganinAthens,Greece,inthe worldwar, notheldin 1916, norin1940and Heldeveryfouryears,theOlympicsprese
22、nttheworld9smostthethe worldwar, notheldin 1916, norin1940and Heldeveryfouryears,theOlympicspresenttheworld9smosttherulesofernationalOlympichletic, 会2奥会每四举一k,是最要的世界体育盛会2要遵奥委会规则,任何1全文第一往往直陈体1 全文第一往往直陈体2 转折第Men sometimes say We are better and n women. Women never invent things. do.= It is t men have i
23、nvented a lot of useful things: the alphabet, machines, rockets, guns, too. But scientists and archeologists now t women invented one very thing. s changed history. They invented agriculture. Before the invention of agriculture ters. They went out every day. Sometimes they killed animals, sometimes
24、killed them. Life was difficult and dangerous. Women had to go out every day, too. collected roots, fruit and grasses. Then, one day, n 10,000 years ago, a woman some grass seeds. She dropped them near her he Middle East. They grew and wheat wasborn. The idea grew, too. Womenplantedroots and fruit t
25、rees. Thentheycould stayhome and look after the childrenand the animals. Womenlike babyanimals. Archeologists t women kept domestic animals: dogs, cows, sheep and t idea grew, home. They Then their husbands did not have to ting for meat. They stayed villagesandcities.Civilizationbegan.Menbegancivili
26、zation,afterwomeninvented点的l对比,鲜明地突出作者的点MensometimessayWearebetterandnwomen.WomenneverinventWe do.= Itis tmen have invented a lot of useful things: the alphabet, machines, and guns, too. But scientists and archeologists now t women invented one importantthing.schangedhistory.Theyinventedp很多发明创2但学家和考
27、importantthing.schangedhistory.Theyinventedp很多发明创2但学家和考学家,女人的一发明改了历史,那就是她们发明了农业1 全文第一往往直陈体2 转折第The water level of oceans rises and falls y twice a day. This movement of water called the tide. Tides are caused by the pull of the sun and the moon on the the moon is much closer, it affects the tides n
28、the sun. When the moon is overhead, it actually pulls on the t is below it. This causes the water level to because the water is pulled away from the earth. As the moon disappears over the horizon, pulllessensandthe water level settlesbacktowardsthe ocean When the water reaches its highest level, we
29、have high tide. And when the water reaches lowest level, we have low tide. From its lowest po, the water rises gradually for about six hours until it reaches high tide. Then it begins to fall continuously for about six hours until itreacheslowtide.Then theegins3先象1文章开始时先说明一种象,之陈述2The water level of
30、oceans rises and falls alterna y twice a day. This movement of water is called the tide.大洋的水位每两y交地涨潮和落潮2种潮水的象做潮汐Tidesarecausedbythepull ofthe sunandthemoonon therface1 全文第一往往直陈体2 转折第点的l对比,鲜明地突出作者的点3 先象1文章开始时先说明一种象,之陈述2考博英语专突破班力第OSection文章开始时先说明一种象,之陈述2考博英语专突破班力第OSection O1s键词1四1精记11篇章结构1构建框1层层递2l3象原
31、提出一种象,V析w原因,然得出结论的论述方法4例V通过x体例,使抽象的概念更生1形象1x体化,更好地中心服1一1确定中心Since the st times, trees have always been very useful and important to man made use of themany ways for his daily life. Even today trees continue to serve man in so many useful ways.篇章通过由浅入深1由表及1由轻到层层论述点的方法,_可是论一k的各个方面,使篇章清p1全面In the tropi
32、cs where it is very hot all through the year, trees prevent man from from the terrible heat of the sun. They are also useful inpreventing soil from being washedduringheavyrainswhichareso2lhe的论证或通过l点的对比,突出作者想要表达的新点Men sometimes say We are better and n women. Women never invent We do.= It is andguns,
33、t men have invented a lot of useful things: the alphabet, machines, But Men sometimes say We are better and n women. Women never invent We do.= It is andguns, t men have invented a lot of useful things: the alphabet, machines, But scientists and archeologists now schangedhistory.Theyinventedt women
34、invented one very important I3象原提出一种象,析w原因,然得出结论的论述方法The water level of oceans rises and falls alternaytwiceaday.Thismovement ofwateris called the tide.Tidesarecausedbythepullofthesunandthemoonontherface.Sincetheismuchcloser,itaffectsthetidesntheWhen the moon is directly overhead, it actually pulls
