1、重难点词精讲content一词多义用法、搭配challenge一词多义分词形容词advance, advancedrecommend 英语释义用法搭配focus 一词多义attract搭配义debate熟词生义搭配义confused分词形容词schedule搭配义1重难点词content一词多义用法、challenge一词多一:优化探究知识点巩固debate1. Even though the law is _debate now, it will be passed down.2. We are having a _(heat) debate on the impact of televis
2、ion on children.3. It is a fact beyond/without debate that the employment pressure of graduates is heavy.4. We must debate _ the rest of the members _this qusetion.underheated无可争议withabout/on/over2一:优化探究知识点巩固debate1. Even tho5. I must debate with myself whether I should tell anyone. (with yourself)
3、to think carefully about sth before making a decision 仔细考虑;思考;盘算35. I must debate with myself wprefer to like one thing or person better than another; to choose one thing rather than sth else because you like it better 较喜欢;喜欢多于 1. I prefer tea _ coffee.2. I prefer _(work) at home rather than work in
4、 the office.3. Most people prefer_(buy) clothes to sewing by themselves.4. I prefer you _(wait) for me at the bus stop.toto workbuyingto wait4prefer1. I prefer tea _ coff5. Although shared bikes are sweeping the country, Guangxi people still have a _(prefer) for electric bicycles.preference拓展:prefer
5、 doing sth. to doing sth.=prefer to do sth. rather than do sth.= would do sth. rather than do sth.=would rather do sth. than do sth.55. Although shared bikes are ssuitable1. If you look at all sides of the situation, you will find probably a solution that _(suit) everyone.2. Li suggests the traditio
6、nal Chinese dress while Su thinks the school uniforms are more _(suit).3. Many of the fish caught for sports are not suitable _ eating, so they are thrown away.4. I dont have anything that is suitable _(wear)for the party.suitssuitable/suitedforto wear6suitable1. If you look at all challenge1. They
7、challenged us _(play) a game with them.2. In the coming three years, there will be many difficult and _(challenge) days ahead.3. Though his arms hurt, Steven took up _ new challenge , cycling the 250-mile route alone.to playchallengingaaccept/take up /take on challenge 接受挑战face/ meet / rise to chall
8、enge 面临挑战overcome /solve challenge 战胜挑战7challenge1. They challenged us 对质疑 to question whether sth is right, legal, etc. challenge a view 考验的能力 to test sbs ability and skills: TheThe job doesnt really challenge her. The job doesnt really challenge her. a competition for physically challenged athlete
9、s.(委婉说法)伤残的,有残疾的8 对质疑 to question whether stconfuse使困惑;使糊涂:It is important to explain this again or we will confuse the students. 混淆;弄错 (mix up):Dont confuse Austria with/and Australia. The _look on her face suggested she was _ about the _ instructions(confuse).confusedconfusedconfusingThere is some
10、 _(confuse) about what the correct procedure should be.confusion9confuse使困惑;使糊涂:The _lgraduate1. In 1973, the first Open University _(graduate) received their degree.2. He graduated _Biejing University _Japanese, so he could speak Japanese fluently.3. On _(graduate) from college he set out as a seco
11、ndary school teacher. graduatesfromingraduation/graduating10graduate1. In 1973, the first recommend1. I recommend the book _ all my students.2. He recommended _(read) the book before seeing the movie.3. The doctor recommended his patient _(go) out for a walk.4. He recommended that I _(buy) that dict
