1、(1)When itcomes toXX, there is no agreementamong people as to the e some people hold itive attitude towards it while others(1)When itcomes toXX, there is no agreementamong people as to the e some people hold itive attitude towards it while others are against it. In environment where XX is playing an
2、 increasingly important role in XX, almost XX come t XX talks. There are numerous reasons(methods/approaches) to account for phenomenon ( to contribute to this e), I would explore most conspicuous 第二段: One of the primary reason(method, to my mind, t such phenomenon as revealed in the picture (topic/
3、 problem)has aroused wide-spread lconcern ,Nowhere in history has the e been talked about so much as in our society Apart t, the ing(topic/ problem)reveals an upsetting story and similar happened and happening are hared or reported in nearly all aspects of our life .What is worth noticing (consideri
4、ng) fact t Enhancing peoples awareness of such settinguprelevantrulesandregulationsoughttobe toppriorities(safely) arrive at , o account of the above或 In brief, we may t), we may reach t it is high t storieswere(should be) terminated eastreduced.Only when happeningscome toendcanwe aina happyandharmo
5、nioussocietyaswewish,viceandWhatthedrawingis tryingtoexpressissymbolicandphilosophic(的废话he above image are two men who , each of them having only one leg , running forward together. (featured seematglimpsethiscartoon doescarryrathersignificantimplications(可以认为是有用1-, 主语,, 谓语 (及物动词后加宾语1:看清图画的主要含义,并因此确
6、定SV(SVtn)图一句。 居于图画正中间)Ais is(主语后)Asmalloill light , is flickering.(主语后边)Asmalloil,the onlytgives,the onlytgiveshcture,is is(主语后)Asmalloill light , is flickering.(主语后边)Asmalloil,the onlytgives,the onlytgiveshcture,is4.找出主语发出的其它动作,做成伴随状语,放在主语前做导入Standing lonely but full confidence,asmalloil,theonlytgi
7、vesoffhcture,is ,theonlytgivesoff hcture,isflickering时间在后Standing lonely but full of4,confidence,asmalloil,theonlyhedarknessallthetgivesoffhcture,isflickering but full of confidence , a small oil , the only t gives off hcture, flickeringhedarknessallthetime,bringingbrightnesstoeverythingaroundconfid
8、ence,asmalloil,theonlyhedarknessallthetgivesoffhcture,isflickering but full of confidence , a small oil , the only t gives off hcture, flickeringhedarknessallthetime,bringingbrightnesstoeverythingaround 最终版本:Standinglonelybutfullofconfidenceasmalloil, theonlytgiveslight in the picture, is flickering
9、 quietly in the darkness all the time,bringing brightness everything around it. (37 字)AnAmericangirlappearsAbeautifulyoungAmericangirlappears ernationalstudent,appears4. AbeautifulyoungAmericangirl,costume,appearsernationalstudentwhoisraditional5. Standingundera tree, a beautifulyoung American girl,
10、 ernational student whois raditional costume, appears pleasant. 6. Standing under a tree, a beautiful Americangirl,ernationalstudentwhoisobviouslyraditionalraditional costume, appears pleasant. 6. Standing under a tree, a beautiful Americangirl,ernationalstudentwhoisobviouslyraditionalcostume,题为主:谁(
11、who)在什么时候(when)在什么地方(where)出于何种原因(why)何种方式(how)作了什么事情(what)1. These dogs were abandoned and have been causing trouble. 2. These vicious dogs were abandoned and have been causing trouble.3. Theseviciousdogs,twoGermanshepherdswhichwerebought,wereabandonedandhavecausing 4. These viciousdogs,two German
12、shepherdswhichwere boughtby my neighbor three ago, were abandoned and have beencausing 5. k,theseviciousdogs,twoGermanshepherdswhichwereboughtbymyneighborksago,wereabandonedandbeencausing 6. k,theseviciousdogs,twoGermanshepherdswhichwereboughtbymyneighborksago,wereabandonedandbeencausingtroubleinour
13、neighborhoodever7. k,theseviciousdogs,twoGermanshepherdswhichwereboughtbymyneighborksago,wereabandonedandbeen causing trouble in our neighborhood ever since, barking day and night, leaving waste everywhere, and even attacking both residents and passers-by. (44 字)1(提示:主语是男孩,谓语是跑向终点)2(提得虚弱)4把上两句话用-,Wi
14、thoutthissaryhabitinallpublicirsofacivilizedsociety,nothingcouldeverachievedandeverythingwillbe inaWithout this sary habit in all public irs of a civilized society, nothing could ever achievedandeverythingwillbe inarson with no idea of love, most ve, is an unfortunate 21centry,deprivedofoneofthemost
15、rinsicqualitiestheyrson with no idea of love, most ve, is an unfortunate 21centry,deprivedofoneofthemostrinsicqualitiestheyOnce convinced of the seriousness and urgency of this e, sb should seek to dispel misunderstandingandputthecultivationofOnce convinced of the seriousness and urgency of this e,
16、sb should seek to dispel misunderstandingandputthecultivationofamorerationalattitudenf Once convinced of the seriousness and urgency of this e, sb should seek to dispel misunderstandingandputthecultivationofamorerationalattitudenf In addition to the effort on the part of the individual, ernment and
17、departments shouldalsometheirownresponsibility,passrelevantregulationsandputoIn addition to the effort on the part of the individual, ernment and departments shouldalsometheirownresponsibility,passrelevantregulationsandputoforce. te itsf te its Realizingtheimportantrole playedby.inourlife,weshouldseektofullytrue meaning and put the cultivation of a good habit / attitude nRealizing the important role played by love in our life, we should seek to fully meaningandputthecultivationofagoodhabit/attitudenf Inaddition,ernmentanddepartmentsconcerned
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