35、on the water t is below it. This causes the water level to rise because the water is pulled away from the earth.As the moon disappears over the horizon, the pull lessens and the water level settles back towards the ocean bottom.4例V通过x体例,使抽象的概念更生1形象1x体化,更好地中心服Some psychologists t mental acts such as
36、thinking are not performed in brainalone, t ones muscles also participate. It may be t we think with our insomewhatthesametwelistentomusic withourYou surely are not surprised to be told t you usually listen to music not only with ears but with your whole body. Few people can listen to t is more or l
37、ess without moving their body or, more specifically, some part of their body. Often when one listens to a symphonic concert on the radio, he is tempted to direct the orchestra even though he knows there is a competent conductor on the job.Section O1s键词1四1精记1考博英语专突破班第四SectionA 力概要一11篇章结构1构建框O1s键词1点2l
38、3象原提出一种象,V析w原意,然得出结论的论述方法4例V通过x体例,使抽象的概念更生1形象1x体化,更好地中心服SectionA O1s键词1点把1篇章首2段落首34复信5s联词1 篇章首篇章首往往是中心论点,统领全文的论述方向Since the st times, trees have always been very useful and important to man made use of manyusefulany his da ly life. Even today trees continue to serve man in The water level of oceans
39、rises and falls alterna y twice a day. This movement of water is called the tide.2 段落首But scientists and archeologists now schangedhistory.Theyinventedt women invented one very important IBut scientists and archeologists now schangedhistory.Theyinventedt women invented one very important I3Amajordif
40、ferencenAmericanscultureandmostEasternAsianculturestEastern Asia, the community is more n the individual. Most Americans consideredaswhen theymake anamefor复信息说明作者强调w要性But scientists and archeologists now agreet women invented one very important thing. s changed history. They invented agriculture.但是学
41、家和考学家在都认妇女p一要发明2发明改写了历史2那Is联词语是要信息的纽带,负着起转合=的作用Since the st times, trees have always been very useful and important to man made use of manyusefulany ways for his daily life. Even today trees continue to serve man in In the tropics where it is very hot all through the year, trees prevent man from fro
42、m the terrible heat of the sun. They are also useful inpreventing soil from being washedduringheavyrainswhicharesoheSectionA O1s键词1点把四1精记1考博英语专突破班第五Section 四考博英语专突破班第五Section 四1精记1要四1精记1要新短长涵盖文章的中心1段首1结尾1要将写Q来的点单新按逻辑s系进行合,做到层kV明,逻辑清中点放在因果s系1条结果s系1的结果s系1转折s系1ns系等义对于文章中没p懂的难词,通过PQ文到一个接的词汇1 精简结构长短,使之符合
43、汉语表达惯2 抓住谓宾Men say n women (保留中心信息)(省略引言MensometimessayWearebetterandcleverer nwomen.Womenneverinventthings.It is true andguns, t men have invented a lot of useful things: the alphabet, machines, But scientistsandnow t women invented, agriculture.(段首But scientistsandarcheologists nowtwomeninventedon
44、e veryimportant schangedhistory.TheyinventedBut scientistsandarcheologists nowtwomeninventedone veryimportant schangedhistory.TheyinventedI保留中心信抓住谓宾Beforeagriculturementers. Life wasdifficultandBefore the invention of agriculture men ters. They went out every Sometimes they killed animals, sometimes
45、 animals killed them. Life was difficult and 10,000 yearsago, a woman,seeds,the Middle East. look after children & animals.Women had to go out every day, too. They collected roots, fruit and grasses. Then, one wheat born. Then stay home n 10,000 years ago, a woman dropped some grass seeds. She dropp
46、ed them near heMiddle East. Theygrewand wheat was born.The ideagrew, too. planted roots and fruit trees. Then they could stay at home and look after the children and the animals. Women like baby animals.think, womenkept Civilization began. Men began civilization, after women invented agriculture.(保留
47、结尾Archeologists t women kept domestic animals: dogs, cows, sheep t idea grew, too. Then their husbands did ve to ting for meat. They at home. They built villages and cities. Civilization began. Men began civilization, after women invented agriculture.1 精简结构长短2抓住谓宾Men say bettermen invented things:抓住