12、ionary.5. We chose the hotel on their _(recommend).toreadingto go/(should)go(should)buyrecommendation11recommend1. I recommend the boadvance n. 1. We feared that an advance on/towards the capital would soon follow.C 尤指武装部队的)前进,行进make great advancesC进步; 进展Name three advances _science and technology a
13、t this time.inmake progress advance 维词P1212advance n.C 尤指武装部队的)前进,行进makpay sb a $500 advanceC常用单数 预付款When students were told my rule in advance of theclass,some of them were not happy.in advance(of) 提前(于); 预先(于)This meeting room is a non-smoking area. I would like to warn you _ advance that if you s
14、moked here you would be fined.inadvance planning/ booking预先计划/订购We received no advance warning of smog.adj. 只用于名词前预先的:13pay sb a $500 advanceC常用单数 advance vt.1. The army advanced on/across the enemys position under the cover of darkness.1. vi. (尤指士兵)前进; 向前移动:=marchvtvi(使)进展; (使)进步4. The date of the
15、meeting was advanced from July 10 July 1.2. We have advanced greatly in our knowledge of the unverse.3. This research has done much to advance our understanding of language learning.5. w e are willing to advance the money to you.vtvi (时间)提前;预支 (钱 )14advance vt.1. The army advanceadvanced adj. 1. Tha
16、nks to the advanced technology, we live in anage of bettered communication. 先进的;高级的 very modern and highly developed2. Orford Advanced Learner s Dictionary牛津高阶学习词典(课程)高深的;高级的( of a course of study)at a high or difficult levelThe gentleman, despite his advanced years, helped Kathryn back to her seat.
17、高龄的;年事已高的 15advanced adj. 先进的;高级的 very mod【备考指导】 advance的名词搭配make great advances, technological / scientific / medical advances, in advance (of )和形容词考频较高; advance 主要在高考阅读、完形和写作中出现。名词: Technology in the application of science has made big advances that have benefited us in nearly every part of life.
18、(2005 江苏阅读) _ Advances in technology combined with more open policies have already created an interconnected world. (2013 上海阅读) _技术进步取得很大进步【备考指导】 advance的名词搭配make great This meeting room is a non-smoking area. I would like to warn you _ that if you smoked here you would be fined. (2015 湖北单选) I can b
19、ook tickets for you _ (提前;预先) and lets go and appreciate it together, will you? (2012 天津书面表达)形容词: Oscar convinced the manager to look in the record of advance ticket sales. (2012 浙江完形) _ If we have advance warning, well be able to reduce the damage. (2010 上海阅读) _in advance预先的预警in advance This meetin
20、g room is a non-squit(quitting, quit, quit, also quitting, quitted, quitted)If I dont get more money Ill quit. He has decided to quit as manager of the team. to leave your job, school, etc. 离开(工作职位、学校等);离任;离校quit a job/schoolMy father has quit _(smoke) at last.smokingto stop doing sth 停止;戒掉We decide
21、d it was time to quit the city.The landlord gave them all notice to quit .to leave the place where you live 离开,迁出,搬离(住处)18quit(quitting, quit, quit, alresponsibleMike is responsible _designing the entire project.forhaving the job or duty of doing sth or taking care of sb/sth, so that you may be blam
22、ed if sth goes wrong 有责任;负责;承担义务Whos responsible for this mess? 是谁弄得这么乱?being able to be blamed for sth 应受责备;有责任Cigarette smoking is responsible for about 90% of deaths from lung cancer. 因患肺癌而死亡者,约90%是吸烟所致。being the cause of sth 作为原因;成为起因19responsibleMike is responsibleBill refused to take _(respons
23、ible) for the accident.responsiblityhave/take responsibility for 对负责take on/shoulder responsibility 承担责任20Bill refused to take _scheduleahead of schedule 提前on schedule 按时; 准时behind schedule 迟于预定时间The majority of holiday flights depart and arrive on schedule. Thanks to your help, we completed the tas
