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1、符号学基本概念简介演示文稿第一页,共二十三页。(优选)符号学基本概念简介第二页,共二十三页。the linguistic sign is “then a two-sided psychological entity”, and it may be represented by the following diagram. Figure 2.1 Nature of the Linguistic Sign (Saussure, 1972, 2001: 67)ConceptSound Pattern第三页,共二十三页。能指与所指signifier & signified: Saussure move

2、s further to explain:“ In our terminology a sign is the combination of a concept and a sound pattern. But in current usage the term sign generally refers to the sound pattern alone, e.g. the word form arbor the ambiguity would be removed if the three notions in question were designated by terms whic

3、h are related but contrast. We propose to keep the term sign to designate the whole, but to replace concept and sound pattern respectively by signification and signal. The latter terms have the advantage of indicating the distinction which separates each from the other and both from the whole of whi

4、ch they are part.”(1972, 2001:67)第四页,共二十三页。Signification is the sense of the sign which is the thing or idea the sign refers to, while signal is the form, in most cases the written words. The two are respectively called signified and signifier later by Saussures followers, for example Roland Barthes

5、 (1999). Signifier may be regarded as the linguistic form of language, and signified the content. The distinction between signifier and signified reveals the two dimensions of language, namely the dimension of expression and the dimension of content.第五页,共二十三页。三项式关系(triadic relation): A Representamen

6、 is the First Correlate of a triadic relation, the Second Correlate being termed its Object, and the possible Third Correlate being termed its Interpretant.In Peirces view, triadic relation, which is formed by three correlates, namely the sign as the first correlate, the object as the second correla

7、te and the interpretant as the third correlate, is the essential characteristic of sign. 第六页,共二十三页。This triadic relation can be expressed in diagram as below: Interpretant Sign Object Figure 4.2 Triadic relation (see Eco, 1990:67)第七页,共二十三页。 The diagram is transformed to illustrate the Theory of Sema

8、ntic Triangle co-established by Ogden, C. and Richards, I. A. The basic principle of this theory can be exhibited by a triangle: Concept (Thought) (Symbolizes) (Refers to) Symbol(word) Referent (thing) (Stands for) Figure 4.3 Semantic triangle (see 王铭玉2001:42; Eco 1990:67)第八页,共二十三页。皮尔士三分法A trichotom

9、y of signs: icon, index, and symbol第九页,共二十三页。 Peirce divides signs by three trichotomies (later he discovered ten trichotomies and sixty-six classes of signs). Firstly, in terms of the characteristics of the sign itself, a sign may be a mere quality, an actual existence, or a general law; Secondly,

10、in terms of relation, signs are divided according as the relation of the sign to its object consists in the signs having some character in itself, or in some existential relation to that object, or in its relation to an interpretant; Thirdly, according as its Interpretant represents it as a sign of

11、possible or as a sign of fact or a sign of reason. 第十页,共二十三页。According to the second trichotomy, a Sign may be termed an Icon, an Index, or a Symbol.1) ICON“An Icon is a sign which refers to the object that it denotes merely by virtue of characters of its own, and which it possesses, just the same,

12、whether any such Object actually exists or not”. (CP vol. 2:143) For instance, map, picture, photos etc. are icons. Icons as such have the same characteristics as their objects. 第十一页,共二十三页。2) INDEX“An Index is a sign which refers to the Object that it denotes by virtue of being really affected by th

13、at Object. It does, therefore, involve a sort of Icon ” (CP vol. 2: 143). If the sign be an Index, it can be considered as a fragment torn away from the object, the relation between the sign and the object is the relation between the whole and a part. An index reminds us of the existence of its obje

14、ct. For example, the contents of a book may be considered as the index of the book itself. Another example is footprint. Footprint on the sands may remind of presence of a man who has walked away from here. 第十二页,共二十三页。3) SYMBOL“A Symbol is a sign which refers to the Object that it denotes by virtue

15、of a law, usually an association of general ideas, which operates to cause the symbol to be interpreted as referring to that Object. It is thus itself a general type or law, that it, is a Legisign. and thus the Symbol will involve a sort of Index, ” (CP vol. 2:144) For instance, pigeon is the symbol

16、 of peace, scales are the symbol of justice. Symbols stand for their objects by social and cultural conventions, for example, the Great Wall symbolizes China, dragon also symbolizes China because they are conventionally considered so. 第十三页,共二十三页。什么是符号学? 符号学的思想是在20世纪初由瑞士语言学家索绪尔(Saussure)首先提出的,在其普通语言学