48、谓宾(省略列举)But scientistsandnow t women invented, agriculture.(段首BeforeagriculturementersLifewasdifficultanddangerous.(保留中心信息10,000 years ago, a woman dropped some grass seeds, the Middle wheat born.Thentheycouldstayathomeandlookafterthechildrenandtheanimals.抓住宾think, womenkept Civilization began. Men
49、began civilization, after women think, womenkept Civilization began. Men began civilization, after women invented agriculture.(保留结尾涵盖文章的中心1段首1结尾1要对于文章中没p懂的难词,通过PQ文到一个接的词汇,使之符合汉语表达惯Men say bettermen invented things:抓住谓宾(省略列举)But scientistsandnow t women invented, agriculture.(段首Beforeagriculturemente
50、rsLifewasdifficultanddangerous.(保留中心信息10,000 years ago, a woman dropped some grass seeds, the Middle wheat born. Then they could stay at home and look after the children and the animals.抓住 think, womenkept Civilization began. Men began civilization, after women invented agriculture.(保留结尾,使之符合汉语表达惯Me
51、n say bettermen invented things:抓住谓宾(省略列举)But scientists andnow t women invented, agriculture.(段首BeforeagriculturementersLifewasdifficultanddangerous.(保留中心信息10,000 years ago, a woman dropped some grass seeds, the Middle wheat born.Thentheycouldstayathomeandlookafterthechildrenandtheanimals.抓住谓think,
52、 womenkept Civilization began. Men began civilization, after women invented agriculture.(保留结尾自认比女人聪明,p很多发明2但学家认女人进行了一改写历- 农业2农业之的任是狩猎,生活艰苦而t险21 万前,一中东的妇种收获了粮食小麦妇女就可在家照顾孩子P物了,因m据认家畜_是妇SectionO1s键词1点把四1精记1要考博英语专突破班B 节cion B )第O1s键词1点把四1精记1要考博英语专突破班B 节cion B )第 _ P,考生带着问题音,可缩小答题的范围2在一般情况Q,p 1-2 题是提问短文中
53、要内容,外几题则及短文的节2回答类题时,O需要每题都使用完整For Questions 1-5, you will hear a talk on environmental protection. While you completetheandanswerthe ve we beenlooking foroverthelast 20 Whatcanpeopledotohelptheenvironment whentheyareat Therecyclablematerialcanbetakentoany Theonce-usedrcan be usedagain forhegarden, w
54、hatCANNOTberecycledtomake看篇章标题,利用读指时间,迅扫5 道问题的考点第遍对信息,检查语法1拼写和格式的l确性看篇章标题,利用读指时间,迅扫 5 道问题的,划出s键For Questions 1-5, you will hear a talk on environmental protection. While you completetheandanswertheve we beenlooking foroverthelast20Whatcanpeopledotohelptheenvironment whentheyareat Therecyclablemateri
55、alcanbetakentoany Theonce-usedrcanbeusedagain for hegarden,whatCANNOTberecycledtomake看篇章标题,利用读指时间,迅扫 5 道问题的,划出s键For Questions 1-5, you will hear a talk on environmental protection. While you completethe andanswer the ve webeenlooking for overthelast20Whatcan peopledotoFor Questions 1-5, you will hea
56、r a talk on environmental protection. While you completethe andanswer the ve webeenlooking for overthelast20Whatcan peopledotohelptheenvironmentwhentheyareat home? The recyclable material can be taken to any Theonce-used r canbe usedagain hegarden, whatCANNOTberecycledtomakeve webeenlooking for over
57、 thelast 20 At Safeway we are committed to working for a better environment. We have been looking for environmentally responsible solutions for over the last 20 years, and it has been more n it is today to continue t initiative. We ve our actions to solve some of the problems, but just as importantl
58、y, we are looking ahead too, newideastohelpprotect ourenvironment fortheenv-res- Whatcanpeople dotohelptheenvironmentwhentheyare atActionfortheenvironmentgoesbeyondtheSafewaystoreoyourhome.Whatyou do? Here are some practical things you can do when you get back home to help Sort out your waste at hom
59、e t it can take the differenttypesto be recycled. Recycle you can, such as glass bottles and lastic baffles 材, rs and plastic bags theseareamongthemanytcanberecycledsortoutyour waste/recycle allyouTherecyclable materialcanbetakento anygarden,what CANNOTberecycledtomakeYour recyclable materials can b
60、e taken to your local Safeway store9s recycling center or your local Council recycling center. Use recycled r at home and at the office Recycle for the garden too. Food scraps, such as decayed vegetables and fruit, but not t. and some garden waste such as leaves, dried grass, these can be used to ma
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