24、k ahead of schedule.The library project has already fallen behind schedule.21scheduleahead of schedule 提前Thbe scheduled for 预定为 be scheduled to do sth. 预定做as scheduled 按照时间安排;如期The summer sale is scheduled _tomorrow. The trip is scheduled _(start) on December 21 in New York City. to startfor22be sch
25、eduled for 预定为 The summeHes an expert at getting his own way.expert (at/in/on sth) / (at/in/on doing sth) a person with special knowledge, skill or training in sth 专家;行家;能手We need some expert help.Shes expert at making cheap but stylish clothes. (at/in sth) / (at/in doing sth) done with, having or i
26、nvolving great knowledge or skill 熟练的;内行的;专家的;经验(或知识)丰富的23Hes an expert at getting his 二:补充词汇volunteer n. a person who does a job without being paid for it 义务工作者;志愿者Schools need volunteers to help children to read.Jill volunteered to help.He volunteered his services as a driver.to offer to do sth wi
27、thout being forced to do it or without getting paid for it 自愿做;义务做;无偿做If nobody else _(volunteer), then I will do it.volunteersI do some_(volunteer)work at the local hospital.voluntary24二:补充词汇volunteer n. a person w 用复数(容器等)容纳的东西:She dropped her handbag and the contents fell out on the floor. 用复数(书刊
28、等的)目录:It is advisable to look at the contents page of a book before buying it. 用单数(书籍、文章、演讲等的)主要内容:The content of your essay is excellent, but its not very well expressed. 常用单数用于名词后含量:food with a high fat contentcontent n. 用复数(容器等)容纳的东西:content n.content内容(基本义)容器等含有的“内容”书刊等含有的“内容”书籍、文章等含有的主要“内容”食物含有
29、的“内容”(容器等)容纳的东西(书刊等的)目录(书籍、文章、演讲等的)主要内容含量content1 语义网络图26content容器等含有的“内容”书刊等含有的“内容”书籍、一、写出下列句子中画线部分的汉语释义。1. The content of your essay is excellent, but its not very well expressed. _2. The plate, and its contents, fell on a man who was just about to eat his sandwich.(2013 陕西改)_3. There has been a r
30、ecent trend in the food service industry toward lower fat content and less salt.(2017 全国_ _ 主题 / 主要内容(容器等)容纳的东西含量一、写出下列句子中画线部分的汉语释义。1. The cont不用于名词前满意的;满足的 happy and satisfied: (be) content with (be satisfied with): I am content with second place, because I know that I tried my hardest. She is cont
31、ent to live quietly by herself. content adj.不用于名词前满意的;满足的 happy and sati n U 满意;满足:to ones hearts content 尽情地;心满意足地vt 正式用语使满足;使满意:We should never content ourselves with book knowledge only. contented adj常用于名词前满意的;满足的 contentment n U 满足;满意 n U 满意;满足:clean up You may use the room as you like so long a
32、s you clean it up afterwards.I need to change and clean up.It may now be too late to clean up the river after such heavy pollution.(把.)打扫干净(使)梳洗整齐使净化近义词:clear up; tidy up30clean up You may use the room actuallySince “life is a stage”, we are actually all actors and actresses.(强调真实情况) 的确,真实地,事实上The f
33、ood was not actually all that expensive.食品居然并不那么昂贵。(表示想法与事实不一致因而惊奇)居然,竟然Were not American, actually. Were Canadian.实际上我们不是美国人。我们是加拿大人。(礼貌地纠正他人)实际上,事实上Actually, Im busy at the momentcan I call you back?说实在的,我这会儿正忙我可以给你回电话吗?(礼貌地引起注意、转换话题、直言)确实,说实在的31actuallySince “life is a stagetitleThe title of this
34、 play is Othello.How many times did Michael Jordans team win the NBA title? Li Yue has been awarded the title of Star Student of the Week for what she did for our class.n|C|标题;书名n|C| 称号;冠军:Their first album was titled Ocean Drive .(给书籍、乐曲等)加标题,定题目32titleThe title of this play isfluentHe is fluent in