17、教程一书中写道:“我们可以设想有一门研究社会中符号生命的科学 我将把它叫做符号学。符号学将表明符号是由什么构成,符号受什么规律支配。因为这门科学还不存在,谁也说不出它将会是什么样子,但是它有存在的权利,它的地位预先已经确定了。”(索绪尔,1985:38)第十四页,共二十三页。 What is semiotics? To define the science, Saussure (1857-1913) coined the term semiology. When talking about the nature of language, he says:A language is a syst

18、em of signs expressing ideas, and hence comparable to writing, the deaf-and-dumb alphabet, symbolic rites, forms of politeness, military signals, and so on. It is simply the most important of such systems. It is therefore possible to conceive of a science which studies the role of signs as part of s

19、ocial life. It would form part of social psychology, and hence of general psychology. We shall call it semiology. It would investigate the nature of signs and the laws governing them. Since it does not yet exist, one cannot say for certain that it will exist. But it has a right to exist, a place rea

20、dy for it in advance. Linguistics is only one branch of this general science. (Saussure, 1972, 2001:15-16) 第十五页,共二十三页。符号学的发展(The Development of Semiotics):“符号学作为一门独立学科勃兴于60年代的法国、美国以及前苏联 目前符号学正以强劲的发展势头向各个学科进行渗透,对符号学的认识与运用整在形成一种科学大趋势。”(王铭玉,2005)The person who actually developed semiotics into a scienc

21、e was an American philosopher Charles Peirce. In Charles Peirces opinion, semiotics is nothing but another name for logic(Guiraud, 1988:4). He claims: “ Logic, in its general sense, is, as I believe I have shown, only another name for semiotic, the quasi-necessary, or formal, doctrine of signs” (Pei

22、rce, 1985) In Peirces view, the science of semiotics has three branches: pure grammar, logic proper, and pure rhetoric. Peirces definition is rather vague, but his categorizes of three branches are very clear. 第十六页,共二十三页。 Another American philosopher Charles Morris developed Peirces theory of sign f

23、urther. He regarded semiotics as a comprehensive science about symbolization, which consists of aesthetics, cognitive sociology, and psychology. These subjects compose the practical section of semiotics, while semiotics plays a role of “organizing science” for these subjects (Guiraud, 1988:6). Accor

24、ding to Morris, semiotics is composed of three branches grammar, semantics, and pragmatics, on the basis of which he distinguishes the three dimensions of a sign semantic, syntactic and pragmatic. Corresponding to the three dimensions are his three categories of sign meanings, that is, linguistic me

25、aning, referential meaning and pragmatic meaning respectively. 第十七页,共二十三页。符号学与翻译第十八页,共二十三页。符号学在翻译研究中的应用(the application of semiotics in translation study)Jakobson was the first person to apply linguistics and semiotics in the study of translation, as Gorle (1994:17) claims that “Jakobson must be con

26、sidered as the originator of the semiotic approach to translation”. In his essay On Linguistic Aspects of Translation published in 1959, Jakobson distinguished three kinds of translation: (1) Intralingual translation is an interpretation of verbal signs by means of other signs of the same language;

27、(2) Interlingual translation or translation proper is an interpretation of verbal signs by means of some other language; (3) Intersemiotic translation or transmutation is an interpretation of verbal signs by means of signs of nonverbal sign systems. (Jakobson, 1959:233). Nida is regarded as the repr

28、esentative of the sociosemiotic approach to translation. There are also Chinese scholars taking the approach, such as Chen Hongwei, Keping, etc. 第十九页,共二十三页。翻译的符号学性质The semiotic nature of translation:Semiosis is a sign-process, that is, a process in which something is a sign to some organism. It is a

29、 process in which signs are interpreted and in which meanings and functions of signs are realized. In this sense, translating is a semiosis, which interprets the source text to produce a translated text and the translator is the interpreter. Translated text is the product of semiosis. 第二十页,共二十三页。三种符

30、号关系与相对应的符号意义Three sign relations and the corresponding meanings of the sign第二十一页,共二十三页。 Morris claimed that semiotics is composed of three parts: semantics, grammar, and pragmatics. Accordingly he categorizes three sign relations, namely semantic relation, grammatical relation and pragmatic relation. Semantic relation: The relation between the sign and its object;Grammatical relation: The relation between the signs;Pragmatic relation: The relation between the sign and the sign user. Corresponding to the three categories are three meanings of sign, that is, designative meaning, linguistic mea


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