35、 English and Spanish. He speaks fluent Italian.fluent movements_(fluent) in French is required for this job.Fluency33fluentHe is fluent in English sign up for报名参加(课程); 选课;登记注册,My adviser recommended that I should sign up for advanced literature.Im ready to sign up for the mid July group. register fo
36、r34sign up for报名参加(课程); 选课;登记注册,MIt is not unusual for teenagers of your generation to be attracted to computer games and the online world.attractIt is not unusual for teenager vt 吸引;引起(的兴趣):Dickens style of writing attracted audiences from all walks of life. 2018 浙江attract . to:What attracted me mo
37、st to the job was the chance to travel. attractbe attracted to vt 吸引;引起(的兴趣):attractbe atattraction n U 吸引;吸引力:When we met at the restaurant I felt an immediate attraction for him. C 有吸引力的事物 / 人:Hampton Court Palace is open to the public as a major tourist attraction. 2015 全国改attractive adj 有吸引力的;有魅
38、力的:This is one of the most beautiful places Ive been to.【词汇拓展】attractiveattraction n【词汇拓展】attractiveRecently some Western countries have issued (发行) animal stamps, which (吸引大量注意力) as well.(2012 江西改)Thousands of foreigners (被吸引到) the Shanghai World Expo the day it opened.(2010 上海) 【高考链接】attracta lot
39、of attentionwereattracted toRecently some Western countriefocusfocusBut spending too much time online is unhealthy and makes it very difficult to focus on other things in life.But spending too much time onlfocus词源来自拉丁语fireplace,壁炉。古罗马时代壁炉边即 focus 被认为是家庭生活的中心,引申为集中点、中心点。focus词源来自拉丁语fireplace,壁炉。古罗马时代
40、focus n C & U (pl focuses / foci) (光、声等的)焦点;(眼睛、镜头的)焦距:The focus on my camera isnt working properly. (活动、注意力、兴趣等的)中心点 / 集中点:The focus of attention has changed. 外研 - 6 We shall maintain our focus on the needs of the customer. 成像的中心点注意力的中心点bring . into focus / come into focus (使)成为焦点in focus 焦点对准的;清晰的
41、out of focus 焦点未对准的;模糊不清的focus n C & U (pl focuses vt & vi (使)聚焦;调节(的)焦距:In this scene, the camera focuses on the actors face. 集中(注意力、精力等):The other team was brilliant and we really had to focus. 译林 - 1focus (.) on / upon 集中()于;聚焦()于:By focusing on saving oil, water, paper, food, and clothing, we ar
42、e playing a part in cutting down on waste. 2014 福建同义异构:concentrate vt & vi同义异构:concentratefocus写出下列句子中画线部分的汉语释义。1. You should stop focusing on whom to blame and start focusing on how to improve the situation.(2010 广东改) _ 2. I think Dave likes to be the focus of attention. _3. These topics have recen
43、tly come into focus. _4. The childrens faces are badly out of focus in the photograph. _ _关注关注的焦点成为焦点模糊不清44focus写出下列句子中画线部分的汉语释义。关注关注的焦点成addicta drug addict a TV/football/video game addict 吸毒成瘾的人;瘾君子电视迷/足球迷/电子游戏迷1. He admits that recently he has become addicted to _(play) online games.2. Some studen
44、ts become addicted_ the Internet and cannot concentrate on school and family life.addicted adj. 上瘾的; 入迷的(be) addicted to (doing) sth:playing to45addict吸毒成瘾的人;瘾君子电视迷/足球迷/电子游戏迷1Exercises:1. Next time you visit Bob, remember to give him a call _ advance. Good point. I will.2. Parensts need to encourage
45、 a sense of _(responsible) in their children.3. The contest, which is scheduled _(hold) in our school hall on January 18th, will focus on the traditional Chinese culture.4. There is a big house with an _(attract) garden.5. What do you think attracts people _ big cities?inresponsibilityto be heldattractiveto46Exercises:1. Next time you6. When Mary arrived at our village, she volunteered _(teach) in our school.7. I dont think you are suitable _(do) the job.8. Not worri
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